Worlds Apart 4: Ryan's Hope

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Worlds Apart 4: Ryan's Hope Page 3

by Bonnie Rose Leigh

  As soon as she hit the floor, she cried out in pain. Her mind’s shield had shattered and everyone else’s emotions were pouring in and destroying her faster than she imagined possible. Soon there wouldn’t be anyone for the Black Rose to destroy. The work would have been done right here without anyone having to do anything to her at all. How ironic that in trying to escape the Black Rose, she’d in fact brought about her own demise. As the wave of darkness descended over her mind, she had time for only one regret. I would have liked to have kissed Ryan at least once before I died.

  * * * *

  Amy Shi’Lan looked over at her mate, Hunter, and allowed a smile to spread across her face. It still amazed her that despite what she’d been through since her kidnapping from Earth at the hands of her mate’s sister, the infamous and deadly Black Rose, that she had found such happiness in her new life. Just watching Hunter wrestle with taking down the Shemoa Tree—the closest Chantrea had to a Douglas fir back on Earth—so that she could celebrate the human holiday of Christmas, made her heart clench in joy. Even after five years with her mate, Amy still couldn’t believe at times just how fortunate she was compared to most Chantreans.

  Rubbing the swell of her tummy where their first child rested, she smiled with contentment. Their child would grow safe and protected, but what about all the other families that were still unable to conceive, even after years of trying, years of waiting for a cure? What about the Chantrean couples that desperately wanted a child of their own and had to watch others with humans as mates get pregnant? What of them? As Amy’s thoughts turned toward the desperate plight of their people, a sharp cry pierced her mind, making her gasp in pain and clutch at her head.

  Searing agony continued to pierce Amy’s mind so it took a moment before she realized what was happening to her. As soon as she did, she called out for Hunter, called out to the one person she could trust above all others to see to her brother’s safety. “Hunter, hurry. Ryan’s under attack. We have to hurry.”

  Dropping the Christmas tree where he stood, Hunter rushed to Amy’s side. Doing her best to work through the pain to see what Liana wanted to show her, she gripped Hunter’s arm and pulled him toward the entrance of their suite deep within the palace walls. As the link between her mind and Liana’s grew weaker, Amy prayed to the Goddess Alana, prayed that her feet could grow wings. She didn’t have to be told that her friend was very close to death.

  “Hurry, faster, Hunter. They’re in the East wing, heading toward the family landing pad.” Though Liana hadn’t told her their exact location, they headed toward her brother’s ship. She knew that’s where they’d go since Ryan usually landed there when he came to visit. She knew she was betting Ryan’s safety on a guess, but with the link between her mind and Liana’s growing weaker, she had no way to see her brother’s location. When the telepathic link abruptly severed, it took all Amy had not to collapse in fear. Only knowing her brother’s life might depend on her kept her feet moving until she and her mate were running through the palace hallways. If only she could shift, but until she delivered her child, taking her Lioness form was out of the question.

  “Go. Leave me. Shift. Hurry,” she pleaded. “I just lost the link with Liana. It could already be too late if there are enemies in the palace.” When her mate nodded and shifted on the run, Amy tried to pick up the pace, but she was almost full term with her pregnancy, making running full out impossible.

  When it seemed like she’d never reach her brother, inspiration hit. Stopping right in the middle of the corridor, Amy lifted her head up and called out toward the sentient computer on Hunter’s ship, Vengeance, which also ran most of the autonomic functions of the palace itself. “Julius, lock on to my brother and Liana Peterson’s life signs and transport them directly onto Ryan’s ship, Retribution. Then contact Retribution and have it engage the cloaking system and head out into space. Hunter and I will be arriving aboard Vengeance momentarily, so prepare to join Retribution in space.”

  “Acknowledged. Working, Princess Shi’Lan.”

  Knowing she’d done all she could for now, Amy once again began running toward her brother, this time, at least the beginnings of a plan forming in her mind rather than just racing ahead in a blind panic. “Julius, you also need to contact our friends on Manruvia and let them know that they should be on alert for danger until we know more of what happened.”

  “Message encrypted and sent to the Manruvian ship, Victory.” Several seconds passed, then the sentient computer aboard her mate’s ship, Vengeance, reported on her brother’s escape status. “Ryan Morgan and Liana Peterson are aboard the Retribution. Launch of Retribution in progress.”

  “Report on health conditions of Ryan and Liana, Julius.”

  “The female was transported directly to the medical bay aboard Retribution. Scans show an active brain bleed. Retribution is now healing several lesions in patient Peterson’s brain. Healing session will continue for an additional ten minutes and thirteen seconds. Ryan Morgan suffered superficial knife wounds that have already begun to heal on their own. He is aboard Retribution in the Command Center and is preparing to Launch Retribution in ten seconds. Nine. Eight…”

  Sighing in relief, Amy rounded the corner and continued her race toward the ships. Even knowing her brother wasn’t in immediate danger anymore wasn’t about to slow her down… Not until his ship left Chantrea air space and there was no sign of any pursuit. “End report, Julius. I’m approaching Vengeance now. What is the location of Hunter Shi’Lan?”

  “Hunter Shi’Lan is speaking to Palace Security Guardsmen Miguel Williams in the Transportation Command Tower.”

  As Amy approached the East Wing exit nearest the family Landing zone, she spied two guards standing at attention, their pulse rifles held in their arms and ready to fire, their faces lined with grim determination—at least that’s how it appeared to her. The question though, was whether she could trust them or not. And she preferred knowing before she reached them. Slowing her steps now that she knew Ryan and Liana were relatively safe, she reached out to her mate through their mate bond. Can I safely approach the two guards standing in front of the East exit?

  Calm reassurance and love flooded Amy’s mind, making her lips quirk up in a smile. She could literally feel her mate’s arms wrapped around her despite the physical distance between them. Ever since she’d told him of her pregnancy, Hunter had gone out of his way to keep her happy and calm. He’d probably try to reassure her all was well while in the middle of a life or death firefight as well. Hunter’s next words confirmed in her mind that all wasn’t as safe as his comforting arms implied. Julius is transporting me to your side. Wait for me before you approach the guards.

  What’s going on, Hunter?

  Chapter Four

  Grimacing in disgust, Hunter took one last look around the tarmac where Ryan had been ambushed. If he and his brother, Taliff, hadn’t arrived when they had, the shy scientist and bold rescuer would be lying cold on the ground. Even now, Taliff was making the Vengeance ready for departure while he collected his mate. Speaking of… “Julius, transport me directly to Amy Shi’Lan’s side.”

  Anxious being away from his mate’s side, especially now that she carried the life they’d created together and was so close to her due date, Hunter wanted to kiss the ground at her feet when he found her safe. Her ragged and labored breathing sounded obscenely loud in the nearly empty hallway. Knowing she’d want to know how her brother was, he didn’t waste any time letting her know what he’d learned already.

  “Ryan said that he was attacked within seconds of leaving the ship once he landed. He’d received a transmission that you’d gone in to premature labor and needed him home immediately. Unfortunately, he didn’t verify the contents of the message, just raced home to comfort you. Once they subdued him—he remembers six attackers, though he eliminated and left two bodies here on the tarmac that have since disappeared—the others escorted him to the Science Laboratory where Liana was working on the genetic test
ing. They managed to escape, but just barely, which is when she called out for you.”

  Amy placed a hand over their unborn child, concern clearly written on her face. “Ryan’s okay though? You swear it on the health of our baby, Hunter!”

  “He’s safe enough at the moment. He knows there are others working for the Black Rose in the palace, but hasn’t a clue who they are or how many. The lack of bodies here is evidence of that, so he needs to leave the planet for now. Once we’re safely away from here, we’ll arrange to meet up with Ryan and try to figure out just what my evil bitch of a sister, Haeda, is up to.”

  With infinite gentleness, Hunter pulled his distressed mate into his arms, content to have her resting there, secure in his embrace. But they had spies in their midst and he’d much rather speak to Amy privately about what he’d learned this morning rather than speaking aloud. Reaching out with every one of his senses, he couldn’t detect any nearby life signs other than the two guards. Still, he wasn’t about to take any more chances with Amy today. After one last glance around him, Hunter wrapped his mate in his arms completely, then requested transport. “Julius, lock on to my signal and transport two to the Command Deck of the Vengeance. Prepare to launch upon on arrival.”

  As they materialized in the Command Center on the star ship, Vengeance, Amy laid her head against Hunter’s chest and he heard her words in his heart.

  We won’t meet up with Ryan right away, Hunter. Make me forget about Haeda, about the past, about what she has planned for my brother, for us, for just a few minutes, she ordered.

  After first ensuring that no one appeared to be readying another ship for takeoff and then plotting the Vengeance’s intercept course with the Retribution, Hunter lifted Amy into his arms and carried her to their quarters like a marauding pirate desperate to slake his desire for his virgin captive. He’d never grow tired of making love to his mate. Never.

  * * * *

  “What in the hell is taking so long, Contessa?” Ryan growled at the sentient computer aboard his Star Class Deep Space Reconnaissance ship Retribution. I probably sound like a crazy person. Not that he cared. Once again, his eyes locked on the still figure lying in the medi-pair chamber, the pink healing mist swirling and flowing around her, filling the glass-like compartment with its healing essence. A transonomi dome covered Liana while repairs continued on her body, making her look too much like Earth’s story of Sleeping Beauty in her glass coffin to suit him. She’d come so close to dying, they both had. Even now, knowing that the medi-pair chamber was hard at work healing her, he couldn’t get his heart rate to come down. What if he’d lost her? What if he still did? He’d known her for less than two hours and already he knew he wouldn’t stay sane without her.

  “Estimate of time remaining until healing of Liana Peterson is complete is three minutes, forty-five seconds, Commander Morgan.”

  “Thank you, Contessa. Set a course for the Manruvian moon, Glendor. We are to meet the ships Victory and Vengeance at the Allied Base on the moon’s surface along with their Commanders upon our arrival.”

  “Course set, Commander Morgan.”

  “Engage course and notify both the Victory and the Vengeance of our estimated arrival time.”

  “Working, Commander.” A few seconds passed, then the ship’s voice once again filtered through the Medical Bay speakers. “Messages sent and received. Time until rendezvous with the Victory and the Vengeance is fifty-five minutes, fourteen seconds.”

  Ryan’s heart actually hurt at seeing his new mate lying so still and helpless. When he’d seen her clutch her head and collapse, for one unending moment his whole world crashed down around him. In that single moment in time, he knew that this one small woman had become the center of his world and that he would kill, ruthlessly and without mercy, to keep her safe. Keeping her safe and happy was his priority now, the most important thing in his life, more so than even his thirst for vengeance for the crimes committed against him, or his need to seek out other victims and carry out their rescues. The only thing he could no longer live without was Liana. To know that she had the kind of power over him—without doing a thing but existing—scared Ryan all the way to his toes.

  As the time for the healing wound down, Ryan found himself moving closer and closer to his mate, lying still and unconscious inside the healing chamber. She looked so fragile and vulnerable.

  When the pink mist finally cleared, he got his first real glance at the woman who would complete him. The beast he usually kept tightly chained inside him battered against the shield in his mind. It took all his control and strength to prevent his beast from shifting and taking control. It wanted out. It wanted its mate. Now. Ryan could hardly blame it.

  She was a veritable feast for the senses. He wanted to lick her from one end to the other and everywhere in between. He wanted to wallow in her scent and mark her so thoroughly with his own that no other would dare approach her for fear of his retaliation. From the top of her head to the bottom of her feet, she probably only stood a couple inches over five feet tall. Not stick-figure skinny, she had sweet womanly curves that just begged a man to make her his, from her full hips to her lush breasts that could make a grown man thank all the gods and goddesses above for creating women in the first place. Rich, dark hair splayed around her, its thick length spilling down nearly to her hips, practically screaming for a man to run his hands through the mass of silken tresses. He couldn’t help visualizing his hands fisted in her silky-smooth coffee-colored hair as he rode her from behind.

  Ryan shuddered, then swallowed down the groan of desire trapped in his chest. As if that wasn’t enough to lure a man to his doom, her golden brown skin appeared to glow from within, seeming to beg for his touch alone. When her eyes snapped open and her gaze seemed to lock onto his, he swore all the universe’s secrets could be found in her heated stare.

  Ryan almost snorted. He must be losing it if his mind was practically spewing poetry just looking at his mate. And when she licked her lips as the silence between them lengthened, his cock grew thick and rigid beneath the fly of his pants in mere seconds. Never had he responded to a woman so quickly before, or so urgently. Despite the fact that minutes ago she laid near death, he could barely keep himself from charging over to her to drag off to his bed.

  Gritting his teeth and fisting his hands at his sides, he raised his face toward the speakers set high into the walls of the ship, not that such a move would be necessary for the sentient computer to hear him. It was just habit. “Contessa, release Liana from the medi-pair chamber.”

  “Command acknowledged. Chamber released.”

  Almost immediately, the transonomi shimmered and vanished, allowing Liana freedom. She practically leapt off the table in her hurry.

  “Are you claustrophobic?” he asked, concerned that being in the coffin-like box may have traumatized her despite its see through material.

  Liana swallowed, then ran her hands down her legs before shaking her head. “No. Well, not normally, but what about what happened today is normal, after all?”

  More to keep from dragging her into his arms than anything else, Ryan walked to the far wall opposite her medi-pair bed, where a round transonomi window took up most of the wall, and stared out into the blackness of space. “We’ll be rendezvousing with Princes Shi’Lan, Taliff and Hunter, as well as Prince Mikel of Manruvia in less than an hour to discuss today’s events. Between us, hopefully we can figure out just what the Black Rose is up to and find some way to thwart her.”

  Once again, Ryan clenched his hands together. Just thinking about the Black Rose sent his temper spiking. As a victim of her abuse and her experiments, he felt a bone-deep hatred for the woman, and a savage desire to rip her throat out over and over again with his own teeth and claws. If anything, the smell of his mate lessened the impact that thoughts of the Black Rose usually manifested both mentally and physically. For once, he was able to keep his claws sheathed after thinking about his abduction.

  “Good. The bitch has
to die. Did she get her hands on my backpack from the lab? I think I dropped it when I had my meltdown back at the palace. You should have done what I said and left me there.”

  Shaking his head, Ryan turned to face his mate. He could see the light of battle in her eyes now. She didn’t like the thought of his capture and death any more than he liked the thought of hers. “I couldn’t just leave you.”

  When she would have protested, he held up his hand. “I didn’t say wouldn’t. I said couldn’t. It would have been impossible to leave you, my mate, to that Bitch’s mercy. Don’t ask me to do that or you’ll be disappointed every time,” he vowed. He’d rather die himself than have Liana spend one minute of her time under the Black Rose’s care. Shaking his head to dislodge such depressing thoughts, he pointed toward the viewport. “Would you like to go to the Command Deck? The view from there can seem like a holy experience, especially on days when the filth around us suffocates.” When a small smile curled up at the corner of Liana’s lush mouth, something inside him eased.

  “I’d like that,” she murmured. And from the twinkle in her eyes as she spoke, seeing the vastness of space around her really would please her.

  At least he could give her this, one good memory for the day she’d met her mate. It could have been so much worse.

  Again, shrugging off his depressing thoughts, he gave in to the urge he’d been fighting since she regained consciousness and walked to her side. Slowly, so as to give her plenty of time to refuse if that were her wish, he reached for her hand and tugged her toward the exit. “Come. Let me show you some of the ship while we make our way to the Command Deck.”

  As they left the Medical Bay, his mate’s hand firmly grasped in his, Ryan prayed to the Goddess Alana that nothing would harm his new mate because he hadn’t had nearly enough time with her. A hundred lifetimes probably wouldn’t be enough time with her, he thought, as he looked down into his mate’s upturned face. She was his future and he couldn’t wait to get started on building one with her at his side. Now if only he could keep his hands and lips to himself long enough for her to want the same thing.


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