Untamed Darkness

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Untamed Darkness Page 4

by Kate Wendley


  “Other than being wolf. Some people have an extra power.”

  She frowned, then slowly shook her head.

  “I do. My friends think I’m full of it, but I can feel people’s auras. Or at least that’s what I call it. Anyway, people like Lyndsey, and all my friends, actually, have unstable, flaky auras. You don’t. Yours is steady and solid.”

  “You like my aura?” By the look on her face he couldn’t tell if she was like Rio and thought he was being a new age hippy, or if she believed him. Maybe a little of both.

  “Well, that was the first thing that hit me when I touched you that night. And yeah, that was exciting. You’re beautiful, and based on your aura, your life isn’t a complete wreck.”

  Her expression didn’t change, but he could feel a shift in her mood. Her attention was more sharply focused on him now.

  “Besides your aura, I felt something else. I don’t know what to call it because I’ve never felt it before. It was like we already knew each other.” He kept to himself that he never wanted to let her go after that and that his wolf was driving him absolutely crazy with the need to find her again.

  There was a mock challenge in her eyes now. “Don’t tell me that’s your pick up line with the ladies.”

  A faint breeze brought her scent to him more strongly, and he recognized the sweet and spicy beginnings of her arousal.

  “So you didn’t feel anything from me at all?”

  When she finally spoke, her change of subject confused him. “Is that your pack? All those people you’re always with?”

  “My pack? Wait… I take it you’re not from Atlanta?”

  Her attention focused on him like a laser beam. “Why do you say that?”

  He and his wolf both went still. The riddle that was Helena was quickly growing more complex. “Because all wolves in Atlanta are in Sebastian’s pack. Do you not know Sebastian?”

  At her blank look, he asked, “What about Anthony? What about the rules of Atlanta? Are you in a family?” Alarm grew inside him at her continued silence.

  “If you’re not in Sebastian’s pack, and you’re not in a family, then you must be a loner. That’s dangerous you know.”

  She frowned. “Why?”

  “Because if someone picks a fight with you, you don’t have the rules of the pack, or a family to back you up, or to get restitution if you weren’t in the wrong. And a fight between wolves can get deadly dangerous way too fast.”

  She seemed upset now, and he cursed himself for being the cause of it. “But hey, let me give you the phone number of our local information center. It’s a cross between Atlanta Werewolf 911 and a general info line for whatever questions you have about living here. Usually it’s a bunch of old ladies who answer, but they know everything, and I mean everything about being a werewolf in Atlanta.”

  A few seconds ticked by before she said, “Ok.” She pulled her backpack in front of her and dug around until she produced her phone. His soul felt better that she seemed interested in getting the information she needed to stay safe.

  “And if you’d like my number…” She caught his eye with a challenging look, then smirked.


  He rattled it off and was surprised when she asked for his last name.

  “Giroux. And if you plan to google me, my dad’s name is Mike. Sometimes our information gets mixed up.”

  She laughed as if she’d been caught doing something sneaky. If anything, it was intriguing that she would even think to do that. It meant she cared enough about him to find out more because she took her relationships with people seriously.

  Helena put her phone away and he wasn’t sure what else to say to her.

  “The dance was nice.”

  He looked at her more carefully. She’d said that already. Why did she keep repeating it? Unless there was something more to it than just being nice. Something much, much more.

  “You felt something, too.”

  Her eyes were steady on him, though she was slow to answer. “I don’t live the life you live. I’m not like you and your friends.” She shrugged. “I’m not sure what you think you see in me, and I’m already wolf, so…” She trailed off, and he didn’t understand what she was getting at.

  “Well, hey, you’re new in town. We could just hang out. I could show you around and we could go get dinner or something. You know. As friends.”

  Her eyes sparked and she reluctantly smirked, then stood up.

  He tilted his head to look up at her, making it obvious he was still in the submissive role in the hopes he didn’t spook her away again. “Can I walk with you to the parking lot?”

  She gestured around herself. “Sure.”

  She kept her gaze on him while he rose to his full height. It felt like an eternity before she broke eye contact, and now he knew for certain that she was interested. But overly cautious. That was ok. He could deal with that.

  She didn’t keep the same distance between them as they walked. It was about a minute to the parking lot, and by that time they were side by side, and his wolf was driving him crazy with the need to take her into his arms.

  He playfully tapped her with his elbow. “I like your height.”

  She looked levelly at him and her eyes were gleaming. “You’re still taller than me.”

  The way she said it, he got the feeling she liked that.

  “Yeah, but not by much. Not as much as most people.”

  Helena turned towards him at the end of the trail, and he could see in her eyes that either her or her wolf was anxious. Just like him.

  He touched her arm as he said, “It was really nice to see you again. Call me anytime. I’d love to hang out.”

  Her breath hitched and he felt that same something reach out and pet him like he’d felt at the Tabernacle. More than just her aura, there was a strong force within her that beckoned to him.

  She felt it, too. She had to have because the next thing he knew she was stepping into him. Her focus was on his neck as her heart pounded loudly in her breast, competing with the sound of his own.

  He cocked his head, giving her clear access to his throat. It was a submissive gesture, but also one of letting her know that if she wanted to claim him as hers, all she had to do what step into him and bite him. It was crazy that he even thought this was normal with someone he’d just met, but there was no denying it felt right, deep in his soul.

  She was so close now that a heavy breath would have them touching, and he wanted more. He carefully placed a hand on her lower back, and when she didn’t resist, he pressed her closer. He kept waiting for his conscience to tell him to stop, that he was getting too close too fast with someone he didn’t even know, but it never happened.

  She quietly whimpered, then turned her face into his neck. He had no idea what was happening, but it felt very, very important. Any other time he’d let a woman bite him, it felt like foreplay and was usually no more significant than that, even if they’d pretended it was more at the time. With Helena, the force of energy between them felt completely foreign, yet welcoming. It felt like home and he never wanted to give it up.

  She lightly nipped at him, and when he grunted in response, she nipped harder. He felt greedy and anxious holding her in his arms, afraid to give in to his desires, but also afraid to let her go and maybe never get this opportunity again. When she cautiously touched him, grasping him here and there, testing out the feel of his body, his tension calmed some, though never completely went away.

  He tried to remain submissive, if only so she could decide he wasn’t a threat to her and that he wasn’t the flaky mess of a person he secretly dreaded he really was. But his control was slipping. He was hard for her and his wolf wanted to bite her, to nip at and chase her. He wanted to tease her until she submitted and he could take her as his, but that’s not how it worked with his human half. His human half knew better than to be so aggressive no matter how badly she was turning him on. Besides, this wasn’t how he want
ed to be with women anymore, his wolf be damned.

  He grunted more loudly at her last nip, his willpower hanging on by a thread. Her tight, firm body under his anxious hands moved too easily in time with his own rocking hips…

  As much as he wanted to let this go on until they both got what they wanted, this was a public parking lot. And regardless of the fact that their wolves were obviously happily encouraging their attraction, he’d also feel like crap if Helena thought he’d taken advantage of her.

  It was obvious her wolf had strong control over her right now. The woman he’d met wouldn’t be this forward with him, and he wanted to know that the human side of her wanted him, too. He’d already sworn to himself he wouldn’t have any more purely sexual encounters, no matter how badly he wanted to. Now was not the time to cave, and especially not with a woman like Helena.

  He let her bite him one more delectable time, then forcibly stepped back from her. She tried to stay close, and he fought with himself over pushing her away, but he had to do this if he wanted to be able to look himself in the mirror and not cringe at his own reflection.

  He took her by the shoulders and kept her at arm’s length until she eventually came back to herself. The hazel streaks in her chocolate brown eyes were striking, and he missed them as they were swallowed up by her human eyes. But the shock on her face let him know he’d made the right decision.

  She jerked back in dismay and embarrassment. “Shit. I don’t know what happened. I didn’t mean to…”

  Her tone sounded like she thought she was talking to a human. “Hey gorgeous. I think our wolves are letting us know they really, really like each other. And since we’re friends now, we’ll have time to figure out what it means. This… energy between us.” He tried for a casual smile, and the embarrassment in her eyes was still there, but her racing heart eventually slowed.

  Chapter 6

  Helena was mortified as she left the park and Marc behind. What had she done? She’d mauled the poor guy and he…

  He stood there like it was no big deal. What guy had ever done that? None, because they were all human before him, and all completely weirded out by her wolf stupidness. Not that she’d ever told any of them why she acted the way she did.

  A tear trickled down her cheek and made her mad. She was handling this… this life. She had it under control, dammit.

  Memories of her mother’s laugh flitted through her mind and sent a stab of pain through her heart. Now seemed like an appropriate time to have someone to reach out to talk to. Someone who’d make her feel better, no matter what. Someone who had unconditional love for her.

  Helena was a child when her mother left, so any cheerful memories were surely just remembered through rose colored glasses. She’d seemed so free and happy though. Why did she have to go? And worse, why had she never tried to come back? Didn’t she care about those she’d left behind?

  She pulled over at an ice cream shop, grumbled through an order, sat down inside and sullenly ate it, then pulled out her phone. Werewolf 911. That was… interesting. She dialed the number before she could think too hard about it, and sure enough, an old woman answered.

  “Hello? How can I help you?”

  Her ancient voice was comforting. Helena wasn’t sure what she’d been expecting, but this wasn’t it. Wasn’t a 911 operator supposed to sound more sharp and matter-of-fact?

  She relaxed into the cheap plastic chair. “I might have the wrong number.”

  The woman didn’t rush her, but her tone seemed heavy in a way Helena couldn’t pinpoint. “Well dear, if you’ve called, then you need something. I’d be happy to help if I can. Do you need some help? Are you in trouble?”

  She frowned because yes, she was in trouble. This wolf shouldn’t be inside her at all. “I was told I could get information.”

  “Oh yes. That’s what we do here. My name’s Charlie by the way. What’s yours?”

  “Charlie? That’s my granddad’s name. Or it was anyway.” Helena’s heart thumped harshly in her chest. It hurt to think about her granddad being gone, and it felt like a knife twisting in her soul to be talking to someone with his same name. She wished she’d been able to talk to him about her problem, but this was one thing she would never tell either of her grandparents about, no matter how much she loved and trusted them.

  “Your grandfather was named Charlie? How long ago did he pass?”

  “Three years now.”

  “Hmm. I don’t remember a Charlie in our community that passed three years ago.”

  They kept close track of every werewolf in the city? “He wasn’t in your community.” She felt uncomfortable with their conversation all of a sudden. This felt way too personal, and the woman on the other end of the line was still a complete stranger to her.

  Charlie took her time and her choice of words now seemed very deliberate. Her once pleasant tone now sounded well-rehearsed and hovered on the edge of threatening. “I see. Are you in our community?”

  Helena’s nerve was wavering, but she really did need information, especially after how worried Marc seemed about her being on her own in Atlanta. “I live here, if that’s what you mean.”

  Charlie’s voice was more intimate when she said, “That’s not exactly what I mean, dear. Tell me, do you have other family in our community?”

  Helena grumbled under her breath. “No offense, but this is kind of irritating. Is this an information line or not?”

  “Yes. But since I don’t know you, and you haven’t given me your name, you’ll have to bear with me for a few questions. Our community is private. It’s not open to the general public.”

  She huffed sarcastically and said under her breath, “Tell that to Will.” The jerk who’d turned her into this cursed creature. Her and her stupid college impulsiveness…

  Charlie’s tone instantly changed to brisk and chipper. “Let’s meet in person, shall we? I’ll give you any information you like.”

  She frowned suspiciously at the cement floor in front of her. “Where?”

  “Anywhere you like, dear. But if you don’t have anything in mind, somewhere we can eat a good meal while we talk would suit me just fine.”


  Helena walked into Hudson Grille in Midtown and almost walked right back out. Charlie had the heaviest vibe that Helena had ever been around. If the old woman hadn’t quickly held up an obituary with Will’s face plastered across it, Helena would’ve run out the door and never gone back.

  But Will was dead, and Charlie had somehow known this was the exact man that ruined her life. Helena had to find out more. Besides, Charlie actually looked troubled to see her, not enraged like Will had been way back when Helena confronted him. The bastard.

  “This is him?”

  Helena nodded and Charlie motioned for her to sit across the booth from her.

  She slid cautiously in. “I didn’t know he died. What happened?”

  “Mauled by wild animals while deep in the woods.”

  Helena took a drink of the water that was already waiting for her, not surprised at all that her hands were shaking.

  Charlie carefully asked, “When did he do this to you?”

  “Over six years ago. He was in my college finance class. We got together at a party, and…”

  “And somewhere along the way he bit you hard enough to draw blood.”

  “Yeah. How did you know?”

  “Because that’s the only way for someone to be turned. We’re usually born to it. Turning is rare. There’s usually no harm in getting bitten, besides healing the bite, but in your case…” She gestured to Helena.

  “So why me if it’s so rare?”

  Charlie shrugged. “The working theory is that maybe some humans have a bit of magic in them after all, and it responds to ours.”

  Tears stung at her eyes and Charlie reached across the table and took Helena’s shaking hands in her own knobby knuckled ones. “I’ll answer any questions you have dear. The family is here for you. You’re one of us no

  Chapter 7

  Marc met Rio at the gym that night even though he’d already gone for a hike earlier today. He was too excited not to go and talk to him in person.

  “Hey! I finally met up with her!”

  Rio blanched. “You dick. I thought you weren’t into Lyndsey. Whatever. She won’t stop asking about you anyway.”

  “What? No. Helena!”

  “Who the hell is Helena?”

  Marc wanted to ring his neck in frustration. “The woman from the show. The one I was dancing with. I told you about her.”

  “Oh. Hey, did you hear Steve and Rebecca are going to have a kid? Can you believe it?”

  Marc was too excited to be irritated by Rio’s constant changing of the subject. “What? Who cares? Steve’s an ass. I’m talking about my love life here, dude.”

  Rio looked over Marc’s shoulder and waved, then shouted, “Hey jerk off! Over here!” The smile told Marc that Rio wasn’t actually picking a fight with someone. And obviously their private conversation was now over.

  Marc hung out for a short time, then finally left since Rio could care less about his important news. But around midnight, when Marc’s cell phone chirped and woke him out of a deep sleep, he assumed Rio was ready to talk again. His moods knew no social bounds, day or night.

  Marc mumbled, “Hey.”

  “Marc.” It was a woman’s voice. He shot up in bed.

  “Who is this? Helena?”

  “Marc. Come here.”

  “Helena? Is that you?”

  “Come here.”



  Her short words made him anxious. Her wolf had taken control of her. Had to have.

  “Is this Helena’s wolf?”

  The silence on the line made him even more nervous, so he got up and found shorts and a t-shirt. He fumbled with getting them on while he waited. “Hello? Helena?”


  “Where are you? Are you home?”


  “Are you ok?”

  “Come here.”

  She didn’t sound hurt, and he didn’t hear any other sounds in the background so hopefully she was safe. But how would he find out where she was?


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