Vetting the Cowboy

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Vetting the Cowboy Page 9

by J. P. Bowie

  He pulled his cell from his pocket, and despite the headache blurring his vision as he peered at the screen, he managed to book a flight from Seattle to Sacramento for the following day. Best get this over with soon as possible.

  * * * *

  Mike had slept over at Seth’s apartment and, for him, waking up next to Seth’s big, warm body had to be the best part of his day. The sex they’d shared the night before had been fantastic, but lying there in the morning, legs and arms entwined, Mike’s head nestled on Seth’s smooth, muscular chest, was Nirvana, in Mike’s opinion. Seth’s nipple so close to Mike’s mouth was too much of a temptation. He closed his lips over the pale brown nub and teased the other between his thumb and forefinger.

  Seth sighed and rolled over to face him, blinking as he smiled. “G’mornin,’ beautiful.”

  Mike leaned in for a kiss, but Seth covered his mouth. “I’ll have mornin’ breath.”

  “That’s good morning breath, and I don’t care about it. Kiss me.”

  Reluctantly, Seth did as instructed, then pulled back. “See, I can tell by the look on your face.” He leapt out of bed and ran for the bathroom, his muscular ass bouncing invitingly. Mike chuckled and lay down, waiting for his cowboy to come back, which he did a few moments later, diving onto the bed and kissing Mike like it was going out of style.

  “Better?” he said eventually. “Minty mouthwash, like it?”

  “Love it. Love your kisses more,” Mike replied, enfolding Seth in a tight embrace. Love you more. Mike kept that thought to himself. He was definitely falling for Seth, but it was way too soon to be saying such a thing, and he wanted this ongoing mess with Victor cleared up before he let Seth completely into his life. Depending on whether he wanted into Mike’s life, of course.

  Victor had called him every day for the last three weeks, sometimes two or three times a day. Mike hadn’t responded and Victor had left messages every time he called. Some whiny, some threatening, some ‘I can’t believe you don’t want to come home to me. What did I do that was so awful?’ What he was doing was awful, but Mike didn’t want to waste his breath telling him that. He was amazed that he hadn’t had Mr. Fixer, Alex Brand, call to pile on some pressure. It could only be a matter of time before he heard from him.

  “What’re you so deep in thought about?” Seth’s whispered voice in his ear made him tighten his arms around Seth, close his eyes and try to squeeze every thought from his mind, except where he was and who he was with right then.

  “I was thinking I’d like you to fuck me.” It wasn’t altogether a lie. He had been thinking about it for the last several days and wondering if he could handle it. There were things he hadn’t told Seth about. The guy hated Victor enough already without knowing of the ‘surprises’. That was what Victor had called them the night he’d rammed a giant dildo up Mike’s ass without any warning. The pain had been excruciating and he’d bled. His fury had been enough to make Victor back off from trying it again, but it was just one of several times that Victor had crossed the line, and Mike was over it.

  “You were…are, I mean, thinking of that…really?” The delight on Seth’s face was the affirmation Mike needed to put aside his dislike of being fucked—by Victor, anyway—and give Seth what he wanted.

  “Yes.” He kissed Seth tenderly.

  “Has it been a long time since the last time?” Seth asked. “We could go real slow. I don’t want it to be bad for you. Want you to enjoy it.”

  “I will, don’t worry. I’m not a virgin up there,” he added, chuckling. “Maybe if I ride you?”

  “Oh, yeah. That way I get to look at all of you as we go.”

  “As we go? There’s a new way of putting it.”

  “Well, you know what I mean…”

  “Of course I do.” He ran his fingers over Seth’s impressive erection, his thumb around the head, then leaned down to take the tip into his mouth, dipping his tongue into the slit. Seth shuddered and stroked Mike’s face gently. Mike gave him a teasing smile then straddled his thighs. He reached for the condom and lube and tore the condom packet open with a grand flourish, using his teeth. He rolled the rubber down the length of Seth’s cock then added lube and readied himself. Seth grasped Mike’s hips to steady him while he lowered himself onto Seth’s pulsing shaft.

  A long sigh escaped Mike and he bit down on his lower lip. The burn took some getting used to. Seth was right—it had been a long time, but now, taking his lover’s hot length all the way to the hilt, he savored it, every throbbing inch of the rigid flesh passing over his prostate, causing pre-cum to spill onto Seth’s stomach. He reached for Seth’s hands and interlaced their fingers, using him as an anchor while he increased the pace of their rhythm.

  Through eyes narrowed by lust, Seth gazed at Mike’s torso undulating over him. He was inside Mike at last and it was everything he had dreamed it would be and more. He was smooth like silk and hot as hell, and the combination sliding up and down the length of Seth’s cock was like nothing he’d ever known before. Yes, he’d fucked other guys, but not like this, not when the whole beautiful package that was Mike was on display. The tightly defined muscles of his chest and arms, his flat, slightly sculpted stomach, and above all of it, that amazing face, the bluest of blue eyes and that sensual, almost sinful mouth.

  Seth pulled Mike down to get at that sinful mouth drawing out their kiss, prolonging the sensual press of soft, warm flesh, the visceral glide of their tongues that made Seth dizzy from the lack of oxygen and the stars that swung in front of his eyes. He broke away long enough to gasp, “This is incredible,” then Mike was kissing him again. He bucked upward, driving himself deeper into Mike, and Mike moaned into Seth’s mouth, his warm breath mingling with Seth’s, and now he began to fuck Mike in earnest. Wrapping his arms around Mike, Seth reared up so that they were chest to chest, Mike seated on Seth’s lap. Mike ground his ass over Seth’s erection, taking all of him, and Seth gripped Mike’s cock, pumping it as well as he could in the narrow space between their bodies.

  “Wait,” Seth muttered. “Need a better position.” He rolled them onto their sides without slipping out and this was better, face to face, lips to lips, Mike’s legs around Seth’s waist. They moved together, thrust for thrust, and they never stopped kissing. Seth had read somewhere that lips were the most sensitive and erotic parts of the body, and right then he had to agree, or was it just because Mike was possibly the best kisser in the world? Whatever the reason, Seth’s cock had never been harder in his whole life, his balls never tighter, and those tingling sensations coasting up and down his spine never so clear a warning. He was going to come any second now and he wanted Mike to come with him.

  Mike’s cock, pressed hard against Seth’s torso, suddenly erupted, spraying hot cum up between their chests and Mike shuddered in Seth’s arms, clinging to him like a limpet as his climax overwhelmed him.

  “Seth…oh God, Seth, come with me…” And Seth did, exploding into the condom deep inside Mike so hard he thought for a few seconds he’d passed out. But he hadn’t, and when they tightened their arms around each other, Seth was sure he’d never known a happier moment in his entire life.

  “Wow,” Mike murmured against Seth’s chest. “I’ve never come like that before, no hands involved, I mean.”

  Seth stroked Mike’s curls. “D’you ever think that you’ve been like waiting all your life for moments like these? When maybe everything that’s gone before has just been like you’re marking time?”

  “That’s kinda profound.”

  “For a cowboy, you mean?”

  “No, not just for a cowboy.” He punched Seth’s arm lightly. “Don’t put yourself down. As a matter of fact I’ve been thinking, wishing rather, that we’d met a long time ago. That I hadn’t had to go through crappy times to get to this point. But maybe I’ll appreciate you all the more because of it. You couldn’t be more different from Victor, or anyone else I’ve known, really.” He kissed Seth’s chin and snuggled closer.

“Yeah, I’ve been told I’m a one-off, all right.”

  “Like there’s something wrong with that? I’d take it as a compliment. No one else quite like you.”

  “If you’re good with it, then so am I.” He kissed the top of Mike’s head. “What I’m not good with is this sticky feeling, and I have to get rid of the condom.”

  Mike chuckled. “Okay, cowboy, a shower wouldn’t be a bad idea right about now.” He let Seth roll out of bed and followed him, smacking him on the butt all the way.

  “When did you become such a brat?” Seth grabbed his hand.

  “To know me is to love my bratty side,” Mike said. “Are we going to make out in the shower?”

  “Kinda hard not to when we’ll be all naked and wet and stuff.”

  “Okay.” Mike grinned up at him. “Get in that shower and show me what you got.”

  “This might be the longest shower yet.” Seth grabbed Mike around the waist and deposited him in the shower stall. “Hope you’re up for it.”


  After their shower, Mike coaxed Seth back to bed. It was still early, still dark outside, he pointed out, so another hour or so wouldn’t hurt. Why not prolong this bliss as long as we can? Snuggling against Seth, he must have dozed off, but was rudely jerked out of his euphoria when his lover yelled, “Shit, I’m gonna be late for work!”

  “What time is it?”

  “Seven, and I should already be at the ranch. Dammit, I didn’t mean to fall asleep again. I hate being late, and Parker’s not a fan of it either.”

  “Go get ready. I can drive you over there and maybe you can sneak in without anyone noticing.”

  Seth stared at him. “Are you serious?”

  Mike rolled his eyes. “No… Well, I am about driving you—the rest is up to you.”

  “Can you make some coffee while I shower?”

  “Yessir, now get moving.”

  Chapter Ten

  Alex drove his rented Mustang past the Seven Plus Ranch and couldn’t quite believe his luck. Michael and his cowboy boyfriend were standing by the side of the road outside the ranch. A silver SUV was parked alongside them. He averted his face when he drove by and neither man seemed to even glance at the car as he passed them.

  Too caught up in themselves, he mused. A pity I’m about to ruin their little idyll. He did a U-turn then pulled up alongside the two men.

  “Hey, Michael, a word.” He sniggered quietly at the look of complete shock on Michael’s face when he realized who was staring back at him. “Get in the car.”

  Michael stood stock-still and the cowboy put a hand on his arm as if to prevent him from going any nearer.

  “Come on, Michael, I have a message for you.”

  Michael seemed to get over his shock as he said, “I’m sure you have, but tell Victor I’m not interested. I’m not going back to Seattle, just like I’ve told him countless times already.”

  “Michael, don’t make me get out and come get you.”

  Mr. Macho cowboy stepped forward. “Yeah, why don’t you try coming to get him? You think you can threaten Mike, well, think again.”

  Mike? Hoo boy, Victor hated that contraction, would never let anyone call Michael Mike. Alex sighed, swung the car door open and got out. “I was hoping you’d see reason, Michael, and keep your friend from getting hurt, but if it’s persuasion you need, then so be it.”

  “Shit.” Michael’s expletive told Alex he’d seen the metal knuckleduster he was wearing as he flexed his fingers “Don’t do this, Alex, please. If you hurt Seth, there’s no chance of me going back to that asshole. Why give yourself trouble? You know I’ll call the cops if you start anything here.”

  “You don’t get it, do you, Michael?” Alex stepped nearer the two men. “You’re coming back to Seattle with me, either willingly or by me dragging you every step of the way. After I waste your friend, you’ll get in the car and we’ll drive to the airport. There’s a flight in two hours and we’ll both be on it. Understand?”

  Seth glared at him. “You’re out of your fucking mind!”

  Alex sneered, watching Seth put himself between him and Michael like the big, stupid jerk he was. The punch Seth aimed at his jaw Alex skilfully avoided. He shot out his fist and landed a punishing blow to Seth’s stomach. The cowboy gasped and doubled over from the added impact of the metal wrapped around Alex’s knuckles.

  “Jesus,” Michael cried and threw his arms around Seth, trying to support him as he sank to the ground. “You son-of-a-bitch, Alex. Why do you lower yourself to Victor’s level? Using a knuckleduster like that could kill a man!”

  “Shut up.” Alex grabbed Michael by his jacket collar and hauled him off Seth. “Get in the car.”

  “No!” Michael punched Alex in the chest, once, twice, taking the bigger man by surprise. Alex raised his fist ready to smash it into Michael’s face, but he stopped himself just in time. Can’t damage the goods, dammit…

  “Hey, what the fuck’s going on?”

  Alex cursed at the sight of two men running at him from the ranch. He’d blown it and the only thing left to do was get the hell out of there. There’d be another time when Michael was on his own and defenseless. He flung himself into the car and sped away.

  “Seth, are you all right?” Mike was on his knees, his arms around Seth.

  “Hurts like a son-of-a-bitch,” Seth grunted. “The fucker has one hard fist.”

  “He was wearing a knuckleduster. That’s enough to put anyone on their ass.”

  “Who was that guy?” Parker snapped.

  Mike looked up at Parker’s and Clint’s anxious faces. “Alex Brand. He was sent by my ex to take me back to Seattle.” The expression of incredulity on Parker’s face reminded Mike that Parker didn’t know anything about Mike’s past, especially the reason he’d left Seattle. “It’s a long story.”

  “You okay, Seth?” Clint asked, helping him to his feet.

  “Yeah, I’ll survive,” he said, rubbing his stomach. “I should’ve seen that punch coming.”

  “Alex is a PI and a professional bodyguard,” Mike told them. “An ex-marine who excels in beating people up for money.”

  “Nice guy.” Parker frowned. “I’ll call Joel and have him maybe send out a patrol car. He should know someone like this asshole is in the vicinity.”

  “So you’ll be staying with me, Mike,” Seth said, “until he leaves or he’s under arrest. Best to keep your distance from Doc. Walker’s place in case he manages to find out where you live.”

  “Well, I don’t want to put you in any more danger than I already have, Seth. Maybe I’ll find a motel till I can move into my new place.”

  “On your own?” Seth gaped at him. “No way, Mike. That’s askin’ for trouble.”

  Clint nodded. “Seth’s right. You should have some company for the time being.”

  “Okay.” Guess I should give in for the moment, he thought. But he was going to phone Victor and tell him to call off his bulldog and that the local police were being notified. Victor couldn’t afford entanglement with the cops. It wouldn’t do his reputation as a lawyer any good at all.

  * * * *

  Alex seethed as he drove toward his hotel in Sacramento. He’d miscalculated. He should’ve waited to catch Michael on his own, not with the cowboy, and not with other ranch hands coming to the fucking rescue.

  “Shit…” He slapped the steering wheel in frustration. He’d wanted this to be a quick in-and-out, with Michael in tow. Had he really thought Michael would put up such resistance? He grimaced and rubbed his chest where Michael had hit him. Damn. He must have packed on some muscle since the last time I saw him. Those punches almost hurt.

  So, the next step—and it had to be soon—he knew where the cowboy worked. He could get on the property, wait until he could catch Seth by himself. Has to happen, right? They all had their duties. They couldn’t walk around in a group all the time. Maybe just wait till he goes for a piss. He’d beat the crap out of him then call Michael
to come help his poor woebegone boyfriend. Some chloroform should finish the job. The only problem, he couldn’t get him through security at the airport unconscious. So…we’ll just have to drive. Inconvenient, but looks like it’ll be necessary.

  Not his best plan ever, but he needed the money. The hefty membership fees at the BDSM club he so enjoyed were coming due, and no way did he want to relinquish his place in the upscale club. That, and the rent on his luxury apartment took a large portion of what he charged for his services, and this one was worth too much for him to fail. He needed the ten grand he was charging Victor. Failure was not a word Alex accepted, and no stupid cowboy was going to stand in the way of him getting what he needed.

  If I can just get rid of this fucking headache…

  * * * *

  Seth found it hard to let Mike out of his sight for the next couple of days. The hands at the Seven Plus and the Double R had been alerted to the fact that some hired thug was out to abduct Mike. Joel Harper, the local sheriff and a good friend of Parker, had promised to patrol the roads surrounding the ranches. Nevertheless, Seth was antsy and every hour Mike spent away from him while they both took care of their separate jobs was torture.

  So it was enough to make the short hairs on the back of his neck stand up when he spotted a shadowy figure in the barn just before he was due to end his shift. All the horses had been brought in, brushed down and were munching happily on their feed, but he got a creepy feeling that who he was looking at just didn’t belong.

  Randy? Surely not. Royce and Parker had gone over to the boy’s parents and had told them what their son had been up to. They had been appalled and had promised to ground him and keep an eye on him.

  Alex? The guy Mike’s ex sent to bring Mike back to Seattle? Half-hoping it was that asshole, he strode forward to the far end of the barn. He’d love to lay that jerk out and this time he’d be ready for any low blows the guy would go for.


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