Storm Front (The Charistown Series) (Volume 2)

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Storm Front (The Charistown Series) (Volume 2) Page 6

by Lisa N. Paul

  “That’s true brother but remember what I’ve told you, stubborn works both ways. We use it to get what we want and we use it to give what we want. Giving up is never an option for Ash and me. Now spill.”

  His arms crossed firmly over his chest, Ryan took a breath in through his nose and slowly released it from his mouth. “So, Ash is coming out this weekend.”

  “Oh, man, that’s great. I miss her like crazy. Daily calls just aren’t enough.” Angling his head in a question-like pose, Leo then asked, “Wait, how’d you get her to agree to that? She has to work two days this weekend.”

  Ryan loved how happy his friend was. Leo’s eyes were round with excitement and his smile was wide, showing off the perfect dentistry his parents must have spent a fortune on. “I hate that she’s stuck at home alone. Our parents suck. They’re always working and they never notice when she’s feeling down because…well, they’re never fucking there!”

  Even though Ryan sometimes wished he lived in the Kynde house, he’d never wished to be part of the Kynde family household. He loved his father, and the relationship they had, beyond words. Before his mother died they were the perfect family. Since her passing, his father had done everything a father could do in order to be there for his son. Martin Baker was a great dad.

  “So, if Ashley is coming here in less than 72 hours, why do you look like you’re ready to rip someone’s face off?”

  “Two words, man. Scott James.”

  Ryan watched as Leo processed the name in his mind. The moment Leo’s eyes lit up in acknowledgement he continued. “Look, we’ve discussed Scott several times. You told me not to worry about the punk…”

  “Yeah, Ry, I told you that it was Jayson’s brother and there was no way you should let your mind go there. We’re a team, man. Jayson wouldn’t let his brother go anywhere near Ashley. But none of that matters because Ashley wouldn’t touch him with someone else’s hands. She loves you. I feel like I’m growing a pussy even having this conversation, but she fucking loves you. Put Scott out of your brain.”

  “Dude, every time I talk to her she’s either with him, or going to meet with him, or just come from seeing him. It freaks me the fuck out. It makes me feel…I just don’t like it. That’s all.”

  Leo stood up from his drums and stepped over to the guitar case sitting in the corner. “Here,” he said handing Ryan the royal blue electric Fender. “You wanna be jealous, play your freak-out on this.”

  At that moment, Jayson and Zane walked up onto the stage. They were laughing about who knows what when they saw Ryan and Leo set to practice. “Cool,” Jayson smiled, “let’s warm up. What do you wanna start with?”

  Ryan could feel the fire begging to be released from his body. “Raging Inferno,” he snarled.

  The tapping count of Leo’s drum sticks sucked all of the anger from Ryan’s body, fueling him with passion and lust for the music. Such was his passion that it continued on into their set that night, rolling off the stage like fog lifting from a lake in the early morning hours.

  That night, Storm Front’s performance was incredible.

  Good, Then I’m Doing It Right

  “HEY, ROMEO. GOD, you’re a sight for sore eyes.” Ashley had no more than a second to take in Ryan’s appearance before he was too close for her to see more than the golden hues of his irises.

  Wrapped in his long corded arms, the world spun as he twirled her around and around until dizziness threatened to make her ill. When their lips finally met, it felt like comfort and warmth, fireworks and electricity all strung together. Like New Year’s Eve on a tropical island. Breathless, Ashley inhaled deeply, taking in Ryan’s rich spicy scent. The air in her chest burned, but by God was it good to feel again.

  “Mmm, I’ve missed the smell of your skin.” The skin beneath her fingertips tightened and she could feel the goose bumps on Ryan’s skin. Raking her nails over his scalp, she felt him harden in his cargo pants.

  “Your hair is longer than it was before. I love it like this,” she purred, tightening her hold on his hair before moving back in for another deep kiss.

  “Princess,” he murmured breathlessly into her mouth. She reveled in the fact that his body responded to her every touch, taste, and scent. The need in his voice was palpable as he said, “I want you so bad right now, but we’re gonna get arrested for public indecency if we keep this up in the airport.”

  The second he pulled away from her she felt the loss. She missed the closeness of his body against hers. She felt warmth settle into her cheeks along with embarrassment over her very public display of affection. Pulling her close, he leaned his lips down to her ear and whispered, “I plan on getting indecent I just don’t want to share you with anyone. So let’s get your luggage—and your sweet ass—out of here.”

  Her body responded instantly to the provocative words uttered in her ear. “Oh Romeo,” she murmured. “It’s no wonder the women fall all over you with that silver tongue of yours.” Shivering with anticipation, Ashley laced her fingers through Ryan’s and they headed toward the baggage claim.

  “The only woman I want falling all over me is you, Ashley.” He paused before asking, “So are you? Falling?”

  Pulling them to a stop, Ashley looked up at Ryan from beneath her long lashes and confidently said, “Ryan, I fell at fifteen and never got back up.”

  The warmth of her words washed over him and he cupped her face in his hands, kissing her deeply once again. While their breaths mingled and their tongues caressed, Ryan had to remind himself again of his promise that they would wait until December to finally make love. He wanted to wait until he could be with her for longer than just a few hasty days. He would wait until she was eighteen and he could ask her for forever. Just two more months, he thought as he deepened the kiss between them. In the meantime, he planned to enjoy every minute of the time they had together while she was here with him.

  “Sis, get over here!” The excitement in Leo’s voice had Ashley shaking with delight. Seeing her brother after more than a month was almost as painful as it was wonderful. Almost. His eyes were bright with eagerness as he took long strides to get to her. His hair, like Ryan’s, was longer and streaked with lighter shades of blond—something that always happened to him in the summer. It wasn’t unheard of for people to accuse Leo of coloring his hair, but it was really just God paying him a little extra attention in the looks department.

  Ashley admired her brother’s sun-kissed skin and felt a pang of envy. Between her classes and her work schedule she’d had very little time to enjoy the Florida weather.

  “Leo, another tattoo? Really?” There was no anger behind Ashley’s question this time. Rather a profession of happiness that her brother was living the life he’d always dreamed of. Examining the new ink she felt a little jab of something deep down in her gut. She couldn’t identify it, so she pushed it down a little further and pretended that it didn’t exist at all. “What is it Le?”

  “Look closely, sis. It’s everything that’s made me who I am so far.” Tears stung Ashley’s eyes as the image marked on Leo’s forearm became incredibly clear. In between beautiful black flowing ink were the initials LKA, for Leo and Ashley Kynde. The two legs of the “K” were drumsticks and the spine of the “L” was part of a crotchet/quarter note. The “A” was made up of black vines with one small blue flower on the bottom right leg. Twisting around and through the tattoo were random words and symbols that Leo had mentally collected through his life—his treasure chest of thoughts. The piece was large but tasteful and masculine. So very Leo.

  “Leo, I love it. It’s so you and I love the ceratostigma on the “A”. Thank you!”

  Ashley was surprised that someone had been able to capture the heart of her brother so perfectly through ink and skin. Without turning her gaze from his arm she addressed Ryan. “And what about you, Ry? Any new artwork on that sweet canvas?”

  Having not heard his movement, Ashley startled when Ryan’s voice came from so close to her body. “Ba
be, I told you I would come to you before making any more big decisions. Remember?” Ashley smiled at her brother, her back still facing Ryan. Leo winked and came up with a quick excuse to grab some drinks from the soda machine down the hall.

  Slowly turning to face the sexy, dark haired, molten-eyed man who’d captured her heart, Ashley tipped her head back to look Ryan in the eyes. Even though Ashley stood at five foot eight, Ryan was still a good five or so inches taller and he made her feel tiny and protected.

  “Ryan, honey, I appreciate your intentions of keeping me in the know about important life decisions, but as long as you aren’t tattooing your face or another woman’s name on your body, I’ve decided I’m okay with you inking without my knowledge.”

  Running one slender finger up his biceps and over his shoulder she felt the shudder that rocked his body. Her finger continued its trail up his neck and to its final destination. His lips. She stroked his plump bottom lip while staring directly into his eyes. Time and place faded away as she heard his breathing quicken with each touch.

  Ashley stared into hungry eyes as her body responded to his touch. She couldn’t help but to moisten her bottom lip when his heated gaze dropped to her mouth. His chest expanded and his nostrils flared as she watched arousal building like a storm in his eyes. The slight sting of her lip between her teeth brought a surge of pleasure between Ashley’s thighs. Reaching forward, Ryan placed his hand in her hair and tugged her toward him. The masculine groan that escaped him was almost her undoing.

  “Ash, I need to get you alone, soon.” He let out a low growl. “Fuck it. I need you now! I booked us a room for the next three nights. Ready to go?” His hands ran down her back and over her firm ass while he waited for her answer.

  Snapping out of the lust-induced fog, Ashley ran her knuckle down Ryan’s jaw. “You know I am Ry, but let me tell Leo that we’re heading out. I’d like to make plans to see him for a late dinner after the show. I miss him and I want to spend time with him while I’m here.”

  Ashley spoke slowly, choosing her words carefully. She missed Ryan something crazy and couldn’t wait to spend time snuggled in his arms, but she’d missed Leo too. She waited for Ryan’s response, hoping she hadn’t upset him or worse, made him feel guilty.

  “Princess, we don’t need to rush.” Ryan lifted her chin. A chagrinned look covered his beautiful face. “We can spend some time with Leo and the other guys before we head out. I’m sorry. I just saw you and lost my mind.”

  “Ryan, I love that about you. Do you have any idea how that makes me feel?”

  “No, baby, tell me.” Ryan’s low seductive voice had Ashley swooning like a fan-girl.

  “It makes me feel wanted, horny and loved.”

  “Good, then I’m doing it right!” He winked, and they went in search of Leo, Jayson and Zane.

  “Wow, I thought you two would have been locked away getting down and dirty by now,” Zane chuckled. Ryan scowled and Leo threw an empty water bottle at the bassist’s head.

  “What?” Zane said, genuinely confused. “I’m just sayin’ they haven’t seen each other in weeks. If it was me, I would be tappin’ that ass like crazy!”

  When Ryan growled and Leo stood up with clenched fists, Zane realized his mistake. “Dude, I’m so sorry. I look at her and I forget she’s your kid sister.” Zane held his hands up in a submissive show of respect.

  “Fuck you, Zane. Yes, Ashley is his sister, but she’s my fucking girl! You don’t get to treat her or talk about her like she’s a cheap piece of ass. Now apologize. Right. Fucking. Now!” Ryan seethed, his temper reaching boiling point.

  Zane’s face paled but before he could open his mouth, Jayson piped-up, “Ash, you know we all love you. Zane can be an idiot. Sometimes we still think of you as part of the band, or the little sister with braces. But when we see you, you’re this beautiful grown chick, not Leo’s kid sister and certainly not one of Ryan’s girls…”

  The small gasp come from Ashley’s mouth had Ryan launching himself at Jayson, backing him against the wall. “What the hell is that supposed to mean? One of Ryan’s girls? You all fucking know that I haven’t so much as looked at another woman since before we did the first set of shows in early June.”

  Ryan felt the anger and frustration pulsing through his veins like mercury through a thermometer. His mind kept screaming for him to back off but just like the silver liquid when the thermometer breaks, he couldn’t quite get a grip on the out of control emotion. “Are you trying to start something, man? Between you and your fucking brother—”

  “Ryan!” Ashley’s voice broke through his haze, dousing the fire that raged inside of him. “Honey, back down. They’re acting like buffoons. They know it, I know it, and if you think about it, you know it too.”

  She moved closer behind him until he could feel the warmth of her body pressed up against his back. She dropped her voice a little lower when she said, “Let’s get out of here, Ry. I know a better way to spend our time.”

  With the red haze receding from his vision he was able to see the irritated glare Leo was giving to Jayson and the honest shame on Zane’s face, but it was the look in Jayson’s eyes that gave him a poke in the ribs. There was something there that didn’t sit right with Ryan. Maybe it was the fact that Jayson was Scott’s brother or maybe it was just that Jayson was acting like an asshole. Either way, Ryan was annoyed.

  “Come on, Romeo. Let’s get out of here.” Hearing Ashley’s sweet voice broke the spell of the tense moment.

  “Yeah, Ry, take my sister out for an early dinner. I’ll meet up with you before the show and we can all grab a quick bite to eat afterwards.” Ryan looked at his best friend and saw tension in what were usually such easygoing eyes and felt his shoulders start to tighten up once again.

  Ryan stood stone still. His fingers webbed tightly with Ashley’s as he watched Leo approach. Leaning in, Leo whispered in his ear, “Seriously, you guys get out of here. Let me handle this. Go be with my sister and make her happy. And before you think I’m acting all noble, I’m not. Seeing her happy makes me happy, so technically, I’m being a selfish ass.” He finished his speech with a clap to Ryan’s shoulder.

  Ryan knew Ashley hadn’t heard what her brother had whispered but she couldn’t have missed the physical response his words had. Ryan’s rigid posture loosened and his angry face went lax. Ryan extended his hand to Leo and went in willingly when Leo pulled him in for a bro-hug. Yep, that guy was his brother in all ways but blood. Leo wrapped his big arms around Ashley and directed her on how to spend the next couple of hours.

  “Go take care of my brother,” Leo said to her. Ashley giggled when she saw the look on Leo’s face as realization of what he said hit. “Mind out of the gutter Ash, Christ, I meant, go take a walk or something…God, I think I’m gonna puke.” Letting out a small chuckle, Ryan let Ashley lead him out of the room and back to the hotel. He had no idea what would happen with the guys once they left, but he knew for certain that Leo would take care of it. For now.

  Sweet Ashley

  THE FOOD WAS set on a tray in the small hotel room when they entered. “Wait, how? When?” He smiled as her feelings of both confusion and giddiness played out over her gorgeous features.

  “Is it possible that I’ve actually rendered Ashley Kynde speechless?” Ryan’s mocking tone earned him a playful slap on the arm and he watched as Ashley sauntered over to the desk and lifted the domes off the plates that were waiting for them.

  “Oh, man.” Ashley’s stomach chose that moment to let out its appreciation for the perfectly made grilled cheese sandwiches and French fries along with the bowls of tomato soup. He knew his girl so well.

  “So, I guess I don’t need to ask if you’re hungry?” Ryan’s smile widened with the second growl of Ashley’s belly.

  “I’m starving, Ryan. I haven’t eaten since breakfast—you know I get nervous on big exam days. This looks like heaven.”

  She eyed the food on the tray before bending over to grab a F
rench fry. As she brought it up to her lips, he felt his insides craving nutrition of a whole different kind. “Um, Ry, where’s your food?” She joked as she popped a fry in her mouth.

  “Princess, I don’t care how hungry you think you are, there is no way you could fit all of that food in your body. But, I would love to see you try.” He smirked at her wrinkled nose and pitched brows while she continued to scarf down her lunch. While she ate he filled her in on the most recent shows and various opportunities that had been coming their way, but all the while he could only really focus on her. The way her lips closed around her spoon. Her tongue as she licked the splashed tomato soup from her finger. Her throat as it swallowed each and every morsel of sustenance. His senses were overloaded to the point where he could no longer think of any words at all. Did she even realize how incredibly sexy she was?

  “Ryan?” She looked at him, setting the tray aside. His desire mirrored in her eyes.

  “Ashley.” He hardly recognized his own voice as his body moved towards her without any instruction from his conscious mind.

  “I-I need to touch you.”

  Before her sentence was complete his hands cupped her jaw, pulling her up from her chair and closer to his face. Ashley quickly rose to her toes and pressed herself against him, connecting their bodies. Her small hand traveled to the hem of his t-shirt. With deft fingers she lifted it up over his head and tossed it to the floor. Her hands traveled his torso and traced patterns on his skin. It was like his body was a map and she was marking all the destinations she intended to visit.

  “Ah, Ryan, your skin feels so good. My God, it’s been so long.” The raspy groan he released triggered something in her and he felt her body against his. His hands moved from her face to her hair. His fingers tugged at the silky strands and she let out a small whimper.

  “Christ, Ash, those sweet noises are gonna undo me.” He ran his hands from the back of her head down to the waist of her yellow tank top and his thumbs started touching the slight strip of skin between the tank and her shorts. She shivered under his soft touch. “Damn, Princess, I love the way you respond to me. Now lift your arms, you’ve got way too many clothes on.”


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