Finally, I kissed her pussy lips, wet already from my teasing, tasting her for the first time. She was sweet and delicious, just like every part of my angel.
With long, sure strokes along the lips of her cunt I worshipped her. She tasted divine and I was addicted - to the taste and to the moans of pleasure that poured out of her.
I dove past her lips, finding her clit and lapping at it, my tongue circling around. Her hips tried to move again, but I stilled her with my hand, holding her down and in the place that I wanted her.
I wrote my name, letter by letter, on her clit.
Spelling it out with my tongue: G-A-B-R-I-E-L
I didn’t think that she could feel that I was writing with my tongue, but I knew it was there. My name on her most intimate part for all time.
I could feel her shaking, close to orgasm but not quite there. I stopped, I was not going to let her cum until I decided it was time. I moved away from her clit, hearing a disappointed sound from her.
My tongue explored her and dipped inside her, moving in and out rhythmically. In a moment, I would be using my cock to do this to her, but for now I drank her sweet nectar straight from the source. I lapped at her, my tongue moving more and more aggressively, pushing her towards the edge, until I felt her come apart for me. She screamed, pulling on my hair as she spasmed her orgasm and then collapsing limply. Her hand released my head, falling away still clutching the few hairs that she had plucked out in her passion.
But I wasn’t done with her yet.
My neglected cock ached and my balls were ready to burst. I needed her NOW.
I moved up her body, my chin dripping with her sweet juice, and I licked my lips, chasing the taste, eager for more. That would have to wait for later though.
“Are you ready to be claimed? Are you ready for me to make you mine?” I asked, poised above her, the tip of my cock caressing her pretty pink pussy. I could feel her heat, she was ready for me, but I needed to hear the words. I needed her to acknowledge that she was mine.
“YES! Make me yours!!” she cried out in desperation.
Pressing my cock against her opening, kissing at her slickness, I was about to change her forever - because I knew that I would be the last man to see her like this, to feel this. I would not let another man have this. This would be mine alone, forever more.
I thrust forward, my cock invading her body as she screamed in relief at finally feeling me inside her.
“You look so good like this,” I told her, looking down as I slowly pulled out of her and then pounded back in. She took me so well, letting out a breathless, little cry with every one of my thrusts.
“Harder! Harder!” she yelled at me, but I would not be told what to do.
“Ask,” I said, timing my words with my thrusts into her, “Nicely!”
“Please!” her voice cracked, my thrusts punching the air from her lungs so that she could barely get out even a single word.
Sparks crackled up my spine. My angel was being so good for me, her pussy was a hot vice.
I shoved her thighs apart, the angle changing so that I was even deeper inside her.
She frantically clawed at my back, so rough and desperate for me.
I let her pull my head down into a kiss. We were too far gone for the kiss to be refined, it was sloppy and open-mouthed. I wanted to consume her and she willingly let me, as I plunged my tongue into her mouth, filling her just like my cock filled her eager cunt.
Having her like this, moaning and needy under me was too much. I wanted this to last longer. I leaned away from her, making sure that my cock stayed buried in her as I got onto my knees, pulling her upright with me.
“Come here,” I grunted as I sat back and tugged her onto my lap, still impaled on my cock.
She was going to have to work for her pleasure now. I grasped her hips, my fingers digging into her flesh as I moved her easily, slipping impossibly deeper at this angle.
Like this, I could watch her face as she went mad with the pleasure I was giving her, like she simply couldn’t contain it for another second. Her hands ran through her own hair, her eyes half-lidded as she looked down at me and I felt her pussy spasming as she orgasmed again - clamping down on my cock.
I surged up, burying my lips at her throat, and whispering obscenities into her skin, as I told her how beautiful she looked, spearing herself on my cock.
It was too good to last. With a final mighty push, driving my hips up, I exploded within her, emptying myself into her pussy. I let out a noise, half-snarl and half-yell, that was muffled in the silky expanse of her neck as she milked my thick cum with the tight walls of her pussy.
I held her upright, not letting her move as my cock twitched and jerked inside her a few last times. I didn’t want to leave the rich honey trap of my Ruby’s pussy.
Our thighs were wet with a mixture of our sweat and juices. I was sure the sheets underneath us had been flooded too.
Slowly, I lifted her hips, pulling her off me. My cock emerged shining, glazed wet with the sweet juices of her pussy. I don’t think I’d ever seen anything more glorious than my Ruby’s pussy, crowned with my cum.
Ruby flopped down onto the bed, her head on a pillow and her legs spread wide enough for me to enjoy the view.
The sound of both of our breaths was the only sound in the room. I could hear the staggered panting as her breathing hitched. I’d completely worn her out.
“You ruined my panties,” she said, with a teasing tone, beckoning me closer, to lie down next to her.
“I’ll buy you some more, anything you want,” I promised as I lay back, pulling her to me.
She laughed disbelievingly, as if she thought I wasn’t serious.
Chapter Eight
We lay, naked, in bed together, savouring the moment. I curled round his body, resting my head on the hard muscles of his chest. There was a thrill to knowing that he had a darkness to him. I had felt the force of his passion and I didn’t want to ever give it up.
“There is something that I must tell you,” he said, stroking a hand through my hair in the same indulgent way that another person might pet a cat.
I prepared myself to listen to a list of his crimes. I could feel the bond between us and I knew he felt this same urge. He wanted to tell me about himself, just as I wanted to share my own story with him.
“I told you that my name is Gabriel,” he paused for so long that I sat up to look at his face. I knew that he had broken some law, and I had no problem with that - I know that sometimes the world isn’t straight forward. I didn’t think that I would care what crimes he’d committed, but the way he hesitated made me wonder what was coming next.
“Yeah?” I tried to sound encouraging as I put my hand on his chest, feeling his strong, even heartbeat through his hard pecs.
“I wish I could keep you just like this, with that expression on your face, wide-eyed and innocent.”
His words made me worried. How bad were his crimes? I’d known from the beginning that he was trouble.
“I don’t think what you tell me is going to change anything,” I told him honestly.
“I am the crown prince of the country of Askovia. I have been living in exile for the past two years after my parents were murdered.”
I stared at him in shock. My lips twitched wanting to smile, or laugh. I didn’t know how to react. Surely, surely, he was just joking. He wasn’t really a Prince! He was a mobster and he was just about to carry on talking and tell me the real truth.
He looked back at me, his penetrating eyes were unblinking and his expression was deadly serious.
I shook my head slightly as it dawned on me that he was being completely sincere.
I had vaguely heard of the country of Askovia, and I remembered that it was in the news a few years ago. I only remembered that because the whole story had sounded like something from a fairy tale, with Kings and Queens and Evil Stepmothers and handsome Princes. Except there hadn’t been an Evil Ste
pmother in the news, but it had been something like that. Something that had sounded just as fantastical.
But, but even though I had actually heard of Askovia, and that it was a real country, that didn’t mean that Gabriel was telling the truth. I don’t think that he would lie to me, not about something so important. It was just that it seemed impossible to me - like he was trying to tell me that the sky was green.
How often does any girl bump into European royalty in the Midwest?
It would be a miracle to simply meet a prince here. But I hadn’t just met a prince. I’d literally been swept off my feet by one. That was definitely something out of a fairy tale - not the sort of thing that happened in real life.
Bartenders don’t get to fall in love with princes.
Because, I realized with sudden clarity, that’s what this feeling was. The way I felt every time I looked at him. The sparks of electricity that went straight to my pussy every time he touched me. The way that my body craved him, like I wanted to belong to him. This was love, this was what love felt like. I was in love.
It should have been a good thing. Love is a great feeling, right?
But princes don’t fall in love with bartenders from Beauville. Maybe if he had actually been a Russian mobster, like I’d first thought, we could have had our happy ending. But now I knew it could never happen between us.
I squeezed my eyes shut, tears already welling up as I ducked down so that he couldn't see my reaction. I tucked my head under his chin, burying my face in his neck so that he wouldn’t see how upset I was.
All that talk of claiming - I’d believed every word. It had been true for me, but now I wasn’t sure if he felt the same way. Had he just been toying with me? I pushed the thought away, my thoughts going back to the other thing he’d just told me.
“I’m sorry about your parents. That’s, that’s terrible,” I said, my lips against his skin, muffling my voice as I swallowed around the lump in my throat and tried to speak in a normal voice, and not to show how upset I was.
His hand went back to petting at my hair.
“It was my uncle who killed them. He wanted to kill me and my brothers too,” he said, and I clutched at him in horror. “Luka has been searching for us ever since. He’ll kill us if he finds us, he’ll kill everyone who has even been seen with us.”
“That’s why you brought me here, isn’t it?” I asked, suddenly understanding. He grunted a deep sound that was probably a ‘yes’.
I had been danger and he’d rescued me.
Had he felt the same instant pull of attraction that I had? I wasn’t so sure anymore. I wanted to leave Beauville with him because just one look from those piercing eyes had made me wet, but it sounded like he was just being chivalrous.
“I’m not going to let Luka get away with what he’s done,” he growled. I could feel the vibration of his deep voice through his throat and chest. “It won’t be long now. I have everything set up, almost ready to go. Soon I will return to Askovia and make him pay for his crimes.”
I swallowed again, it had sounded so ominous when he’d first said that I HAD to stay with him and now, the thought that he had some plan for revenge and would callously send me away, was devastating.
“Tell me about how you came to be in Beauville,” he commanded. Now that I knew he was a prince, I understood how he’d come by that imperious tone. He was royalty, of course, he expected people to just do what he told them!
His arm wrapped around me, pressing my nakedness to him.
No matter how much time we had together it would never be enough. I wanted to tell him about myself, about my life. I wanted to share everything with him, for however long we were going to be together.
“I was working in New York City, just a few months ago. I was an accountant at a big accountancy firm. It wasn’ wasn’t what I wanted to be doing with my life, but it was my Dad’s dream so...Anyway, my boss was a jerk. He was always making little remarks about me, and then finally he came flat out and told me that there was only one way that I was ever going to get the promotion that I deserved - if I slept with him!”
Gabriel’s arm squeezed me tighter to him and I saw his other fist clench in anger.
“I said no! I hated my job anyway, but even if I had loved it, the answer was always going to be no! So, I just...I just quit, right there and then! I walked straight out and never went back.”
I sighed, I’d been so angry about everything that happened on my last day in New York, but now, in Gabriel’s embrace, it felt like it had happened years ago, like an open wound that had finally healed over.
“I went home immediately afterward. I was living with my boyfriend, ex-boyfriend, and...Ugh, I guess, he obviously wasn’t expecting me back until later. So he was there, in bed, with his secretary! I was just so shocked. I left New York, I just got on a bus and then another and then another and then...ended up in Beauville. I’ve been here about three months now.”
He kissed the top of my head, and it felt like another mark of ownership. I wished he really meant it like that, but I wasn’t sure anymore.
“Now that you’re mine, that will never happen to you again,” he said, his tone making it sound like a promise. I tried to pull back so that I could look at his face, but he was holding on to me too tightly. I didn’t struggle against him, I liked being where I was, I just wanted to make sure that he really meant what he was saying. His arms were like a metal band, holding me in place and I loved the feeling of his strength. It felt like he would never let go and I never wanted him to.
“Except,” I said, my voice hoarse as I tried to hide how upset I was, “You’re going to be going away soon.”
His other hand reached over to me, stroking down my body, past my hips and then slapping down with an open hand on my butt, spanking me teasingly.
“Do you think that all the things I’ve been saying were just play acting? In Askovia, a man is expected to be honest, to stand by his word. No, I meant every word that I said!”
His fingers dug into my butt, pulling me forward and pressing the soft mound of my pussy into his hip.
“You are mine, Ruby! Just because I have a title that doesn’t change anything. No matter where we are in the world. Never forget that you are mine.”
He pulled me up, his arm holding me in place as he pressed a bruising kiss to my lips.
My eyes squeezed shut automatically as I accepted his kiss. I could feel the force of his words, it was true: he had claimed me. I knew that he had been telling the truth, I belonged to him and I couldn’t be happier.
Chapter Nine
The next morning, I woke up alone in the bed, the sheets beside me still a little warm. The air smelled like coffee and I got up, gathering a sheet up around me. Following my nose, I found a hot pot of freshly brewed coffee in the spacious kitchen and I poured myself a cup.
The large windows looked out through the trees and across the mountain. From here, all I could see was nature - there was no sign of any other human being, not a single building, not even a road. As far as the eye could see there were just trees and the majesty of the nature. It was really beautiful, I stood silently, in awe, leaning against the window frame and slowly sipping my hot coffee.
There had been nothing going on in my life in Beauville. I had just spent all my time trying not to think about why I left New York. As grateful as I was to Buddy for helping me set up my life, it wasn’t what I wanted to do forever: I didn’t want to tend bar for the rest of my life. I hadn’t got round to making a new plan yet, but I’d known it was coming.
Now, I was in love with a prince and my world has been turned upside down. It really was like a fairy tale, and I felt that same doubt that I had before. I wanted Gabriel to hold me and reassure me that I was his.
I finished my coffee and decided to take a shower. It seemed a shame to wash away the evidence of Gabriel from my body, but I was sure he’d be very willing to mark me up again.
I had just pu
t the bed sheet that I’d been wearing back on the bed, when Gabriel stepped out of the bathroom. He’d obviously just showered, his hair was still wet and he had a towel wrapped around his hips. I could just make out the edge of his adonis belt and I gulped, looking down at the bulge between his legs. How I wished that the towel would slip and fall away!
“Good morning,” I said, though, from the direction of my gaze, it must have looked like I was greeting his hidden cock.
“I, uh, was about to shower,” I said, trying to hide how flustered I was. It wasn’t just that I couldn't tear my eyes from his powerful muscles. There was more to it. It was the way he stood, his back was ramrod straight and his shoulders pushed out, supremely self-confident in himself. It was mesmerizing. It was like he was from some species of man I didn’t know existed until now.
“By all means,” he said, stepping aside, his eyes lingering on my nakedness. It was a heady feeling to be the center of his attention and I moved slowly, enjoying the way that he watched me.
Although he had stepped aside a little bit, he was still in front of the bathroom door and I had to squeeze past him. I was just trying to get to the shower! But, maybe I was being clumsy, maybe it was my subconscious - but somehow I brushed against his towel, causing it to slip. It fell to the ground, leaving the two us, naked and standing very, very close.
He didn’t seem concerned though. In fact, he smirked that smug grin of his, the one that was so dangerously attractive. He was standing there, totally naked, but he made no attempt to cover himself up. His cock, suddenly exposed, began to harden and swell .
There was nothing about Gabriel that any woman would complain about. I licked my lips at the sight of him, thickening and rising up to greet me. I could just imagine how delicious he would feel in my mouth and I wanted him, craving the feel of him.
Her Mountain Prince Page 5