Seeing Her

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Seeing Her Page 5

by Maria Jackson

  “What is it?”

  “It just got under my skin.”

  “What did?”

  “Your friend Paula,” Jennie said flatly. “She told me I should stay away from you.”

  A mix of emotions washed over Chloe. Irritation at Paula’s intervening was the main one. But she was also flattered that Jennie cared.

  “That’s stupid,” she told Jennie. “We can be friends. Paula doesn’t have any say in my life.”

  Watching Jennie’s face, she wondered if she had used the wrong word… if what they were developing here was a “friendship.”

  They arrived next to the motorcycle, and Jennie’s shoulders slumped. “Why did she say we shouldn’t hang out?” Chloe asked.

  “She told me that you’re too good for me,” Jennie admitted. “Thing is, I think she might be right.”

  Chloe’s eyes widened. Her old friend had made Jennie feel bad. Even more annoyed, she decided to take a stand. She hated to see Jennie hanging her head like that. She refused to let Paula affect Jennie this way.

  “We should definitely hang out.” She pulled herself taller. “Just on principle.”

  She had never stood up to Paula about something major before. Even when she had convinced Paula to get her this job, it had been a matter of some pouting and whining. Paula had given in without much argument.

  “Are you sure you want to do that?” Jennie asked.

  The discouragement in Jennie’s voice made Chloe want to hug her. She was starting to see that Jennie had her own insecurities.

  “I’m not scared of Paula,” Chloe said firmly. “She has no right to tell me what to do. I want to prove to her that she’s not the boss of me.”

  “Show her she can’t go telling people who they can hang out with?” Jennie asked, smiling a little now.


  “Well, I hope that’s not the only reason that you would want to spend time with me.”

  Chloe shivered. Was Jennie flirting with her? She hoped her intuition was right. If she got another chance with Jennie, she would do her best to not let her fear get in the way.

  “Not at all,” she said. “We got cut off the other night, and I… I want to pick up where we left off.”

  “All right. Well, we can hang out anytime.”

  That was all Chloe could ask for. A small smile came over her face, and she gestured to the motorcycle. “I guess you should drop me off.”

  This time, climbing onto the back of the bike felt kind of natural. She knew Jennie a little better now – not much, but a little. The same shivers ran through her as before. The feeling of Jennie’s clothes under her skin was one thing, and then Jennie’s ass was gripped between her thighs.

  She leaned forward, pressing her breasts and their hardening nipples against Jennie’s back. The motorcycle shuddered to life, and Chloe squeezed her thighs together. She put her arms around Jennie as Jennie drove out of the parking lot. The bumpiness of the ride thrilled Chloe. Simply being here with Jennie was a thrill.

  They went around the nearly empty road. At this time of night, not many people were out. Definitely not many motorcycles. Chloe wished she could have talked to Jennie as they rode. She so rarely had the urge to speak, but something made her want to talk to Jennie all the time.

  By shouting at the top of her lungs, Chloe was able to direct Jennie to her place. When they stopped in front of her door, Chloe knew she should let go of Jennie’s waist. She held onto Jennie’s firm body, even when Jennie cut the engine off and let the motorcycle stand in front of Chloe’s parents’ house.

  Chloe couldn’t seem to make herself let go. She liked the feeling of their bodies pressed together. This was more sensual than the actual sex she’d had with other men. She clung to Jennie, feeling her nipples pebble more. The heat of Jennie’s body was addictive.

  Every moment they spent together made her more comfortable with Jennie. While Jennie still intimidated her, she was approaching the point where she could relax around her. It had been a long time since she’d gotten to that point with anyone – and never with an amazing-looking girl. If Jennie tried anything with her again, Chloe might actually have the nerve to say yes.

  As she sat there, stalled in front of the house, she knew she was supposed to let go of Jennie. Supposed to get up, go inside, get into bed like she did every other night.

  But Chloe kept holding on.


  Jennie sat on the bike, Chloe’s arms wrapped around her waist. They were outside Chloe’s place, and Chloe should’ve been getting up and going inside. Jennie was all too conscious that the other girl hadn’t let go of her yet. What did it mean?

  She knew what she wanted it to mean, but Chloe was difficult to understand. The girl didn’t act like anyone else that she knew. The signs she imagined she was seeing could be completely wrong.

  Since she didn’t want to scare Chloe or offend her, she figured it would be best to ask. “Are you going to go inside?”

  The silence was tense. Jennie couldn’t have guessed whether Chloe was going to say yes or no. Usually she took it in stride when she saw someone was willing to hook up with her. It happened often, and given her looks, it was only natural.

  This time, the uncertainty had her on edge. Chloe was easily as good-looking as her. Jennie had nothing over her. And the feeling between them was very different from anything Jennie had felt with other girls.

  “Yes,” Chloe said at last. “I’m going in.” She climbed awkwardly off the bike and shuffled a step away, her eyes on the ground.

  The night was cool, but Jennie was sweating. If she had her way, Chloe definitely wouldn’t go anywhere. She had so many other things she wanted to do with Chloe. Ending the night here would be a huge disappointment.

  Chloe had taken a few steps toward the small house when Jennie called out, “Hey. You don’t have to go.”

  “Huh?” Chloe’s eyes were bright with anticipation.

  Jennie adjusted herself on the seat, making sure there was enough room for Chloe to get back on if she wanted to. “You’re welcome to come over if you’d like.”

  Chloe hesitated, actually biting her lip. The sight of it was one of the most erotic things Jennie had ever seen. How did such a simple gesture look so seductive, especially when Chloe wasn’t even trying?

  “You want to hang out now?”

  “Only if you want,” Jennie said softly.

  She feared that Chloe would ask what they were going to do when they “hung out.” She definitely wouldn’t have a good answer – other than saying she would fuck Chloe into next week.

  In any case, Chloe didn’t question why they were going to her place. “Yeah, I… I think I can do that.”

  Slowly, carefully, Chloe climbed onto the motorcycle again. Jennie could feel the nervousness vibrating off her. Her hands were tentative as they moved around Jennie’s body. Jennie probably felt just as nervous to her. This was strange, bizarre even, but it felt right.

  Thankfully, Jennie’s place was only a few minutes away. Jennie didn’t know what she would have done if it had taken longer. Blood was rushing between her legs, causing her clit to throb almost painfully. Her lust for the woman behind her was powerful.

  Normally she met her sexual partners at bars or online. She used them to get her rocks off, nothing more. A few had been closer to friends with benefits than fuck buddies, but even then she’d kept her distance. She had already talked more to Chloe than she had to most of them. So taking Chloe to her place was frightening, and not only because Paula objected to it.

  When they arrived, Jennie let Chloe get down first. She put her hand on the small of Chloe’s back as they walked toward the house. The touch was gentle, but meaningful. Jennie was sure she and Chloe both knew what they were here for.

  Inside, Deena was putting something in the sink. “Oh, you’re just getting back?” she asked, her eyes venturing to Chloe with evident curiosity. “I’m about to leave for work.”

  “Oh, that’s

  Jennie hadn’t realized it was so late, or so early rather. It had to be close to seven if she was leaving. In any case, she didn’t care to stay and chat. She and Deena weren’t close enough to gossip. She could think what she wanted about her and Chloe.

  Aware of how Chloe had tensed up at seeing a stranger, Jennie placed her hand on her back. She made small circles there as she went through the pleasantries with Deena. Chloe didn’t say a word.

  Once Deena was gone, Chloe exhaled. “Your roommate?”

  “Yeah. She owns the house.”


  Chloe was still quiet, which Jennie supposed was normal. She would’ve liked to be able to set Chloe at ease. It would’ve been a useful talent, considering that she intended to spend more time with her. Jennie found herself getting protective and wanting to make her comfortable in every possible way. Chloe didn’t make it easy, but she would give it her best shot.

  As she stood there and looked at the amazing girl in front of her, she became conscious that Chloe was never going to make the first move. This was on her now. She had to initiate.

  Well, she could handle that. “Let’s go into my room,” she said softly.

  “So, um… what are we doing here?” Chloe asked as soon as Jennie shut the door behind them.

  Jennie’s hands itched to tear off Chloe’s clothes. Be gentle. She’s new at this. “Whatever you want,” she said with her best attempt at nonchalance.

  “I… I want…” Chloe trailed off as if she found it too hard to get the words out. Luckily, the look in her eyes wasn’t hard to read.

  “You want me to kiss you?”

  Chloe’s mouth fell open an inch, and she raised her hand to cover the gasp. When she lowered it a moment later, her voice was almost inaudible. “Yes.”

  Jennie didn’t need to be told twice. Pulling Chloe toward her, she crushed her lips against hers. Chloe tensed for a second, and then she kissed her back with equal fervor. If Jennie had questioned Chloe’s feelings toward her, she could set her mind at rest.

  The sexiest waitress at Jubblies was right here in Jennie’s bedroom. She could hardly believe this was taking place. What was going to happen next would be even harder to wrap her mind around.

  Jennie curled her fingers around Chloe’s nape, taking note of the silky softness of the hair there. Chloe’s glasses pushed against her face, and she moved away to take them off. Jennie saw her without them all the time at work, but somehow she had never seen her without them close up.

  “I didn’t think you could get any better-looking,” she murmured.

  With a little laugh, Chloe brushed off the compliment. She had to know how attractive she was. Considering that their job required a certain level of attractiveness, she completely lacked vanity. Jennie’s clit hardened more as she realized Chloe was a true diamond in the rough. How had she been so lucky as to find her?

  Barely able to contain herself, Jennie pressed against Chloe’s soft body. “You are incredible.” She wanted this woman more than she could have thought possible.

  Jennie’s hands found Chloe’s waist, and she marveled at the way it tapered out to her hips. The girl didn’t have an extra ounce of fat on her body. Jennie pulled Chloe into her, crushing their bodies together. They were almost evenly matched, Chloe an inch shorter than Jennie but slightly slimmer.

  Most of the time, Jennie was drunk, high, or both when she hooked up. This time, everything was so clear. She was in her right mind, and she was with the girl she’d been wanting for longer than she’d even realized.

  Moving her hands across Chloe’s back, she kissed her with increasing passion. Rubbing her fingers over Chloe’s soft cheeks was exhilarating. Jennie wanted to touch every inch of her body.

  “I want you in my bed,” Jennie growled softly. “Clothes off. Do you want that?”

  Just a whisper this time. “Yes.”

  Jennie watched hungrily as Chloe made her way to the bed. Considering how revealing their work uniforms were, she sure looked shy about disrobing.

  “I’m not used to doing this…” Chloe started as she sat down. She rubbed her own thighs as if to keep her hands from shaking.

  “That’s okay,” Jennie said, reminding herself she couldn’t treat Chloe like other girls. She needed to handle her with kid gloves. The effort would be worth it. “There’s nothing to be nervous about. Whatever we do, I already know this is going to be amazing.”

  Although Chloe bit her lip again, she pulled off her shirt. Her pink push-up bra stood out against the expanse of creamy skin. Jennie feasted her eyes on Chloe’s soft stomach and enticing cleavage.

  Chloe looked at Jennie, and though she didn’t speak, Jennie could read the meaning in her eyes. She wanted Jennie to take her clothes off, too.

  “Not yet,” Jennie said, smoothing a hand over the hem of her shirt. “I want to do this properly.”

  Jennie reached for Chloe’s shorts and panties. Chloe let out a moan as Jennie pulled the fabric down her thighs. Her reaction was almost more exciting to Jennie than her own pleasure. But was she shivering from arousal or from nerves? Jennie held back from going for her clit, instead stroking the velvety skin on her hips.

  “Don’t tease me,” Chloe said softly.

  “I won’t… but I’m not going to go too fast, either.”

  Chloe shuddered, but she didn’t protest. Jennie liked the way she stared up at her. The need on her face was almost too much to bear. She climbed onto the bed, still determined to make sure Chloe was okay before going any further.

  As took off the girl’s bra, she was awed by the perfection of her form. Her breasts were large, yet high and perky. Chloe had a perfect hourglass body that any of the other waitresses could only dream of. All of them had nice figures, but Chloe was on a whole other level.

  Jennie rubbed her fingertips over Chloe’s soft stomach, along her surprisingly sharp hipbones, and then over her butt. She felt like torturing Chloe now. She lay her palms flat on Chloe’s butt and gently squeezed. When she got the gasp she’d been hoping for, she did it again.

  Chloe’s eyes were closed, her teeth digging into her lower lip, her breath short and ragged. What’s more, Jennie observed that her nipples were puckering and hardening. She smiled to herself. That meant Chloe was ready.

  She swung her hand around to Chloe’s front and gave a soft hiss of satisfaction when she found Chloe’s heat. Chloe was unbelievably wet already. When Chloe reached for her beltline, she was surprised – in a good way.

  Jennie allowed Chloe to pull down her clothes, letting out a breath as Chloe’s hand made contact with her clit. She loved having Chloe at the tip of her fingers, and she loved how they were both feeling the same pleasure. She moved her hand slowly, making each stroke last several seconds. Chloe did the same to her, and she groaned.

  “Is everything okay? I haven’t exactly… This is different,” Chloe said.

  “Everything is amazing,” Jennie breathed. “This couldn’t be any better.”

  Chloe rubbed her clit a tiny bit harder. “Okay. I’ve usually been drunk when I did things like this. This is all kind of new to me. I mean, you can probably hear my heart pounding.”

  “I hope you don’t mean that as an apology. Everything you’re doing feels amazing.”

  The two of them fell silent, their soft gasps the only sound. They lay side by side, each caressing the other’s most sensitive spot. Fingering had never felt so good to Jennie. Chloe made it hard for her to breathe. And at this point, she was sure Chloe’s trembling was from pleasure.

  Jennie’s body tensed and relaxed, and she shuddered. She could let herself go and come right now. She was worked up enough that it would be easy. Chloe turned her on so much, she could hardly stand it.

  But she wanted to wait for that first orgasm. The more build-up she gave it, the better it was going to be. And even if she could have many more orgasms afterwards, the first was going to be special.

  She’d never expected to ha
ve Chloe in her bed, and she refused to do anything to ruin the experience. She could keep going like this for a long time if Chloe was willing. They could stay here and touch each other, until the break of dawn.

  Jennie didn’t need anything more from the night. Going down or using toys would have been wonderful, but she could hardly complain. Chloe was in her bed, Chloe of all people… She couldn’t have asked for more.

  Even if she didn’t know where things were going between them, she could savor this night for what it was. Whoever didn’t like seeing them together, whoever wanted to keep them apart… they could go fuck themselves, because Jennie had it bad for this girl.

  With a rush of emotion, she leaned over and pressed her lips to Chloe’s. The touch of Chloe’s lips only made her clit harder. This girl was different from all the others who had been in and out of her bed. Jennie had the feeling that Chloe was going to be able to see who she truly was. They had a connection – a sudden and unexpected one, but a connection nonetheless. Chloe was something special.

  With their lips joined in a passionate kiss, Jennie let her instinct guide her to move her hand faster. Her free hand moved to grope Chloe’s breasts, and she stroked Chloe in a way that was less leisurely and more urgent. Chloe responded in kind. The feel of her small, feminine hand had Jennie at the edge. She wasn’t going to be able to hold back for much longer.

  “You’re going to make me come if you keep going,” Jennie said softly, on the verge of letting go. “Is that what you want?”

  Chloe looked her in the eye and nodded, biting her lip. “I’m close, too.”

  Letting her eyes squeeze shut, Jennie let herself go. She couldn’t keep her hand moving on Chloe’s clit. She let her movements still, and she allowed her body to jerk wildly with the climax that overtook her.

  Chloe stroked her until she couldn’t come anymore. Then, eager to make up for stopping, Jennie put her hand back where it’d been before. Her movement was purposeful now. She wasn’t messing around, she wanted Chloe to come as soon – and as hard – as possible.


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