Eric The Guardian - Book 2 of the Raven Series

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Eric The Guardian - Book 2 of the Raven Series Page 8

by Rhiannon Neeley

So, Lydia thought, there is a history here. "Anybody check into it?"

  Sam shook his head. "Nobody worried 'bout some moose. People here leave nature be, mostly."

  Lydia nodded. "Thanks, Sam. I'd better get going before the sun goes down." She shifted into gear.

  Sam stood up. "You be careful and watch out for yourself. Girl like you shouldn't be out here by herself anyhow."

  Lydia smiled. "Don't worry, Sam. I'll be just fine." She started to pull away.

  "You check in now and then," Sam called after her, waving a meaty hand.

  Lydia stuck one hand out the window and waved back. She drove down the gravel road as fast as she could without tearing the truck completely apart, a cloud of dust billowing behind her.

  * * * *

  Eric rested, waiting.

  The sun would be down soon. He wanted to be the first out of the lair, before the others awoke.

  Eric had been surprised when he had returned to the lair this morning. He had figured he would be forced into a confrontation with Barack but it hadn't come to that.

  When Eric had returned to the lair, Barack and the females had already arrived and were sound asleep. Eric had found it strange. But he also considered himself lucky. He wasn't ready to confront Barack. Not until he knew that Dirk was nearby for backup.

  He hoped Dirk had contacted John at the Unkindness headquarters by now. Since Barack had made his presence known to Lydia, there was no time to lose.

  * * * *

  Dirk Raven called his brother John from town. They had a lengthy conversation concerning Barack and his Clutch. And about Eric's wish to get things underway as soon as possible. John had not wanted them to rush things, knowing Eric had taken a beating during his last assignment.

  But Dirk explained Eric's interest in getting this finished. And her name was Lydia Cross, he had found out.

  Dirk had done some checking. She was an interesting young woman. But he found it odd Eric was so swayed by her.

  Dirk and John decided that everything would go down two nights from now. They couldn't use fire this time. It wouldn't be wise to start a fire in Maine Paper Land.

  They had another plan. Dirk would fill Eric in as soon as he got back to what would soon be their battleground.

  * * * *

  Lydia moved through the woods, her pace a fast walk. Her pack was heavier now, as she had picked up a few supplies. A sheen of sweat broke out on her forehead. Damn, she thought, slowing her pace just a bit. I took a shower and now I'm starting to sweat. Just great.

  She was hoping she would have a visitor tonight. She wanted to discuss a few things with Eric. Like the fact that no matter what happened, or what he was, she wanted to be with him. If she could finish this study, she would focus on him for the rest of the summer. When it came time to go back to school, she'd see where they were then.

  If Eric was a vampire, school wouldn't matter much. And if he wasn't ... he had a lot of explaining to do.

  As Lydia moved through the falling darkness thinking about Eric, her body began to hunger for him. A hot buzzing moved through her, increasing in intensity the closer she got to her camp.

  She hoped he would show up tonight.

  If he didn't, it was going to be a really long, frustrating night.

  Chapter Six

  When darkness fell, Barack watched Eric leave the lair through barely open eyes. He smiled, knowing his rival was going directly to Lydia's camp. Barack would win her, though. Of that he was sure.

  Barack untangled from Alison and Susanna and shook himself. It was time for his night to begin.

  The females awakened as Barack arose from the sleeping bed. Alison ran her hand down Barack's leg, pausing at his ankle. "Stay," she said, looking up at him with lust in her eyes.

  Barack smiled down at her. He sighed. "Make it worth it," he said, then lowered himself back down to the two females. He had plenty of time.

  * * * *

  Eric drifted through the trees, a darker shadow amidst the rest. He moved as silently as possible. He didn't want to disturb any wildlife. A spooked animal could make noise that would let Barack know where he was.

  He wanted to contact Dirk to see if there was any news from John. Time was of the essence, now that Barack had approached Lydia. Eric headed directly for the secret place where he had stashed his portable radio. It was two miles from the lair, in a hollow tree. It took him over an hour to get there, because of the darkness and the need to stay quiet.

  Eric reached into the tree and snagged the duffel bag shoved up inside. He brought it out and dug through it until he found the radio. Switching it on, he hoped the batteries had held out. He hadn't used it in a while, but Dirk was supposed to replace them with fresh ones every other day.

  It let out a crackling static, then settled. Eric keyed the microphone. "Dirk. Dirk if you're listening, come back."

  Silence. Then, a buzzing static. "Eric, that you?" Dirk replied, sounding very far away.

  "Yes. Did you talk to John?" Eric braced his hand against the tree trunk, waiting for Dirk to answer.

  "Yes," Dirk said. "Meet me at the usual place in two hours."

  "Got it," Eric said. Then he switched off the radio and stashed it again.

  Two hours. That gave him time to check on Lydia. He started toward her camp, hoping Barack hadn't decided to make another appearance.

  * * * *

  Lydia paced around the campfire, aching for some company. And not just any company.

  She wanted Eric.

  She had tried to sort everything out in her mind but she was still so confused. Damn, she thought, why does the guy of my dreams have to have fangs? She crossed her arms over her breasts and kicked at a rock as she made another circuit around the perimeter of firelight.

  Lydia had arrived back at her camp and immediately wrote down detailed notes concerning the blood-drained moose carcass. Then she had quickly forced herself to eat something. Her appetite had dwindled since she had arrived. There was just too much to think about. Especially since there were supposedly vampires running rampant in these woods. And wolves too, she thought. Let's not forget the wolves.

  Lydia picked up a stick and poked at the flames as she thought about the wolves. The one that had appeared in camp had been friendly. But if there were more, they may not be as friendly. And Eric had been so adamant about the danger. That the wolf had been a vampire.

  What did he know about them? she wondered. And what was it exactly, that he was doing here in the middle of nowhere? Didn't vampires need to be in populated areas? Or were they just feeding on the animals in the woods?

  Sparks rose up from the fire and danced on the air. Lydia watched them float then sail off into the night, their light slowly dying. Then, she heard the first growl.

  Lydia stilled herself, crouching in front of the fire. The growl had come from behind and to the right. She waited, hoping that it had just been her imagination.

  No such luck.

  Another growl, deep and menacing. Closer this time. Then another from the left.

  Lydia held her breath. There was more than one. This is not good, she thought, not good at all. They didn't sound friendly. Slowly she rose to her feet, gripping a stick tightly in her right hand. It was the only weapon she had right now. She glanced down at it, measuring its thickness. It might do for one or two strikes but then would probably break. She looked toward the tent. Her pepper spray was in the tent, in her pack. She started to take a step toward the tent.

  Brush rustled on her right. Growling on her left, closer. They were moving.

  Lydia took slow, measured breaths, trying to keep her fear under control as she continued to move toward the tent. She held the stick down, along her leg as she walked. She didn't want to seem threatening. Not just yet.

  Lydia dared to move a little faster. A bark issued from her right, high pitched, sounding very much like a warning. Lydia bit her lip. She was almost there, the tent door just a few feet away. But the tent itself would be no
protection. Not from a wolf's gnashing teeth. She tensed, ready to make a run for the tent and the pepper spray.

  "Get back!" a voice yelled from the left.

  Lydia whirled to find Eric emerging from the darkness. "Eric, don't..."

  Lydia watched in horror as Eric approached the coal-black wolf eyeing him, its head held low. He didn't slow his pace but stalked toward it, then reached out and shoved with both hands, sending the wolf onto its side in the dirt. Lydia let out a scream as the wolf came to its feet, the other one coming up beside it to help in its defense. These two Lydia had not seen before and they were no where near as friendly as the wolf that had visited her camp last. "Eric!" Lydia said, taking a step toward him.

  His looked over his shoulder at her, one hand raised. "Stay there. I know what I'm doing." Then he turned back to face his enemy.

  Lydia couldn't just stand there, doing nothing. She turned and raced for the tent. Ducking inside, she rummaged through her pack, searching for the pepper spray. Her fingers grazed the cool canister and she clasped it in her hand. Quickly, she raced back outside, only to find Eric standing by the fire, staring into the darkness beyond.

  Lydia stopped dead, the hand holding the pepper spray dropping to her side.

  The wolves were gone.

  "Eric," she said quietly.

  He turned toward her, his face a mask of worry. "I told you to be careful."

  Lydia blew out a breath. "How careful do I have to be? I was here, in my camp, minding my own business." She started toward him. "They came into camp. What was I supposed to do?"

  "You're going to have to get out of here. They know where you are now."

  Lydia stopped directly in front of him. She looked into his deep dark eyes. "I'm not leaving."

  Eric grasped her shoulders. "You have to. They may kill you."

  Lydia felt a shiver run up her back. He was dead serious. "Why would wolves kill me?"

  Eric smiled crookedly. "Because they're jealous."

  Lydia frowned. "What did you say?"

  "You heard me."

  Lydia shrugged off his hands and stepped back. "You are losing your mind, aren't you? Wolves don't know what 'jealous' means. And even if they did, why would they be jealous of a human?"

  "Because Barack wants you." Eric moved in her direction. "And the females are jealous."

  Lydia smacked her forehead with the palm of her hand. "Arghh. Eric ... you aren't making any sense." She ran her hand over her face and looked at him. Her practical mind didn't believe a word he said. Didn't believe wolves could be jealous, that Barack wanted her or that Eric was even a vampire. But her heart told her otherwise. In her heart, Lydia believed Eric. Because she loved him. "I won't leave without you," she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

  Eric shook his head. "You have to. I have a job to do here. You are in more danger than you realize, now that the females are on to you."

  Lydia watched his face. His expression was stern, worried. "You need to tell me just what exactly is going on. Don't leave me in the dark."

  Eric took a step and drew her into his arms. Before Lydia could stop him, he claimed her mouth with a kiss. She melted into him, a river of passion flowing through her veins. When he pulled away, she felt heated and tingly. "Now," he said, "let's talk."

  Lydia sighed, and took his arm. They entered her tent, closing themselves off from the night.

  * * * *

  Barack had watched the females from a distance, totally enjoying the show. They were so jealous, those two. It would do them no good. Barack wanted Lydia Cross and he would have her. After all, he was the master of this Clutch.

  Barack leaned his shoulder against a tree, the human body his choice for the night. He watched the shadows of Lydia and Eric move inside the tent and wondered just what they were talking about. He could touch Lydia's mind if he wanted but it would take the sport out of things. Eric's mind was like a brick wall to Barack, always had been. Ever since Eric had met up with them, Barack had not been able to penetrate Eric's thoughts. Odd. Eric had power, unlike Alison and Susanna. Barack could read those two like an open book.

  A raccoon approached, its nose quivering at Barack's scent. Barack watched it, unmoving. The raccoon made the mistake of getting within Barack's reach. Within seconds, Barack had drained it dry and flung the furry body behind him into the brush. He wiped his mouth with the back of his hand and sighed.

  He wished he was in that tent with her. But, it wasn't time yet. Barack would rather wait and see just what Eric was going to do. It would give Barack some insight into Eric's character. It might also give Barack leverage when the time came.

  Because Barack knew a battle was brewing between himself and Eric. He could feel it.

  The lines were being drawn at this very moment.

  * * * *

  Eric sat down on the edge of Lydia's cot beside her and took her hand in his own. He looked into her eyes. Her gaze was intense and questioning. Eric sighed. "I've got a lot to tell you and I need you to listen and believe me."

  Lydia nodded silently, shifting her position to better face him.

  Eric turned her hand over in his, feeling her warmth. He laced his fingers through her long slender ones and began.

  "First, I'm not a vampire," he said. He caught her look. "I know. I have the teeth for it. But I'm not. What I am is a vampire hunter."

  Lydia started to smile. She bit her lip.

  Eric could tell that she was holding in a giggle. "Don't laugh. This is serious."

  She bit her lip harder but didn't laugh out loud. She gripped his hand.

  "Lydia, those two wolves out there a few minutes ago were two female vampires. They can shapeshift. Barack taught them how."

  "Did he make them? Vampires, I mean?" she asked.

  Eric nodded. "I think so. I don't know for sure. But I do know they now belong to him. And they are jealous of you."


  "Because Barack wants you. And a jealous female vampire is one dangerous animal."

  Lydia tucked one leg underneath her, getting settled for a long conversation. "Okay," she said. "You're a vampire hunter. I believe you. But why do you have fangs and how can you speak to me in my mind and all of those other things that you do?"

  Oh boy, Eric thought. He hadn't realized that he was going to have to explain all of it in one sitting. Lydia was one smart cookie. She didn't miss a trick. "Do you have anything to drink?" he asked, getting ready for a long night ahead.

  * * * *

  Lydia unfolded herself from the cot and went toward the door of the tent. She looked back at Eric. "Is it safe for me to go outside?"

  Eric closed his eyes for a moment. When he opened them, he nodded. "Yes. The females are gone."

  Lydia ducked out to the metal cooler and got them each a juice. They were warm because she didn't have any ice, but they were still good. She went back inside and zipped the door closed behind her. Lot of good that door will do if those wolves decide they want you, she told herself, handing a juice to Eric. This was the first time she had ever seen him take any sort of food, even drink.

  Lydia sat back down on the cot and crossed her legs underneath her. She had a feeling that Eric had a lot to tell her tonight. And she'd believe him. After all, her life couldn't get any crazier, could it?

  Eric smiled at her and began again.

  "I can read minds, and convey my thoughts to your mind. It's a power that all of us have."

  "Who is 'all of us?'" Lydia asked.

  "My brothers and my cousins. Our little family of vampire hunters. We run the Unkindness of Ravens. I have two brothers and two cousins. We work in pairs, searching out Clutches of vampires and destroying them."

  Lydia propped her elbow on one knee and her chin in her hand. "Sounds like some TV show."

  Eric laughed. "Yeah, I guess it does. But we're serious. Anyway, my brother Dirk is working with me and we were scoping out the situation when you arrived. Now we want to finish them off but we're waiting
until it's safe to do it."

  "Your brother ... where is he?"

  "He's around. Keeping a low profile in case I need help."

  "What do you mean 'finish them off?'" Lydia was pretty sure what he meant but she wanted him to say it.

  "Kill them," he said.

  Lydia took a breath. Who would have ever thought a study of moose would have brought me to this situation? "Okay. Tell me more."

  Eric explained to her what he was going to do. He was going to completely destroy Barack and the two females. And from what Eric said, Lydia got the impression she had forced his hand by being there. "I'm so sorry," she said, taking Eric's hand. "I've caused you to take too many chances. You've got to let me help you."

  Eric shook his head. "Oh no. You don't know what we're dealing with here."

  "I don't think you know what you're dealing with when you're dealing with me, Eric Raven," Lydia said. She pulled him to her in one quick jerk. Grasping his head between her hands, Lydia planted a wet kiss directly on his mouth.

  Eric didn't fight her. He opened his lips and let her slide her tongue inside. Lydia moaned, tasting the sweetness of the juice lingering inside his hot mouth. Immediately she felt heat stirring deep inside herself. Eric's hands slid around her waist, burning a path through her clothes all the way to her skin. Lydia raised herself up, not breaking the kiss and swung her legs around to straddle his lap.

  Eric groaned against her mouth as she settled herself down on his lap. Lydia tucked her legs behind him, locking her ankles behind his back. She could feel his hardness pressing against the moist center of her spread legs. She broke the kiss to catch her breath. "I want you," she said, her voice husky with need. Her breasts strained against the material of her T-shirt, her need to get closer to him almost unbearable.

  Eric reached for the hem of her T-shirt and drew it over her head. He whipped it into a corner and felt for the hooks of her bra. Lydia shuddered as her breasts burst free from their confinement. Eric tossed her bra in the same direction as her shirt and ran his hands over her ribs around to her back. He drew her to him, nuzzling the place between her breasts. "God, you're beautiful," he said, his breath hot against her skin.


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