Keeley Thomson (Book 4): Demon Trap

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Keeley Thomson (Book 4): Demon Trap Page 8

by P. S. Power

  She didn't take long to fill things out, though the woman seemed slightly surprised at both how quickly she wrote and that she didn't have to refer to anything for the information as to where to send it. Several of them were for different kinds of beings, which she made a notation of, since the people at this particular establishment were quite up on how to make that happen. You didn't need to add dried fruit for Vampires after all, and Hsreth needed to be given lots of alcohol. They loved the stuff after all. Even the very cheap kinds, though she did want the gifts to be nice.

  After looking at the whole list, and doing some quick math, the Bat woman went to get her manager, a very nice looking Incubus, which was just the male form of the Alede. They had two genders, and could easily shift back and forth. This one stepped in too close to her and Hally, pressing sexual attraction from himself in a vast wave. She was able to shut that off instantly, but poor Hally stiffened, her body trembling slightly from the mix of chemicals and psychic power coming off the man.

  It was a bit different, but using a bit of her own energy, Keeley figured out how to shut that off for the girl after a few seconds. She still looked interested in the man, which was healthy, since Alede were always attractive, but she didn't look ready to strip her clothes off in the middle of the sales floor, which was an improvement.

  The man had a quickly rung up bill on him.

  "This... Will come to five thousand dollars, is that really what you wanted?" He didn't offer anything else, not wanting to lose the large sale, but, to his vast credit, the man also didn't want to cheat, or otherwise use, what seemed like a young human girl. She was able to pick up that thought very clearly at least.

  "Yes, that will be fine. I can pay for it now." In cash even, since she had about ten thousand in her bag. After all, it would look strange if she went from place to place quickly, using the inroads, and left a trail of credit and debit card transactions, or checks. The Alede gave her an appraising look then, as the paper bills came out and seemed suddenly a lot more into helping her out of her clothing than anything else. She just seemed exciting to him now. Being an Alede, that meant sex, even if it was really about her cash.

  The fact that she wasn't a food source for him didn't register yet. It probably wouldn't, she knew. Hally boggled a little at the huge sheath of bills coming out, but she didn't comment on it. She knew that Keeley had funds after all. She even had a good idea where some of it had come from. She did seem a bit envious, which trickled out of her, but the girl was good, simply smiling a bit, her face not giving away much of what she was thinking at all.

  When they finished there, they walked the whole mall. There were too few shops really, for a space that large, but what they had was unique enough to keep them interested. There was a nice curios shop on the second floor that held thousands of little things that were both very nice, and had the correct size to go into a stocking for instance. Hally looked at a darling silver pill box with jade inlay. When she turned it over to look at the price she gasped and started to put it down.

  "It's nice, but out of my price range." Hally seemed a bit disappointed by that, which got some attention from the being watching them.

  The clerk behind the counter was a Djin, and a very old and powerful one too, since he was able to hold a solid and very human like form. He didn't speak, but moved around the counter and pointed at the box, not bothering to speak. A lot of very old things just didn't bother with that.

  It took a while, but it was clear he was willing to let the box go for half the listed price, since Hally wanted it so much. It was about ten times what the girl had on her.

  "I can front you the money, Hally. You'll owe me a favor though, later. One that will be worth what I pay here, no more than that. Keep that in mind when dealing with Demons. Make sure that the amount of a bargain is known in advance." She got the funds out and passed it to the girl, as the Djin, who was a Lesser Demon after all, stared at her, and then bowed, finally getting at least what she was, if not who.

  She winked back.

  After all, now that she was known to be young, she didn't have to act ancient all the time anymore. Just old enough that no one would think she was easy prey.

  Chapter six

  "How am I supposed to pay you back for all of this?" Hally sounded concerned, since she was about six hundred dollars in debt by the time they got near the candle shop on the bottom level. People were going in and out pretty regularly. That was, she knew, an improvement, since the place used to be dead all the time. Zack had done it, organizing the space and improving it with simple hard work.

  She shrugged.

  "Favors, like I said. You don't have a lot of skills yet, but something will come up. I know, you can help me tomorrow with the city council. I have a lunch meeting with four of the six, plus the Mayor, just to chat. Really the plan is to get them to realize the importance of good fire hydrants. I'm just taking them to Fritters, because I'm not supposed to have that much by way of money, but you could help me coordinate everything." It wasn't really needed, but it would be something for the girl to do that didn't involve servicing a bunch of men to pay things off. Or women. It was almost tempting to set that up, just to help her learn about the importance of being careful in what she agreed to, but it was worth more to Keeley to have her good will.

  Besides, she kind of liked her.

  "We need to set a building on fire. You can do that. Bal will get you in. You'll have to be careful, since we want it to look like it wasn't set. He knows what to do though." She grinned and waited for the response, which came only as wide eyes and a subtle hesitation in her step.

  Then her little friend nodded.

  "OK. I guess. I've never done that before. I... Balthias won't let me get caught, will he?"

  "Nope. Not at all. I'll make sure of it." She pointed at the shop across from their destination, since it would make a good vantage point to watch Zack, which was what Hally actually wanted, rather than an introduction. It also had food, being a frozen yogurt place. Yoghurt World. "Let's set up there."

  The girl behind the counter wasn't one really, being a decently old Vampire, capable of day time activity. That was a dead giveaway, but something that Keeley had known anyway. She smiled at the woman who went very still.

  "Mistress of Souls. To what do we owe the pleasure?" There was no hint of anger at her presence and only a bit of fear, which was hidden well enough that Hally didn't get it, but it was there, none the less.

  "Just visiting really. Doing some last minute shopping, plus Hally came to spy on Zack and make certain he wasn't going to steal me from her. She's a bit of a jealous type that way." The words got Hally to blush, but she didn't deny what she was there for, her face looking determined instead.

  The words had the desired effect on the Vampire though, since she smiled and let her right hand come out over the counter.

  "Oh? I'm Zachery's girlfriend, Lenore. I have to say, I whole heartedly endorse your plan. Though I was slightly worried about... Keeley here, taking Zach away from me. Perhaps an alliance is in order to prevent that?" The words were smooth and professional, but seemed wrong coming from the lips of a woman that looked no more than nineteen or twenty. Her hair was tied back, to keep it out of the food, and she wore an actual dress, done in subdued colors, all variations of gold or light tan. Over that was a white apron, which didn't fit with the slick and plastic look of the place at all. It was very clean though, which was better than most food establishments by about a factor of three or so.

  Hally smiled back and nodded.

  "OK. Not that it's really that big of a thing. I mean, I'm not with Keeley, and she won't take your boyfriend away. She's not a bad person, or anything." There was no doubt in the words at all, but for some reason Lenore didn't seem convinced.

  "Can I get you anything?" She didn't offer it for free, Keeley noticed, which was good manners for a Greater Demon, and about right if they were human. It was a shop after all, not a friend's house.

Keeley ordered several large dishes, but Hally just shook her head.

  "I am, officially now, out of cash. Plus, you know, I have to watch my weight. It looks great though."

  Lenore just smiled and made the treats for Keeley efficiently and didn't seem at all shocked when she was paid for them. She also wouldn't have been surprised if they'd just been taken. The woman really didn't want to fight with her it seemed. That was pretty much correct too, since all she could do would be lose. Even if it was just an argument made of words, it would be hard to beat a Greater Demon.

  "Enjoy." The words had the ring of being rote and there was a stillness after them which indicated that she thought that might be taken as rude. Not that Keeley was that sensitive so far, but it was impossible to know what someone like her might do. Saying anything could have her taken as a slave forever, and so could doing nothing at all. More than anything she really wanted the Greater Demon to be gone, that was clear. It wasn't happening though. They settled into a booth so that Hally could do her work, watching Zack. It wasn't that interesting, but she seemed pretty close to enthralled as she did it.

  "He works hard." She murmured the words, looking over Keels shoulder, her face considering. "Not that great looking. I mean, nice enough, but he's too thin. Quince is better looking." That was a reference to the captain of the Raintree football team.

  He was nice enough looking, Keeley had to agree, but he was also a Durg. That was something that her friend had no concept of, but it was basically a cousin to a Greater Demon. All the physical traits, but lacking the mind, and a lot of the magical potential. Immortal though, and often very good fighters.

  The commentary went on for a while, but she didn't really notice anything that was all that important. Keeley did though, even with her back to the other store. For instance, she realized when Finias walked into the place about an hour later, as she was munching her seventh extra large frosty treat. Lenore still wasn't pleased that she was there, but she did like making the various things. Her eating them had even gotten three others to notice and come in to get something for themselves. Two men and a woman that really didn't need to waste the calories on junk food, being too heavy already. Still, whatever worked for her was fine.

  The shape of her father was the same as the night before, which was the one she thought of as Dan Carmichael. It wasn't the one that Zack knew him as overly, but with a bit of focus she was able to track things as they happened. Finias watched for a while, waiting for a lull, with part of Zack noticing him instantly, and another totally oblivious to what was happening, except his work.

  Finally the Greater Demon got to the counter and started chatting. That part was strange, since it wasn't about anything important at all, he really seemed to just be making conversation.

  "I was wondering if you have plans for Christmas? I was thinking we could get together, perhaps for dinner?" The words had too much charm to them and made Keeley role her eyes. She couldn't tell what her father wanted with Zack, not directly, since his mind was closed right now, just like hers was, but unless the goal was to pick him up, he was coming on too strong.

  Zack answered, sounding a bit hesitant.

  "Um, well, I don't really know. My grandparents are in town, so I'll be with them part of the day, then, you know, my girlfriend and I should be doing something." It was horribly polite of him to phrase it that way, really. Finias practically ignored it all.

  "Wonderful! We can all get together. Say six in the evening? I'll see you then." He smiled happily and walked out, stopping when he noticed Hally, which was followed by a solid connect that tried to read Keeley, but failed. The Greater Demon could probably force his way in, no matter what she did, but he didn't, just walking over instead.

  "Keeley! How wonderful to see you. You too, miss. Hally York, isn't it?" He shook hands with her, but they'd met before, so even though she was a bit wide eyed the girl nodded.

  "Hello!" There was a chipper tone to the words and a smile that seemed totally real and was. Dan Carmichael was kind of hot, after all. What wasn't to like?

  She gestured for him to sit, but didn't buy him a treat. Instead she ate her own for a moment before speaking.

  "This is Hally. She's mine. For that matter, I'm fairly certain that Zack is as well, unless you wish to explain your prior claim on him? I noticed you seemed to be trying to get his attention pretty hard in there. Since he isn't into men, I think you might want to dial that back a notch." She grinned and then winked at her biological father. After all, it wasn't like he didn't know what he was doing. Even if it didn't make sense to her based on the information she had at the moment.

  "Yes, well... He's not yours. I've been watching him since he was a child. Technically he'd be your brother's, but that shouldn't be paid too much heed. Isn't that why you're attempting to lay claim to him now? To draw Xenses to you?"

  That just got a nod.

  "That's true. So, we should talk about that, don't you think? Maybe not here. I don't know, perhaps if you're not busy seeming like you want to pick up store clerks, you could stop by my house later? Say six or so? The main one, since I know that Sherry would love to see you too." She also wouldn't care if Zack was a Greater Demon, or not.

  It wasn't that subtle, but no one else got it and Dan snorted at her, a bit derisively.

  "You can cut the old and wise act, you know. Everyone knows your secret now. A bit of a shame, but I haven't heard of anyone planning against you yet. Which means it will only be others of our own kind doing so then, most likely."

  "Good to hear. What makes you think that this is an act though? Can't it just be my naturally clever personality coming through?" She giggled a little, which was on purpose, making herself seem young, but not going over the top with it. "I suppose I could try a bit harder to blend in. Be a real girl for a while. Go get drunk and lose my virginity in the back seat of a compact car or something."

  That or joint the cheerleaders squad. She'd avoided that so far though, but she had been in the school play in November, not the female lead, just as an extra, since it wouldn't do to suddenly take the first spot in anything really. She had the looks for it, but didn't need the attention yet. She'd accidently garnered too much of that already.

  It was a hazard of the job, she knew.

  Waving to Lenore during a lull got the woman to walk over to them, her face smiling, but the movement, while very good, didn't seem quite real.

  "This is Lenore Hawthorn. She's the Ambassador here, and Zack's girlfriend. Classic Vampire, as you can see. Also a friend of mine, and under my protection. I know that isn't needed with you, Finias, but in case it comes up with others, please remind them of that.

  "Lenore, this is my father, known by many titles, The Mind Bender among them. He's not a bad being, for one of us, so you two should be friends." It was so far above high handed, claiming the woman without asking her first, but she didn't seem to be frightened at least, just giving a head nod that would pass for a polite gesture in public in the modern world.

  "Mind Bender. I enjoyed your party last night."

  "Oh? Excellent. Very good in fact. I invited myself to visit with Zack on Christmas. You'll be there, of course? We should plan something official."

  Keeley winked at Hally then.

  "We should be going. I have some things to see to and presents to wrap. Oh, Lenore? Could you drop by the gift basket place later, and suggest that they need to come to some kind of arrangement with Zack as to how they plan to pay for his services? I know that he'd volunteered to help, but I don't think we should let him be simply used that way. Bad enough that my mother had him deliver candles to her this morning. Of course that benefits me, so I can look the other way, but you know, we must keep up the double standards, and all that." She sounded playful, but the Vampire actually looked slightly relieved.

  "I've been looking for a reason to do that. Zack is... Very kind. People will take advantage of him if something isn't done. The problem there is that the new business can't re
ally afford to pay him even a fraction of what it would cost. I'd suggest they trade favors, but he doesn't need anything. Not from those particular people."

  It was surprisingly, Hally that spoke, her words measured, as she watched the young man working in the candle shop.

  "Well, what about his friends? They probably need something done, right? Help with school work, or moving, that kind of thing?" Those were a little pedestrian, but the idea was sound enough, and after a moment Lenore nodded.

  "His boss, Lisa, could use some babysitting. For her, not a child. She's had some issues lately and could use a watcher or two. Perhaps that would suffice?"

  That seemed like a start if nothing else, so Keeley stood and held out her right hand, which got a firm handshake in return as Hally got Finias to move with a gentle pat to the shoulder, not really understanding that Greater Demons were anything except her friends and playmates. It was both cute and a potential problem, if not dealt with soon.

  "That's a plan then. I don't really care what the payment is, as long as it's close to equitable. Also, we should get together soon. I want you to meet with Richard Swerlin and some others, my Rebekah for instance. You should have ties there too. All of you should." She didn't give Lenore a choice in the matter, which sent a thrill of fear through the undead form. Nothing showed on the outside, but she was afraid that Keeley was going to entrap her and take her as a slave.

  Which was silly.

  The woman had to know that if she wanted that, which she didn't overly, it would already be done.

  They left Finias chatting with the Vampire and headed out, using one of the pillars in the front as cover for their escape back to the front door of her second place in Arizona. It was about five in the afternoon already. Everyone was inside still, all of them working on something or another. The television played in the background, but no one was watching it overly.

  "We're back." Hally announced it cheerily, as if anyone would miss it. Balthias came to greet them though, his giant brown and slightly red body smelling like pine now, instead of cedar and sulfur. It was an improvement. His horns were whiter too.


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