Taking It All

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Taking It All Page 11

by J. J. Bella

  Jade left the house only to go to a nearby gas station for another bottle of wine. Her fake ID had been getting a lot of use since she'd been with Leon, and she wasn't sure how to feel about it. The evening was spent just like the last – on the couch with trashy TV on the tube.

  Then, the week slipped by, and finals week arrived. Jade hadn't done a fraction of the studying that she needed to do, and went into her first exam feeling sorely unprepared. And as soon as the test landed on the desk in front of her, all she could think about was her date with Leon that last Saturday.

  To call it strained would be a compliment. The two sat across from each other at some bistro, neither of them sure what to talk about. Jade was preoccupied with her school work, not to mention her anger at Leon that she chose to let simmer under the surface. There was no affection or fun, and Jade left the date wondering just what was going on between the two of them.

  "Pencils down, please," came the stern voice from the front of the room.

  Jade turned to the clock with worried eyes and saw that the hour was already over, and that she'd barely written anything. Once the exam was dismissed, she dropped her test onto the professor's desk and hurried out, worry in her heart.

  The rest of her exams didn't go much better. Between her distractions and her lack of preparation, she turned in a series of the worst tests a typically-studious girl like her had ever put to paper. And when the weekend arrived and the first grades started to come in, she knew that she was sunk.

  Sitting at her desk in her apartment, her eyes on the C- for her Western Civ course, Jade was jolted to alertness by a text. She snatched the phone from her desk, and as she looked over the screen she realized that, in spite of everything, she hoped that it was Leon.

  But it wasn't; it was her father.

  Come to the house tonight. We need to talk about your grades.

  Jade's stomach sank like a ball of iron into the ocean. Part of the terms of her father paying her way through college was that he had access to her student accounts and could see just how well she was doing, down to the last homework assignment. And now she was paying the price.

  An hour or so later, Jade was at her parents' stately home in one of the upscale, gated areas of the city. She sat at the long, ornate dining room table, her mother seated on one side and her father standing at the end. He was dressed in one of his usual well-tailored suits, and a look of intense concentration was fixed on his stern face. His index finger was curled and pressed to his lips, as if he were debating just the right way to get into what he was about to say.

  "What the hell happened, Jade?" he finally said, his deep voice carrying through the spacious interior of the dining room. "You were a straight-A student in high school, and now…"

  He shook his head and looked away.

  "It's college," said her mother. "I've been there, your father's been there – we know what it's like. The only explanation we can think of is that you're distracted by something."

  "And it doesn't take a damn genius to know just what distracts a girl your age."

  Jade opened her mouth to speak, but realized that her parents had her number.

  "It's easy to tell when a girl's in love," said her father. "And, really, the fault is ours for not keeping a closer eye on you."

  Jade slumped in her chair and crossed her arms. At that moment, she felt three inches tall.

  "So," said her father. "You're going to be going on academic probation; I've already spoken to the school."

  "What?" asked Jade. "You're not even going to give me the chance to sort out my own problems?"

  "Darling," said her mother, "if there's anything your judgment over the last few months has shown, it's that sorting out your own problems doesn't seem to be something that you're capable of. What would you even be doing if your father and I weren't here? Chasing around this boy until you flunk out of school?"

  "Not a chance we're going to let that happen," said her father. "I'm already unhappy about your choice in majors; fat chance we're going let you throw away having a degree at all."

  "So, what," asked Jade. "Are you going to make me move back in with you both, and you two can treat me like a kid in high school again?"

  "If it comes to that, then yes, we will," said her father. "You're living on my dime, and I can take that all away in a second.

  Jade stewed in her seat. At that moment, she vowed to never find herself in this position again, dependent on the money of others. She'd be independent no matter what the cost. But for now, she was stuck.

  "Fine," she said. "I'll make sure that I'm focused on school again."

  "And that's not all," said her father.

  Jade looked up in surprise.

  "Are you…" started her mother, "…familiar with the name Logan Walker?"

  "Are you kidding?" asked Jade. "'Captain of the school's football team'? I don't even like sports and I know who he is. What about him?"

  "Well," her mother continued, "we're good friends with the Walkers through our country club. And the Walkers have recently let us know that Logan recently separated from his girlfriend."

  Jade didn't like where this was going. Not one bit.

  "If you're thinking that-"

  Her father cut Jade off with a simple raise of his hand.

  "Just something to think about," he said. "I know you're the bookish type, but Logan would be a fine match for a girl like you. He's handsome, a straight-A student, and comes from a good family. I don't know what kind of boy you're running around with now, but going by the fact that you haven't brought him up to defend him, I'm assuming that he's no good for you."

  Jade pictured Logan in her mind. She hated to admit it, but, yeah, he was a good-looking guy.

  Sure, he's hot, thought Jade, if you're into that ‘square-jaw, muscle-bound, jock' look.

  "And he's not just a sports guy," said her mother. "He's in school on an academic scholarship, and is even an accomplished pianist."

  "He played a rendition of Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring at the club a month ago that brought a tear to my eye," said her father, his eyes closed and a smile on his face in blissful remembrance.

  "Just think about it," said her mother. "One word and we'll have you two set up on a nice little date. He's a perfect gentleman."

  "But for now," said her father, his voice and expression stern once again. "Call things off with that boy. This is your last warning."

  Jae harrumphed in her seat, knowing that she'd been beaten. Once her father nodded that she was dismissed, she stalked up to her old room and collapsed on her bed. Pulling her phone out of her pocket, she pulled up Leon's number.

  I don't have any other choice, she thought. I mean, I love him, but…

  She caught herself.

  Wait, she went on, do I really love him?

  She shot out of her bed and paced around the room.

  I do, she realized. I really, really, do.

  But she knew that she had to break up with him. There just wasn't any other choice.

  OK, she thought, continuing to pace around the room. Here's what I'll do: I'll meet up with him one last time, and I'll tell him that we're done. After we've had a little fun, of course. But I can't keep dating him. I hate to admit it, but Mom and Dad are right.

  She typed up a quick text.

  Hey! Finals are over, let's hang out tonight.

  Moments later was a response.

  Got a Chicago job right now…I'll be at a house party later if you want to come.

  The address followed.

  Jade sighed. She'd never been the party type and a big get-together definitely wasn't what she had in mind. Jade would've much rather spent a quiet night in with Leon- a little takeout, maybe a movie on the couch, then even a little…dessert, afterward. But she figured that seeing him at a party was better than not seeing him at all.

  Pulling up the address on Google maps, Jade was surprised to see that it wasn't too far from where she lived.

  At least it's not goi
ng to be some party full of thugs and drug-dealers, she thought.

  The hours ticked by until the evening, and Jade spent the time trying to decide on something to wear. And as she sorted through her clothes, the conversation with her parents ran through her mind. Part of her was still furious that her father had played the biggest card he could –the "cutting her off" card- all so she'd stay away from Leon.

  Maybe, she thought, holding up a patterned, button-up top in front of her chest as she stood before the mirror, I could still see Leon. I mean, after all, he's used to keeping things a secret.

  The idea settled nicely in her mind, and a smile spread across her face.

  All I'd have to do is keep him away from Mom and Dad for the rest of the school year. Then, when he's done with college and has some normal job at an office or something, I can introduce him as the nice man that I know he can be, all clean-cut and normal. Jade, it's a plan that's crazy enough to work.

  She felt herself becoming a little giddy at the idea. She knew that she could keep things on the down-low for a few months, maybe bringing some clean-cut guy from school around every now and then to throw her parents off the scent.

  Eventually, she decided on a tight-fitting pair of jeans and a top that was much lower-cut than what she'd normally pick out. Jade was eager to mend things with Leon, and she figured showing off the goods a little might help in that regard.

  The place was close enough to walk, and as Jade approached the two-story house, it was easy to tell from the large crowd out front of kids holding red cups that she was in the right place. As she walked up the front steps, she felt the eyes of every guy nearby land on her, a little thrill running through her as she noticed just how much attention she was getting. Soon, she was in the living room of the house where a hg party was underway. People were packed in elbow-to-elbow and hip-hop music played over a massive set of speakers.

  Have I always had guys look at me like this? she thought to herself as she walked in through the front doors.

  Jade had always imagined herself as the type of girl who blended into the background, but now she seemed to be the star of the show – or, at least, the girl that every guy there wanted to check out.

  Maybe being with Leon brought something out of me, she thought, slowly beginning to enjoy the attention.

  Jade took a red cup and filled it from the keg, her eyes settling on the donation jar next to it. But as she reached into her purse to take out a five, a tall, shaggy-haired man with a stunningly handsome face raised his hand.

  "Girls like you drink free," he said, a smirk on his face.

  "Oh?" asked Jade. "And what kind of girl am I?"

  "The kind that looks damn good in those jeans."

  Jade didn't know whether to be flattered or offended. But more than anything else, she wanted to find Leon.

  "I don't know if my boyfriend would like another guy talking to me like that," Jade said through a coy smile. "Maybe you know him? His name's Leon Sebastian."

  The color drained out of the man's face instantly, as if he'd realized that he'd come very close to doing something that he absolutely shouldn't have.

  "Oh, shit," he said. "You're Leon's girl? Uh, have a good night, then."

  With that, he hurried off and away from Jade, soon blending into the crowd.

  That was…quite the reaction, thought Jade. I guess Leon has more of a reputation than I thought.

  Jade continued through the party, asking around here and there to try to find Leon. After a time, she began to grow a little worried. She found herself wondering if he'd been arrested – or worse.

  I guess this is the problem when you're dating a guy in a gang, she thought as she sipped the cheap beer from her cup. He's nowhere to be seen and, for all you know, he could be in the hospital right now.

  She shook the thought from her mind and continued looking around. Finally, after a little more asking, someone let her know that they'd seen Leon heading upstairs but, in the partygoer's words, "he might not want to be disturbed right now." This was said with a sly little smirk that put Jade ill at ease right away.

  Jade hurried up the stairs to the narrow hallway of the second floor where a handful of men and women were paired off and making out, the low lights of the hallway covering their activity. Finally, Jade spotted a guy standing around by himself.

  "Leon Sebastian?" asked Jade, her voice coming out in a hiss.

  The man smirked, let out a scoffing laugh, and flicked his eyes towards the far bedroom.

  He wouldn't, thought Jade, her heart pounding in her chest. But only one way to find out.

  She walked slowly towards the door, and as she approached it part of her wanted to just turn around and walk away. But she knew that she needed to know one way or another just what the hell Leon as getting up to in there. Placing her hand on the knob and taking a deep breath, she pulled open the door.

  Jade wasn't ready for what she saw next.

  Leon was in the bedroom, alright, but on top of him where he lay on the bed was a buxom brunette wearing nothing but a bra and very skimpy pair of thong underwear, her ass now on display for everyone in the hallway. Leon had a strange, faraway look on his face, his hands resting limply on the girl's hips.

  "Um, excuse you?" said the girl, turning to Jade and flashing her an expression of pure contempt.

  "Leon fucking Sebastian!" shouted Jade as she stood in the doorway with her hands on her hips. "What the fuck do you think you're doing?"

  "What does it look like he's doing?" said the girl, a pleased smile on her annoyingly pretty face. "He's about to have a really good night."

  "You- shut the fuck up," said Jade. "Leon- look at me and tell me what the hell you're doing!"

  But Leon only turned his head slightly, that same strange expression still on his face. It was an expression unlike anything Jade had ever seen Leon make; it was a bizarre stupefied expression, like he'd just been conked on the head.

  "Oh, hey babe," said Leon. "Uhm, uh, good to see you. I'll talk to you in a little bit. Just shut the door."

  Jade's eyes went wide with anger.


  "J…just calm down," said Leon, waving his hand in her general direction. "I'm talking with a friend. I'll be down in a little bit."

  His words came out sloppy and slurred.

  Jade was torn between wanting to cry and wanting to rush over there, throw the girl out of the nearest window before giving Leon the beating of a lifetime. What she ended up doing was fleeing back down the way she came, tears welling in her eyes as she hurried to put as much distance between her and the house as possible. Once back at her apartment, she cried into her pillow until she fell into an uneasy restless sleep.

  When she awoke the next morning she felt sick to her stomach. All she could think about was the sight of that skank on top of Leon, along with that stupid expression on his face.

  Did he just get drunk and high and not give a shit? she thought. Maybe my parents were right; maybe I was stupid for thinking I could be with a guy like Leon.

  Now that school was over with for the semester, Jade wasn't sure what to do with herself. Especially now that her heart had been ripped in two. She tried to force down some breakfast, but she couldn't eat a bite. Her eyes on her phone, she waited from Leon to send her a text explaining what had happened.

  But it never came.

  No, thought Jade, I'm not going to sit around waiting for that asshole to grovel his way back into my heart. Leon Sebastian is scum, and my parents are right – I deserve better than that.

  Still, Jade couldn't help but feel a longing that tugged at her heart.

  She didn't want to stew around in her emotions. Snatching her phone up from the table, she typed up a message to her father.

  Hey. Um, about that date with Logan….

  Chapter Twelve

  When Leon woke up the next morning he felt like his skull had been split in half with an ax. He opened his eyes, sitting up slowly and taking in his surroundings th
rough bleary vision. Once his sight finally cleared, he saw that he was in a strange bedroom.

  And lying in bed with him was a strange girl – one who was totally naked and lying on her stomach, her round ass fully exposed.

  She wasn't "strange" in any sense but that Leon didn't know her. As he looked her over, Leon saw that she was an absolutely stunning brunette with a gorgeous face and killer curves. But he'd never seen her before in his life.

  What the hell happened last night? he asked himself as he rubbed his temples in a vain effort to ease his headache.

  Leaning his head back against the headboard, he tried to think about to the events of last night. He remembered that he'd gone for his drug run to Chicago. Aside from a cop hanging on his tail for a little while during the drive, it went without a hitch.

  OK, he thought, I was back in town around ten, my money in my pocket.

  His heart raced as he tried to remember what he did with his cash. He sighed with relief when he remembered that he'd given it to Anton for temporary safekeeping.

  Then there was the party, he thought, watching the girl roll over onto her side. I came here not intending to get too fucked up.

  He remembered having a drink of a half a cup of beer as he waited for Jade to arrive.

  Jade…he thought. Where the fuck is she? Did we break up last night?

  He wracked his brain to remember, but everything was a blur. He remembered finishing his first drink, then being approached by Anton who offered him another. Leon remembered now the strange, sly look on Anton's face as he handed him the red cup.

  Oh, fuck, thought Leon. That motherfucker drugged me with something.

  But everything after that was a blur. And now he was in bed with some girl who couldn't have been older than nineteen, a girl that he didn't even recognize from campus.

  "Hey," said Leon, poking the girl in her hip with his foot. "Wake up."

  "Wha…" said the girl, swatting the air in front of her.

  "Come on," said Leon, not in the mood. "Get up."

  "I don't wanna," said the girl in a voice that reminded Leon of a grumpy child being roused from a nap.


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