Tempting Grace: The Vaughn Series, Book 4

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Tempting Grace: The Vaughn Series, Book 4 Page 7

by Anne Rainey

  “But this is—”

  “Different,” he inserted as he pinched her nipple. Grace arched her back, unable to contain the whimpers. “So pretty. So soft and pretty. Let yourself experience something different, Gracie. If you hate it, I’ll untie you.”

  Grace still didn’t see the pleasure part of the whole binding thing, but Jackson seemed to think she’d enjoy it. Her sexual history wasn’t extensive, not by a long shot, but neither was it dull. She’d enjoyed playing in the bedroom. Still…bondage? She’d never even fantasized about having her breasts bound. Tied to the bed and being ravished by Jackson, now that was a fantasy she could sink her teeth into.

  “You’re doing it again,” he whispered against her ear a second before nipping the lobe with his teeth. She felt the little sting clear to her clit. “Sometimes sex doesn’t make sense. There’s not always a reason as to why it feels good. I know what I’m doing. I’m not a novice here.”

  When he slung both ends of the rope over her shoulders and they landed between her breasts, Grace clenched her hands at her sides to keep from yanking it away. Next Jackson ran both ends of the rope under her breasts, then brought them over her shoulders again. After he brought it around her once more, just above her breasts, creating a sort of crisscross harness with the rope, she started to understand why he wanted to do this with her. Her breasts were squeezed between the lengths of rope. It put them on display in a way she’d never seen. As Jackson tightened the rope, she had to clench her thighs together. Her pussy flooded with liquid warmth, and her breasts felt suddenly very swollen and sensitive. Jackson slid his thumb over one and her clit throbbed with need. “Oh, god,” she groaned.

  “Is it too tight?”

  She could barely talk, she was so far gone. “No,” she breathed out.

  Jackson moved around to her front. He was so big, so powerful, she felt dwarfed next to him. Small and vulnerable. She eyed his heavy erection, and her temperature spiked higher. He was huge, bigger than any man she’d ever been with. Grace licked her lips as she imagined sucking the round, purplish head into her mouth, teasing him to completion with her tongue, swallowing his hot come.

  “Just look at you, baby. Your pale skin and hard, berry nipples.” He plucked one, and her legs shook. “Are you sensitive? Do they need my mouth, pet?”

  She nodded, unable to concentrate on anything besides the need to feel Jackson covering her breasts with his lips and tongue.

  He took her by the hand and brought her to the bed, then instructed her to sit on the edge. He knelt between her thighs and, with their gazes locked, leaned forward and licked her nipple. Grace moaned and grasped his broad shoulders a second before he sucked the tip into his mouth.

  “Jackson, oh, god, that feels…” She couldn’t put her feelings into words. There were no words to describe what Jackson was doing to her.

  He hummed against her skin as he plucked at her other turgid peak. Her body arched, needing him to fill her, to take her down and slide into her aching pussy. It was crazy to want another person so much. Later, she’d worry about what that meant, for now she couldn’t think, could barely hang on for the ride.

  Suddenly Jackson pulled his lips away. She desperately wanted to beg him to come back, but he cupped her mound and stroked her slit with his middle finger, causing her to sink into oblivion a little more.

  “Your pussy is so wet, I could feed on you for hours, baby. Would you like that? Do you want me to tongue-fuck you?”

  Her answer was to place her hand over his and push his finger inside her a little more. She spread her thighs wider, giving him better access to her aching cunt. Jackson reached around her body with his other hand, grabbed the rope harness and tugged, squeezing her breasts tighter. He dipped his head and licked a lazy circle around her nipple. Several torturous circles, and she started to plead. “Jackson, please, suck it.”

  He leaned back, his eyes glittering silver pools in the dimly lit room. “Are you my pet?”

  She knew what he wanted. Total submission. For Jackson, nothing else would do. “I’m your lover,” she answered, unwilling to give him more power over her than he had already.

  He grinned. “Soon you’ll let me own you. You’ll beg for it.”

  Nothing. Not a single smart ass retort. Of course, when his mouth fastened onto her nipple and his teeth grazed it lightly, she forgot all about one-upsmanship and let herself enjoy Jackson’s passion. He pushed her back on the bed and rose over her, his entire length pressed against her. As his mouth journeyed down her body, Grace dug her fingers into his hair. When he reached her pussy, Grace propped her feet on the mattress and spread herself open for him. A muscle in his jaw jumped wildly, and she heard him emit a low groan before dipping between her thighs and suckling her clit.

  “Jackson,” she cried out, her fingers digging deeper, holding him against her.

  Jackson wrapped his arms around her thighs and speared her entrance with his tongue. Her lower body shot off the bed.

  “Touch your pretty tits, baby. Let me see you play with your sensitive little nipples while I eat this juicy cunt.”

  Grace was well beyond denying him. She forced herself to release his head and cupped her breasts in both hands. Her nipples were so sensitive, even her own touch had her rioting out of control. Jackson’s intense gaze stayed on her as he lapped up her cream.

  He was so close to coming, he could barely restrain himself. He wanted to be snug inside Grace’s slim, delicate body, pounding deep. He wanted her to remember this trip. Every time he looked at her, she’d remember the rope around her breasts, the teasing torture of his tongue inside her cunt, the way their bodies fit so perfectly together as he knew they would.

  As she played with her nipples, driving them both crazy, Jackson suckled her clitoris. Her plump nether lips and the slippery slit between made him hungry. “If I don’t get more of that honey, I’ll surely die, Gracie.”

  He lowered his head and licked her from her clit to her dewy lips then in between, lapping up her delicate cream. Her legs started to close around his head, but his hands clutched her, holding her firmly in place. Jackson tasted her tangy flavor on his tongue and knew he’d never sampled anything sweeter. He inhaled her womanly scent, sucked her clit between his teeth and nibbled.

  Grace’s hands flew to his head, clutching and grasping handfuls of his hair. The sting, had him releasing her and demanding, “Put your hands back on your tits. Don’t make me spank them.”

  Her gaze narrowed on him. “You wouldn’t dare.”

  He released one of her thighs and delivered a gentle slap to her breast. Grace arched off the bed.


  Jackson took in her stunned expression. “Did that hurt, pet?” He knew it didn’t. Her breasts were overly sensitive because of the binding. The slap would only stimulate them more.

  “N-no, not exactly.”

  Jackson slapped her breast two more times, then switched to the other and paid the same attention to it. By the time he was through, Grace was writhing atop the mattress, her fingers clutching the bedspread above her head. Her juices soaked her thighs. He’d never seen a prettier sight.

  “You’re the sweetest vision, baby. I could spend months fucking this body.”

  When his tongue thrust between her folds this time, Grace lost it completely and pushed against his face, undulating as he tongued her. Pushing her shapely legs wide, he dipped his tongue into her hot opening several more times, luxuriating in the wild sounds coming from her throat. Grace’s hands went to his head, grasping at his scalp and pushing his face against her. This time he let her get away with the little bit of insubordination. Jackson sucked at the tiny bundle of nerves and flicked back and forth, inciting another series of moans from Grace. When he used his teeth to tug on her clit, she flung her head back and came, shouting his name in untamed abandon.

  A few more licks and she strained against the unyielding hold his hands had on her soft thighs. He reveled in her unrestrained pas
sion as she seemed to try to hold onto the delirious feelings riding her body.

  Jackson kept his tongue and lips against her sopping wet mound while she regained control. As she collapsed, the muscles in her thighs going slack and falling open, her hands dropped back to the mattress. Jackson lifted away and stood beside the bed, staring down at the tempting picture she presented. She appeared nearly asleep already, exhausted from her climax, but when he dipped his finger into her slippery cunt to gain her attention, her gaze flew to his. He pulled it out and brought it to her lips, rubbing her lube against them before he leaned down and kissed it off her. She whimpered and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him down until their bodies were aligned. As her breasts came into contact with his chest, he caught himself and stopped.

  “This won’t be a one-nighter, baby,” he vowed.

  “Don’t,” she warned. “I’m not promising forever.”

  Her refusal to give them a chance at a relationship burned. Jackson pressed his cock against her entrance. “At least give me more than this one night.”

  She arched a brow. “Negotiating?”

  Jackson slid a finger over the rope binding her breasts. “I think you feel more than a passing attraction toward me, or you never would have let me tie your pretty tits. Admit it, pet.”

  Grace bit her lip and wiggled her hips, teasing the head of his cock. “It’s more than a passing attraction. Now stop talking and put that cock where it can do us both some good.”

  Jackson moved away and left the bed.

  “Hey!” she shouted. “Where are you going?”

  He chuckled as he picked up his pants.

  Grace rose on one elbow and pointed at him. “I swear, if you leave me again I’ll strangle you in your damned sleep.”

  He grabbed a condom out of his pocket and waved it in her direction.

  “Oh,” she mumbled and fell back on the bed.

  He quickly donned the condom, then placed his knee on the end of the mattress and crawled up her body. Stretched out on top of her, Jackson admitted, “Wild horses couldn’t pull me away from you right now.”

  He rose to his knees between her thighs and hooked her legs over his arms. As he pushed his cock just inside her entrance, Grace groaned. It was just the smallest amount, but he watched closely as she chewed at her lower lip. She was so damned tight and small. He wanted to drive into her, slam his hips against hers and fuck her into the damned mattress. But Grace was too soft for that sort of rough sex. He needed to loosen her up or he’d risk hurting her.

  “Stop biting that pretty lip, baby.” He let go of her thighs and leaned down to lick at the wound she’d created with her nipping teeth. Slowly, careful of her size, Jackson began rocking his hips back and forth. He controlled his every motion, waiting for her tight opening to accommodate his intimate invasion. It wasn’t easy, not when all his instincts were screaming at him to thrust hard and fast and deep, to fuck her the way he’d always imagined. But for Grace, he would bring nothing but sweet pleasure. For her, he’d push his own desires down. He’d do anything if it meant hearing that sexy sigh of satisfaction coming from her sweet lips again.

  “You’re so fucking tight,” he murmured. “You feel amazing hugging my cock.”

  “You’re…big,” she managed as she gripped his shoulders.

  “Mmm, flattery, Gracie? I had no idea you were capable.” He kissed his way over her face to her neck where he found that same jumping vein that he’d tasted before, and bit down. Grace groaned and began to move her hips, building a slow rhythm. Jackson was bigger and a whole lot stronger. He easily held her still, keeping her from hurting herself.

  “Not so fast,” he warned. “We have all the time in the world.” He continued his assault on her tempting pulse.

  “I want fast, Jackson. Fast is good.”

  The sound of her anxious voice made him draw back. He had to grit his teeth against her appeal, but he wouldn’t be cajoled. “No. Slowly this first time, or I could hurt you.” To his horror, he saw a tear trickle down the side of her cheek. He kissed it away. “Next time you can run the show. You can go as wild as you want, I swear to God.”

  “I’m holding you to that.”

  He leaned down and kissed her. She capitulated finally, relaxing her flexing hips. “Two can play the torture game, you know,” she warned.

  He pictured Grace teasing him into a horny stupor. He swore. “I’ll never live through it.”

  He resumed his slow, torturous movements, taking his time, needing to make it as pleasurable as possible. He feasted at her gorgeous tits, intent on building her passion. Jackson’s temperature spiked when her inner muscles relaxed for him and he moved into her another inch. Her pussy held him in the tightest fist, and it was too much. Jackson lost it.

  He pushed inside of her hard, watching as Grace’s eyes shot wide with pleasure-pain. His mouth came down on hers, swallowing her cries with his kisses, turning pain into desire in an instant. Soon, their bodies were fused together, moving in unison. Jackson braced himself on his elbows on either side of her head and watched as her breasts moved with each thrust, her neck arched, her mouth dropping open. He pushed as deep as he could possibly go, then pulled out all the way and drove into her again, hard and fast.

  “Fuck me, please,” she begged him. “Harder, Jackson. Fuck me harder.”

  She wrapped her sleek legs around his hips, holding him in her sweet embrace, sending him over the edge and straight into a wildfire. He drove into her pussy one last time and came, hot jets that he wished he could fill her with, mark her forever. In that moment he’d never resented a condom more. Her body pulsed all around his cock, sucking him in farther, milking him dry. Grace collapsed, sated and exhausted.

  “Oh, god, that was so worth the wait,” she admitted, a dreamy smile curving her swollen lips.

  He very nearly crumpled on top of her, but, mindful of her smaller size, he rolled to keep from crushing her. Jackson worried she’d be sore, it was clear she’d never been with anyone of his size. He had an overpowering need to comfort her, to ensure she had nothing but pretty memories of her first time with him.

  Jackson slid out of her boneless body and went to the attached bathroom to dispose of the condom. He grabbed a washcloth, ran warm water over it and brought it to Grace. Her eyes were closed and she had a blissful smile on her lips. His body burned at the sight of her thorough exhaustion. As he bent down and pressed the cloth to the juncture of her thighs, her eyes flew open and her mouth formed a startled O. Neither of them spoke as he cleaned and soothed her sore flesh. Next he removed the rope and massaged her tender skin, paying special attention to the pink flesh of her breasts. As he slid into bed beside her and pulled her pliant body up against him, he felt her start to move. Jackson held her firm.

  “Going somewhere?”

  “I should get back to my own bed. We do have the conference to think about, you know.”

  “Stay. Please.”

  She hesitated a moment, but when she finally lay down next to him, his heart swelled. He pulled her close, wrapping his larger body protectively around her smaller one. She wiggled against him, pushing her soft, round bottom against his groin. The cleft of her ass created the perfect cradle for his dick, and he had to bite back a groan. She wiggled a little more, and he clutched her hip in one hand to hold her still. “There really are a lot of mirrors in these bedrooms, huh?” she mumbled, her voice drowsy, only half aware.

  “Yeah. At first I thought it would be exciting to watch you in them while I fucked you, but I was too busy watching you to pay any attention to the mirrors.” She fidgeted some more, and Jackson growled, “Enough, or I’m going to fuck this hot little ass too.”

  “Mmm, you don’t have it in you. You’re too old for that sort of exertion.”

  He swatted one cheek. “I’m going to love it when you have to eat those words, pet.”

  “Promises, promises,” she breathed. Seconds later, she was snoring.

  Jackson smo
othed her hair away from her cheek and kissed her. Damn, he couldn’t let her go now. Convincing her they belonged together wasn’t going to be easy, though. His cock stirred to life as she pushed more firmly against him. He had to bite back a curse. Sleeping wasn’t going to be easy, either. Somehow he’d have to figure out a way to do both.

  Chapter Eight

  As Grace came awake, her senses tuned into her surroundings and she frowned. A warm male body lay plastered against her back. Oh, no, Jackson. In a wave of images, the night before came crashing in on her. The nightcap. The sex. The rope. Oh God, the rope. Her breasts tingled as she thought about the sensation of being bound. She already wanted to do it again. How messed up was that?

  One dinner together and she’d flung all her convictions to stay away from the handsome man right out the window. She could blame it on the city. Vegas was known as Sin City for a reason, right? Hell, she could even blame it on Jackson and his talented seduction. There wasn’t a woman on the planet who would fault her. But it wouldn’t be the truth. The truth smacked her in the face like a Mack truck. She’d fallen. Head over heels fallen. She wasn’t even sure when it had happened. Probably the day her face had gotten in the way of his basketball game after they’d first met. His sexy grin and devilish good looks were enough to make any woman melt. Observing—and fighting—him this past year had sealed her fate. Still, he didn’t have to know. Just because she was in love with the man didn’t mean it needed to become public knowledge.

  As delicately as possible, Grace lifted Jackson’s arm from around her waist and slipped silently from the bed. She took two steps before he shifted, turned onto his stomach and started snoring. Grace watched him sleep, indulging in a rare moment of having Jackson off guard. Awake, he was a force to be reckoned with. Asleep, he seemed almost tender. He moved his leg, and the sheet fell away, giving her the perfect view of his naked ass. God, no wonder she’d fallen so fast. Who could possibly hold out against all that tanned, muscled flesh? Move your butt, Grace, he’ll be awake soon. Her inner voice just didn’t seem to understand the joys of looking at Jackson in repose.


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