The Food Explorer
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The National Geographic Society gave Fairchild half a century of adventure and enrichment. I’ve also benefited from the Geographic’s long line of thoughtful editors, writers, and artists, the ones I’ve worked with and the earlier ones who made our work possible. My gratitude to Renee Braden, keeper of the society’s illustrious history, along with the inspired and admired Chris Johns. I’ll go broke the day my friends from Newsweek—Jeff Bartholet, Karen Breslau, Claudia Kalb, Patti Wingert, Evan Thomas, and Eleanor Clift—send me an invoice.
I wrote the final chapters of this book in Japan, thanks to the hospitality and hijinks of Dan Berg and Vanessa Gomez, who indulged me with mikans when my writing got stiff. Andrea Henkel jumped fences with me to investigate Fairchild’s wedding. Ryan Prete risked his bachelor’s degree to smuggle me a rare book. And the esteemed Will Halicks was my partner in indignation every time the Library of Congress kicked us out at four thirty (“But you close at five!”). This book would be twice as long if I listed all the friends who fueled it with their enthusiasm. You know who you are, and thank you.
Liz Flock and Lance Richardson, the other two of my three-pronged writers group, buoyed me through every crisis large and small, but mostly small, all while they wrote their own books (please buy them). My perennial neighbor Wendy Stuart had a way of showing up with rare fruits when I needed them. Bill Press, Sarah Kliff, Sandra Beasley, Spencer Millsap, Lamar Heystek, Fritz Schneider, Jackie Clark, Adam Gerber, Andy Carmona, Catherine Zuckerman, Jeremy Berlin, and Eve Conant critiqued drafts, offered advice, and just generally shoveled coal into the locomotive that pulled this train forward.
To Alanna, the girl from the bus. And finally my parents, Arlene and Ron, and sister, Karen, providers of the tools to live my own adventures, botanical and otherwise.
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