Raven Rise tpa-9

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Raven Rise tpa-9 Page 22

by D. J. MacHale

  “It’s not over,” I called to Nevva, breathless. “I’m not done.”

  “But you are, Pendragon” was all she said.

  I didn’t care about her anymore. My place was on Ibara. I had to get out of there. I had to get back. I ran for the tunnel that led out. I turned the corner and sprinted along the narrow shaft. In the distance I heard something that sounded like pounding. Like metal on metal. Something was being hammered. I was only a few yards from the larger section of tunnel where the subway car dangled overhead. I was about to enter that wider area when I pulled to a stop. I saw what was making the hammering sound. Several dados were using their powerful arms to hammer at the supporting beams that held up the subway car. Were they crazy? Could robots be crazy?

  “Stop!” I shouted.

  They didn’t. Several supports were knocked out quickly. I saw the hanging train shift and groan. Dirt rained down. It was going to fall. Two dados scrambled for the far side, leaving two more to continue smashing out supports. I made a quick calculation and decided to risk it. The train was going to come down. I sprinted for the far side. It was a gamble I had to take. A huge creeek sound told me I had made the wrong decision. I was directly under the big chassis. Dirt and rocks fell down on me. The subway train was ready to follow. I was about to be crushed. I had no choice. I put on the brakes and scrambled back the way I had come, just as the train, and all hell, broke loose. With the screeching sound of wrenching metal, the giant car fell through the air. I got thumped by a couple of larger rocks, but it didn’t stop me. I dove back into the narrow tunnel, my body parallel to the ground as the whole world collapsed behind me.

  The train car plummeted down, crashing onto the cavern floor and bringing tons of rock and dirt and pieces of Rubic City along with it. I scrambled on my hands and knees to escape from the avalanche. The tunnel had become unstable. I was afraid the whole thing would come crashing down on top of me. I rolled to the side and wrapped my arms around my head, in case any more rocks were on their way. I was pelted by a bunch of gravel, but nothing worse than that. After a minute, the sound stopped. All was still. I looked up to see the air was filled with dirt and dust. It took a while for it to settle enough for me to survey the damage.

  Behind me, the cavern that had held the train was no more. The train car had fallen straight down, sealing the way out. I was trapped on the wrong side. The dados weren’t. Next stop for them, Ibara. I sat there in the dusty darkness, staring at the wrecked train, trying to understand all that had happened. There was too much to get my head around.

  There would be more.

  A moment later the tunnel filled with light. I didn’t register what was happening until I heard the music. The jumble of notes.

  The flume had been activated. “Nevva,” I gasped.

  I scrambled to my feet and ran for the flume. When I rounded the corner into the cavern, I saw the light receding into the tunnel. The music ended. The cavern was empty.

  Nevva was gone.

  My heart was beating faster than humanly possible. What was I supposed to do? Everything was wrong. Saint Dane had escaped. Ibara was in danger. Again. The Convergence had begun. I still didn’t know what that meant. I was trapped.

  Yet in front of me stood the doorway to everywhere.

  I couldn’t catch my breath. What was I supposed to do?

  Nothing. I was through. I wasn’t a Traveler anymore.

  Did it matter? All that was happening was brought about because I had failed. I had given up. I had chosen not to fulfill my destiny.

  Saint Dane’s prophecy was coming true.

  What was I supposed to do?

  I was weak. I was naive.

  But I used to be the lead Traveler.

  What was the Convergence?

  Were the other territories in the same danger as Ibara?

  I didn’t care. I only cared about Ibara. About Genj and Rayne and the Jakills. About fulfilling Aja Killian’s dream. I only wanted to save one territory. Wasn’t that enough?

  But I used to be the lead Traveler.

  It had been my battle to fight. I faced Saint Dane and I lost.

  I wanted to see my family again.

  I stood in that cavern alone. There was nobody to help me make a decision. Nobody to counsel me. Nobody to watch my back. My mind was in a thousand places and going nowhere.

  Something on the dirt floor caught my eye. It was near where the Flighters had held me down. It was a flash of light. A sparkle. I walked the few steps toward it and bent down on one knee for a closer look. Lying in the dirt was my Traveler ring. As always, its stone sparkled because it was so near the flume. I gazed into the glittering gem, as if it might offer an answer. Any answer.

  Close by I saw the wooden rod I had taken from the dock, lying where Nevva had tossed it. I reached out and grabbed it. It was a simple nautical tool. Six feet long. Solid. I stood up, holding it firmly with both hands. I held it out, testing its weight. I ran my hands across its smooth surface. It felt familiar. It felt good. I quickly flipped it into my right hand and spun it twice. This time I didn’t miss. I snapped it out in front of me sharply. Point forward.

  It was a weapon.

  I knew how to use it.

  I bent down and picked up my Traveler ring. The stone was alive. So was I.

  I put the ring back on my finger.

  Things were happening exactly as Saint Dane had predicted. That’s what Nevva said. The first domino had fallen. It was something I had heard about years before.

  I turned to look into the flume.

  The dark tunnel looked back. Waiting. I walked toward it and stood in the wide mouth, staring into the darkness. Staring into the future. Staring into my destiny.

  I clutched the weapon tighter. It felt right.

  The first domino had fallen. I knew what that meant. I knew where I needed to be. I knew what I had to do.

  I was the lead Traveler.

  It was my job.

  “Denduron,” I growled.

  And so we go.



  Mark woke up first. It was dark. His head hurt. The faint smell of lemons still tickled his nose. He was sitting in a padded chair that was shaking. How could a chair shake? He thought of those rides he used to go on outside the grocery store when he was a toddler. There were always fire engines or spaceships that you dropped a quarter into, and it shook for a minute. Back then it was thrilling. Now it was making him nauseous. Why was he on a kiddie ride?

  As his head cleared, he realized it was a much simpler explanation. He was sitting in a moving car. A real one. Courtney sat next to him, still unconscious. He took a deep breath and tried to focus. It wasn’t just a car. It was a limousine. A big one. He had plenty of room to stretch his legs, and he still couldn’t touch the seat in front. How did they get there?

  Oh. Right. The guys at Courtney’s house. The lemons.

  Mark leaned over to Courtney and brushed her long brown hair away from her face.

  “Hey,” he said softly. “You with me?”

  Courtney stirred and grumbled.

  “I don’t want to go to school today, Mom. I’m sick,” she whispered.

  “You’re dreaming,” Mark said kindly.

  “It was a joke, dork,” Courtney quipped. She cracked open her eyes and took in the surroundings. “Nice ride” was her groggy comment.

  “Any guesses as to what’s going on?” Mark asked.

  Courtney sat up and rubbed her face. She looked outside to see they were speeding along the highway. She leaned over and tried the door. It was locked.

  “Well,” she began. “The guys who grabbed us weren’t the police, so that means we’ve been kidnapped. We’re not tied up, so that means we don’t scare them. And whoever they are, they’re not lowlifes, because we’re riding in a limousine. On top of all that, my head hurts and I’m still wearing your mother’s goofy freakin’ clothes.”

  Mark stared at her. “Yeah, I guess t
hat about sums it up.”

  Courtney leaned forward and banged on the smoked glass that separated the rear seat from the front. “Hey!” she called out. “Where are we going?”

  No answer. Courtney banged again. “Open up! At least talk to us.”

  Nobody did. Courtney sat back in her seat and huffed. “That’s all I had. Your turn.”

  “The guys who grabbed us had that star tattoo,” Mark said thoughtfully.

  “So we’ve been kidnapped by people from the star cult,” Courtney concluded. “Why should they care about us?”

  “I don’t know,” Mark answered. “It’s obvious that Saint Dane has to be involved. Maybe he’s afraid we’ll mess something up for him. It’s happened.”

  Courtney chuckled. “Yeah, it’s happened.”

  The two gazed out at the buildings flashing by.

  “My parents are part of this,” Courtney said softly. “They had the star over the fireplace. They can’t be bad guys. My parents can’t be bad guys.”

  “I don’t think they are. Or maybe they don’t realize they are.”

  “What does that mean?” Courtney demanded.

  “Saint Dane influences people. They think they’re making smart choices when he’s actually pushing them toward disaster. What if the star cult or Ravinia or whatever it’s called is something Saint Dane has been pushing people toward?”

  “So then what’s the turning point of Second Earth? The Convergence?”

  “No,” Mark said quickly. “The Convergence is bigger than that. At least I think it is. There has to be something happening on Second Earth that would naturally happen, and Saint Dane is trying to influence it. Maybe he’s doing it through this cult.”

  Courtney thought about that. “This cult didn’t exist on the old Second Earth. Something changed in the past that allowed it to be created.”

  “That’s the mystery,” Mark said.

  “That and about a million other things,” Courtney added. She glanced out the window again and announced, “We’re in the city.”

  The car sped off the highway onto a wide street in New York City. It moved quickly through traffic, headed across town. They soon reached an intersection that was loaded with people. More than normal.

  “What’s all that about?” Courtney asked.

  Mark joined her at the window to look out onto a crowd that was gathered along the sidewalk. Traffic was so heavy, the limo had to slow to a crawl. It gave them a chance to get a closer look at what was happening.

  “Looks like a protest,” Mark guessed.

  “Looks more like an angry mob,” Courtney corrected.

  It was a raucous crowd, carrying signs that read, we’re all created equal, truth will prevail, andwe the people. They were waving their fists in the air and chanting a phrase over and over again.

  Mark said, “Sounds like they’re saying ‘Stop them here.’”

  Courtney listened and replied, “I hope they’re not talking about us. Those people look pissed.”

  “I wouldn’t worry about it,” Mark said, pointing.

  He was looking at several people who were carrying signs with the green star symbol. Each star was surrounded by a red circle with a line slashed diagonally through the center. It was the classic symbol that meant no.

  “I guess not everybody is part of the star cult,” Mark observed. “Look at that guy.”

  He pointed to a man who stood on a ladder so he could be seen by the crowd. He was a dark-skinned guy, possibly of Asian Indian background. He wore a dark suit with a blue bow tie, looking very official next to the people who swirled around him. He held up a bullhorn through which he chanted, “Stop them here! Stop them here!” while punching his fist angrily toward the sky. The crowd responded, waving their signs and punching right along with him.

  “He looks more pissed than anybody,” Courtney commented. “He’s got them pretty worked up.”

  The limo slowed and was instantly rushed by a group of people that started to rock it.

  “Whoa!” Courtney yelled. “You sure they’re not after us?”

  “Maybe they think we’re part of it.”

  “Great,” Courtney said sarcastically. “We’re being attacked for something we don’t know anything about.”

  The limo lurched forward. There were a few thumps, making the car jolt.

  “Did we just hit somebody?” Mark asked, aghast.

  They looked out the back window to see three people lying on the road, hurt.

  “Are you crazy!” Courtney yelled at the driver while slamming on the glass.

  “No wonder they don’t like us,” Mark said soberly.

  The car took an abrupt right turn, throwing Mark and Courtney into each other. It quickly descended into an underground garage. The two looked out the back window again to see a group of security people quickly closing a metal fence behind them. Protesters rushed the fence and pounded on it, still chanting, “Stop them here! Stop them here!”

  “What the hell?” was all Courtney could say.

  The limo sped through the underground parking structure, taking a few quick turns with its wheels squealing on the cement. It suddenly screeched to a stop next to a group of people who seemed to be waiting for them.

  “Uh-oh,” Mark uttered.

  There were five people. Four of them wore the same dark red clothes and short-brimmed caps that were worn by the men who attacked them at Courtney’s house. They stood there expressionless. The fifth person looked nothing like the others. He was a man who looked to be in his thirties. He was exceptionally clean cut, with short blond hair and a big, inviting smile. He wore a short-sleeved dark red polo shirt and black pants. In one hand was a clipboard, which made him look official. With his other hand, he waved warmly to Mark and Courtney, who peered out from the backseat.

  “Who’s the dork?” Courtney asked. “Looks like he’s getting ready to play golf.”

  “At least he’s smiling.”

  The car doors automatically unlocked with a loud click. The smiley guy leaned down and opened the rear door, making a big, sweeping gesture of welcome.

  “Hello! You are right on time!” the man said with enthusiasm. “Mark and Courtney, right?”

  Mark and Courtney looked at each other in surprise. They didn’t move. Or speak.

  “Welcome!” the man added.

  “Welcome?” Mark echoed. “You kidnapped us.”

  “Oh, that,” the man said, scoffing. “We were afraid you wouldn’t make it in time. That’s all. But you have! Sorry for the inconvenience.”

  Courtney erupted. “You broke into my family’s house and gassed us. You call that an inconvenience?”

  The young man looked at Courtney, still holding the smile. “Yes.”

  “Oh. Just checking.” Courtney banged on the glass separator again and shouted to the driver, “Keep moving!”

  The young man reached out his hand in a welcoming gesture. “Please,” he said warmly. “Join me.”

  The two didn’t have a choice. In spite of the friendly welcome, the sober-looking guys who stared them down made that pretty clear. Mark got out. Courtney followed.

  “That’s better!” the man with the big smile exclaimed. He held out his hand to shake. “My name is Eugene. I’ll be your escort.”

  Mark didn’t take it. Neither did Courtney. Eugene took his hand back, but didn’t drop his smile. He didn’t seem bothered by the snub. “All right then. Let’s not dawdle. Wouldn’t want to miss anything.”

  He hurried off past the other four men. Mark and Courtney didn’t move. Eugene turned back and gave them a big, overstated frown. “Are we still upset?”

  Courtney answered sarcastically. “You’re kidding, right?”

  Eugene opened his arms in a welcoming gesture. “Let me make it up to you. Come! I promise you’re going to see something spectacular.”

  “What if we don’t want to go with you?” Courtney asked.

  “Then you’ll be missing out on what could be the most
important moment of your lives” was Eugene’s answer. “And these gentlemen would really like you to join me.”

  The four goons stared at Mark and Courtney, still with no expression.

  Courtney looked at Mark and shrugged. Mark nodded. Courtney turned to Eugene and said, “Does this have anything to do with golf?”

  Eugene gave her a puzzled look.

  Courtney started walking. “Never mind. Let’s go.”

  Mark followed Courtney and the whole group was on their way. They followed Eugene across the underground garage and through a steel door that led into a long, narrow corridor of painted cinderblock walls.

  “I hope those rude people outside didn’t bother you,” Eugene said. “They just don’t understand.”

  “Understand what?” Mark asked.

  “They don’t understand that it’s not their fault. People must accept the fate they’ve been given. Jealousy won’t change that; it only makes them more upset.”

  Mark and Courtney exchanged looks.

  Eugene stopped short and turned to them. “You understand that, I’m sure.”

  Courtney answered, “I don’t understand a word of it.”

  Eugene gave her a simple, happy smile. “You will.”

  He led them into an elevator. When Mark and Courtney entered and turned around, they saw the door close before the other four boarded.

  “There will be other security men when we reach our floor,” Eugene cautioned, as if reading their minds.

  The elevator rose a few floors, then opened onto a corridor that was much more plush than the first. It had thick carpeting and large black-and-white photos spaced along both walls. Every twenty feet or so was a closed door with a number next to it.

  “This way,” Eugene said, and hurried out.

  The two followed, looking at the photos. They were enlargements from all different eras. Mark recognized some of them. There was a shot of Muhammad Ali in the ring against Joe Frazier; circus elephants performing in the center ring; and concert shots from such stars as the Rolling Stones, Madonna, and even Justin Timberlake. Courtney focused more on the sports action shots from many eras that featured the New York Knicks and Rangers.


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