Ask No Tomorrows

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Ask No Tomorrows Page 20

by Hestand, Rita

  Harry grabbed her by the back of the hair and slung her across the kitchen. He leveled his gun on her now and with eyes of steel narrowed his gaze. “You’re dead, bitch.”

  “Let her go,” came a heavy voice from behind them, it was Miss Tilda.

  “Miss Tilda?” Riley gasped. “What are you doing up this early?” Riley screeched.

  “Trying to find out what the ruckus is about. What are you men up to?” She stared Harry and Jarvis down.

  “Now, who we got here? This don’t look like no lady, dressed like that,” Jarvis said, his eyes going over Miss Tilda’s see-through gown with interest and a snarl on his lips.

  “I’m Miss Tilda, from Dallas…” she explained.

  “The one that ran the Silver Slipper House?” Harry asked, his brows raising a bit.

  “That’s right. Who are you?”

  Harry laughed. “She’s a whore, Jarvis. I been there a time a two. I thought I recognized her. But what are you doin’ way out here, is the question.”

  Miss Tilda smiled coyly, rubbing herself against Jarvis for a moment. “We’re runnin’ a new kind of breedin’ house out here now. Haven’t you heard?”

  “You’re jawin’ me?” Jarvis smiled.

  “Ask Riley…” she offered as she looped her arm with Jarvis.

  “Whores…in the country? Whoever heard of that?” Harry asked.

  Miss Tilda had no trouble carrying the conversation, and Riley was thankful. “Oh dear, you hurt yourself. Come here, let me doctor you a little.”

  “Riley there tried to burn me alive.” Jarvis frowned at Riley.

  Miss Tilda smiled at him. “Well now, it’s a little early, but if you want to come up and let me take care of that for you, I’d be more than happy to, honey.”

  “He ain’t goin’ nowhere.” Harry frowned at the two of them. “Get your hands off him, Tilda. Enough of this, come on, Riley, we’re leavin’. Looks like Miss Tilda will have the run of the place for a while at least,” Harry grunted, grabbing Riley by the hair and pushing her toward the front door. “Jarvis, get the horses.”

  Jarvis frowned, tipped his hat to Miss Tilda and ran outside to hitch them.

  Harry looked hard at Miss Tilda. “You open your mouth about us, it’ll be the last time,” Harry warned her.

  “I’m no fool!” Miss Tilda declared. “But you’re takin’ the wrong woman, I’d be a lot more company.”

  “We ain’t got time for that,” Harry snarled.

  Jarvis had wrapped a rag around his hand with butter on it, and even though he was in considerable pain. But he threw the rag down as he ran to get the horses.

  “Come on, Harry,” he called after he’d mounted and had gotten Harry’s horse and pulled it close to the door.

  Harry glanced outside. “You got a horse?”

  “In the barn.”

  “Jarvis, get her horse out of the barn,” Harry called to him.

  Harry watched Miss Tilda follow them with her eyes. “We’re leavin’ here now, don’t be foolish and try to follow, I’ll kill her. Understand?”

  Miss Tilda nodded. “I understand.”

  “Remember what I said, I’ll kill her,” Harry repeated then spurred his horse into a run. “You send a posse…she’s dead.”

  “I’m not a fool,” Miss Tilda announced.

  Miss Tilda stared down the road ‘til they were out of sight.

  When the other girls came downstairs, she was sitting on the cowhide couch in stunned silence.

  “Something wrong?” Nannette asked as she went into the kitchen for coffee.

  Miss Tilda didn’t answer until Nannette came back and sat down opposite her. “Plenty is wrong. Those men that were chasing Riley…well…they got her. And it sure looks like they might kill her.”

  Nannette dropped her coffee. “Oh my God, what are we gonna do?”

  Miss Tilda sighed heavily. “Said they would if we sent a posse.”

  “Oh Tilda, what should we do?” Nannette shook her head. “Poor Riley. Shouldn’t we follow them or something?”

  “I don’t know yet,” Miss Tilda cried. “I thought maybe if we waited a bit, to see if they are gonna release her or not…”

  Nannette shook her head. “They aren’t gonna release her. But they shore might kill her.”

  Several of the other girls came down and Miss Tilda explained what happened. As they were discussing it, someone came to the door.

  Miss Tilda answered it, and swung the door wide when she recognized Sam. “Sam…am I glad you are here.”

  Sam glanced about the place wide-eyed, obviously not expecting Miss Tilda or her girls to be here. He moved slowly into the room and looked from one to the other with question.

  “What’s goin’ on?” he demanded.

  Miss Tilda had him sit and listen to the whole story and Sam shot to his feet. “I’m going after her.”

  “You can’t do that, you’ll get yourself killed,” Nannette cried. “Maybe her too.”

  “Not the way I’m feelin’ right now, they won’t. I’ll kill them with my bare hands,” Sam said.

  “You need to get the Sheriff, Sam,” Miss Tilda said. “He’s obviously built himself a gang; you can’t do this single-handed.”

  “No…it’s better I go this alone. Too many following could get her killed real easy. But I am curious, why are all of you here?” Sam asked.

  Miss Tilda seemed to reflect on that question before answering. She smiled sadly. “Riley wanted us here. Invited us. Said it was too lonely all by herself, and that she missed you so bad.”

  Sam sighed. “She said that?”

  “She shore did, honey. That girl is crazy about you, Sam.”

  Sam eyed the floor. “I’m pretty crazy about her too…”

  Miss Tilda got up and grabbed him by the arms. “I knew you was. I told her so. Now, you go get her and bring her back here.”

  Sam nodded. “Don’t you worry none, I’ll bring her back.”

  Just then, Friend sauntered into the big parlor where everyone was. “Who’s that?” Sam asked.

  “Her dog.”

  Sam eyed the dog for a minute, as Friend came to him and smelled him. “What’s his name?”

  “She calls him Friend,” Miss Tilda answered. “Crazy name for a dog, I guess.”

  “That sounds like Riley alright.” Sam tipped his hat to them all. “Look, I’ve got to get after them. Do any of you know which way they were headed?”

  “South,” Miss Tilda cried.

  “Okay, you girls lock up and hopefully I’ll catch up to them before the law does.” Sam smiled. “I’d kinda like to take Friend along; maybe he can help me sniff them out. Got anything with their scent on it?”

  Miss Tilda seemed to pause for a minute to think then nodded. “We sure do. Before they left, Riley managed to scald one of them pretty good with some hot water on the stove; he left a rag he used to smear butter on. Let me get it for you.”

  “Thanks, that will help.”

  “Be careful, Sam.” Nannette came and laid a hand on him. “I know you’re sweet on Riley, but we all care about you, Sam.”

  He stared at Nannette for a minute then smiled. “I’ll be fine. But thanks for carin’.”

  Less than a half hour later, Sam was on their trail.

  Tracking them hadn’t been easy, but as he headed south, he figured they were headed for Mexico. With all that Harry had pulled, it wouldn’t pay for him to stay on this side of the border. The weather was hot and dry and Sam ate enough dust along the way.

  He silently wished he’d come sooner, but now that he was sure of his feelings and what he wanted to do, he had confidence he’d get Riley back.

  It was the second night out that Sam actually caught up to their camp. And he spent some time scouting out the entire lay of the camp and men before making any kind of move. There were five of them and all armed. Friend circled the shack they were in and sniffed about.

  Sam got close enough to listen to them for a bit.
br />   “If she hadn’t thrown that hot water on me, I’d be worth somethin’ right now.”

  “Jarvis, it’s okay, ain’t nobody even on our trail yet. Quit frettin’.”

  Sam backed off, he’d seen Riley at the stove cooking. After she’d scalded the one man, he was surprised they let her near a stove.

  Sam couldn’t figure out how to completely best them so he figured if he could burst in and shock them, maybe get one or two before they figured out what hit them and with Friend maybe more.

  Without another thought he directed Friend to follow him.

  He stood in front of the door and kicked the door in. He fired shots wildly as he went inside. Friend didn’t hesitate to jump on Jarvis and Jarvis yelped as he bit the hand that was already blistering.

  Sam saw Riley and couldn’t believe she clobbered the one closest to her with the skillet.

  But Harry bested them both and now grabbed Riley’s hair and thrust her against him. “Drop it or she’s dead.”

  Sam slowly lowered his gun, but he hadn’t dropped it. Harry eyed him. “I said drop it. Well, now what have we got, a black buck…You’re in the wrong place at the wrong time, mister.”

  “I don’t think so. Let go of her…” Sam grit his teeth.

  “Not a chance…” Harry began when Riley dipped her head and bit his hand hard.

  Harry shrieked and dropped his gun. “What the devil…?”

  Sam grabbed Harry’s gun and glanced at Riley. “You okay?” he asked.

  Riley smiled. “I am now…”

  Sam smiled too and looked at Harry. “See if you can find some rope, we’ll tie him up and take him to the Sheriff.”

  Riley nodded.

  Riley looked about but couldn’t find anything.

  “Check my horse,” Sam instructed, holding the gun on Harry. “So you’re Harry.”

  “Who the hell are you, mister?” Harry looked confused.

  Sam ignored him. Riley came back with the rope and handed it to Sam. “Hold this.” Sam handed her the gun.

  Riley held it, but her hands were shaking. Suddenly, Harry bumped the gun out of her hands and Sam and Harry began wrestling on the floor for the gun. Riley saw the gun and kicked it out of their way. Sam hit Harry several times then Harry jarred Sam with a left hook. They spent a good ten minutes on the floor, wrestling and hitting, trying to escape blows. Finally, Sam knocked Harry out and Sam got up and grabbed the gun.

  Riley handed him the rope.

  “So this is Harry, huh?” Sam asked her.

  “Harry Stevens…” Riley announced once she was sure he was tied down.

  Sam stared at Harry for a long time then smiled. “I don’t blame you Riley for not marrying him. He’s not much to look at, is he?”

  Riley blushed. “Nope! What are you doin’ here? How did you find me?”

  Sam chuckled. “Well, which question you want first? I came to see you at the ranch, but you weren’t home. Miss Tilda was glad to fill me in on what you were doin’.”

  Riley studied him for a moment. “Guess you are wonderin’ about that, huh?”

  Sam put his hat back on and shook his head. “Riley, when it comes to you, I quit being surprised.”

  “Well…you see, it gets lonely out there with no female company…” she began.

  “Uh-huh. I can see where it might,” Sam agreed.

  “What are we gonna do with him?” Riley asked.

  “Take him to the nearest Sheriff.” Sam smiled.

  Sam stared at Riley as she looked up into his eyes.

  Harry had caught his breath and leaned against the wall. “You sweet on that black buck, Riley?”

  Sam took her hands and pulled them to him, placing them on his chest then he hauled her close. “She shore is…” Then his lips were softly persuading hers to open for a kiss he seemed to need. She moaned aloud.

  “Sam.” She pinked when she came up for air.

  “Dammit Riley, I’ve missed you,” Sam growled near her ear as he continued kissing her into an almost surrender. “I’ve got a question to ask you when we get out of here, but I guess we should see to him first.”

  Riley nodded.

  They didn’t have much of a ride as the Sheriff from Dallas met them on the trail. They turned Harry over to him and followed him back to Dallas; it was a three day ride and there was little rest, but they finally made it.

  “You two better hang around until we can get a court date. Once you’ve testified, you are free to go,” the Sheriff informed them.

  But that night Sam and Riley got a room. Riley got the room and waited for Sam to come see her. They had a lot to talk about.

  But when Sam came inside her room later that night, there was no talking as he took her in his arms and kissed her hotly. She moaned the pleasure he gave when his lips went to the button of her shirt.

  Riley gulped hard. “Sam…we shouldn’t be doing this…”

  Sam smiled against her creamy white skin. “Why not…we’re in love, aren’t we…?”

  “Sam…” Her breath hitched and she pulled his head up. “We are?” she questioned.

  “Hmmm. We are. I’ve missed you, Riley,” he whispered against her cheek as his lips moved to conquer hers.

  This kiss proved his point as he pulled at her bottom lip until she opened for him and his tongue began to work a special magic on her.

  He held her there in his arms for a long time before he let her breathe again, but Riley was past the point of caring. Her arms went around him and she pulled him even closer.

  Then, without warning, he set her away from him and stared into her heavenly blue eyes. “Riley, Riley, no matter what I did, where I went, who I saw, nothing could replace you.”

  Riley blushed. “I’ve missed you too, Sam.”

  “Look, don’t stare at me as though you want me to kiss you some more, ‘cause I do. I want to hold you in my arms all night. I won’t compromise you, Riley,” he said staunchly.

  “You won’t?” She sounded as though she wanted that compromise.

  “Not yet. I want to ask you somethin’. It’s important. Now, I’ve told you I love you, so that means I’ve figured out a way for us to be together…”

  She started to come back into his arms, but he held her hands at arm’s length. “Let me finish, while I can, Riley.”

  “Okay,” she cried shakily.

  “It would be a big step for you, Riley.”

  “Oh…tell me,” she begged.

  “If you really feel the same about me, as I do about you, then there’s a way. But it won’t be without its problems from time to time. We’d be blind not to know it. But…well, I can’t live without you with me Riley, I know that now. I want you. I want to marry you. Still, there is only one way that will happen. We’d have to live at the Indian Village, with my sister and her family. Now…I know that is a big…”

  Riley smiled now, and grabbed herself. “Oh Sam…do you mean it? Do you love me that much?”

  Sam sighed heavily. “I tried hard not to. But you got under my skin. Can you live with a black man?”

  “I can live with you, Sam…” She smiled and leaned closer. “And I know one thing for sure, I can’t live without you and be happy.”

  “But the ranch…?” he questioned.

  “Means nothing to me, without you. I’ll let Miss Tilda run it the way she wants…”

  “You’d do that? For me?” he asked, swallowing the lump in his throat.

  “For us, Sam, for us,” she admitted, her eyes shining into his.

  “It’s a lot to give up, Riley,” Sam said.

  She smiled, and came to stand against him. “Kiss me, Sam,” she said shyly.

  “Riley…” he whispered just as his lips claimed hers in a kiss that sealed their bargain. His lips moved over hers like a whisper, over and over, until they were both in a frenzy.

  “Keeping my hands off you ‘til we’re married is gonna be hell,” he whispered as he picked her up in his arms and laid her on the to
p of the bed.

  “Married?” She gasped.

  “Oh, I forgot to tell you, Burning Tree said he’d marry us.” Sam smiled into her eyes.

  “He can do that?” she asked with wonder.

  “He insists. It seems he’s had an eye on us for some time. You see, Indians have visions.” Sam laughed.

  “I can’t wait to be your wife, Sam…it’s like a dream come true. And…I can’t wait to have your children,” she said again in a whisper.

  “Good Lord, Riley, I can hardly wait to make you mine…” he said and kissed her like the treasure she’d become to him.

  Late that night after they’d satiated their love full of kisses, Sam hung the dream catcher above her bed, kissed her gently on the lips and looked deep into her eyes. “Ask for no tomorrows Riley, but always ask for todays…”

  Sam knew at last what he was looking for…Riley Morgan…his woman!

  The End

  About the Author

  I’m a professional writer of romance and children’s books. I’m also a poet and short story writer. I’m working on another historical western right now, one mid-grade book and just finished two historical westerns. You’ll find a lot of facts in my historical western romances not the run of the mill romances. Check them out.

  I’m also a grandmother and great-grandmother.




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