Running Northwest

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Running Northwest Page 24

by Michael Melville

  Thomas got up and followed her outside to her SUV. She opened the door to reveal Daniel who was passed out and sleeping.

  “Looks like you tired him right out. How long did it take for him to fall asleep?” Thomas asked.

  “Actually, I think he was half asleep when he called you on the phone. My sons were already sleeping” Amy said.

  “Well I’m surprised he held on that long then. Let me grab him, maybe I can get him without waking him up,” Thomas said as he unlocked his truck with the remote.

  He reached into her SUV, scooped up his pooped out son in his arms, and carried him over to the truck. Amy followed with the boys backpack and opened the door for Thomas. After setting his son into the front seat and belting him in, he shut the door and turned to Amy.

  “Well I’m sure I’ll hear about your day in the morning. But how was he, was he any trouble?” Thomas asked

  “Oh God no, he has to be the most polite kid I’ve ever met Thomas. We had a ball out there; I have to say he is pretty into his nature stuff isn’t he?”

  Oh yeah, you want to know about something in the ocean and the beach and he’s your kid. I’m glad he was good for you though,” Thomas said.

  “Well we would love to have him along again sometime, he kept Stevie busy. My oldest son doesn’t make friends very easy, he’s kind of a shy little kid so he and Daniel are two peas in pod if you ask me” Amy replied.

  “Yeah Daniel is pretty shy also. Well whenever you want, just let me know. I’m assuming you have my number already?” he asked.

  “Yeah your son gave it to me, hope that was okay.” she said smiling.

  “Of course” Thomas said feeling a little awkward then adding “well I should get him home, we gotta a little bit of a drive up the coast,” Thomas said.

  “Yeah I have to get the boys home and see if I can get some dinner in them before it gets too late. Well, have a nice night, hopefully we will see you soon” Amy said.

  “Oh I’m sure you will,” Thomas said then sticking out his hand to shake her hand.

  A few minutes later after waving goodbye to Amy and her sons, Thomas grabbed his things from inside the coffee shop and was heading north. It had started clouding up earlier and he had heard there was some big storms coming and should be here tomorrow evening. The weather service had already issued a gale warning for the next three days for the coast and storm watches for most of the western Oregon area. After getting home Thomas, would have to see if he had to go to the store the next day and pick up any supplies. Usually when they had bad storms, Thomas and Daniel’s house tended to lose power for a day or so, sometimes more. He would have to make sure they were stocked up on firewood if the power did go out. He was glad school was out for the summer, during the school year they would occasionally have to sit a bad storm out in a hotel farther in land. However, if there was one they both liked about storms when they got them, it would be the high waves they got here on the coast. If this was going to be a big one maybe they would head up north a little ways with the dogs and check out the surf action Thomas thought as he drove.

  As they pulled into the dirt road that led to their small cottage home Daniel started waking up and looked over at his dad and smiled.

  “Hey Dad” the boy said quietly

  “How’s it going buddy, I thought I was going to have to carry you into the house. Amy said you and Steven had fun today at the beach” Thomas asked.

  “Oh man it was so much fun, I’ve never been this tired before I don’t think” Daniel said as he was trying to stay awake in the passenger seat.

  “Okay, well you can tell me all about it in the morning, but why don’t you go inside and get into bed all right?” Thomas said.

  “All right Dad, sounds good to me” the boy replied as he opened the door and lowered himself out of the truck then headed towards the houses back door.

  As Thomas went in, Layla and Harley flew out of the door, almost knocking him down.

  “Hey guys” Thomas said bending down to pet the dogs who were licking his face. Then Thomas said “all right you guys get back in side and then after Daniel falls asleep we will go and hang out down on the beach.

  A few minutes later Thomas and both dogs were inside the house. He made his way towards his son’s bedroom just to find him asleep in just shorts on top of his blankets. He looked at the boy’s dirty feet and decided a shower would have to wait until the morning. He covered his son up with a blanket and left the room after shutting off the lights. He walked out into the living room and turned the TV on; switching the station to the news and waiting for the weather to come on. He sat down on the couch and was joined by his two dogs Layla and Harley. Through the window behind him he could hear the wind already picking up.

  Twenty Two

  The James home was a mess the next morning. Thomas woke up to the sound of his son jumping on his bed up and down very excited about something. Layla was disgruntled and had removed herself from the bed and relocating to the couch and Harley was running around the house because a storm was coming and she was scared senseless. Thomas rolled over onto his back just to have his son land all his weight onto Thomas’ stomach.

  “Dad you gotta wake up man, you got to see the waves, they are huge” he said excitedly.

  Thomas groaned and moved his son off him so he could breathe again then rubbed his eyes.

  “Kid you jumped on my gut, why would you do that?” Thomas asked as he rubbed his stomach.

  “Dad, seriously man you sound weird when you say the word…dude” Daniel said with a serious look on his face.

  “Oh yeah that’s right, I’m old and can’t say that word” Thomas said then adding, “so what’s the big deal, it’s like 8 am you know.”

  “Yeah I know I can’t sleep anymore and Harley is all upset and won’t stop moving,” the boy answered.

  Thomas sat up, got out of bed, and walked towards the slider in his room. He opened it just be hit by blast of cool salty wind. He looked out over what at one point was a wide open beach but now was just a mess of giant waves and water. He looked up at the sky and saw that it was cloudy but the farther out over the ocean it was dark and ominous.

  He turned around and looked at his son who was sitting on his knees on his bed petting Harley’s head as she laid there nervously then said, “Well it looks like we’re gunna get one hell of a storm, maybe the weathermen on TV were actually right this time”

  “Heck yeah they were Dad, it’s so exciting I love storms” the boy said with a big grin on his face.

  “I know you do Kiddo. Well, how about you get dressed and then help me get things outside moved in so they do not blow away. Then, how would you feel about going up to Cannon Beach for part of the day. The beach is bigger there and maybe we can see some good waves crashing down and get some breakfast and hang out up there for a while?” Thomas asked.

  “That would be awesome Dad, I love it there. I think we should bring the dogs too though man. I think they would freak out If we left them here alone, especially this ol’ girl, she doesn’t like storms much” Daniel replied as he petted Harley.

  “Well of course, besides they may like running around on the beach up there. They will be okay in the truck while we’re eating I think,” Thomas said then adding “well come on go get dressed and get ready to go, and don’t forget your rain coat,”

  “I won’t Dad I promise.” the boy said as he ran out of the room leaving his dad and Harley sitting on the bed.

  Thomas reached over and rubbed the nervous dog’s stomach then said, “Hey old girl, you’re getting pretty good at feeling these storms. I don’t even have to see the radar to know its gunna be bad; it’s gotten you all upset. You want to go to the beach?” Thomas said to his old dog, who lifted her head slightly in response, her tail beginning to pound on the bed.

  He smiled stood then petted the old dogs head one more time then reached for his cell phone. Usually Tracie called to check in by now, leaving a voicemail for Thomas if he did
not answer. He looked at his phone and missed only one call from Derrick. He got up and walked towards the slider looking out as he dialed Tracie’s cell phone number; it rang then went to voice mail.

  “Hey Hun it’s me just checking in, I haven’t heard from you so I hope things are all right with you and at the shop this morning. Daniel and I are going up to Cannon Beach for part of the day. We should be back in the early afternoon but I’ll call you about lunch time, all right by Hun,”

  Thomas hung up the phone and sighed. Something was not right and he could feel it in his gut. He took a deep breath and tried to ignore it for now and would deal with it later, he was father and boss first and second, a boyfriend third. He didn’t want the worry in his gut to ruin his day with his son.

  He turned around and changed into his clothes for the day. It should be somewhat cool, so he chose jeans and black turtleneck. He walked out into the kitchen and made some coffee to help him wake up. About a half an hour later Daniel came in and announced that, he was ready to go. After grabbing a few things to bring with them and moving the deck furniture around to the back of the house along with a few other things that could blow away and after letting the dogs do their “business”, Thomas his son and the dogs piled in their truck and headed north to Cannon Beach.

  . . .

  Up the coast in Cannon Beach that same morning, Stephanie was getting ready to leave her rented cottage. She had thought all night about what to do for part of the day. She let her eagerness get control and decided to go down to Tillamook. Not really to talk to Thomas, but to see what it was like there; but inside she was hoping she at least would see him with her own eyes. She was nervous as hell but she needed to get it out of the way, before she left. She drove into “downtown” Cannon Beach and stopped at a small café to get some coffee and a bagel. It was incredibly windy and she wanted to be back to Cannon Beach by noon at the latest because of the storm that was coming. When she woke up, she could see the huge waves pounding against haystack rock and flooding the beach as the waves crashed. It had started to rain lightly and for some reason it did not bother her at all. Ann, her new friend was right when she told Stephanie she would learn to love the rain here. For some reason it made the air and everything around her smell better.

  Stephanie got into her rented convertible, left Cannon Beach and headed south down the Oregon Coast Highway. She did not know what to expect or what she would do once she got there. However, she did not care either, for the first time in years she was on an adventure and was not playing it safe. As she drove south and sipping her coffee she could see glimpses of the ocean and the rocky coast as she went, it was amazing to her and made her even more excited.

  . . .

  Thomas and Daniel had stopped at Derrick’s house on the way out of town to see if he wanted to go with them. He was busy though, had things to take care of, and declined begrudgingly. As Daniel sat in the truck Thomas and Derrick stood behind the truck, had a cigarette, and talked for a few minutes. Thomas told his best friend about his worries about Tracie and not hearing from her. Derrick could tell it was bothering him even more than what he was saying.

  “Well man I know she’s at work today because I just left there, but she was in some kind of mood, not gunna lie” Derrick said.

  “I just wish I knew why. I’m trying not to push it and call and text to much but it’s tough” Thomas said.

  “I know man and I know it’s hard but just hang in there. I do know that Tracie and Erin had drinks last night over at Tracie’s house and Erin was there till I closed the bar. She must have been there for three hours at least” Derrick said.

  “Did Erin say anything to you?” Thomas asked.

  “No, not really man, but when Erin stopped at The Whaleback afterwards I asked her how her night was. All she said was “Tracie needs to grow up and get her head out of her ass. When I tried to get her to elaborate about it she said she didn’t want to and I didn’t want to push it with her; you know how Erin can be when she gets annoyed” Derrick answered.

  He wasn’t sure what to think as he listened to his friend talk and just answered, “Yeah Bro, it’s cool I totally understand,” as he looked down at the ground and took a deep drag of his cigarette.

  “Just remember buddy, she is young; and you and I both know how the young ones can be sometimes. But hey man don’t worry about it for now, go have fun with Daniel up the coast just you and him” Derrick said as he patted Thomas bicep.

  “Yeah you’re right man but thanks all the same, and speaking of which it’s about 9 am so we should get out butts in gear and get up there,” Thomas said “Are you gunna be around when we get back this afternoon?”

  “I should be yeah, when do you think you guys are going to be back?” Derrick asked.

  “I don’t know maybe three or four, somewhere around there. I have to get back and get some things ready for the storm that we got coming,” Thomas answered.

  “Yeah I was just listening to the marine alerts, sounds like it’s going to be a big one and may last a few days,” Derrick answered. Then asked “do you, Daniel and the dogs want to stay here for a few days and ride it out? You’re more than welcome to if you want, you know that.”

  “Thanks man but I think we will be okay, but if things get too rough we may head over for a night or part of a day,” Thomas said.

  “My place is your place buddy. But hell, I dont got much going on later. Why don’t you give me a call on your way back and I’ll drive up to your place and help you get things settled for the storm. Besides, I am sure Daniel will have some interesting things to tell me about your time up at Cannon Beach.”

  “As long as you’re sure you want to, we would love the company man,” Thomas said.

  “Definitely, just give me a call and let me know you’re heading back. Be careful driving man, I heard they got some trees down up the coast already” Derrick said

  “Will do and yeah I’ll watch out for the trees,” Thomas said.

  The two friends shook hands, Derrick waved bye to Daniel then the father, and son took off. They made their way slowly through Tillamook and drove by Thomas’ café; he could see Tracie’s jeep parked next to the building and the place looked slow. He breathed deeply and decided he would call the café when they got to Cannon Beach to check in, but to just keep it all business on the phone. About ten minutes later, they were heading north again, back around Tillamook Bay and eventually drove through Garibaldi. Shortly after that their truck passed the dirt road that led to their small beach cottage. They already felt like they were out of town and in fact were barely away from home. Thomas and his son loved taking road trips trip like this, even ones that were a short distance away. They rolled their windows down and let the cool, salty and woodsy smelling air roll through the truck. Layla had her head out a back window, and Harley seemed content with just lying down and nodding off to sleep.

  . . .

  The frothy and violent surf began pounding the rocks below the road, and rain gently began to fall more steadily through the trees near the ocean. The head winds from the huge storm that was nearing land began to gust up and bow the trees that lined the road and the mountains near the coast. All along the northern coast of Oregon, residents prepared as they always did when big storms like this kicked up. Restaurants brought in anything outside that may blow away, small retail shops closed while some stayed open, boats hurried for the safety of the harbors, people bought supplies and parents told their kids to stay close to home. The early season vacationers that were not used to the weather ran for cover and complained about their wasted vacations ruined by the rain. However, for the people that called the coast their home, it was just another day more or less and the high and wild surf drew wave watchers from all over the area.

  As the rain came down, the wind kicked up and the waves crashed, two vehicles passed each other going opposite ways down the Oregon Coast Highway. The vehicles drivers were connected by the past and for one split second without ever reali
zing it, a man and a woman were closer to each other than they had been in years.

  . . .

  Because of the weather, it took Thomas well over an hour to get to Cannon Beach. However, when Thomas pulled his truck through the shop and store lined streets of Cannon Beach a smile came across his face. When he had first moved to Oregon all those years ago this was one of the first places he visited. The town was small, seasonal and quiet and was one of the more unique of the towns he had been to. The shops that lined the streets to a large degree had the same brownish clapboard design. Most of the buildings in town had the same similar look to them; even the residential homes and cottages that lined the beach were connected in varying types of the style. In the back seat of the truck, Harley sat up and her tail began wagging, this was one of her favorite places to come. The dog seemed to know when she was here; it was familiar to her. Layla the other dog seemed to be curious about everything she saw as they drove, especially other dogs.

  The town was not very busy, more than likely it had something to do with the rainy weather and the approaching storm. Thomas knew many of the shop owners in the town here; he was decent friends with a few of them. Small business owners on the coast tended to be a very tight-knit group. In addition, in places such as Cannon Beach that did not allow big national retailers, small businesses were the heart and soul of towns. Cannon Beach was a very artsy town on the coast it was part of the mystic and draw. There were shops that sold paintings, photographs, blown glass, sculptures, crafts for homes and jewelry all of which was made locally for the most part. The owners were an eclectic bunch of people from all lifestyles, but everyone worked together to keep the town alive, successful and famous.

  Thomas pulled into a parking spot on the side of South Hemlock Street. Then he opened the truck door and got out but left the windows down a little for the dogs. His son did the same and waited for his father on the sidewalk. As soon as they closed the doors their two dogs jumped into the front seat, intent on watching their owners.


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