Flawless 2

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Flawless 2 Page 10

by Jade Jones

Shayla had heard enough. “You know what? I don’t have to listen to this bullshit. I’m out of here.” She quickly climbed out her chair in mid-pedicure. Her feet were soaking wet when she slid them in her shoes and headed towards the exit.

  Right before Shayla walked out she stopped and turned around. “Desmond is too good for yo’ ass.” The comment hit below the belt, and it instantly left Kim feeling some type of way.

  “How would you know?” Kimberlyn shot back. “You been fucking him too?!”

  Shayla stormed out the spa, slamming the door behind her. As far as she was concerned Kim could kiss her ass.


  Cool took his time breaking down the kush on the rickety wooden table. He’d been keeping a low profile at a shitty hole in the wall motel in East Atlanta. Kimberlyn was the only reason he hadn’t gotten ghost yet. Cool had the funds to bounce to any exotic country he wanted, but his girl kept him planted right in Georgia.

  As soon as ya boy get back in her good graces, I’m convincing her to roll out. Cool was so arrogant when it came to his plan that he didn’t even think about Kim turning him away. He was already breaking down her barriers and it was only day 2.

  Last night he’d slid through again in spite of her threats. With a little effort and a lot of smooth-talking, Cool helped himself to seconds. Kim could front all she wanted like she was over a nigga, but her actions showed otherwise. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, she still had feelings. And as fucked up as he’d treated her, he actually had feelings for her too.

  Kimberlyn was the realest bitch he’d ever had in his corner. Like any couple, they had their ups and downs. Cool may have slapped her around a couple times and called her out her name, but he loved her ass more than life itself. He just had a messed up way of showing it sometimes.

  Raised by his heroin-addicted mother, Christopher “Cool” Williams had known nothing but tough love since the day he was born. He never met or knew who his father was, and the only men in his life were the johns his mama kept around to feed her addiction.

  Cool spent the younger part of his life seeing her be slapped around. After a while it just became natural to him. Over time, he began mirroring the behavior of those men. Growing up, Cool was the bad boy all the girls wanted, and all the boys wanted to be friends up. He stayed in a lot of trouble as a teenager, and eventually fell into the hands of a known drug kingpin. Seeing potential in the young hoodlum, he groomed him to become a vital part of his business.

  By age 23, Cool was second in command. That was when he met Kimberlyn. She was sitting at a bus stop when he pulled up on her in a Jaguar S-type. After putting a seed in her ear, the rest was history.

  How the fuck we get from there to here, Cool asked himself. Puffing on the tightly-rolled blunt, he thought about Desmond and the fact that he was still walking the earth. Cool’s cousin had hipped him to the bounty on his head, but he wasn’t worried about it too much. Desmond wasn’t the first motherfucker that wanted him dead, and he certainly wouldn’t be the last.

  Prior to being released from prison, Cool ratted out his entire camp for a plea deal. He was worse than Frank Lucas as he pointed out every cat and their position to Feds. One by one, each crew member was taken down. Cool didn’t give a damn about loyalty to his patnahs. Kim was his priority just like she was now.

  Cool was so selfish with his needs that he didn’t even think about them being toxic together. Their chemistry was now permanently nonexistent, and the only thing they could continue to share was great sex. But Cool didn’t see that. He was willing to risk his freedom to be with Kim and he hoped she’d do the same. If not, he had no problem making her see things his way.


  When Shayla pulled in front of her home she was surprised to see Dexter parked out front. “If it isn’t one thing it’s another,” she said. Shayla wasn’t really in the mood for his antics, especially since she was still angry at Kim. Turning off the ignition, she climbed out. So did Dexter.

  “You don’t call or text before you just pop up?” Shayla asked with an attitude.

  “We need to talk,” Dexter said, reaching for her arm.

  Shayla snatched away before he could touch her. “No, you need to talk. I’ve already moved on. I don’t know why you insist on sticking around.” She started to walk around him, but Dexter jumped in her way.

  “Hold on. You can’t ‘een hear a nigga out real quick? I really got somethin’ I wanna get off my chest.”

  “You need to get the hell off my lawn—”

  Suddenly, Dexter grabbed Shayla and slammed her back against his car. He didn’t mean to be so rough, but he was a personal trainer who didn’t know his own strength. “Damn, Shay. Dat nigga got yo’ head so gone you can’t ‘een give me two seconds? I gave you two years of my life—”

  “And then you threw it away after I found you fucking some white bitch!” Shayla screamed. All the old feelings she’d worked so hard to get rid of came pouring back. “Why are you even here? Why can’t you just let me have my happiness, Dexter?!”

  “’Cuz I’m not!” he barked. “I’m miserable than a mufucka. Yeah, I fucked up in da past but I’m here now tryin’ to make shit right! Doesn’t my effort mean anything to yo’ ass?”

  “It’s a lil’ too late!”


  In a fit of rage, Dexter punched his own passenger window out. The glass shattered instantly after the impact. Shayla’s words hit hard. He wasn’t ready for it to be over. He wasn’t ready to lose her indefinitely. Even while she was pregnant with another nigga’s baby, he wanted to do right by her—but it was clear she wasn’t having it.

  Shayla flinched at the sound of glass breaking. Dexter was known to go off the deep end whenever he didn’t get his way. Privileged from birth, he was somewhat spoiled; and expected women to bend to his every whim.

  “How can you choose that bitch ass nigga over me?!” Dexter hollered. “You even gave him a kid first!” he said, pointing to Shayla’s belly. “Was I ever good enough for you?”

  “…Once upon a time,” Shayla answered honestly. “But that time has come and passed. Now excuse me, Dexter.” She tried to walk off, but he snatched her up and shook her violently.

  “How could you be so fuckin’ selfish?!” Dexter screamed. Spit sprayed Shayla’s face as he yelled.

  “Get off me, Dexter! You’re hurting my arm!” Shayla twisted and turned in his embrace as she fought him to let go. “We ain’t got shit to talk about! Now get your fucking hands off me!”

  “YOU AIN’T GON’ JUST WALK AWAY FROM ME, SHAYLA!” Dexter said, yoking her up. “I still love you!”

  “I love somebody else!”

  After hearing those harsh words, Dexter shoved her as hard as he could. He didn’t expect for Shayla to stumble and accidentally trip over the curb. In horror, he watched as she fell flat on the ground, landing front first on her stomach.


  For several seconds, Dexter’s mouth hung wide open. He was shocked by his own actions because he’d never put his hands on her. “Shayla, I am so sorry— I—I didn’t mean to…I don’t know what came over me. You should’ve never told me you loved that nigga.”

  A sharp pain shot through Shayla’s entire body before settling in her belly. It was unbearable. She tried to stand, but the agony of the effort kept her planted on the ground. Shayla soon felt a warm, liquid soak her panties. Fear shook her senses when she realized it could’ve been blood. She didn’t know what was happening to her. All she knew was that she was afraid and in pain.

  Upon hearing all the chaos, Tina rushed outside to her daughter’s aid. Dexter tried to step up and help, but she pushed him away. “What did you do?!” she screamed. “What the hell did you do to my baby?!”


  Desmond would’ve been blind to not notice the uptightness in Romeo’s body movement. It was clear that some shit was on his mind, but his nigga hated conflict. Desmond, on the other hand welcomed it. Besides, they’d been cool too long for hi
m not to be real.

  Desmond, Romeo, and a few of the fellas were unloading crates fresh off the truck. In each crate were several packages containing kush straight out of Cali. Instead of trusting anyone else to unload, they did the dirty work themselves to ensure it was done right. Nobody would be pinching off their product. Desmond couldn’t afford a single fuck up. His livelihood depended on the hustle.

  Desmond hopped off the back of the truck. “Aye, you got somethin’ you wanna say?” he asked.

  Sweat glistened on Romeo’s forehead. He was hot as hell, and not in the mood. Since Desmond’s public display at the projects the two had grown apart. Romeo just wasn’t fucking with him or the business like he used to. Hell, the fact that he was still around was out of pure obligation. Romeo had helped build their empire. What did he look like walking away from it?

  “I ain’t got nothin’ to say,” Romeo said nonchalantly. He then went to the truck and collected another crate. By then, Desmond had stopped and was now surveying him. He knew his boy better than he thought he did.

  “You sure, homie? ‘Cuz it look like you got somethin’ you wanna say?”

  All of a sudden, Romeo dropped the crate on the ground and rounded on Desmond. “You low-key changin’, man! What yo’ ass did to Omar, dat shit was uncalled for—”

  Desmond broke out laughing. He knew it all boiled down to Omar’s bitch ass, at the end of the day. “You still on that?” he asked. “You look constipated, bruh. Let that shit go. Remember, you a mufuckin’ killer like me.”

  Romeo thought about the night he murdered Kevin. That shit still kept him awake at night. He was just about to respond when his cellphone rang unexpectedly. “Yo!” he answered.

  Desmond watched as his facial expression fluctuated. He knew instantly that something was up.

  “Aight, I’m on my way,” Romeo said before hanging up. “Shit, Shayla’s in the hospital,” he told Desmond. Romeo quickly headed towards his Porsche. His heart was beating a mile a minute. He was so shaken up that his hands were trembling.

  “Aye, hold up?” Desmond asked, running after him. “Is she okay?”

  “I don’t know yet. One of my girls from the club works as a nurse. She said they just rushed her into the ER.”

  “Damn, I’ll follow you up there,” Desmond said before jogging to his ride. “Don’t worry. Whatever it is, I’m sure she’s gonna pull through.” Shayla was fam so he had to make sure she was cool. He also had to call Kim and let her know.


  Romeo, Desmond, and their camp looked like the mafia as they stormed into the hospital. As soon as he saw Dexter in the waiting room, Romeo saw red. It took Desmond and two of their boys to hold him back.

  “Why the fuck is you here?” Romeo yelled.

  “He just came to offer support. It was accident,” Tina said in an attempt to calm him.

  Shayla’s mother may have believed his bogus ass story, but Romeo wasn’t buying it. “That’s bullshit! Shay told my peoples you pushed her!”

  Everyone in the room looked at Dexter for answers. Truth be told, he was trying to avoid prison so he lied to her parents by saying she tripped and fell.

  “Is that true?” Tina asked, teary-eyed.

  Shayla’s father, Arthur mean-mugged the shit out of Dexter. For a reserved man, even he looked like he was about to snap.

  Out of nowhere, Romeo broke free and rushed Dexter.


  He punched Dexter so hard in the face that he broke his jaw. The blow was strong enough to drop him to his knees. Romeo’s hand was left throbbing afterward, but it was well worth the pain. “For yo’ sake, you better hope my mufuckin’ baby’s okay,” he threatened. “If not, that’s yo’ ass, fuck nigga!”

  Dexter tried to say something but was unable to speak. His jaw hung at an awkward angle, making him look gruesomely disfigured.

  Before Romeo could cause more damage, he was grabbed by hospital security and arrested.


  “Shayla, I am so, so sorry. I…I can’t help feeling like this is all my fault,” Kimberlyn said. She’d rushed to the hospital the minute she got the phone call. A part of her blamed herself for the situation. She felt like if they’d never gotten into an argument, her friend wouldn’t have been laid up in the hospital. They’d been laughing and talking shit while getting pedis. Now Shayla was laid up in the hospital, hooked to IVs.

  “It’s not your fault…”

  Kimberlyn cried hysterically before hugging her best friend. One would’ve thought she was the one who’d miscarried. “Girl, that stuff I said at the salon—”

  “It’s water under the bridge now,” Shayla said. She looked worn and tired. She really wanted to just get some rest and cry in solitude. But everybody and their mama was there to visit her—everyone except Romeo.

  “Is Romeo out there in the waiting room?” Shayla asked hopeful.

  Kimberly sniffled and wiped her nose. “Girl, I’m sorry I didn’t tell you yet. He was down there acting a fool. Desmond told me he damn near killed Dexter over what happened to you. And I don’t blame him!” Kim quickly added. “Real shit, Dexter better be glad Romeo got to his ass before I did.”

  “I don’t think he meant to hurt me—”

  “Whether he did or didn’t, motherfucker had no right putting his hands on you period!” Kimberlyn yelled. She got herself upset just thinking about him touching her. If she saw his ass in the streets, she was liable to have a nigga beat his ass. Dexter was too far out of line. “The police took Romeo down to Dekalb County—but don’t worry. Desmond’s up there now working his magic.”

  Shayla shook her head in disappointment. That wasn’t the news she was expecting to hear. First, the miscarriage and now her man locked up. “Imagine how he’s gonna act when he finds out I lost the baby…” A single tear slid down Shayla’s cheek. “Maybe all this was for the best, K,” she whispered. “I mean you said it yourself. What Romeo and I have is just puppy love. Neither one of us is ready to be a parent.”

  “First of all—that shit I said at the salon. I was wrong for letting that shit come out my mouth. What ya’ll have is realer than anything I’ve ever seen. Yeah, this may seem like an obstacle now, but ya’ll will overcome it together. That’s what couples do.”





  It was ten minutes past eight when an unexpected visitor popped up at Kimberlyn’s home. Who the hell could that be, she wondered. After wiping her hands with a worn dishrag, she quickly made her way to the front door.

  If it was Desmond, he would’ve called before stopping over. Standing on her tiptoes, Kim peaked through the door’s peephole. A smile slowly creased her face after seeing Cool. Judging from the grin tugging at his lips, he’d apparently come over to boo love. Kimberlyn definitely wasn’t in the mood for it—especially after what happened to her girl.

  Begrudgingly, she unlocked and opened the front door. Before greeting him, she looked around to make sure no one had seen him come. Cool wore a black oversized sweatshirt, Levis cargo pants, and Timberland boots. The sweatshirt’s hood was pulled low over his face to conceal his appearance. He looked cute…but he also looked like trouble.

  “What are you doing here?”

  Cool revealed the single rose he’d been holding behind his back. “Damn, I can’t slide through on you?” he asked. It was clear he was expecting a hug instead of conflict.

  “Cool, it ain’t even that type of party—”

  Her sentence was cut short after he barged inside. “You actin’ like you got that nigga up in here or somethin’,” he said, looking around.

  Kimberlyn quickly ran after him. “Cool, you can’t be here! Jordan’s upstairs!”

  Cool turned and looked at her like she was crazy. “And? You ain’t seem to have a problem when he was upstairs while we were fucking!”

  “Cool, keep your damn voice down. You’re doing too much!” Kim told him. She could smell the heavy st
ench of liquor on his breath. Apparently, being on the run was taking its toll on him. “And that was different. Jordan didn’t have to see you then…”

  Cool sniffled and wiped underneath his nose. He was obviously using again too. Old habits die hard.

  “So what’chu sayin’?” he asked with an attitude.

  “I’m saying you need to leave.”

  Cool was silent as he sized Kimberlyn up. There was something different about her. He could tell she had matured a little since their split, and that pissed him off. He hated the fact that he no longer had control over her. Evidently, Desmond had placed her on some type of pedestal. Now it was time for Cool to knock her ass off.

  “What the fuck is wrong wit’chu?” he asked, grabbing her by the nape of her neck. “Why you fuckin’ with me, huh? What’s up with the flip floppy shit? You ain’t have no issue givin’ me the pussy last night. Now you actin’ brand new?”

  “Cool, I’m not in the mood!” Kim argued. She tried to push him off, but Cool was far stronger.

  “Neither am I!” he yelled. “I’m tired of playin’ yo’ simple ass game, Kim! Now quit bullshittin’!”

  Kimberlyn felt ridiculous as Cool dragged her by the nape of her neck towards their bedroom. Once inside, he threw her at the bed. She stumbled and crashed into the railing before falling.

  “I need you to pack yo’ shit and pack my son’s shit! We gettin’ the fuck up outta here—”

  “Christopher, I’m not going anywhere with yo’ ass!” Kimberlyn screamed. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she cowered by the bed. She knew she had fucked up by letting him back in her life. Now there was no making him go away.

  “I’m not gon’ ask you nicely again, Kim,” he said through clenched teeth.

  Cool felt like he owned Kimberlyn as he watched her walk to the closet. She had life fucked up if she thought he was going to let her have her happy ending with Desmond. As far as he was concerned, her pussy was his property. If he couldn’t have her ass, no nigga could.


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