Running Northwest

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Running Northwest Page 8

by Michael Melville

  “Good morning sunshine! How was your night?” he asked his favorite employee in quiet voice.

  “I hate men so much, so damn much,” she said followed by a sad angry sigh.

  “So I’m assuming the date didn’t go so well then?” he asked her.

  “It went great for him, he got what he wanted I guess,” Tracie said as she gave Thomas an all too familiar look.

  “I called him this morning and he said he didn’t think it was gunna work out and asked me not to call him again, the jerk.”

  Thomas grimaced a little, he hated days like this for Tracie. He felt bad for her; she hadn’t had the best luck with guys in recent months. He hated guys like the one she went out with the night before, always had. The kind that use women, throw them away after they’re done and got what they wanted. Jason had a reputation and he wanted to warn her but Thomas knew that Tracie would get upset if he got involved in her personal life. And for a brief second he relished in the fact he had a son and not a daughter. God only knows what he would do if he had a daughter and some guy treated her like that. Thomas also, and much more than briefly, considered calling this Jason kid’s boss, Jerry Ruiz. Jerry owned that particular reality company and was a good friend of his. Thomas knew that Jerry was an old fashioned kind of guy and would possibly be very interested in knowing how his employee treated women.

  But Tracie had asked Thomas a while back not to get involved in things like this, unless she specifically asked him for help. She was more looking out for Thomas when she had asked this and he knew that. Tracie was well aware of his somewhat “protective” nature towards her. And she didn’t want him to get into trouble over some dumb kid she was seeing. She had seen the results of his “work” before. Regardless though he was still considering talking to Derrick about it and asking him to deal with the kid quietly. They were all fairly close friends. He knew Derrick would not mind dealing with it for Thomas, and he may actually enjoy doing it. But Thomas also knew that he couldn’t go around beating up or having every single guy that hurt or upset Tracie beat up. He was after all in the coffee business and not the vengeance business.

  “So did you sleep with him then?” Alexis asked, joining their conversation with an abrupt question.

  “No Alexis, I didn’t have sex with him, we just…I don’t know…messed around a little bit,” she answered, a little embarrassed and directed a scowl at her cousin.

  “Well you must have not been very good at whatever you did since he doesn’t want to see you again,” Alexis said with a laugh.

  “Well you would be the expert now wouldn’t you? Oh, and by the way, nice skirt…real professional looking for an interview, Alex. Is that what you wear when you’re walking the streets at night in Phoenix?” Tracie said with her head still resting against Thomas’ bicep.

  Alexis started to sputter out a reply when Thomas slapped the table with his huge hand and started to stand up expanding his massive frame.

  “Ladies I’m really not in the damn mood for this right now, if you want to bicker and fight like children go home and do it – otherwise shut the hell up,” he said as he looked down at the two cousins who were giving each other death stares from opposite sides of the table.

  “Sorry Thomas,” Alexis said looking up and batting her long eyelashes at him.

  Thomas rolled his eyes as he briefly looked away; he was beyond frustrated at this point.

  “Tracie why don’t you come in the back and have a talk with me alone okay?” he said smiling and putting his hand down to help Tracie up out of her seat; turning his head towards Alexis he said, “Oh and Alexis, knock it off with the eyelash thing okay? I’m 35, divorced and have a niece. That stuff stopped working on me ten or fifteen years ago. That crap only works on stupid college boys, do I look like a stupid college boy to you?” he added in a stern, almost growling voice looking her directly in the eyes as he talked.

  “No, Thomas you don’t, sorry,” she answered quietly looking down at the floor more than a little embarrassed.

  “Great, I’m glad we got that straightened out. Why don't you make yourself useful for a few minutes and get the shop ready to open while I talk to Tracie,” he said as he walked away.

  Thomas helped Tracie up and put his hand on the small of her back as they walked around the counter and out the shop’s back door so they could talk privately. As soon as the door was shut behind them Tracie stared bawling and threw herself into her bosses’ arms.

  He just quietly whispered, “I’m sorry Darlin, I’m so sorry,” in her ear.

  It was really the only thing he could say at a moment like this. Then he did the only thing he knew Tracie really wanted him to do, and that was to hug her. So he pulled her close to him, gently kissed her forehead and held her tight to his large body and just let her cry it out. He rubbed one hand up and down her back as her deep heavy sobs shook his frame, her fingers gripping the back of his black t-shirt. He hadn’t seen her so upset in quite a while; usually she was pretty tough.

  A few minutes later she was calmed down enough and capable of conversation and ready to start working. The two walked back inside the coffee shop and were surprised to see that it was more or less ready to be opened with the exception of a few small things. Alexis was standing next to the counter putting out some “to go” cups for the hot drinks and looked up and smiled when they walked in.

  “Alexis, I’m really sorry for being such a bitch when I first got here,” Tracie said, a small smile on her face.

  “It’s okay and I’m sorry too, you had a bad night I shouldn’t have got on you like I did, I was an ass,” Alexis replied with an awkward smile.

  The two cousins hugged, which made Thomas’ life easier for the moment. He looked around and checked out everything that Alexis had done while they were outside, he was very impressed.

  “Hey Kiddo you did great in here, more than I actually expected you to do,” he said smiling at Alexis

  “Thanks, boss,” she replied with a warm nervous smile as she looked up at her new boss who towered over both her and her cousin.

  He smiled back at her and leaned up against the counter. He crossed his huge arms and looked at the two woman and then down at the ground, flexing his muscles as he did so. It was something he did involuntarily when he was thinking hard. He noticed the two women staring at his arms and sort of smiling. He noticed and became self-conscious, uncrossed them but not sure what to do with them. So he just put his hands half way into his pockets.

  “Here’s what’s going for the day. Alexis I want you to stay for an hour or so with Tracie and let her catch you up on some things that you and I didn’t go over earlier. And I think I’d like to have you start working tonight at 7 pm until 1 am. Does that sound all right with you?” he said to Alexis.

  “Hey, sounds good to me,” Alexis replied smiling and excited.

  “All right great, welcome aboard kid; and Tracie what are your dinner plans after work?” Thomas asked looking at Tracie who was in the process of putting her makeup back on. She looked up curiously.

  “Well, umm, I don’t really have any now…I mean I did. But now I don’t. Why what’s up?” she asked

  “I was wondering if you would like to come up to the house and have dinner with Daniel and me tonight. He hasn’t seen you since Monday and he literally told me to ‘fix that’ this morning. He said you’re a pretty girl and that I should make pretty girls dinner sometimes. But I think he just wants to see his favorite girlfriend. He said he wanted to dress up nice,” he said with a laugh

  “Aww, Thomas I’d love to. I miss Daniel. Are you sure though I thought you and he had plans for the weekend?” She asked.

  “I’m positive; we would love to see you. We were going to go camping but it’s obviously not going to stop raining. So…yeah, just give me a call when you are on your way up. I am assuming you will want to stop home and change first, so I’ll plan on seeing you about eight okay. Then after Daniel goes to bed you and I can talk about some thin
gs,” he said.

  “That sounds great, I’d really love that. I’ll see you at eight but I will call when I am on my way. Should I bring anything with me?” she said with a smile, running her hand through her hair still trying to fix herself up for the day.

  “Nope, just bring yourself, Darlin. Us guys will take care of the rest,” he said with a smile and a little growl in his voice.

  “Well all right then ladies, you have a good day. Tracie I’ll see you tonight. Alexis if you have any problems at all tonight don’t be afraid to call me, okay? Seriously I’d rather have you call me than not if you run into issues,” he said.

  “I’m sure I will be fine but thanks Thomas,” she answered.

  Thomas turned and put his pea coat on and grabbed his laptop bag and walked out the door. The two female employees watched their boss leave after saying goodbye one last time. After he had a gotten into his truck and pulled away Alexis turned and looked at Tracie who was suddenly quiet again.

  “So Trace, did Thomas just ask you on a date? Is that what just happened there?” she asked smiling.

  “Shut up Alex, he just invited me over for dinner with his SON. He does it once in a while. Thomas and I are just friends, don’t get all excited over nothing,” she said not realizing she was blushing a little bit.

  “Well if you say so, because to me it sounded like a date,” Alexis said.

  “It’s not Alex, trust me,” Tracie said in a stern tone as she was looking down and counting out the money in the cash register.

  “Okay, well he is sexy as hell, for and older guy. I wouldn’t blame you, I’m just saying,” she answered back.

  “Yeah, I know he is, I mean handsome not old,” Tracie said and then put her hand over her eyes adding, “Could you just go grab the cream cheese from the fridge for me please?”

  A few minutes later Thomas was driving north down the rain covered street. He had to go and pick up the dogs from the vets at 1:30. He had dropped them off after bringing Daniel to school so they could get their shots and checkups. He looked at the clock on the radio in the truck, it was 12:15 now and he had some time to burn. So he decided to go and talk with Derrick for a little bit at their bar The Whaleback until then. The bar opened at noon but was not usually busy at that point and he knew Derrick had been there since 11 am. Thomas drove down the street and a few minutes later he pulled into the parking lot of the bar, there were only a few other cars in it. When he got inside he saw only four people: an older couple and two regulars who were sitting up at one end of the bar. He knew them all and briefly said hello before setting up his laptop at the opposite end of the bar and sitting down. Even though Thomas was half owner of The Whaleback, Derrick was the one who ran it and Thomas never wanted to step on his toes. Therefore, he waited for Derrick as opposed to getting himself a drink.

  After sitting there at the bar for little bit he heard Derrick yell from the back room that he would be right out. Derrick and Thomas had installed security cameras all over the bar inside and out when they opened the place. He knew Derrick would eventually see him sitting there.

  “Get your ass a drink you old fart, I’m not your damn servant!” Derrick yelled from the backroom.

  The comment from the back room made Thomas, and the two old men that were sitting at the bar laugh aloud. Thomas walked around the bar, pulled out a longneck and started a pot of coffee. He turned and asked the two old timers if they needed anything. However, they were okay, so he walked back around and sat down on his seat.

  The Whaleback was an oddly decorated joint, a mish mash of interests and style that seemed to work in unison. The walls had fishing nets and small lights on them, old fishing supplies hung in various places. Old black and white pictures of the area were hung on the walls. The front of the bar was corrugated steel, the top was made of wood and there were various car and motorcycle parts and memorabilia hung about. Derrick had mounted four flat panel TV’s in different spots around the bar. Above the bar and completely chromed out was the front portion of an old motorcycle. It had the front forks, tire, headlight, handle bars and the front third of the engine. Derrick had cut the old broken bike up himself and spent weeks trying to figure out how to mount it safety on the wall. Behind the handlebars was a cartoon looking wooden humpback whale with sunglasses and a cheesy grin as the rider. It was also their logo on the sign outside. The bar itself was somewhat dimly lit and gave the place a cool and slightly ominous look. Occasionally Derrick would have bands come in and play he also had karaoke every Tuesday night. That went over very well with the locals during the slower winter months, and the tourists also enjoyed it.

  A few minutes later Derrick pushed his way through the back door carrying a box of Budweiser in his arms and a cigarette in his mouth.

  “What’s going on, old man? How’s your day going? How did the interview go with Alexis today?” Derrick asked as he set the box down on the top of the bar to shake his friends’ hand, then walked around bar to stock the cooler.

  “It went fine I guess. The girls got in an argument but they worked it out. But me and Alexis more or less just talked and caught up. I’m having Alexis hang around the shop for another hour or so with her cousin and let Tracie catch her up on some details. Then I’m throwing her into the fire and having her work tonight,” Thomas said.

  “Think she’s ready for that?” Derrick asked.

  “More or less. She knows what the hell she’s doing. And after she works with Tracie for a bit she will be fine.”

  “Right on,” he said without looking at Thomas.

  Derrick finished stocking the beer bottles in the cooler and grabbed one and went around the bar and sat down next to Thomas.

  “So now that you brought her up, how did Tracie’s date go last night? He asked Thomas then adding “Erin and I ran into them at dinner,”

  Thomas made a low almost growl, took a hit of a cigarette he had lit and gave Derrick a long hard look in the eyes, slightly raising an eyebrow as he did so. It was a look Derrick had seen many times over the years. And the look usually meant something bad or that Thomas was pissed. After a minute or so of thinking where to start, Thomas told Derrick what had happened the night before with Tracie and her date. And what had happened that morning at the café. After he was done Derrick also sat quietly. Thomas knew that his friend was upset about the situation now also. They were all friends and Erin, Derrick’s girlfriend, had become very close with Tracie.

  “Sucks man; is she going be all right?” Derrick finally asked.

  “I think she will eventually, I think she liked this guy more than what she let on,” Thomas said. “Has Erin said anything to you about this guy?” Thomas asked.

  “No I don’t think so, at least nothing that comes to mind. What are you gunna do about it, anything?” Derrick asked, knowing his old friend would be able to read between the lines of what he said.

  “I don’t know yet, I’m thinking about talking to Jerry Ruiz, he’s the kid’s boss. But Tracie asked me to stay out of things like this, and I’m sure you know why,” Thomas answered in a low voice as he was looking at the TV hanging above the bar.

  Derrick smiled “That I do man, that I do. So are you gunna do what Tracie asked then?” he asked.

  “Haven’t decided yet, but for now I asked Tracie over for dinner tonight. Daniel misses her, and it will give us a chance to talk more about it,” he told his friend.

  “Aww, what a nice boss you are. You never take me out for dinner,” Derrick said in a girl sounding voice and laughing.

  “No, seriously man, that’s pretty cool of you. I bet Daniel can’t wait to see Tracie tonight. I am sure she will appreciate it and you and Tracie have not hung out in while outside of work anyway. So what are you gunna make for dinner for the three of you?” he asked.

  Thomas reached over, grabbed his beer, and took a sip of it. He gently tapped the bottle on the wooden bar top as the thought to himself.

  “I haven’t decided yet, but I have a little time to
think about it. I have to go pick up the dogs from the vets at 1:30. After that, I am going to the store with Daniel after I pick him up from school. He insisted I bring him with me so he can help pick out dinner,” Thomas answered.

  “Well I hope you pick something good to make and not your usual crap,” he said laughing, “Let me know if you want me to take care of anything for you regarding the other stuff okay?”

  “Yeah, me too; it’s been a while since I’ve cooked for anyone besides me and Daniel. And I’ll let you know about the other thing,” Thomas said as he reached over the bar and grabbed the coffee pot and poured some into an empty cup.

  Thomas and Derrick sat talking at the bar for another half an hour or so. Periodically a few more customers wondered their way into The Whaleback, causing the two friends to stop smoking and making Derrick tend the bar. The other server would not be there until 2 pm.

  At quarter after one Derrick packed up his laptop, shook Derrick’s hand and said goodbye to a few of the regulars he knew and left to go to the veterinarian to get Harley and Layla, and then pick up his son from school.


  Fridays were normally Stephanie’s favorite day of the week, but today had been one of those days where everything seemed to go wrong seemingly all at once. It was nearly four in the afternoon and she was planning to leave early at 4:30 pm. It had been a rough week for her. After her and Karen’s conversation the previous Monday night, she was left in a somewhat somber mood all week. Work went well enough with the exception of today, but she found it difficult to focus and concentrate. Her mind constantly wondered onto thoughts of Thomas and things from their past, things she had not thought about in years.

  Karen also had been in a somewhat odd mood since their talk. Usually she would stop into Stephanie’s office periodically during the day and the two would chat for a while. Karen had been very evasive and for some reason Stephanie was the one to initiate conversation. She was worried Karen was upset with her, and asked her about it on Thursday. Karen just told her that she was working on a special project for work and that had been keeping her busy all week. Stephanie was relieved to know that Karen was not upset with her, and just brushed it behind her not even thinking or asking what it was.


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