Almost Easy

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Almost Easy Page 6

by Amelia Oliver

  Everyone chuckles a little, and it becomes clear to me that now that I’m back, these people could be my friends. They’re the kind of people I want to be my friends, the kind you genuinely want to be around.

  “Well I think it’s great that you’re back,” Irys’ body is almost vibrating in her chair with barely contained enthusiasm. “I have a feeling you’re meant to be here too. When we met for coffee, you said you weren’t dating here yet. Are you now?” Irys is smiling at me like the bloody Cheshire cat. I can’t stop myself from starting to smile back at her before schooling my expression. This clearly loved up and full of pregnancy hormones cupid needs no encouragement.

  “Nope, I’m not.” I reply quickly, shaking my head in the negative, but really using the action to look away from Irys and over to her youngest brother, “Wyatt, how are things going with the new practice?”

  The rest of the dinner goes smoothly and I realize as I sit here: eating, talking, laughing, and arguing, I’m glad Irys invited me. Well, demanded my presence. There’s an easy camaraderie to the dynamic, and you can feel that it comes from years of meals together. Starting from their time sitting at their parent’s dinner tables, to now sitting at their own, the Frederickson-Westmore-Ramirez family bond is strong. It makes me long for a connection like that, to be a part of something like that.

  Several times though dinner Nolan and I have brushed against one another, sometimes accidentally, and like magnets, we seem to be drawn together in a way that includes little touches and meaningful glances. I’m in a state of semi-permanent arousal and it takes all of my restraint not to sweep my arm across the table, clearing the dishes and glasses onto the floor; before taking the big blond bastard next to me, bend him over the now empty table and fuck him senseless. Christ. Thinking like that is really not helping, but the thoughts keep playing in my mind like a Tumblr video.

  I look over and see Daisy is resting her hand on Irys’ belly, the two of them speaking in soft whispers. As Daisy sits back fully into her chair, I ask, “Are you and Wyatt talking about having kids Daisy?”

  As soon as the words are out of my mouth, I want to take them back, instantly realizing how potentially insensitive and intrusive they might be.

  “No, we’re not.”


  I’m thinking I’ve really screwed up here, when thankfully, Daisy continues, “I mean, yes, we’ve talked about it. But we both feel like kids just isn’t our deal. With Wyatt’s practice here starting to settle in, we’ve been talking about an invite he got from a mentor in Boston. Medecins Sans Frontieres always needs more doctors, but he was saying that the biggest need is for doctors with a specialty like Wyatt’s. My career couldn’t be more mobile, so there’s no reason I couldn’t travel with him. Help out where I can too. Maybe spend a few months helping in a third world country, and then come back home until another post comes up that suits us. A baby doesn’t really fit into that plan, and that plan excites us more than us having a baby.”

  The whole time Daisy has been talking, Wyatt has been holding on to her with his hand laid across the back of her neck, his thumb moving lazily up and down the line of her pulse point.

  Wyatt adds, “And let’s face it, it’s not like this family is gonna be short of kids. There will be plenty of nieces and nephews to give us a kid fix if we need one. Well, the ones that don’t come with lists and a set of instructions that is.”

  He’s teasing Irys about Connor, something I’ve noticed both of her brother’s do, but this time it’s Evan that takes the bait.

  “You just wait and see smartass. My boy is gonna change the world.”

  “Yeah, probably by putting it into alphabetical order,” Wyatt fires back, smiling with his whole face, and I see Nolan out of the corner of my eye, cover his smile with his hand.

  Irys barks out a laugh, and Evan shoots her a look as if to remind her that they should be a united front on this topic.

  “I’m sorry, but that was funny, and Doctorpussy is rarely funny. Besides, we both know it’s something Connor would do.” Irys nods down and starts rubbing her belly, “And who knows what these two are going to bring? We may need that little perfectionist to help us keep our shit together. Everything happens for a reason Evan.”

  “I have to say though, seeing Irys pregnant, watching her body change and accommodate the lives she’s growing inside her… it’s pretty awesome. I do wonder what that experience would be like,” Daisy shares. “How about you Rupert? Do you want a family someday?”

  Swept up in the honest emotion of the conversation, I’m answering from the heart, without much thought to my audience, “Yeah, I really do Daisy. I want the stereotype. I want the one to spend my life with, make a home with, and raise our kids together. I want to find someone who wants that too. Despite the obstacles that my dream presents, I know that with the right guy, together we’d make it happen.”

  I’m not sure at what point I’d looked at Nolan, or at what point Nolan had looked at me, but I again found myself locked in his gaze. The air around us has shifted and I’m watching the storm within his eyes. It’s making their color deeper and more intense, until he blinks, and both of us look towards the tiny squeak of sound coming from the end of the table.

  Irys has her hand over her mouth, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. Moving her hand away, she goes to say something, but before she gets the chance, Evan says softly, “Babe,” and gives a slight shake of his head.

  Irys starts mumbling to herself. No wait, I think she’s talking to her babies. Her face is downturned and she’s whispering, but we can catch a few words, “…you wait babies… ungrateful… thank me… blind as bats.”

  Taking a deep breath and standing up, Irys moves out of the dining room and into the kitchen, while announcing, “Well, I don’t know about anyone else, but these babies need cheese cake, and I think they’re onto something.”

  Ch 9


  Rupert's interrogation was exactly what I needed. It sealed the deal. Enough fucking around and overthinking, I want him. The way he looked at me when he spoke, his thigh against mine. I realized it wasn't because the pickings in Plantain are slim, but that I still want Rupert just as badly as I did when he was with my sister.

  I can't say I was fully present the rest of the night with my family. My brain unconsciously removing me as if to help restrain the urge I had to pull my pants down and get fucked by Rupert on the dinner table.

  As soon as enough time had passed to not be rude for leaving, I casually said my goodbyes, avoiding touching Rupert and instead nodding a goodbye. My night’s sleep was restless, my brain overworking; not only about Rupert, also the project beginning soon, but mainly Rupert. The next morning, I resisted jerking off in the shower. I've been going ham on my dick since Rupert's return to my life and it's become spoiled. Although painful to ignore, I manage to get ready for work, drink my coffee and get out the door.

  I parked in the street last night and head down the driveway. It’s early, the sun’s barely risen, but I have a lot of paperwork to get in order before a meeting I have later. The birds chirp and I look down at my keys for the unlock button on the fob, when the sound of tennis shoes hitting the pavement of the street in a rhythmic pattern alerts my ears. I smile expecting to see my mom, but it’s not her.

  My feet halt as I watch a sweaty, shirtless, panting Rupert approaching. He looks natural running and fucking hot while doing so of course. I stop at the front of my truck and just watch him. As he comes closer, I can see on his face he’s distant, aloof and he doesn't notice me until he's only a few feet away.

  "Morning," I state.

  He gives me a chin tip, slowing to a stop, hands on his hips.

  "You okay?" I question as I watch him for a long minute.

  He nods and wipes his forearm across his forehead. “Been up for hours, finally decided to take a run, but I’ve got a lot of shit on my mind,” he pants.

  I guess in my not wanting to play around anymore and wi
th a boldness I rarely feel, I walk over to him in the middle of the street. Taking him by surprise, I grab his face and kiss him. I kiss him hard and fast, pulling his body against mine. He’s hot and wet and smells manly and I want to bathe in his sweat. His soaked chest is dampening my t-shirt and I know I’ll smell him the rest of the day. Pulling back, I look into his eyes, dreamy and heavy lidded with lust.

  “Think about that instead,” I whisper. “Be back here by nine tonight.”

  With that, I turn to my truck and get in, leaving him in the road as he just looks at me. That rush of adrenaline from kissing him doesn’t waver, not an inch, through the day. I’m busy with work, but the anticipation of Rupert coming over tonight has my hands shaking at times. I can smell him on my shirt all day, which only makes me crazier.

  Even at my little sister Ruby’s dance recital that evening, I find myself drifting into la-la-land. I keep reminding myself that maybe I shouldn’t get my hopes up. That maybe we shouldn’t rush into something just yet. I barely know the guy. But let’s be real, I’ve been with people who I didn’t even know their names, and I highly doubt my dick will allow us to be alone for a night and not want to join the party. Everyone in the family goes for dinner at the diner after the recital and my dad wants to talk about the gymnasium built.

  I finally get home around quarter to nine, just enough time to shower. Parking my truck, I check my phone as I walk up the driveway and toward the back door.

  “Hey,” Rupert’s voice cuts through the silence and my head jerks to see him coming down the front porch steps.

  I look around and then notice I’d completely missed his jeep parked across the street and nearly just walked past him.

  “Sorry I’m early,” he apologizes, taking a few steps closer.

  “No, no… you could’ve let yourself in, the back door’s always unlocked.”

  He gives me a shrug and I wait for him to get closer before continuing my walk around the back of the house. Again, as always, there’s that energy pulsating between us, even when we’re not looking at one another. Letting myself in the back door, I hold it open for him and watch as he walks past. The scent of his clean clothes, his freshly showered skin, and his still damp hair invades my senses as he moves into the breakfast nook attached to the kitchen. The nook, the only renovation I made to my grandparents old house.

  “I just gotta shower if you wanna hang tight-” I begin, setting my keys and cell on the counter, when strong hands turn me to face him, and his lips are on mine.

  I groan as my senses connect that he's kissing me, my cock already aware and growing. His hands are firm on me, shifting me to move backward until my ass slams against the kitchen counter. This kiss is different than before, still primitive and hungry, but more. Like restraint in both of us has snapped, maybe he too is sick of playing the game.

  Rupert pushes his hips into mine, our cocks on opposites sides and running along the thigh of the other. I tug on his lower lip and he breathes hard from his nose, his hand moving to my neck where he places it firmly. I’m aware we’re smiling as we continue to push forward and experiment. My hand finds purchase on the front of his dress pants, running my palm up and down the hard shaft and bulbous head of his cock.

  “You make me so goddamn hard,” he says through gritted teeth, and I push my erection against him in a hint that he does the same to me.

  Next thing I know, he’s pulling my t-shirt up over my head. For a minute I worry since I haven’t showered, but relax when he presses his nose against my neck and inhales deeply, humming as he savors my scent. My shirt gone, our lips continue attaching to necks and shoulders, as he lifts me onto the counter. As soon as my ass is seated, his hands are working to undo my jeans and my cock springs out without assistance.

  The moment he touches my dick, takes it in his hand, I groan so loud I feel the vibration all through my body. My head falls back, like no one other than me has ever touched it. His lips on my neck suckle as his tight fist slides down my shaft and back up slowly. My hands grasp the top of his dress shirt and with a hard yank, the buttons begin popping off as I rip the material from his body. Hauling him in for a kiss, we rock together, both of us wanting more and closer. The feel of his hot skin against mine causes my dick to twitch and nipples to become overly aware of his chest hair. My muscles tighten as he strokes me, his flex with the ministrations he’s performing on me. My hands work on freeing his cock and in the process, I inadvertently rip the fabric in my hastiness to retrieve it.

  His dick is thinner than mine, but longer; perfect for being fucked with. We both watch as we jerk each other off. It’s not fast or slow, but at a pace that has us both growling and grunting. I bring his cockhead to mine and rub them together, leaning over slightly, I let a large drop of saliva drip from my mouth to land on the tips and Rupert moans a ‘fuck yes.’

  I look up at him, biting my lip as I rub our dicks together, pushing his hand away to take both of them into my hand. His forehead presses against mine, his breathing labored as precum adds to the mix and after a few more strokes, I get off the counter. His eyes are intense on me, as I crouch down before him. I open the front of his pants wider, allowing his ball sack to fall out. My tongue moves in, lapping at them like they’re covered in sugar or some shit. His skin is warm and musky, clean but still has that manly tinge that causes my cock to jump. Rupert exhales sharply, his hands running into my hair as he looks down at me. I trace my tongue up the underside of his shaft, the tip of my nose leading the way and I make sure to lock my eyes on his. Once I reach the top, I slip him inside my mouth, moaning at how fucking hard he is and the flavor of his pre-jizz.

  He attempts to widen his stance, but his pants are in the way, so I release his dick from my suctioning mouth and help him remove them. Once he’s free from the garment, I turn him so his ass is in my face and I palm his cheeks. He steps wider, leaning over a bit by placing his hands on the dining table. I move his cheeks back and forth, swiping my tongue along the seam every time I part them. His ass tastes good, I can’t describe it, but I fucking love it and know that I’ll be craving his flavor from now on.

  “Shit, your tongue… you eat ass so good,” Rupert encourages.

  I do this over and over, until his legs begin to shake from strain and anticipation, before suddenly pushing my tongue into his asshole. He moans long and loud, and I go to town on him. I spit on his entrance and slide my finger in; he’s tight but clearly has taken a dick or two. While I finger blast his butt, my tongue sucks on his balls and I lick my free palm to rub my own dick.

  “Fuck yes… get in there,” he tells me.

  Standing up, I move to my jeans, retrieving my wallet and grabbing the handful of condoms I have in there and toss them onto the counter. After rolling one on, I smack his ass cheek and wrap a hand around his shoulder, pulling him to lean against my front. My other hand moves down to stroke his cock as I kiss his neck and he reaches back to grab my dick, guiding me to his asshole. Turning his head, our lips part and remain open but not kissing as I’m placed at his entrance. Arching my hips, I begin to slide in.

  “Oh, Jesus… fuck,” I groan, my eyes closing as my jaw tightens.

  Rupert whimpers before exhaling hard.

  “That okay?” I ask.

  He nods his head and I move in and out slowly, just to get the feel. I kiss his shoulder, looking down at his toned back, his pert ass as my pelvis smacks against it. We start moving and I pick up my speed, taking his hands and linking our fingers as I place them back on the table. I shift us and lift a leg to put my foot on the chair, my hands on the top of his ass as I fuck him. My balls smack against his, and I wish I could see his cock, hard and in the air, swaying from my thrusts. Sweat beads my forehead and his back, he’s so loud with his grunts and groans, but fuck, so am I. My eyes close as I feel ready to come, but I hold off because I want to see him.

  Removing myself, I turn his hips so he lays back on the table, lifting his legs for me to grab and slide back inside hi
m. He’s covered in sweat too, and I fucking love it. Sure enough, his cock is slapping his stomach as I fuck him. I stroke him hard and fast, keeping pace with my cock inside him and watch as his head falls back, his impending orgasm gripping his body.

  “I’m coming,” he pants and we both watch as I feel the muscles beneath my hand clench, seconds before hot cum spurts onto his stomach and chest.

  A surge of primitive pride courses through me and my balls tighten. Leaning down I lick his cum off his hot skin, his chest panting for air. My head buries into his neck as I break rhythm and start coming. My knees weaken; my back feels like electric charges have shot off like fireworks, and my body twitches as I empty. My head falls onto his chest as we breathe hard and fast, his arms wrapping around me as we both calm. As he’s pressing kisses to the top of my head, I can’t help but smile, and my cock lights a cigarette at finally getting inside Rupert.

  Ch 10


  “Are you smiling?” I ask Nolan, feeling his cheek and lips moving slightly against my sweat slicked chest. I can’t stop kissing the top of his head and running the fingers of one hand through his soft, dark blond hair.

  “I’m sure as shit not crying, that’s for sure,” he responds, turning his head to look at me. Seeing that I’m smiling right back at him, we both laugh.

  It’s not a nervous laugh either; if I had to name it I would say it was liberation. Filled with the joy of finally knowing the pleasure of one another’s flesh, I know that’s how I’m feeling anyway. I’m not even worried about whether or not this is where the awkward kicks in, where neither of us knows what to do next. Here we are laughing, our bodies still pressed together, and I’m hopeful that it might actually be something.


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