Serenity's Dark Beauty

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Serenity's Dark Beauty Page 5

by J. R. Mitchell

  Chapter 8

  Serenity raced home. She would have enjoyed ripping Erika apart but she was out of time. The sky was already beginning to brighten. Moving as fast as her abilities would allow, she reached her house, just making it into the basement as the sun appeared in the sky. Her last thought as her mind slipped into darkness was that she needed to quit having these close calls with the sun.

  Garret was the first thing on her mind when she awoke. She wasn't sure as to why but when Erika mentioned that he had almost died it frightened her. She did not want him to die but she didn't understand why. Garret was mortal. He could be no more to her than lunch. So why was she so worried about him?

  Climbing the stairs to the kitchen, she tired to get him out of her head. She had been interrupted last night by Erika and the son. Therefore she had been unable to get the money and revenge she wanted. She didn't like not being able to get what she wanted. Erika probably already tightened the security on the garage and changed all the codes. Without help again, she would not be able to have a second try at the money. It didn't really matter anymore though. Serenity now knew a better way to make Erika suffer. If she could bring herself to do it. Leaving by the back door, she took to the air and flew in the direction of the hospital.

  * * * *

  Garret woke to a dark white room. It took him a few moments to realize he was in a hospital room. At first he couldn't remember what had happened. Then it all came crashing back on him. Serenity, their passion, and the sharp prick as her teeth pierced his neck. It had felt like she sucked his energy out and then everything just faded to blackness. At the time, he had been sure he was going to die but current evidence proved him wrong. Serenity had almost killed him but somehow he could not hate her. He wasn't even afraid of her. If she came to visit he knew he would welcome her and invite her back to his bed. It was very foolish but he couldn't help himself. He was under her spell, one which could not be broken.

  "So you've finally woke up.” Said his mother as she entered the room, Phillip was close behind her. “We just sent your father home to get some rest. He was watching over you while we searched for Serenity.” At the sound of her name his heart quickened. It was impossible how much he wanted her back, even after everything that happened.

  "Where is she?” He tried to sound like he was just curious.

  "I don't know. I was unable to find her. Now that the sun went down she'll be on the move. I had hoped to find her while she slept."

  "What are you talking about?” he asked confused.

  "Mom thinks Serenity is a vampire.” answered Phillip.

  The tone of his voice said he thought Erika had lost it. Garret wasn't so sure. He had known something was different about Serenity when he saw her in his room but she distracted him before he could ask about it. Not that she would tell him, of course. But all that was before she had drank his blood. His mother's idea that she was a vampire seemed to make sense. It would explain a lot of weird stuff since the party. But how could she be a vampire? They didn't exist, did they? It should have seemed to him an impossible theory but for some odd reason he found it an easily acceptable explanation. It did not change the fact that he had no fear of her. He was pretty sure he was completely in love with Serenity.

  "That's crazy!” He told his mother. The less she knew he knew the better. He was surprised she wasn't angry at him for giving Serenity the codes but then again she probably thought Serenity forced the information out of him. He could not let Erika know that he gave it willingly. “Vampire's are just imaginary creatures. They don't exist."

  "Then why do you think she drank your blood?” yelled Erika. It seemed he was not the only one that had not believed her. Big surprise there. “I don't know why she spared your life but Frank was not so lucky."


  "He's dead. She killed him!” Garret turned to Phillip for conformation.

  "He is dead.” replied his brother. “But we don't know that Serenity did it. Mom's the only one who saw her and the cops have no evidence to point to Serenity. No fingerprints. No other witnesses. Nothing."

  "It was her. I saw her as she was trying to get into the safe. Frank had the same marks on him as you do. The only difference is that he was completely drained of blood. Tell him Garret! Serenity was there with you last night. She snuck into your room, forced the information out of you then tried to kill you. She probably just didn't finish because I came and scarred her off!"

  "I remember Serenity being there but I don't remember her trying to kill me or sucking my blood. She was just apologizing for the trouble I got into with you about the party. There was nothing else.” This was a complete lie. He could remember everything she did till he passed out. And every thing he did. The memory made him smile but he quickly covered it with a fake cough.

  "She probably used some black magic to erase or change your memory!” Funny how the possibility of him lying never occurred to her.

  "Mom maybe we should let him rest.” suggested Phillip. Garret could tell he was just trying to spare him the argument that they both knew their mother would continue till they believed her. Garret smiled at his brother to show his appreciation.

  "Fine!” growled Erika. She was more worried about Garret right now than she was about proving her point. “Just promise me that if you ever see her again, you will avoid her at all cost. Then tell me."


  "I mean it Garret. Promise me.” by now Phillip had her arm and was pulling her from the room. She would not leave without his answer.

  "Fine! Whatever, just let me rest.” That seemed to satisfy her and she allowed Phillip to pull her through the door, shutting it behind them. Garret relaxed when he was sure they were gone. He didn't count his answer as a promise. It made him furious she would try to force him to do so. He had no intention of avoiding Serenity; instead he planned on searching for her as soon as he got out of the hospital.

  He was about to fall back to sleep when he heard the soft tap of bare feet on linoleum. Spinning around he found Serenity standing next to the open window. The sight of her took his breath away and filled him with an excitement that made every muscle in his body tingle. She moved over to his bedside, a tear of blood slid down her cheek. The sight of it made his heart ache. Reaching his bed she lay down next to him and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  "I'm so sorry.” she whispered. He held her close wishing he had enough strength to keep her from ever leaving.

  "For what?"

  "I intended to kill you last night.” she paused as if unsure if she should continue. He waited patently; it was easy for him to be patent when she was near. “But when it came time for me to do so, I could not.” Her head was lying on his chest and he was certain she could hear how his heart raced. “I put you in danger. I don't know why I can't bring myself to hurt you but I do know the only way to keep you safe is if I stay away."

  "No!" Her words felt like a stab in the heart. “Please” he begged “I need you."

  "No you don't.” her reply was calm. His reaction did not seem to affect her. “I am a vampire, Garret and it is just my magic that lures you to me.” She turned to look him in the eye. Searching for how she must have thought he would react.

  "I know."

  "You're not afraid?” Her eyebrows wrinkled in confusion.

  "Not of you but I am of you leaving."

  "How can you be so calm about this?” She yelled. “I kill people for their blood! I am what the world considers evil! I tried to kill you and yet you're not afraid!"

  "I can't really explain it but I know what you are and it doesn't bother me.” he paused. “Not unless it takes you from me."

  "You're insane.” She got up and began pacing the room.

  "How did you become a vampire?” At his question she stopped her pacing and looked at him. She seemed to be considering telling him or not. Sighing she gave in.

  "It was this dress."

  "The dress?"

  "Yes. Apparently it was designe
d by an ancient evil vampire known as Lilith. She was not just a vampire she was also a sorceress. The two powers combined drove her crazy. She was endangering the others of her kind by drawing hunters. So the two enemies joined forces to kill her. As she died she cursed the dress so that she could be reborn again. When I put it on Halloween night, the curse worked. But not the way she intended. I got her powers. I became a vampire. There is no way for me to change back and frankly I don't want to. It is so much freer. I am much stronger now than I ever was as a human!"

  "So why did you try to rob my mother? You don't need the money."

  "It wasn't for the money really. I just wanted to hurt her. To get revenge on her for all the years she tormented me. Killing her would be so easy.” Her smile was devilish. “So easy, but I want her to suffer. I was going to kill you to go along with the robbery. Except, nothing turned out how I had planned it."

  "How is keeping away from me protecting me? We've already figured out that you won't kill me."

  "Your mother knows now or at least suspects. I'm sure of it just as I'm sure she'll come after me. I don't want her to know what happened between us and I don't want to hurt you. I wouldn't do it initially but I could loose control of my hunger. It is just better for both of us if I leave."

  "It's not better for me.” he got up off the bed and slowly walked over to her. It was probably a bad idea since his head began spinning.

  "You don't know what you're saying.” she smiled as she spoke knowing he could barely stand.

  "I know that I love you and want to be with you."

  "Love Me!” The smile left her face. “You're crazy! I'm a vampire! Humans are what I feed on. We can't be together."

  "We were last night."

  "That was a mistake. One that won't happen again."

  "Then why did you come to see me tonight? Why didn't you just leave?"

  "I wanted you to know that I didn't mean to hurt you.” Garret took her in his arms. She pushed him away but only after resting there a few minutes.

  "I think they're going to release me in the morning. Come to me tomorrow night. My mother will never think to search for you in her own home."

  "No. I will be gone before then. I'm sorry Garret but this can't happen.” She acted as if she meant it but he could hear the doubt in her voice. Taking a step back, she turned and leapt out the window. He didn't check to see if she made it, he knew he wouldn't find her. Even though she had made it clear she would not meet him. He decided that he would wait anyway. Something in her voice had sounded unsure.

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  Chapter 9

  Erika spent most of her day in the library. She had already checked out every book on vampires they owned. She was determined to learn all she could in hopes it would help her finally rid the world of Serenity Stoker.

  Garret had been released that morning and he was now resting at home. She knew she would need help to find Serenity but she didn't want to bother him. Not after what happened. Instead she drafted Phillip. He wasn't too happy about it but he humored her so she would quit nagging him. It didn't matter that he didn't believe her. As soon as she found Serenity, she would have all the proof she needed.

  The most obvious place to search would be Serenity's house. The only problem was that in a neighborhood where everyone knew everyone else, she couldn't go prowling around the place in broad daylight. Someone would see her and everyone knew how she felt about Serenity. She didn't want to end up getting arrested. The only choice left was to try and catch Serenity when she went out to feed.

  It was harder than it sounded. From all the information she had read so far on vampires they are very powerful creatures. They could fly, move at speeds faster than human eyes could see, lift cars with one hand, see in the dark, hear people's hearts and smell them. There was so much more to go along with that. Vampires were made to hunt humans so it would be harder for humans to hunt them.

  But Erika was determined to do it. She would need to construct special tools since vampires were very hard to kill. Heading home she stopped by her garage. There she spent the rest of the day improving on the weapons she had read about. Designing new and better versions of the ancient ones. So that when she did finally find Serenity, she would be prepared.

  * * * *

  Serenity woke with Garret on her mind. Her plans of the night before had crumbled to dust upon sight of him. She just couldn't bring herself to harm him. She didn't understand it. Why did she want him so much? He was a human, her prey, and yet she could not kill him. Rising, she left her house and took to the skies. She needed to avoid Erika. That woman was probably out combing the streets looking for her.

  Serenity got a quick bite to eat at the college. She could always count on foolish college boys to be easily lured away by her looks. After feeding, she decided it was time to leave. She still wanted her revenge but as she had told Garret, killing Erika would be too easy. She wanted her to suffer. But no matter how she thought of doing it, it would also cause Garret pain and she could not do that.

  If she left town then she would have uninterrupted time to think without having to worry about Erika finding her. As she was leaving, she had no choice but to fly over Garret's house. She could sense him there. She could also tell that his father was asleep and the other two were out searching for her. She knew she should fly on. Stopping would only delay her, but she couldn't seem to help it.

  The thought of seeing him again, even for a short moment, made the blood rush in her veins. She could not resist the temptation. Changing her direction, she flew down to the house. Silently she climbed in his window. His room was dark but she could still see him there, waiting on her.

  "How did you know I would come, when I didn't even know myself?” She could not help the tremble in her voice.

  "Because I can see in your eyes that you feel the same as I do. And I cannot resist you.” He moved closer as he spoke. Putting his arms around her waist, he pulled her to him. She did not struggle, she could not. It was like he had her under a spell. A spell that she could not break. Even if she wanted to.

  * * * *

  Serenity reached her house with a few minutes to spare before sun up. She had spent her whole night in Garret's arms, but only realized it when her internal sun alarm system sounded. As she started to enter by the back door she felt a presence behind her.

  "Cutting it close coming home at this time of morning.” Serenity turned to face Maverick. “This was the only time I could catch you."

  "I've been busy."

  "You've been with that human again and my guess is that you left him alive.” His voice had a sharp edge of anger to it. One that Serenity's mimicked.

  "You have been following me!"

  "No! I don't have to. You are covered with his sent. Any vampire would know what you have been up to."

  "What does it matter to you anyways?"

  "It matters to me because you are endangering yourself by being with him! His mother is fast becoming a hunter because of that stunt you pulled the other night! Now you spend your nights with her son while she hunts you! That is foolish enough without adding the fact that vampires and mortals are not meant to be together. You are making yourself an easy target for destruction!"

  "I can do what I want with my life! You may be the resident head honcho around here but you do not tell me what to do!” She was furious with him. She realized he could very easily rip her apart but she would not just stand there and take that from him. “It is none of your business whom I spend my nights with! Why do you care so much about what happens to me?"

  "Because as I have told you once before, our species is dying out! There are not enough mated pairs left. I would just be adding to that if I allowed a potential mate to put herself in such danger. Especially over a human!” Serenity was stunned. She had figured that was what he wanted with her but to hear him say it aloud was still shocking. He was very handsome and powerful. Any other woman would be fighting over him. But he held no attracti
on to her. Garret seemed to have it all.

  "I'm flattered.” She answered sarcastically, as she got her wits back. “But I'm also not interested.” Without any warning, he slapped her. The blow was hard enough to knock her from her feet.

  "It does not matter if you are interested! We must preserve our kind or we are all dead!” he growled. Then glanced at the lightening sky. “We will finish this conversation another night.” Without another word he turned and vanished. Serenity didn't waste time wondering where he'd gone. Instead she jumped to her feet and quickly ran to the safety of her basement. She had intended on getting home on time this morning but because of Maverick's unexpected visit it had become another close call with the sun.

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  Chapter 10

  Serenity hunted in the forest. She was stalking a deer. The woodland creature would drop his head for only a second before pricking his ears up and looking around. It was almost as if the deer knew she was there. That was impossible, but then again she had never hunted a deer before. She was only doing this for Garret. Her hunger was not for animal blood but he did not like knowing she was out killing people every night before joining him. Without thinking, she had told him that people were just food to her.

  "Even me?” he asked. The hurt in his eyes was too much for her to bear. So here she was hunting a deer instead of that chubby woman she had spotted earlier. There was one thing to be said for the deer. He was far more cautious then any of her human victims.

  Closing in on him, she snuck up from behind. Silently, she crept closer. As she readied for the attack he lifted his head to sniff the wind. In an instant he bolted. She was only a second behind in the chase. Serenity knew she was faster but he was more sure of his surroundings. He was able to easily evade her several times. She put all her energy into one mighty lunge and just succeeded in grabbing his hind legs. Pulling him to the ground she held him tightly so he could not struggle loose. The chase had lasted for half a mile. This little creature had proved more difficult to catch then any of her human prey. Using her nails like claws, she ripped open his neck and began lapping at the freshly, oozing blood. It was only a minute before her stomach started churning. Serenity had not thought it possible for one of her kind to get sick but apparently she was wrong. Turning away from the corpse, she vomited. Her stomach heaved until it had expelled all she had drunk. She had regurgitated blood all down the front of her. It did not cling to the fabric of the dress; instead it slid over it like water off a ducks back. Her whole body shuddered and felt weak. Of course Maverick chose that moment to appear before her. His temper had calmed since they last spoke because he did not yell only stared at her silently.


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