Karma Kitty Goes to Comic Con

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Karma Kitty Goes to Comic Con Page 8

by Mancusi, Mari

  “Okay. No problem. Good luck to you, too.”

  Hailey headed back into the convention hall and made her way straight to the Darken Pictures booth. Unfortunately, Collin was nowhere to be found. A few wandering employees said they were pretty sure he'd gone to a business lunch of some sort and wouldn't be back for at least an hour. She berated herself once again for not getting his cell number when she had the chance.

  Nor was anyone with tons of information hanging out near the booth formerly housing Meiyo Seraph. So Hailey wandered the floor, killing time before her signing, half-heartedly checking out the various booths. It should have been fun, but her thoughts were too tormented to allow her joy. Was Hiro Kim really murdered after being forced to give away his comic book rights? And if he was, what could they do to make sure the ninja agents didn't strike again?

  When it came time for the signing, she made her way over to the Straylight booth. Thomas hadn't arrived yet, so she chatted awhile with Mrs. Hannah about the future of Karma Kitty. Mrs. Hannah told her sales had been very good and they were looking forward to a long term relationship, which made Hailey feel proud. No matter how messed up the rest of her life was, at least she had her comic.

  The clock struck three, time for the signing, and Thomas still hadn't shown up. Worried, she called his cell, but voicemail picked up after one ring.

  “Mrs. Hannah,” she called over to her boss. “I'm concerned about Thomas. He's not here yet.”

  The publisher frowned, looking down at her watch. “Artists,” she mumbled under her breath, before looking over at Hailey. “Well, you'll just have to sign without him.”

  “But what if he's...” What, Hailey? In danger? Being chased by ninjas? Did she want her publisher to think she was crazy, too? After all, the woman was complete control of the one thing in Hailey's life that was going right. Was she going to sabotage that as well?

  Hailey shook her head, clearing it of all the doubts. Thomas was notoriously flighty and always late; he probably just met some cute booth boy and was too busy flirting to realize it was time for their signing.

  “Hi!” cried a skinny teen in pigtails and braces. “Can you sign my Karma Kitty comic?”

  “Sure!” Hailey replied, greeting her with a big smile. She'd worry about Thomas later.


  She signed and she signed and she signed and then she signed some more. This was a lot busier than the earlier signing--more people had arrived to the convention. Not to mention she had a signing buddy to do half the work on the first round. Thomas still hadn't shown up and Hailey was getting more and more worried about him. She tried to tell herself she was being silly--he probably met some hunky superhero encased in vinyl and lost track of time--but she couldn't help thinking about the ninjas. After all, Thomas didn't have her magic shoes to help fend them off and let's just say his gym habits were a bit dodgy.

  “I'll take five of each.”

  Hailey looked up in surprise. Collin stood above her, looking down. She stifled a shiver. “Hey,” she said, keeping her voice casual. “What are you doing here?”

  He looked hurt. “I told you I'd try to stop by,” he reminded her. He grabbed a comic and handed it to her. “Of course I've already read this,” he said. “But can I get an autographed copy?”

  She could feel her face heat. “Oh, come on. Don't be silly.” Why was he doing this? Making it so much harder not to love him.

  “What? You autograph for complete strangers, but not me?”

  “It's just a dumb comic. You're not going to get anything for it on eBay.”

  His sparking eyes turned serious. “Come on, Hails,” he scolded. “Don't demean all your work here. You've done amazingly well in such a short time.” He gestured over to two giggling girls, reading the comic down at the far side of the table. “You've got loyal fans, you've got multi-book deals.” He met her eyes. “I'm really proud of you.”

  Her heart panged at his words. If only things had turned out differently. She could have spent the rest of her life with this man and never looked back. And yet, they might as well be strangers now. So unfair.

  “It's really noth--”

  “Just take the damn compliment, Ms. Hills.”

  She forced a grin. “Okay. Fine. I will. And thank you. It means a lot coming from you.”

  He looked around the booth. “You're living the dream, Hailey. The life I always imagined for myself.”

  He looked so wistful, Hailey's heart went out to him. It must be so hard to have a dream and put everything you have into making it come true--only to have it crumble and disintegrate before your very eyes. “I know your life hasn't turned out the way you hoped,” she said carefully. "But Collin, you're doing amazingly well. I mean, I can't tell you how impressed I am by all you've done.'

  He opened his mouth. She wagged a finger at him. “Take the compliment, Mr. Robinson,” she ordered.

  He chuckled. “Touché.” He bowed low. “Well, then thank you, Ms. Hills. That's very nice of you to say.”

  “However,” Hailey added. “That doesn't mean I agree with your choice to give up drawing. I mean, even if you don't make it your full time career. It's something you love and I'm a firm believer that no one should give up something they love.” It was funny how easily the words came to her now that she knew they had no chance to be together,

  Collin nodded meekly. “I know, I know,” he said. “You're right. But I haven't picked up a pen in years. I doubt I'd even remember how.”

  “Well let's see then, shall we?” Hailey asked, after checking to see there was no one behind him in line. She produced a pencil and a pad of paper and pushed them across the table. “I want you to draw Karma Kitty.”

  “Oh, no, I couldn't--”

  She pressed the pencil in his hand. “Oh come on. You were the one who originally designed her after all!”

  “That is true...” Collin said. “Okay, fine, twist my arm.” He got down on his knees in front of the booth to start drawing. His brow furrowed in concentration as he sketched each line. Hailey watched, pride swelling inside of her, as inch by inch, her comic book character came to life on the page. Collin really was an amazing artist. It was too bad he'd given up on his dream so long ago. Those stupid publishers for rejecting him. They were all fools.

  “That's awesome,” she commented. “I love how you do her tail. I totally need to suggest that to Thomas.”

  Collin didn't look up, so immersed he was in the drawing. “Thanks,” he said. “Well, maybe if we do end up making that Karma Kitty cartoon, the studio will let me work in the art department on my days off.”

  Hailey started to laugh, then stopped, realizing the implications of what he had said. “Wait. What do you mean, Karma Kitty cartoon?”

  This time Collin did look up. “Don't you know?” he asked, sounding puzzled. “Your partner Thomas approached us about it this afternoon. He was going to sell the rights and have us create a cartoon series based on the characters I think it's a pretty cool idea, actually, though of course I still need to run it by the top brass.”

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Hailey waved her hands. “Slow down. Thomas came to you and asked you to make a Karma Kitty cartoon?” That didn't make any sense at all. “I know nothing about any of this.”

  “Well, not him personally. He had his agent come over.”

  “We don't have an agent, Collin. We do it all ourselves.”

  He looked at her, confused. “It was the same agency that reps Hiro. I figured that's why you were asking about them this morning.”

  “Oh my god.” Hailey could feel the blood drain from her face. “This is not good.”

  “What? What's wrong?”

  She drew in a breath, her mind racing. Should she tell him? He was going to think she was absolutely nuts. It may even ruin their chance to get together. But at the same time, Thomas's life might be at stake. And desperate times led to desperate measures.

  “Collin, I need to tell you something. But it's going to seem re
ally crazy. Like, really, really crazy. But I need you to promise to believe me.”

  Collin's face didn't change, but she could imagine him thinking, here we go again.

  “I didn't really have a meeting with my publisher last night.”

  “So you lied.” Collin sounded angry. “What a shock.”

  “Yes. But only cause I was sure you wouldn't believe me if I told the truth.”

  “You were kidnapped by a giant Yeti?”

  “No.” She refused to acknowledge the sarcasm in his voice. “I was saving Hiro Kim from a pack of ninjas.”

  “I see. And why, pray tell, did Hiro Kim need saving from these ninjas?”

  “They work for the MeiyoSeraph Agency. And I have reason to believe that they are using violent tactics to get comic book artists to sell out to Hollywood.” She shrugged. “It's simple, really. Kidnap Hiro Kim and torture him until he signs away his rights away to you guys. The agency pockets a huge fifteen percent. Then they kill the artist before he can squeal.”

  “Kill the artist?”

  “Well, they make it look like a suicide. Hiro committed hari kari in his hotel room this morning.”

  Collin looked upset. “What? How do you know that?”

  “Doesn't matter. The point is, these are real bad guys. And now they've got Thomas. We have to save him!”

  “Hold on a second.” Collin held up a hand. “Go back to the part where you were doing battle with them.”

  Hailey sighed. She really, really, really did not want to tell him about the Karma Kitty thing. He barely believed her about the ninjas and that was totally plausible.

  “Well, I'll tell you, but you have to promise you won't think I'm crazy,” she said.

  “I don't see how you're going to top the ninja conspiracy theory. But somehow I think you're about to try.”

  She drew in a breath and then let it spill. “I've turned into Karma Kitty.”

  He stared at her, silent as the grave.

  “I know, I know, it sounds crazy. It IS crazy. But it's true. I can prove it.”

  “You can prove that you've turned into your comic book character.”

  “Yes. I have all her powers. Like...great flexibility and the ability to land on my feet. And I can kick some serious butt. That's how I took on the swarm of ninjas all by myself. Thomas thought said I was like Neo in The Matrix. It was pretty cool.” She grinned, remembering. “Anyway, it's cause of these shoes. She reached under the table and held up the boots. ”I got them off the Internet at Highheelia.com. When I put them on, I get Karma Kitty powers."

  “I see.”

  Collin watched as she slid the boots over her feet, wondering why he was even there, still listening to this craziness. This was exactly why the two of them had broken up in the first place. She'd sworn she'd changed--turned over a new leaf, lived a normal life--but now, here she was again, with the same old wild stories and unbelievable claims. He should just walk away now, while he still had some self-respect left. Email her on Monday and gently suggest some heavy duty psychiatric meds.

  “Okay,” she cried, coming out from around the table, all booted up. “Here goes.” She grabbed her foot with her hand and proceeded to wrap a leg around her head. “How about this?”

  “What are you doing?” he asked, trying to keep his voice from sounding incredulous.

  “Duh. I'm showing you my super powers.”

  “Superpowers?” Collin shook his head. “You used to do that all the time when we had sex.”

  She dropped her foot, looking totally bummed. Great. He didn't want to hurt her feelings. But what was he supposed to do? Applaud her Super Flex? He didn't want to encourage her and her wild stories. Especially not when her latest conspiracy theory had to do with the MeiyoSeraph Agency. The last thing he wanted to do was be associated with something that had the potential to screw up the Hiro Kim deal. He could get fired. Blacklisted from Hollywood forever.

  “Okay, watch this!” She waited for the aisle to clear, then proceeded to flip herself over her head. “Tada!” she cried, looking at him for approval.

  He didn't know what to say. “Congrats?”

  “You don't believe me.” She looked exasperated. “Well,” she added, “I also have Super Smell. Thomas drew that power into the comic, just last night to help me find your hotel room.”

  Collin didn't know whether to laugh or groan. “Wait a second. You're telling me you can just give yourself new powers by drawing them in?”

  “Yup. So with Super Smell...” She sniffed the air. “I can determine you had pizza for lunch.”

  “It doesn't take Super Smell to determine that. The chef must have used three cloves of garlic on every slice.”

  “Fine. You give me a power then.” She shoved the pad of paper in his direction. “And then I'll demonstrate it and you'll see I'm telling the truth.”

  “Why don't you do it yourself?”

  She cringed. “We kinda determined that only an official Karma Kitty artist can draw in powers and have them work. My stick figures just weren't cutting it.”

  “Of course they weren't.” He let out a deep sigh and flipped to a new page. “This is so stupid,” he muttered under his breath. “Okay, done.” He held up the paper.

  “It's blank,” she said.

  “Invisibility.” He reached out and touched her arm. “Which you don't have, I hate to tell you..”

  “Right. Sorry, I should have told you.” Of course she had a tidy explanation for this, too. “There are limits to her powers. They're only enhancements of things a cat could do already. So for example, I can land on my feet or flip in the air. But things like flying and invisibility won't work. Nor will shooting dollar bills from my fingers. Trust me, Thomas tried.”

  “How convenient.”

  Hailey's face was bright red. “You know what? Forget it. I don't have to prove myself to you. If you don't believe me, then that's your problem. I've got to go rescue Thomas from the bevy of ninjas before they kill him.” She stomped her foot for emphasis, so hard he felt the floor tremble. Or maybe that was just his imagination. “Give me the address.”

  “The address?”

  “To MeiyoSeraph. I need to go rescue my partner.”

  “No way. I'm not going to have you go charging in there and getting into trouble.”

  “I'll be fine. I have superpowers, remember?”

  Oh, he remembered all right. “Look, how about we call the police? Send them down to investigate,” he suggested, trying to appease her.

  “No way. By the time they get down there, it may be too late. Now give me the address.”

  “I'm sorry but I'm not going to do that. There's too much at stake.”

  “Fine. I don't need it anyway. I'll Super Smell my way there--just like I got to your hotel room last night.”

  Collin let out a frustrated breath. This was going too far. It had to end. Now. “Don't you ever get tired of playing these little games, Hailey?” he asked.

  “Don't you ever get tired of being an unbelieving jerk?”

  She was impossible. Simply impossible. So stubborn--once she got stuck in a lie, she'd lock onto it and never back down. The alien thing on the wedding day was one thing. But this took the cake. Super powers because of magical shoes? Come on! Did she really think he just fell off the turnip truck?

  She looked at him with her wide sad blue eyes. “You know, this is so not how I wanted our weekend to be,” she said. “I thought maybe we'd have another chance. And I really tried to act normal, just for you. But I'm not. And I'll never be. So you have a choice. You either accept that I'm cursed with weirdness and start believing what I say or walk away now and never look back.”

  The quiver in her voice panged at his heart. This was it; he was going to lose her all over again. Suddenly, he wanted to do whatever it took, just to stop her from walking away. Even if that meant indulging the crazy, just for a bit. He loved her too much, he realized, to let her slip away again.

  “Okay, fine,” h
e said, reaching into his pocket. “I have an address.” He read the card. “It's down by the meatpacking district. Some warehouse, by the looks of it. Why don't we go down and check it out?”

  He felt safe doing this because, after all, he knew exactly what they'd find there at MeiyoSeraph headquarters. Nothing. An up and up agency, sans ninjas, just like the one he'd been dealing with all weekend. She'd be disappointed, but relieved, and Thomas would probably be back by the time they returned to the convention center.

  Sure he'd probably get in trouble with his boss for ditching his afternoon meetings, but he was golden boy today for the Kim deal and they owed him. And if he didn't go, there was no telling what Hailey might do, charging in unchaperoned.

  Her face brightened at his words, tears actually slipping from her cheeks. “So you believe me?” she asked. “You really do?”

  He swallowed hard, not wanting to hurt her. “Sure,” he lied. “Now let's go."

  Chapter Six

  They had the cab driver pull over when they reached the address--an industrial building down by the docks. Not exactly the type of place a regular agency would hang its shingle, but maybe they were just getting started. Once they got their Hiro Kim payday, they'd be able to afford nicer digs, that was for sure.

  “Okay, pull over here,” Collin instructed as they cruised in front of a warehouse. “I think this is it.”

  The cab driver obliged, pressing the button to stop the meter. A receipt spit out. Hailey reached for her wallet, but Collin held out a hand to stop her. “I've got it,” he said.

  'Maybe we should keep the cab here,“ she suggested. ”You know, in case we have to make a quick getaway."

  “You mind hanging here for a few?” Collin asked the cabbie.

  The cabbie shrugged and re-activated the meter, turning up the radio.

  “Okay, guess that's a yes.”

  “Now, Collin, I think it's best if you wait in the car,” she said, glancing over at the building. “After all, you don't have super powers.”

  “No way. I'm coming in.” There was no way he was letting her run off on her own when she was in such a state.


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