Tempting Grace: The Vaughn Series, Book 4

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Tempting Grace: The Vaughn Series, Book 4 Page 9

by Anne Rainey

  “Spread your legs a little more,” he ordered. When she complied, his entire body shot out of control. He could see everything. Her heart-shaped ass, the pink pucker of her anus and her wet, swollen cunt. She was completely on display.

  “It feels forbidden, doesn’t it?” he asked. She replied with a jerky nod as she buried her face into the bedspread. “You’ve always been my forbidden pleasure, Gracie. Each time I looked at you, I knew I had no business thinking what I was thinking. You were too young, too innocent. But it never seemed to matter, because I still wanted you.”

  She lifted her head and started to speak, but he slid his fingers in another inch and all that came out was a whimper. Jackson was buried clear to his knuckles inside Grace’s ass.

  “There are a lot of sensitive nerve endings around your anus. When my cock fills you, it’s going to feel so damn good. Spreading you open and pumping into you. Tell me. Admit you want me there. Give me permission, baby.”

  “Yes, Jackson.”

  Just what he wanted to hear. “You will be able to feel every throb.” He leaned over her and whispered into her ear. “Every inch will feel like another taste of paradise. Then, when I come, you’ll feel the heat of it shooting through you. Would you like me to come inside of you? Right here—” he wiggled his fingers for emphasis “—in this tight little ass where no man has ever touched?”

  “You make me want things. I’ve never felt so ready to come and you’ve not even touched my clit. Please don’t make me wait.”

  Her passion equaled his, but he couldn’t take her, not just yet. “I want to make sure you’re ready for me.” He pulled his fingers free and added a third, then thrust inside, stretching her, pushing her beyond her comfort zone. He made every attempt to go slow, allowing her body to adjust to the invasion. She moaned and spread her legs further, pressed backward against his hand, as if anxious for more.

  “Mmm, that’s it, pet,” he murmured. “Now you’re ready.” Jackson’s body was on fire and his dick ached for release. He couldn’t wait another second.

  He reached for the bottle of lotion once more and poured a small amount over his aching cock, already swollen and dripping with pre-come at the thought of being buried deep. Gently, Jackson separated the round globes of Grace’s backside and touched the head of his cock to her entrance. Alert to any sign of pain, he pushed the head of cock inside. It was such sweet torture to hold back from thrusting deeply. His body was desperate to fuck her hard and fast.

  She cried out his name and clutched the bedspread above her head. As he slipped in another inch, she thrust backward.

  He held her hips in place. “Easy, baby. Let me take you there slowly.”

  Another inch more and she tried to take control of their lovemaking by pushing herself onto him. He bit back a curse as the action caused his cock to slip in another inch. “Slow down or you’ll hurt yourself,” he commanded.

  She was new to this type of sexual pleasure and didn’t understand that they couldn’t rush this first time. He refused to cause her even an ounce of pain—despite the way his primal instincts kept battering at him to fill her.

  As he held her down, Jackson heard Grace let loose a needy little whimper. The yearning, delicate sound turned his heart to mush and he gave her another thick inch of his hard flesh. In the same instant, he took his right hand from her hip and toyed with the tempting little bud of her clitoris. He watched her back arch, her hands clutching the bedspread as she became a slave to her body’s delicious sensations. With no warning she screamed his name and pushed against him as her orgasm took her. It was sheer ecstasy to bring her to all new heights of pleasure.

  “Now,” he snarled. “All of me.”


  A rumbling growl escaped him at her feral response. He pushed himself the rest of the way inside her tightest opening, her muscles sucked him in and she immediately tensed.

  Jackson swore, then swore again. The pleasure-pain of her body’s clutch was the best sort of torment.

  “Fuck, ease up, Grace.”

  “I-I can’t,” she cried.

  Jackson reached up and stroked her sweat soaked hair away from her face, then covered her body with his larger frame, folding himself around her protectively. He kissed her upturned cheek and felt her inner muscles relax. He thanked the heavens above. Much more of her clenching and he would have embarrassed himself.

  “Good girl.” He bit the smooth line of her neck, pleased when she all but purred for him. He licked and suckled at her neck, knowing now how much she liked it, and began a gentle rhythm with his hips. Leisurely he built the pace until his overheated flesh was slapping against hers.

  “You belong to me.”

  She didn’t speak, only licked her lips and pushed against him, joining in the rhythm of their beautiful dance. Soon he felt himself swell and his balls drew up tight. One more thrust and he was there, his cock erupting inside her, hot fluid filling her. She shouted his name and joined him with her own climactic finish.

  Jackson kissed Grace’s cheek, then her neck. “You make me lose control.”

  “I know what you mean.”

  Jackson slipped his cock free of her tight opening, then sat back on his knees and stared down at the little blonde beauty who’d stolen his heart with a few sarcastic comments. It was unbelievable he’d gone his entire life keeping his heart safe, only to have it snatched away by a woman too sassy for her good. He moved off the bed and said, “Come on, shower time.”

  “I can’t move, but you go ahead.”

  He shook his head, then swatted her ass. She jerked and glared at him. “What was that for?”

  He held out his hand. “Get your cute ass in gear. We need a shower, then we need to see about the conference.”

  She muttered to herself and scooted across the bed. “I suppose I should spend at least a little time looking over the different software companies. Vaughn is due for some upgrades.”

  Jackson grabbed her as she started around him toward the bathroom. He pulled her in tight and took her mouth in a demanding mating of lips. As he felt her surrender, he dipped low, swung her into his arms and carried her to the bathroom. He licked at the seam of her lips before lifting his head. He looked at the huge tub and changed his mind about a quick shower. Leaving Grace standing in the middle of the room nibbling at her lower lip, Jackson turned on the faucets and adjusted the temperature of the water until it was just right.

  “I thought you wanted to shower?”

  He held out a hand and she took it willingly, a shy smile crossing her face. “Changed my mind.” He let her step in first, before he moved in behind her and sat down. She settled between his legs before he grabbed the soap and washcloth.

  “No bubble bath?”

  He smoothed the cloth over her slick skin and felt his cock begin to stir. “It’d only detract from the view.”

  Grace was silent as he started to clean her. He made his way down over her torso, then massaged the washcloth between her thighs. It wasn’t long before the washcloth became annoying. He dropped it in the water and let his fingers journey over Grace’s smooth skin. When he moved upward, touching the plump flesh of her breasts, she quivered. He imagined what it might be like to have her this way every morning, soft, trusting, ready for his pleasure.

  “You’re so pretty, baby,” Jackson murmured. “I love the way you react to my touch.” He pinched her nipple and Grace arched forward. “You make me lose my mind.”

  “I love your touch,” Grace breathed out. She lifted her arm and clutched his forearm, as if afraid he’d disappear if she let go. He could’ve told her he wasn’t about to go anywhere.

  Jackson’s skimmed his fingers back and forth over each puffy nipple, forcing them to tight peaks. He inched his way over her ribcage to her hips, before cupping her mound. “Mmm, my pretty little baby,” he whispered against her ear. “So soft and sweet.”

  Grace spread her legs wider, giving him the advantage. He dipped his finger into h
er pussy, pulling another moan from her. He was slow and gentle, the need to savor each touch paramount in his mind. There would be no speeding to the finish line this time. He used his other hand to pinch her clitoris between his finger and thumb, rolling and squeezing the tight bundle of nerves. His blood ran hot as her pussy clenched around him.

  “Oh, God, I want you,” she admitted. “I feel like I’ve wanted you forever.”

  “Me too, sweetheart, but let me make love to you for a bit. There’s no hurry.”

  He emphasized his words by letting another finger join the first inside her wet heat. His cock pressed against her bottom and he had to force back the need to plunge it deep inside her hot little ass. Grace pushed her lower body into his hand, working herself into a frenzy.

  He kissed her neck and sucked at her pulse, giving her a small purple mark. “Mine,” he growled.

  “Please,” Grace begged, her voice hoarse from her earlier shouts.

  He placed a series of soft kisses down her shoulder and hummed against her wet skin, “You’re so sexy like this, baby. All slick and eager. I could drown in you.” Smoothing his fingers over Grace’s fleshy labia, he watched as she flung her head back and moaned deep, pushing against his hand. Her desperation fueled his hunger.

  Moving his fingers inside her quicker, he found just the right rhythm, caressing her into a wild fervor. When she was nearly there, he pulled all the way out, then plunged deep. He pumped himself against the supple flesh of her ass while he finger-fucked her tight pussy, helpless to stop the firestorm raging inside him. Without warning Grace burst apart, her inner muscles holding his fingers tightly. Her bucking body pushed him over the edge and had him coming in hot spurts against her body, coating them both with his seed.

  Jackson wrapped his other arm around her middle as her orgasm continued, holding her snug against him. After they both caught their breath, he cupped her face and forced to look at him. “No woman has ever made me lose control so easily.” He pressed his lips to hers, soft and easy, before coaxing her lips open. When she sighed and let him in, he sucked at her tongue, dying for a taste of her, aching to make the moment last forever. Slowly, he lifted his lips from hers.

  She let out a shaky breath, then said, “I have no control with you. You speak and I melt. You smile and butterflies fill my stomach. You steal a woman’s sanity and it’s really not fair.”

  He grinned down at her. “Then we’re on equal ground here, pet, because it’s the same for me.”

  Neither of them said another word. They simply lingered in the tub until the water turned cold, enjoying the moment. As they toweled off, Jackson waited for Grace to say something, anything, about her feelings. To give him at least a hint at what she felt for him. As she started to dress for the conference, his frustration won out. He snatched her blouse out of her hand and held it above her head. “Whoa, that’s it? You don’t have anything to say?”

  Her brows shot upward. “What do you mean?”

  “Don’t play with me,” he gritted out. “You know what I’m talking about. We just shared something incredible and you’re going to go into work mode without a backward glance?”

  She pushed her hair behind her ear. “I loved what we did, you know that. It was wonderful, but I don’t know what more you want from me.”

  Jackson took her chin in his palm and forced her to meet his gaze. “I want a relationship with you. I want to belong to you and I want you to belong to me. I won’t accept anything less.”

  She placed her hand against his cheek, her expression one of concern. “I’m not sure it’s smart, but I think I’m falling for you.” He started to lay his own feelings on the line, but she placed two fingers against his lips, forestalling any declarations of love everlasting.

  “You should know that I didn’t want to care about you. I tried really hard not to, in fact. You aren’t the type to settle down. I’ve seen you with other women. You don’t stay with a woman for more than a few months. I’m not interested in being dumped once the newness wears off. If you can’t offer me more than a short term sexfest, then we end things now and be glad for what we had.” She took a deep breath and went on. “After the car accident, when I was told I’d have a hard time bringing a baby to full term, I sort of convinced myself I didn’t have much to offer a man. I’m still uncertain. There are a lot of ifs involved there, but I do know that I’m tired of worrying about what may never be.”

  Jackson took her head in the palms of his hands. “First of all, if we have kids, great. If not, that’s okay too. Giving birth doesn’t make you more of a woman in my estimation. Second, I’ve not had a serious relationship because the only woman who could ever fill that spot is standing in front of me. I’ve watched you for over a year. We’ve been driving each other crazy dancing around the issue, but the truth is, I don’t think either of us was ready. I love you, Gracie. You and only you. I’m too damned old for you, and you deserve someone who can be sweet and gentle, but I won’t give you up. This isn’t a sexfest. Although that does sound intriguing.” She elbowed him in the ribs, and he chuckled. “Seriously, baby, this is the real deal.”

  Jackson was horrified when Grace’s soft blue eyes welled up. He’d rather lie on a bed of nails than watch Grace cry. “This is the real deal for me too,” she admitted shyly.

  He swiped at a tear that trickled down her cheek and whispered, “Good. Now, let’s get this damned conference out of the way so we can get back here and play with that rope a little more.”

  Her cheeks turned pink. “You want to bind me again?”

  Jackson reached around and smacked her ass, causing her to yelp, before handing her blouse back to her. “There’s twenty-five feet of rope there, pet, I can do a lot of tying with that much.”

  She went up on her toes and whispered, “You are so depraved.”

  Their lips touched, and suddenly the conference was forgotten again.


  Three weeks later…

  “Merrick, I’m not turning in my expenses, and if you suggest it one more time, I’m going to blow a gasket. I didn’t do a lick of work the entire time I was in Vegas. It was more or less a vacation.”

  Grace was getting good and tired of having this conversation. From the time they’d arrived back in Ohio, Merrick had been all questions. When she’d finally relented and told him that Jackson and she were now an item, he’d started threatening Jackson to within an inch of his life if he so much as made her sad. Now he wouldn’t let up about reimbursing her for the Vegas trip.

  “You aren’t taking advantage of me if I want to pay for the damned trip, so turn in your expenses.”

  “She won’t change her mind, trust me. I should know.”

  Grace pivoted on her heel to find Jackson lounging against Merrick’s office door, a devilish grin on his handsome face. His tan pants and black polo shirt showed off his muscular body. Her mouth watered as she remembered how they’d started out the day. She’d woken in Jackson’s bed, his mouth between her thighs. She’d reciprocated, of course.

  “Earth to Grace.”

  She turned at the sound of her cousin’s annoyed voice. “What?”

  Merrick waved her out of his office. “Go, it’s no use trying to talk to you when you have that glazed-over look in your eyes.”

  Jackson stepped forward and wrapped an arm around her waist. “Ready to go home?”

  She nodded. “I just need to grab my purse. I’ll meet you by the elevators.” She started to move away, but he was faster. His head descended, their lips met. It was too brief, and Grace badly needed more. “Tease,” she muttered as she stalked from the office, his chuckle trailing after her.

  As she approached her desk, one of the other female employees came up to her. Marty was it? No, Marly. She’d never cared much for the other woman. Her catty gossiping in the break room had grated on her nerves more than once.

  “So, you and Jackson have been pretty hot and heavy for…what? Three weeks now?”

had no idea where this conversation was leading, but knowing Marly, it wasn’t going to make her happy. “Uh, yeah, I guess.” Grace took her purse off the back of her chair and turned toward the woman.

  “So, that means you have about a week left before he boots you out of his bed.”

  Ah, here it came. Envy, and it was never pretty. “You think?”

  The woman looked down her nose at her. Grace had never actually seen someone physically do that, but Marly was quite capable, considering she was six-foot-three. “He never keeps a woman longer than a month,” she sneered. “Hope you didn’t give up your apartment. You’ll probably need it again soon, hun.”

  Grace stepped forward and gave her anger free rein. “Be very careful what you say about Jackson. I don’t much care for people who trash my family.”

  Marly stepped back. “He’s not even close to being your family.”

  Grace stepped forward again, noting the way Marly paled. “He’s mine, remember that. I protect my own.”

  “No need to get nasty. I’m just giving you a friendly warning. It’s no skin off my nose if you don’t heed it.”

  She stomped off, leaving Grace in a predicament. She could clock the bitch, but then that wouldn’t be very professional. Or she could do the adult thing and let it go.

  “She’s not worth it, baby.”

  The deep baritone behind her had her pussy throbbing. She turned to find Jackson standing several feet away, his hands in his pockets. She couldn’t read his expression. Had he heard the woman’s caustic remarks? “She deserved a black eye for what she said about you.”

  Jackson closed the distance separating them and took her in his arms. “I love you, Gracie. I’m not getting tired of you. Give me about fifty years and maybe that’ll change, but I highly doubt it will even then.”


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