Seducing Robin: Things We Do For Lust Bk 3

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Seducing Robin: Things We Do For Lust Bk 3 Page 1

by Sean Geist

  Seducing Robin

  The Things We Do For Lust Book 3


  Sean Geist

  Published by Sean Geist

  Copyright 2015 Sean Geist

  Cover Photo artefacti / Bigstock.Com

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without written consent of the author, except for brief quotes used in reviews.

  All characters in this book are fictitious and any resemblance to any actual persons is entirely coincidental.

  All characters in this story are over the age of 18 unless specified. V3


  I want to thank my wife. Her support was essential in seeing me through the completion of this project. She also helped me edit the story. Any mistakes that remain, are completely my fault.

  I also want to thank the readers. I love knowing there are people out there waiting to read the words I put down in pixels.

  Please, before you read this story, throw out all your preconceptions. This is a romance and an erotic tale. It is also a farce and a tragedy. I'm sure that some people will be pissed as they read it, some may not finish it. I'm not writing this to scare you off, but to give you a heads up. If you enjoy the read then I have done my job.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9



  Other Stories by Sean Geist

  Chapter 1


  She lays in bed and stares at the shadows on the ceiling – vertical lines cast by the street lamps shining through half-closed blinds. She sees a cage, of course. It's what her life's become. A job that's taken all her time, leaving little for her husband – and her lover.

  She has missed Peter, truly and deeply. He's laying in bed, his back to her, quietly breathing. She never meant to hurt him, but she knows she has. She's not sure what he means by saying she can't be 'his wife and Scott's wife.' It doesn't make sense. She's Peter's wife and she wants nothing to change that. Unfortunately, she loves them both, equally – truly and deeply.

  Peter is her rock. He brings comfort and warmth to her life. He's a blessing she does not feel she deserves.

  Scott is something else. He's handsome and bold, with a confidence she's never encountered before – a confidence she admires. For him, the glass isn't half full or half empty. It's just waiting for him to fill it.

  Her lover may be a cocky S.O.B., but he backs it up, always. He sees what he wants and he takes it. Robin knows Scott had his eye on her the moment he sat down at that roulette table, three and a half months ago.

  It made her feel special – another man wanting her, lusting for her. It was a new experience, one she's never had before, even from Peter. I was an easy mark for his advances, Robin thinks to herself.

  She knew her husband loved her, but she never felt he wanted to possess her. He was kind and loving in bed, never forceful or rough. Scott was more of a beast in bed. He never hurt her. He knew where the threshold was and he never crossed it, but he did love pushing right up to it.

  Now, Robin has a problem. Her heart is rent, two pieces, equal in size, but not enough for her husband. Peter demands it all. He doesn't understand. For Robin, love is unlimited. Infinity divided by two is still infinity. She needs to make him understand.

  Robin falls asleep, thinking of her husband, but she dreams of her lover.

  Vegas, Last April

  “You order a drink yet?” Scott said. He was behind her, his hands placed casually on her waist.

  She thought he was playing. They've known each other for less than two hours and already he was pushing boundaries, flirting with a married woman.

  Robin liked it, the attention, and why shouldn't she? She was married, not dead. But maybe the hands on the hips were too much. She gently reached down and removed them.

  “No,” she said, referring to his question, as well as his actions. “I was waiting for you. Did you get us a table?” She looked around and saw plenty of empty seats in the restaurant.

  “I want to sit outside,” Scott said. He sat down on the stool next to Robin and made a show of placing his hands on the bar, neutral territory. He slid a square pager across to her. “Should be a table open in about twenty minutes.”

  Robin felt good about fending off Scott's advances, but also disappointed. He gave up a little too easily.

  Robin waved the bartender over. He was a young man, about twenty-two, his name tag read Jin-Ho and indicated he was from Korea. “Can I have a Tanqueray and tonic?” She was about to ask for two slices of lime when Scott interrupted.

  “Hold up on that order, Jin,” he said, turning his attention to Robin. “Let me order you something else. I know you'll love it.” He didn't wait for her answer before turning back to the bartender. “A Johnny Walker Black for me and a mojito for the beautiful lady.”

  “A mojito, huh?” Robin said. “Never had one of those.”

  “It still has lime, but it's rum, not gin. And it has mint.”

  “Sounds interesting.” At first, Robin was put off by Scott changing her order, but his charming demeanor made it easy to forgive.

  They talked for a few moments – idle chit-chat – about the type of topics you use to get to know someone: where you're from, where you went to school. Scott was filling her in on the details of the spa he was opening in Kansas City when their drinks arrived.

  Robin took a tentative sip of hers. It was minty and sweet, without a hint of alcohol flavor. She could easily get sloppy drunk on these and not know what hit her.

  “Yummy,” she said and smiled at Scott. “This is tasty. Good call.”

  “Knew you'd like it,” he said.

  They both took a drink.

  “So tell me, beautiful, what do you do to keep busy?”

  Robin was so keen to listen to Scott talk, she totally missed the blatant flattery. “Not much, right now,” she said. “I've got a part-time job at a small clothing boutique in Tempe. Other than that, it's just puttering around the house”

  “So, no kids?”

  “Nope. Just me and Peter.”

  “Sounds kinda boring.”

  “Sometimes,” Robin said without thinking. Before this evening, she would have denied she could ever be happier than she was. This trip was well on its way to blowing up her previously contented perspective. “What do you do for fun?” she asked.

  “Most of my time is devoted to my business. I love to work out. Luckily I can do that on the clock.”

  “Must be nice.”

  “It is. I also like surfing. Try to catch a wave every now and then.”

  “Never been, but I love sitting on the beach.”

  “Then you'd love my place in Cali,” Scott said. “One of my houses overlooks a really lovely spot on the Pacific. It's a little north of L.A.”

  “You lucky shit,” Robin said, giving him a playful punch in the arm. Scott was taking a sip of his whiskey and he splashed a little on his lip. “One of your houses?”

  Scott licked off the stray drop of booze. Robin paused and watched, wondering what his tongue tasted like. It was so unlike her.

  “It's a nice secluded beach,” he said. “Warm sands and gentle waves. It's public land, but hardly anyone knows about it, just me and a few neighbors.”

  “You surf there?”

  “Nah, not a good place for serious waves. If there were it'd be crawling with surfers.”

  “Bet it's a great
place to sunbathe. Relax, oil-up and get a really nice tan.”

  “Absolutely,” Scott said. He looked around, making sure no one was paying attention and leaned into Robin.

  She thought he was going to kiss her – why that idea popped into her head she couldn't tell. Wishful thinking?

  He didn't. Scott brushed back a strand of her long brown hair and put his mouth next to her ear. Instead of kissing her, he whispered, “It's a really great place to work on my full body tan. I can lay out in the nude and get an even, golden tone all over my body.”

  Robin laughed. “You're so naughty, Scott” She couldn't help but blush as visions of this handsome man, without any clothing. She was picturing him laying out, his toned, well-defined body exposed. She'd love to know if he was a true blond and how big of a piece he was packing. She felt a tingle of desire building in her core. She grabbed his arm and immediately felt guilty.

  Where's Peter, she thought. She was losing her self-control around this man, and worse still, she was loving every minute of it. She looked around the restaurant and was thrilled when she spotted her husband entering from the casino. Saved.

  Robin waved him over. Scott gave an almost inaudible grunt of disgust, one Robin chose to ignore.

  “What took you so long?” she asked, giving him a quick kiss on the cheek.

  “I had a beer,” Peter said. There were no empty seats at the bar, so he kept standing. “Didn't think we'd get a seat right away.”

  They continued chatting. Any sexual tension that might have developed between Scott and Robin was easing. Peter was about to ask Scott for some stock tips when the pager went off announcing their table was ready.

  The threesome followed the hostess out to the patio. Peter was slightly ahead so he failed to notice Scott had reached his arm around Robin's waist, placing his hand gently against the small of her back.

  It was a simple gesture, a mere light touch that sent shivers up Robin's spine. She knew what Scott was doing, but she failed to stop him, content in the belief she could control any situation that arose. It was all a game to her, a harmless game. She was wrong.

  The seduction of Robin had begun.


  The drive back from Sedona was long, but not as long as the drive up. Robin and I talked, we argued, we screamed and we cried. For most the drive we sat in silence. It was hard, but I finally explained how I felt to her and I think she understood. I loved her and only her, and I wanted that same feeling in return from her. I didn't care if she slept with Scott, or any other man for that matter. I was beyond being jealous of her body. I didn't even care if she kept working for him. I just wanted to be the only one she loved and I didn't want her living with him. Call me selfish, but fuck you.

  In the end, she asked for a few weeks to decide. I said yes. I dropped her off at the house Scott had bought in Sedona, the one they shared. We had a quick goodbye, hugged and kissed, and I left.

  The long drive back through the desert, alone, refreshed me. My ultimatum to Robin was one of the signs of my new found confidence. Right now I didn't really know or care about how she felt. I was sure that would come later. I knew I still loved her, but currently I had other desires to take care of.

  I pulled into the Oasis parking lot around six in the evening. It was a Tuesday, and finding a spot among the dozen or so cars was easy, half were parked away from the lounge in the employee zone.

  I saw her as soon as I walked in, her red hair a beacon. Angie was behind the bar, pulling a pint of beer. She looked up and our eyes met. A smile appeared on her face. It felt good to know I could do that to a woman, I hoped it wasn't just because I was a good tipper.

  I looked around. The place was mostly quiet. There was a couple sitting in one of the booths along the side wall. They were oblivious to their surrounding, playing kissy face with each other, their drinks sat untouched. The only other customer in the place was a middle aged white dude in a worn blue business suit sitting at the end of the bar, it was his beer Angie was pouring.

  I walked to the bar with measured steps. I had a purpose and I had to keep my composure to pull it off. The red-head barkeep leaned across the bar and greeted me with a kiss on the cheek.

  “Peter, it's great to see ya. You need a drink? Scotch right?”

  I leaned closer “I can't stay long,” I said, my voice a whisper. “But there's something I've been wanting to do.”

  Angie leaned closer still, joining my conspiracy. “What's that?” she asked under her breath.

  “Do you trust me?”

  She stood up straight. The question caught her off-guard, part of the purpose. A puzzled expression formed on her face. “Uhm – I don't know how to answer that.”

  “Yes or no,” I said.

  The guy at the end of the bar looked our way. He looked like he wanted in on the secret, and I'm sure he would have loved knowing what was going on. He opened his mouth, as if to say something, but then thought better of it and took another sip of his beer.

  “Like I said, there's something I've wanted to do, something I should have taken care of several weeks ago, but didn't.”

  I was thinking back to when I took her to the ballgame. We had a good time and later at her apartment Angie and I ended up making out. I was finally taking advantage of the bargain I had with my wife, that she could fuck Scott and I could fuck other women. It wasn't perfect, but it worked.

  Angie squinted at me, raising one of her eyebrows. I had peaked her interest.

  “What's that?” she asked.

  “First, I need to know your answer. Do you trust me?”

  She thought about it for a moment then said, “Okay, Peter. I guess I do trust you. You have seen me naked.”

  “Can you step away from the bar for a few minutes?” I reached my hand out and uncurled my fingers, revealing the condom I had pulled from my pocket.

  Angie's eyes grew wide and she smiled. “I'll get Rita to spell me.”

  Rita turned out to be a waitress in the attached restaurant. She didn't have any tables so she agreed to babysit the bar while Angie took a break. She gave me a funny look as I followed Angie into the back. We walked down a dimly lit hall, doors to the restrooms on one side, boxes of beer bottles stacked on the other. At the end we came to a tee. Left was the kitchen, we went right, into the manager's office.

  It was a small room, with a desk and filing cabinet on the far side of the door, a couch sat on along the wall to the right, more boxes of booze on the left.

  Most of the other details of the room I missed since my attention was focused on the beautiful creature who stood before me. Her fiery locks were pulled back in a pony tail, her ample breasts looked constrained in the black button-down shirt she wore, despite the fact she had several buttons undone. The shirt and a pair of black jeans completed her uniform. She leaned back casually, her butt on the edge of the desk, the palms of her hands, flat on top.

  “So, what brought...”

  “Shh.” I said, interrupting her. “No talking now. I'll explain later. Just do as I say.”

  Spitting all that out was hard. I wasn't used to ordering women around, sexually. I did manage a few female assistants and secretaries at the clinic, but this was something different.

  “Take off your pants,” I said, trying so hard not to snicker.

  Angie looked pensive, as if she were trying to decide how far to let this go, how far she really trusted me. I guess my good nature and handsome face won her over, because she started to undo her belt without saying a word. I turned to lock the office door and when I turned around her jeans and undies were around her ankles and she was stepping out of them.

  She was nude from the waist down. Her creamy white skin a lovely contrast to the black shirt that she started to unbutton.

  I stopped her.

  “No. No time,” I said.

  I moved toward her, three or four steps and I was in front of her, nose to nose. I grabbed the back of her head with my right hand and pulled her face to min
e, seizing her lips with my own. I kissed her hard and with a passion that caught me off guard. My tongue explored her willing mouth. The act of taking this beautiful woman thrilled me.

  She tasted of bourbon and breath mints. An odd but intoxicating combination.

  I glided my left hand down the front of Angie's shirt, my fingernails clicking along the buttons as I made my way down her torso to cup her bare mound. I could feel the soft downy texture of her pussy. With a finger I explored the folds of her labia, starting to moisten with her arousal.

  I continued my kiss as I massaged her opening, my thumb playing across her clit as I thrust my fingers in and out. I continued this until Angie began moaning into my mouth.

  “Oh, Peter. That's...”

  “Shush. No talking.”

  When making love to Robin, I was always concerned about how she felt, what she wanted me to do, if I was doing it right or too hard or too soft. Tonight was about me. What I wanted. What I was willing to take.

  I continued finger fucking Angie, sliding my index and middle finger into her pussy as deep as they would go, while rubbing her throbbing clit with my thumb. I could feel her orgasm approaching. First she started moaning, a soft sensual sigh that quickly built to an urgent cry for release. Her breathing quickened and soon I was feeling her muscles contract around my fingers. This was a powerful climax.

  To avoid detection, I moved quickly. Just as she came I forced my mouth over hers again, to catch her shouts of pleasure, muffling their volume, but not their intensity.

  I held Angie tight as she came. I ran my fingers across her check, leaving a trail of her juices to mingle with a few tears falling from her eyes. This was a first for me, bringing a woman to tears with my sexual skills.

  “Peter, that was amazing,” Angie said. “Ouch!”

  I had slapped her naked ass.

  “I didn't tell you to speak.” I said. I wasn't finished with Angie. I hoped she'd still respect me after tonight. I needed to know she was still cool with our game. There wasn't a lot of time and we never talked about any boundaries or safe words. I guess she was okay, as long as she kept obeying my commands.


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