Chasing Shackleton

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Chasing Shackleton Page 25

by Tim Jarvis

  “The Raw crew”—Jamie Berry (producer), Joe French, and Si Wagen (cameramen)—for their skill and expertise in filming this epic journey, and Sam Maynard, Piers Vellacott, Ben Barrett, Kathryn Taylor, Marie Frellesen, Nageena Ahmed, and Georgia Woolley for assisting with all other aspects of making this film happen.

  The Foreign & Commonwealth Office, in particular Henry Burgess, Deputy Head, Polar Regions Unit; and Oscar Castillo, Desk Officer, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands; and the government of South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, in particular Richard McKee, executive officer, Caradoc “Crag” Jones, and government officer Pat Lurcock.

  Our friends at Arctowski base: Marek Zieliżski, Jacek Czarnul, Radosław Łabno, Sylwia Łukawska, Kazimierz Połeż, Waldemar Swołek, Włodzimierz Tkaczyk, Agata Wilk, Piotr Spiczyn—“Najlepsze Życzenia!”

  All those organizations who helped us by providing expertise, training, and gear and equipment, including Sunspel clothing, the Royal Navy, the Royal Marines, Dean & Reddfyhoff Marinas, Ocean Safety, Yellowbrick Tracking, Davey & Company, Henri Lloyd, Suffolk Barrel, Bussells, Compass Marine, Medic Services International, Revive Portland, UK Sail Training, Trinity Sailing, Morning Star UK, Wolfson Unit MIA, the RNLI, the Scott Polar Research Institute, DHL Poland, and Dulwich College.

  Friends, supporters, and advisers who have helped make the project a reality and variously provided funds, support, their time, advice, and goodwill, or all of the above. Particular thanks to legendary sailor Trevor Potts; the UK’s leading traditional sailmaker, Philip Rose-Taylor, who handcrafted our sails so expertly; logistics expert Howard Whelan; Georgia Woolley, Nageena Ahmed, and Ed Wardle for sourcing period gear; Skip Novak for his polar advice and know-how; Graham Neilson, Pat and Sarah Lurcock for such a warm welcome on South Georgia; Dave Stace for web magic; Julian “Woody” Woodall for medical advice; Iain Kerr and John Kirkwood for their understanding; Andrew “Ed” Edwards and DHL for boat transport; Patrick and Gigi Blumer, Mary and Anthony Blumer, Robert Blumer, Jean and John Jarvis, Dan Jarvis for their love and support; Sophie Bubb, Helena Darvelid, Joanne Gray (editor of BOSS Magazine at Australian Financial Review); Mike Rann, kindred spirit Cheryl Bart, chair of the South Australian Film Corporation, and Greg Marsh, business affairs manager, Captain Mike Forwood, Calista Lucy, Melissa Shackleton-Dann and Tom Dann, Richard Dennison, head of Orana Films, for his love of the story and friendship; Nicolas Paulsen, DAP Airlines; Jonathan Shackleton; Professor Mike Tipton for teaching us the consequences of falling in; Alan Rowe MBE (founder of The Baton charity); Commander Louis Wilson-Chalon, CO 815 Naval Air Squadron (2010–2013), Commander Alastair Haigh, CO 815 Naval Air Squadron (2013–present), Lieutenant Commander Philip Richardson RN, Senior Pilot, 815 NAS, Lieutenant James Beedle RN and ship’s company of HMS Blazer, Chief Petty Officer Clive Russell RN, Chief Petty Officer Paul Mclean RN, and Color Sergeant Pete Wooldridge RM.

  And to all those who helped us make the Alexandra Shackleton fit to go to sea, including testing, sea trials, and training: Barry Deakin, Able Seaman Eddie Janion, Able Seaman John Rushton, James Harriott, Dr. Robert Goodhart, who worked tirelessly to help us in so many ways, Ian Baird, Philip Ambler, Fiona Lewis, Yvonne Beven (a home away from home), Paul Swain, Russ Levett, Roly Gill, Nick Coutts, David Thomas, Scott Irvine (photographer), Dave and Jackie Baker, Captain Bob Turner RN (a former captain of the ice patrol ship HMS Endurance), marine electrician Robert Sleep Mike Winter, Barry Alborough, Vicky Farrar, Robin Stone, Hannah Leach, John Dean and Richard Reddyhoff, Chris Waterman, Alistair Hackett, Erica Mear, Nick Farrell, Peter Tracey, Ian Howieson, Fred Attwood, Trevor Gray, Chris Stanmore-Major, Julian Woodall, Mark Fagg, and, at the Alexandra Shackleton’s future home at Portsmouth Historic Dockyard, Boathouse No. 4, Jim Brooke-Jones.

  To all at HarperCollins, in particular Amruta Slee (publisher), Julia Collingwood and Matt Stanton and Myles Archibald (publishing director, UK), for all their patience and hard work in helping produce what I hope will be a great book and worthy of the film it accompanies.

  Last but not least, I would like to thank Elizabeth, who has loved and is loved and who has been a huge support to me both before, during, and since the expedition. I’m lucky to have her.


  There are many individuals and organizations to whom I am grateful for allowing me access to the words of others.

  All extracts from Shackleton’s Boat Journey by F. A. Worsley, published by Pimlico, are reprinted by permission of the Random House Group Limited in London and W. W. Norton in New York.

  I am grateful to Alexandra Shackleton (Zaz) for authorizing the use of quotations from Sir Ernest Shackleton’s diaries, papers, and correspondence as well as those from the correspondence of Reginald James, all of which also appear by permission of the University of Cambridge, Scott Polar Research Institute.

  Excerpts from the diaries of Alexander Macklin and Thomas Orde-Lees also appear by permission of the University of Cambridge, Scott Polar Research Institute, as does the letter dated January 14, 1914, to Shackleton from Misses Pegrine, Davey, and Webster.

  The families of Alexander Macklin and Lionel Greenstreet were kind enough to give their authorization for the use of extracts from the diaries of these two Endurance crew members. The Mitchell Library, State Library of New South Wales, gave permission for me to quote from the ITAE journal of Frank Hurley (MLMSS 389 Boxes 2 and 5) as well as the extract from Frank Wild’s memoirs (MLMSS 2198 Vol. 2). Similarly, the Alexander Turnbull Library in Wellington, New Zealand, granted permission for the use of the excerpt from the Journal of Harry McNeish (MS-1389) as well as the excerpts from the Antarctic Journal of Thomas Orde-Lees (1877–1958) (qMS-1149-1153).

  I am also grateful to Jamie Young of the South Aris team for generously allowing us to quote his words from his letter to Arved Fuchs about his experiences in the Southern Ocean. Similarly, I am grateful to Peter Hillary for giving me his permission to cite his father Sir Edmund Hillary, including his version of Sir Raymond Priestley’s words about Shackleton and his heroic-era contemporaries.

  The excerpt from William Pollock’s article in the Daily Mirror is reproduced courtesy of the Daily Mirror/Mirrorpix.

  Editions Gallimard in Paris kindly granted permission to quote the words of André Gide, taken from Journal 1887–1925 (Copyright © Editions Gallimard, Paris, 1996). The words of fictional sage Professor Dumbledore from Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, copyright © J. K. Rowling 1998, are reproduced with the kind permission of J. K. Rowling.

  The lines from “The Waste Land” are taken from Collection, copyright © Estate of T. S. Eliot and are reprinted by permission of Faber and Faber Ltd, to whom I am also grateful for permission to use lines from “Thalassa,” from Collected Poems by Louis MacNeice, also published by Faber and Faber.

  Churchill’s famous words from his speech at the Lord Mayor’s Luncheon at Mansion House on November 10, 1942 (copyright © Winston S. Churchill), are reproduced with permission of Curtis Brown, London, on behalf of the Estate of Sir Winston Churchill. Those of Helen Keller, © the American Foundation for the Blind, Helen Keller Archives, are reproduced with the permission of the American Foundation for the Blind.


  Explorer and environmental scientist TIM JARVIS has made four previous expeditions to Antarctica and the high Arctic. His re-creation of Sir Douglas Mawson’s 1913 trek across Antarctica was made into an award-winning documentary, Mawson: Life and Death in Antarctica. In 1999, Jarvis made the fastest unsupported trek to the South Pole, arriving in 47 days, and in 2001, he completed the first unsupported crossing of Australia’s Great Victoria Desert, covering 1,100 kilometers in less than a month. In 2009, he was selected for Yale University’s World Fellows program. A member of the Order of Australia, Jarvis lives in Adelaide, Australia, with his wife, Elizabeth, and their young family. •

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  Cover design by Richard L. Aquan

  Cover photographs: photograph of Alexandra Shackleton courtesy of the author; photograph of Endurance courtesy of the Library of Congress; ice texture by Sbayram/iStock Images


  First published as Shackleton’s Epic in Australia in 2013 by HarperCollins Publishers Australia Pty Limited.

  CHASING SHACKLETON. Copyright © 2013 by Tim Jarvis. All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the nonexclusive, nontransferable right to access and read the text of this e-book on-screen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse-engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of HarperCollins e-books.


  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data has been applied for.

  ISBN 978-0-06-228273-6

  EPUB Edition JANUARY 2014 ISBN 9780062282743

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