Eric The Guardian - Book 2 of the Raven Series

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Eric The Guardian - Book 2 of the Raven Series Page 12

by Rhiannon Neeley

  Eric's heart thudded in his chest. He hoped Barack didn't sense his nervousness.

  Because Eric knew Lydia was only yards away from the entrance to the lair.

  And she was getting closer every second.

  * * * *

  Lydia sensed Eric's presence in her mind. It was nothing like Barack's. She realized that now. Instantly her face flushed with the shame because of the pleasure she had felt under Barack's influence.

  Eric quickly soothed her. "It's okay," he said in her mind. "You didn't realize."

  Lydia stopped on an outcropping and angrily swiped a tear from her eye. Taking a deep, shaky breath, her eyes searched the terrain. A dark shading in the rocks caught her attention. She squinted, trying to focus.

  "You must move on," Eric said in her mind. "Don't stay there. Go."

  "Why," she whispered, leaning forward to try to get a better look. Was that an entrance to a cave? She wondered. She took a step, easing herself over the edge of the outcropping she was on.

  "No. Go back. It's not safe," Eric warned in her mind.

  "Are you trying to hide something, Eric?" Lydia said, continuing in the direction of the dark shade. She could tell it was some sort of recess in the rocks.

  "Lydia, go back. Now!"

  Lydia shook her head. "Nope. You know we're in this together. It's daylight. Vampires can't get me when it's daylight."

  "I said stop!"

  Lydia stumbled, her feet slipping on the loose rocks. She landed hard on her bottom, but at least she didn't slide the rest of the way down. "Hey," she said, rubbing one temple. Eric's voice had boomed through her mind, sending a rumble of pain along with it. "What's the deal?"

  She felt Eric moving through her, stroking her tense shoulder muscles. "Sorry. But you're too close. We can't move on them without Dirk."

  "Too close? I don't understand." Lydia shrugged her shoulders and leaned on one hip. She rubbed her sore butt. These rocks are hard, she thought, frowning. She was going to have a bruised bottom.

  "The lair. You're right on top of it."

  Lydia froze. Her eyes shifted to the dark depression in the rocks. It sure did look like the entrance to some sort of cave. A shiver of temptation rippled through her. Couldn't she just take a peek? She'd never seen a real vampire's lair. Hell, she'd never thought they actually existed until a few days ago. The biologist in her kicked in with a vengeance. She had to look. After all, this was a species of animal no one thought was real. A little voice in her head spoke up. Like you're going to write a paper on this, huh? Who'll believe you?

  Lydia shook her head. True, it would be hard to believe. But maybe after this was all over, she could get pictures. She had left her camera back at camp. That was really stupid of her.

  "Lydia..." Eric warned in her mind.

  "Shut up, Eric." She shoved herself up to her feet. "I'll be fine. After all, I've got you to protect me, don't I?" Lydia started carefully down the rocks toward the dark entrance. Excitement and fear dueled in her veins. Her heart hammered in her breast as she scrambled down the rocks, getting closer and closer.

  This was turning into one exciting day for Lydia Cross.

  * * * *

  Barack's lips widened into a grin as he eavesdropped on Lydia Cross's thoughts. So she knew they were vampires. And it intrigued her. Of course, Barack had never hidden the fact that he was undead. But he was mildly surprised she wasn't afraid. Lydia Cross was an interesting woman. Barack would like to get to know her much better. He glanced over at Eric Raven where he lay on the rock ledge feigning sleep.

  Barack knew Eric was awake. And alert. And speaking to Lydia in her mind.

  But Barack could not gather what Eric was telling her. Other than to stay away from the lair.

  Lydia was close. Just outside the entrance actually. Barack did not fear the woman. He knew that her interest in the vampire was part curiosity, part her biology background. Vampires were a species that she would like to study. She would also like to prove their existence.

  Barack's grin widened even more, exposing his fangs. He cuddled the two females closer, his hands cupping one breast of each.

  Let her come inside. Let the woman see just what a vampire's sleep entailed. Let her see their closeness to each other, their nakedness. Their decadence.

  Eric was different in that respect. He did not participate with Alison and Susanna. It puzzled Barack. It was something they were going to have to rectify.

  Barack was sluggish in his movements, because of daylight above the lair, but his mind was moving at light speed. Barack and the females could move around the lair as long as they stayed inside.

  Yes, let Lydia Cross come inside.

  Barack would love it if she stayed.

  Maybe he could persuade Alison and Susanna to show Lydia just what it meant to be a female of his species.

  And Eric could play an important part in the action, killing two birds with one stone.

  Eric could satisfy Barack's curiosity about why he didn't partake of Alison and Susanna's offerings and Lydia could taste what constituted true sexual ecstasy.

  Barack would be happy to teach her himself.

  Chapter Nine

  Lydia hesitated at the entrance to what looked like an underground lair. It was dark inside and an odd odor emanated from within. The air issuing from the darkness was cool and damp, as though it came from deep within the earth.

  But Lydia didn't think this was a true cave. It seemed more like a deep depression in the earth that had been covered over by an ancient rockfall. Still, it was foreboding.

  And that's what made her want to go inside more than anything.

  Lydia crouched down and, placing one hand on the rock that made the roof, peered into the darkness. She couldn't see a thing. Even in broad daylight, the darkness inside the lair was impenetrable. Lydia unshouldered her backpack and searched for her flashlight.

  She flicked it on and directed the beam of light into the opening. The tunnel downward was littered with dirt and leaves. In the dirt, Lydia saw what looked like wolf prints. She bit her lip. Should she enter? If it wasn't the vampire's lair, it could be a wolf den. Either way, she was putting herself in danger if she entered.

  Lydia took a deep breath. "Here goes," she said softly. Then she ducked down and began her descent into the lair.

  On hands and knees, Lydia crawled carefully through the entrance, hoping the whole thing didn't collapse around her. After a few feet, she realized the rockfall she had just crawled through did lead into a naturally formed cave in the bedrock. When the narrow entrance opened into the cave, Lydia stopped. She caught the scent of animals and burned wood.

  Animals don't build fires, she thought, playing her flashlight beam around the interior. The cave was larger than she had originally thought. The ceiling was high enough that she could stand. Lydia eased herself up to her feet, her leg muscles twitching. The flashlight beam dimmed.

  "Damn," she whispered, shaking it. That only managed to make it dim even more. Lydia glanced toward the entrance. Her extra batteries were in her pack and she had left that outside. She didn't feel like crawling back through the narrow passage again. She also didn't feel like turning her back on the darkness beyond.

  With a sigh, Lydia played the fading flashlight beam across the floor of the cave as she gingerly moved forward into the darkness. Animal prints were evident in the dirt. Lydia was surprised at the texture of the dirt. It was a fine silt, powdery and dry. She took a few more steps before she realized the animal tracks were now intermingled with the footprints of a human. Lydia crouched down, her fingers grazing the distinct print of a small bare foot. Small and slender, the print struck Lydia as being female.

  Shaking the flashlight, Lydia followed the trail of human prints. Soon, the slender set of prints was joined by others. Lydia studied them in the dim light, making out at least four different individuals. The scent of burnt wood was stronger now. She was getting close to the source.

  Lydia shook the
waning flashlight again. It flickered off then on, the beam a bit stronger but still lacking. Seeing a slight glow that looked like the embers of a fire, she moved deeper into the cave.


  Eric was awake but he dared not move. He could feel Barack's mind searching. The vampire was fully capable of attacking, even though it was daylight outside. He would be slow but he was still powerful. All Eric could do was hope that Lydia would turn back and leave the lair. He didn't want to reach out for her mind for fear she would know she was in the right place and come to try to find him. If she entered the sleeping chamber, she might not leave.

  Eric closed his eyes and focused on Lydia's movements, willing her in his heart to turn back.


  Barack waited. He lay still as a statue, a female tucked under each arm, waiting for just the right moment. It was near. Barack had been waiting for a long time now. For just the right crack in Eric's resistance. Barack could feel it as the woman drew closer to the sleeping chamber. There was an electricity in the air.

  Alison shifted against Barack's side, sensing his tension. Barack stroked the female's breast, rolling her perpetually hard nipple between his long fingers, soothing her back into sleep with his touch. He did not want any interference from these two females when he struck. After he did what he needed to do ... then the females could have their fun.

  Barack tensed. The woman was just outside the sleeping chamber. He opened his eyes and glanced toward the rock ledge where Eric lay. In the dim light, Barack could see Eric's hands clenched into fists, his brow furrowed. He was concentrating on the woman.

  Barack smiled. Now was the time.

  Like the crack of a whip, Barack entered Eric's mind through a chink in his armor. Barack quickly realized this was no vampire. Eric was human. Barack felt Eric start to throw up a wall against his mental assault but Barack was faster. With one push of his thoughts, Eric was held fast, the opening into his mind now fully in Barack's control.

  "You will lie there, my deceitful friend, until I deem it necessary for you to move," Barack instructed Eric in his mind. Barack sensed the human's resistance. He chuckled lowly in his throat. "My dear Eric, it will do you no good. I have control now," he whispered. Barack increased his power over Eric's mind. He felt the lull of controlled sleep blanket the human. With a mental shove, Barack sealed the crack in Eric's mind with a spell only he could open. Eric was taken care of. The human would only awaken from his lulling sleep on a command from Barack.

  Now for the woman, he thought.

  "Come to me," Barack whispered into the dark, his voice low.

  The woman ducked into the sleeping chamber, her flashlight held in front of her.

  Barack could almost taste her, her scent luring him to hardness. "Come," he whispered, drawing her into the chamber.

  He watched as she cautiously moved forward, the light of her flashlight barely illuminating the floor in front of her.

  "Eric?" she called softly.

  "Here," Barack said, making his voice sound like the human's.

  He saw her eyes light up at the sound of the other man's voice. Barack would change that.

  The females at his side stirred, their nostrils flaring, scenting the woman. It still amazed Barack they could scent another woman, a human woman, nearby but they had not scented that Eric was human. Not a vampire. Barack shook his head. He couldn't believe it. The woman crept across the floor, flashlight beam jiggling. "Eric, where are you?"

  Barack shifted, disentangling himself from the two females. He stood in one graceful movement. He stepped away from the females, glancing down at them as they opened their eyes, questioning. Barack raised a hand. Their eyes glittered in the dim light. Barack moved a few steps away. "Here," he said in a blend of Eric's voice and his own.

  The woman stopped and waved her flashlight in his direction. "What's wrong with your voice?" The flashlight skittered across Barack's face, then swung back. "You," Lydia said, her voice betraying a tickle of fear. "Where's Eric?"

  Barack smiled in the light, showing his fangs. "Come to me," he said, his voice fully his own now. "You will forget Eric."

  The woman set her jaw. "Never."

  Barack's smile widened.

  * * * *

  Lydia held her head high, meeting Barack's eerie yellow gaze. Inside, her stomach was quivering with fear. She knew in her heart she was in grave danger. Barack showed nothing but confidence. He was deadly gorgeous, a wonderful specimen standing before her as naked as the day he was born. Lydia knew he could have his way with any woman if he wanted. She struggled to keep her eyes on his face.

  She wished she knew where Eric was. He had to be here, somewhere in this cave. Lydia sighed without thinking. Barack was one perfect specimen. If only she could control him somehow, study him. But then, Eric could probably tell her everything she needed to know.

  "What have you done with Eric?" she asked, lowering the arm that held the flashlight. As the beam of light lowered along with her arm, Lydia's eyes swept over Barack's heavily muscled body. Her eyes tried to adjust to the dim glow cast by the fire's embers.

  "I think I should be offended," Barack said, his voice a deep baritone. "You have nothing but Eric on your mind when you know in your heart I can pleasure you more easily."

  Although Lydia stood a good six feet from him, she felt Barack's sizzling touch. No more than a soft caress across one breast. Lydia sucked in her breath. She felt his touch as if his hands were truly upon her flesh. She felt sweat bead on her forehead while her nipples ripened under his invisible stroking. "Stop," she said, her voice barely a whisper.

  Barack smiled and moved toward her. "You don't want me to."

  Lydia closed her eyes. The flashlight dropped to the floor, her hand no longer able to hold onto it. Lydia tilted her head back and swallowed. Heat was filling her as Barack's physical hands finally came in contact with her dewy skin. "No," she said, opening her eyes to look at him.

  His eerie gaze swirled with passion. "You don't want me to stop, Lydia. Your body craves my touch just as my tongue craves your taste."

  Lydia felt her body betray her. Her breasts ached, wanting his mouth upon them. Her nether region flowed with her arousal, wetting her completely. Eric, she pleaded in her mind even as she pressed her body against Barack's hardness, snaking her arms around his neck. But Eric didn't answer. A tear trickled from Lydia's eye as she raised herself on tiptoe and ran her tongue across Barack's hungry lips. Her body was alive and electric with need. Barack played her like a violin, running his hands down her sides, cupping her bottom and hoisting her up to meet his lethal kiss.

  Lydia opened her lips and sucked Barack's tongue into her mouth, hating herself but unable to stop. Barack clenched her to him and devoured her with his kiss, his fangs brushing her lips.

  She felt his muscles begin to quiver as he held her. Then there were more hands moving over her. Cold hands with long fingernails that trailed along her thighs, making a wispy sound on her jeans. Lydia pulled away from Barack's mouth. She looked down.

  Two women knelt below, both of them stroking her legs. The women licked their lips, running tongues over fangs.

  Lydia's heart tripled its beat as she clutched Barack's neck.

  He chuckled deep in his throat and turned her around, setting her on her feet with the two women peering around his legs. Lydia backed away in fear. The women were both naked, clearly vampires, and looked hungry.

  "Don't worry, my sweet," Barack said. He patted the women's heads. "They will only please you."

  Lydia felt her breath catch. What did he mean by that?

  With a wave of his hand, Barack sent the two women after Lydia.

  Lydia shook her head as the women crawled toward her. "No. Stay back."

  "They will only help you undress," Barack said, following behind the creatures. A frown creased his forehead. "You are very headstrong, Lydia. Normally I would have full control of my prey's mind by now but you fight me expertly. Why?"

; Lydia stopped, her back against a wall of cool rock. In the dim light her eyes darted around the cave. Then she saw him. Eric. Lying as if sound asleep on a rocky ledge. "Eric!" She took a shuffling step toward him.

  Barack's arm stopped her, his hand braced against the wall, blocking her path. "He can't hear you," Barack said, lowering his dangerously handsome face to hers.

  Lydia could feel his breath caress her cheek. "What do you want from me?" she asked, looking him directly in the eye.

  A crooked smile played over his lips. "You are strong, aren't you? Don't you wish to be stronger?" He ran a finger over her lips, tracing them. Lydia felt herself shudder involuntarily. "If you stay with me," Barack continued, "your strength will increase with our coupling. And I will allow you to 'study' me, as you wish to do."

  Lydia held her breath. Her body was reacting to his persuasive touch. The vampire in him was pure male and Lydia's body responded to it, even though her mind warred against it. How did he know she wanted to study a vampire? Eric had drawn her to them. She had wanted to know him inside and out. Know every feature. Then he had admitted he wasn't a true vampire. Although Eric Raven was human, Lydia still wanted to study him in a way that would take the rest of her life.

  But Anthony Barack was another story. Now she was trapped between his strong arms, palms against the stone on either side of her. His eyes were hypnotizing. Lydia was drawn to this mesmerizing creature. He exuded pure sensuality and power. The biologist in her wanted to run her hands over him, explore his body inside and out. Sit and talk with him, examine the way he thought, moved, lived.

  Lydia tried valiantly to hold herself in check, knowing if Barack really wanted to ... he could have her. Her body, if not her heart.

  The two females now sat at his feet, waiting for his orders.

  Lydia nodded toward them. "Are they your slaves?"


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