Sisters By Choice

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Sisters By Choice Page 51

by Lillian Duncan

  Jamie decided nowhere was her destination. After her drive, she would go back to the motel, pick up her things, fly back to Ohio to see Zink, and then home. She was done with undercover work. Not only was it too dangerous for a mother, but she’d lost her mojo. She just wasn’t good at it anymore.

  In the distance, eagles were flying with the Tetons as the backdrop. The eagles reminded her of Ryan. He’d wanted to be an eagle, but felt like no one would let him fly.

  Sadness filled her, but then she thought about their last few exchanges. He’d made his peace with God. He was free now. He didn’t have to worry about other people accepting or not accepting him. Another tear trickled out.

  She stared at the eagle in the sky.

  An airplane flew up above.

  The airplane.

  Ryan’s airplane.

  Thoughts steamrolled in. What if they hadn’t followed her, but had followed Ryan? He’d said he borrowed a friend’s plane. What kind of people had planes? Drug dealers. The same kind of people who would want their money laundered.

  Maybe Ryan hadn’t been as convincing with his friends as he and Michael had thought. Maybe they’d been monitoring him and his movements all along—just waiting for Ryan to lead them to Michael. Maybe there was something in the plane that could lead her to the kidnappers.

  Pulling off the road, she hit some buttons on her GPS and was glad to see she was headed in the right direction for the airport.


  The phone call came after Jamie left.

  Enrique hadn’t even gotten Michael in the car yet.

  “Why aren’t you listening to me?” Zinkleman was screaming into the phone. “I don’t have your money. Someone stole it, and I have no idea who it was.”

  “That’s too bad. Your son is a real sweet boy. I would hate to have to hurt him, but I will. I want my money. I don’t care how you get it, just give it to me, and then you can have your son back.”

  “I don’t have it.”

  “I don’t care. Get me back my million dollars or your son is dead.”

  “Please don’t kill him. He didn’t do any—”

  “We’ll contact you tomorrow. In the meantime, you should get yourself back to Ohio. That’s where I want you. The next time I call you better have good news about my money, or I’ll be giving you some very bad news.”

  “I want to talk to my son.”

  No response.

  He repeated his request.

  Enrique put a hand on the man’s shoulder. “They hung up.” He set the phone on the desk.

  “Now do you believe me?’

  “I do.”

  “What are you going to do now?”

  “Find your son.” He’d find that boy for Jamie, and for Suzanne Zinkleman, and even for Michael.

  “I told you I wasn’t lying.”

  “So you did.”

  The phone rang.


  “We couldn’t trace the call. They didn’t stay on long enough.”

  “Did you hear the conversation?”

  “We did. So, get him back to Ohio pronto. The team has already changed their route and will meet you in Columbus. Sounds like that’s where they have the kid.”

  “It could be a ruse to throw us off their tracks.”

  “Could be, but we can’t take any chances. They told him to come to Columbus so that’s what he’s going to do. Finding Andrew Zinkleman is our top priority. That means we follow their instructions.”

  But Jamie’s instincts were usually on the mark.

  “I think we need to stay in this area. They have to be here. They killed Ryan and kidnapped Andrew here. They’re here. I’m sure of it.”

  “Not your call. Get him back to Ohio. And no handcuffs or any other sign that he’s under arrest. They probably have someone watching him. They need to think it’s him working alone. No sign of the FBI.”

  “I agree with that, but still I think we should stay here.” He was beginning to understand why Jamie disliked playing by the rules.

  “Not going to happen.”


  Jamie drove into the parking lot of the Jackson Hole Airport. Maybe she should call Enrique. Just so he’d know where she was—not because they had a relationship. Her mind rebelled. Dropping the phone back in her purse, she walked towards the main building. It looked more like a ski resort with its glass windows and beautiful wooden exterior.

  She went to the customer service desk. “Is this where private planes land?’

  “Yes and no. They land on the other side of the building, but they still exit through here. So if you’re here to pick someone up they’ll show sooner or later.”

  “Who do I talk to about a private plane that landed here?”

  “That would be the Chief of Operations Officer. His office is on the second floor.” He pointed at a wide staircase.


  She headed away from the stairs.

  “No, his office is that way.” The man pointed.

  “I know. I just want to take a look around first. Thanks. I’ll be back.” She waved and trotted off towards the private plane area.

  The glass-encased building allowed her to see most of what was happening outside. There was a large hangar obviously for plane owners in the area. The planes were all sizes and few had commercial markings. Several stood near the building, but more planes were further down the tarmac.

  Two men walked around one plane, one man holding a clipboard. Some sort of pre-flight check? Each time he looked at something he turned to the other man.

  It was time to go find someone in authority who could tell her what plane Ryan flew in.


  Jamie walked to the hangar. A man in a gray mechanic’s jumpsuit drew her attention. He had walked out of the hangar moments before. Maybe he could answer a few questions.

  “Excuse me, sir.”

  He turned. His skin was brown and wrinkled from time spent outside, but he had incredibly bright blue eyes. “Howdy, ma’am.”

  “Hi. One of my friends said he flew a plane in from Ohio. Do you have any idea which one that would be?”

  “Sorry, I’m a luggage handler. Just sneaked over here for a smoke break. It’s getting to the point you can’t smoke anywhere anymore. Even outside. Losing our rights quicker than a dog chasing down a rabbit, if you ask me.”

  “I suppose so.”

  She weaved her way among the planes. Most were sitting empty. There were a few people in the area. A plane engine rumbled to life. It taxied down the runway and took off into the bright Wyoming sky.

  Two hangers had planes inside, but no people. In the third, she heard voices, but couldn’t make out what they were saying. She inched closer.

  “Looking for something?”

  Whirling around, Jamie smiled at the mechanic she’d spoken to earlier. “I’m still looking for a friend’s plane. I’m not sure which one it is.”


  “Why what?”

  “Why are you looking for it? Are you supposed to be meeting your friend? If that was the case, he should be here. Otherwise you shouldn’t be in the area without clearance.”

  “Well, the guard let me through so it must be OK.”

  He gave her the once over and nodded. He pointed at a crimson and gray plane. “That one might be from Ohio. I wasn’t here when it landed, but one of the guys told me about it later.”

  She gave him a sweet smile. “Well, thanks.”

  He nodded and walked away.

  She moved towards the plane. Hopefully, she would find something leading to Andrew.

  “I want my daddy.” The voice was coming from the hangar area.

  She jogged towards it. As she rounded the corner, a little boy ran down the steps of another plane. A hand popped out from the plane, but didn’t catch the boy.


  She ran towards him. “Andy, come here. Your daddy sent me to find you.”

  The little boy stared, and t
hen ran towards her.

  Jamie ran faster.

  A man charged out of the plane and scooped up the boy before he reached the ends of the steps. Andrew kicked and screamed as the man dragged him back to the plane’s entrance. The man shook him. “Don’t listen to her. Get in here, kid. Your daddy will be right back. I told you that already.”

  He struggled against the man, but he was no match for an adult.

  Jamie kept running. “I’m coming, Andy.” As she reached the steps, the man disappeared inside.

  She heard the sound from behind too late to react.


  Enrique needed to call Jamie to let her know about the new developments. Hitting the call button, he waited. After five rings, it went to voicemail. He explained the situation and told her to meet them at the airport and not to worry about her luggage. He would check her out of the hotel. “I love you, Jamie Jakowski. I’ll talk to you in a little bit. Bye.” There was no way he was giving up on her—or on them.

  He and Michael walked out of the station side by side.

  A chartered plane would be waiting for them at the Jackson Hole airport. It would take them to Cheyenne, and from there, they would hop another charter flight to Ohio.


  Jamie was trussed up like a Thanksgiving turkey. She struggled against the ropes in the tiny closet they’d been thrown into on the plane.

  Andrew stared at her. The captors had been kinder to him. His restraints weren’t nearly as tight.

  Both their mouths were taped, too.

  The plane’s engine rumbled to life. Soon they would be in the air and away from any help.

  Andrew’s face was tear-stained and his blonde curls stuck out at all angles. He’d obviously had a rough few days. The poor thing.

  Tears formed in Jamie’s eyes. She would do everything in her power to keep him safe. Unbidden, a thought formed—not by your power but by Mine.

  Closing her eyes, she forced her heartbeat to slow as she prayed. When she opened them, Andrew still stared. She smiled encouragement, despite the tape on her mouth.

  It must have been good enough because he crawled to her and nestled into her. His hands were tied in front. He reached up to her face with chubby hands and patted her cheek. She snuggled in closer even as she was thinking about his almost free hands. Those chubby hands could free her.

  The door opened.

  A man glared down at her. “What a sweet sight.” He held a needle up.

  Before she could move, Jamie felt the jab in her neck. Instant relaxation. And then her eyes fluttered shut.


  Enrique jumped out of the cruiser as it came to a stop on the tarmac. He’d been calling Jamie’s phone repeatedly. Something was wrong.

  “Ready to go home?” he asked.

  “Do I have a choice?” Michael’s expression reflected hopelessness.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll get him back.”

  After Michael was placed in the plane, Enrique went back outside. A small plane took off from the same runway they would be using in minutes. He hit Jamie’s number again. Nothing. He couldn’t wait much longer. He left another message telling her he had to leave and that he would see her soon.

  Ryan Mattson had flown in on one of these planes.

  He walked over to one of the accompanying officers. “I need to find out which of these planes Ryan Mattson flew in from Ohio.”

  “Won’t take a moment, sir.” A few minutes later he came back with another man.

  The new guy wore a cowboy hat and boots and looked as if he belonged on a ranch. He held out a hand. “I’m Butch Marshall. I’m the airport administrator.”

  Enrique shook hands. “Did the officer explain the situation?”

  “He did. Since the man is deceased, I have no problem with you checking out the plane, but you can’t fly it anywhere until the situation gets straightened out.”

  “Works for me.”

  Butch motioned with his head. “Follow me.” As they approached a gray and crimson plane, Butch turned towards him. “If you remove anything from the plane, we’ll need a receipt for it.”

  “Not a problem.” Enrique told him. “You might as well come in with me. That way you can be a witness.”

  Enrique moved through the plane, searching for anything that could be relevant. Nothing popped out. Not willing to give up, he sat in the pilot’s seat imagining himself as Ryan. Where would he hide something important? He checked every nook and cranny.

  There was nothing to be found.


  Jamie’s eyes opened as the plane landed. She was groggy, but only for a moment.

  Andrew was nestled against her. His breathing was steady. Had they drugged him, too?

  She needed to be more alert if she was to get them out of this situation.

  The plane bumped to a stop.

  The bouncing woke Andrew up. His eyes popped open in a panic. But when saw her, he calmed down.

  The door opened.

  The man looked more like a businessman than a kidnapper or a drug dealer. His brown hair was cut neatly and his clothes spoke of the same affluence. As he glared down at her, Andrew pressed against her, clearly frightened. “OK, I expect no problems from either of you. Got it? You cause me a problem and…” His gaze met hers. “Got it?”

  She nodded.

  He grabbed hold of Andrew and pulled him up.

  Andrew began struggling and crying.

  “Look, little boy. I don’t have time for this. Behave yourself or you’ll be sorry.”

  Jamie kicked the man.

  Fury crossed his face at her assault, but she quickly motioned at Andrew with her feet. The man let him drop to the floor. He leaned close to Jamie and pulled the tape off her mouth, just enough to let her speak.

  “Let me take care of him. I’ll keep him calm.”

  “And why would you do that?”

  “I don’t want you to hurt him.”

  “Oh, that’s so sweet. A motherly instinct.” He grinned at her. “I’m going to untie you and take the tape off.” He pulled the tape off, and then sliced through the rope around her wrists. “If you do anything I don’t like, I won’t hesitate to kill you. The boy’s my insurance policy—you, I can do without.”

  She held her arms out to Andrew, who still lay on the floor sobbing. “Come here, Andy.”

  He crawled to her.

  “It’s OK, Andy. I’ll take care of you.”

  His sobs quieted.

  The man stood over them with an impatient look. “OK, let’s go.” He grabbed her arm and pulled her up.

  Andrew whimpered.

  She hugged him.

  The man pushed Jamie in front of him. “Keep moving.” He pressed the knife against her blouse. The point of it went through her clothes and jabbed her back.

  Her temper flared. If it wasn’t for Andrew…she walked forward.

  The door was open and another man stood there waiting. The man with the needle. He didn’t look nearly as civilized as the one behind her. His sandy blond hair was shaggy and unkempt. His beard hid his features. As he leered at her, she was greeted with a glistening gold tooth. His fingers dug into her arm as he grabbed hold of her. “Keep moving and don’t make me have to shoot you, sweetheart. That would make me so sad.” His words were more of a snarl than a sentence.

  Jamie decided he would probably enjoy shooting her and that he was hoping he could. She stepped from the plane onto the steps. Not quite dark. In the background were mountains and trees, but they weren’t the Tetons. At least, she didn’t think so.

  The plane stood in the middle of a field, or perhaps a private runway. It was as if the plane and surrounding area was an island in the midst of an ocean of trees and mountains.

  Jamie had no clue where they might be.

  No houses or buildings. Beyond the fields, shadows of trees stood guard.

  The three of them made their way down the airplane steps to a waiting van. The van door was open.

p; The man pushed her and Andrew inside.

  An unseen person quickly put something over her head.

  Andrew’s whimpers turned to sobs.

  “It’s OK, Andy. We’re fine. I’m right here with you.” She hugged him closer and whispered into his ear. “I know it’s scary, but you and I will get through this. I promise.”

  He snuggled closer and quieted.

  Jamie prayed she hadn’t lied to the boy.


  According to her calculations, they’d been driving for close to fifteen minutes.

  The radio blasted a rock song out. The loud music drowned out any ambient noises. Which meant she couldn’t get a fix on where they were. City? Town? In the country?

  No one spoke, but from the breathing patterns, she thought there were three men in the van with them. And all very serious.

  She wouldn’t be getting any sympathy or finding any help from them. With God’s help, she’d get Andrew home to Zink.

  Zink. Had Enrique contacted her yet? Did she know what was happening with her son? Did she know about Michael being found? Jamie couldn’t imagine the nightmare Zink faced daily for the past two years, but this had to be even more unbearable for her.

  The van stopped.

  Andrew was pulled out of her arms. He whimpered. They weren’t giving her a chance to escape. Still, she would be ready when an opportunity came. She heard nothing. No noise. No traffic sounds. Wherever they were, it wasn’t in a town or city.

  From the sounds she didn’t hear, they were very isolated. When she and Andrew escaped, they would have to hide and make their way to safety on their own.

  She took a deep breath. A familiar scent. What was it? She sniffed again. The scent grew stronger. Definitely farm smells.

  Something changed.

  The wind stopped and she wasn’t breathing fresh air any longer. They weren’t outside. The barn smell was overpowering. They must be on a farm. In Ohio? She could only hope that was the case. A horse whinnied, confirming her suspicions.

  “Put her in there. Make sure her arms are tied to something. I don’t want her getting away. And separate them.”

  Andrew screamed at the top of his lungs as they dragged him from her.

  She bit her lips to stop from yelling out for him. She didn’t want to remind them that her mouth was no longer taped. She was pushed down. Her right shoulder smashed against a wall. The pain jarred her, but she managed not to moan. Moments later, her hands were tightly secured to something above her head, making it awkward for her to move. She couldn’t sit down. Basically, she was suspended even though her feet touched the ground.


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