Bacillus thuringiensis 183–4
bacteria 100, 178, 182, 230
bacterial toxins 71–2, 80–1, 313n
channel-forming proteins 42, 182–4
Bakken, Earl 151–2
basilar membrane 206, 206–7, 209
batrachotoxin 76
bats, vampire 199, 221
battery, electric 40, 152, 285
early (voltaic pile) 25–6, 28, 30, 31, 122
biological 37, 43, 120, 123–5
Beethoven, Ludwig van 209–10, 212
Békésy, Georg von 206–7
Belloc, Hilaire 297
Bennett, Alan 210
beta-blockers 161,164
beta-cells, pancreatic 2–4, 99, 312n
Bichat, Xavier 29
Bingen, Hildegard von 245
biological control agents 183–4
biological weapons 74–5, 77
birds 76, 78, 166, 199, 220, 249–50, 275
black smokers 41
Blake, William 192, 193, 262, 315n
blindsight 242
blind spot 195
blood–brain barrier 56, 58, 70, 230, 250
BOAA (β-N-oxalyl-L-alanine) 248
Bond, James (007) 72
Booth, Herbert 94
botulinum toxin 80–81, 92, 313n
botox 80–81
bradycardia 148
brain 228
amygdala 240, 265, 268, 273
blood supply 229–30
brain waves 236–7, 273–4
cerebellum 228, 229, 269
cerebral cortex 227–8, 235, 270, 273, 274
corpus callosum 227, 228
electrical stimulation 235–6, 304–6, 309, 310
forebrain 227–8, 257
fusiform gyrus 244
glia cells 229
grey matter 229
hippocampus 228, 267–9, 276
imaging 238–9, 283, 309–10
limbic system 217
motor cortex 235, 238–40, 269
nucleus accumbens 257, 258, 261–2
olfactory bulb 217
prefrontal cortex 234, 240–41
reward centre 238, 257, 259, 261, 277
somatosensory cortex 235–6
surgery 236, 304–5
thalamus 274
visual cortex 236, 240, 242, 245
white matter 229
brain damage 233–5
Alzheimer’s disease 270
epilepsy 253–4
migraine 244–5
‘brainbow’ mouse 232
brainstem 228, 228–9, 230, 274
Brillat-Savarin, Anthelme 213–14
Broca, Paul 234–5
Broca’s area 234, 235, 238
Brock, Lawrence 87–8
Brown, Harold 300, 301
Brugada syndrome 157–8
Bryant, Shirley 109–12, 116
Byatt, A. S. 296
Caenorhabditis elegans 233
Cajal, Ramón y 231, 232
Calabar bean 97–8
calcium channels 197, 312n
in disease 90–91, 114–15, 245
in neurotransmitter release 89, 90, 197, 278
in skeletal muscle contraction 105, 112–14, 113
in contraction of the heart 156, 158–9, 163, 165, 168
calcium ions 37, 42
in cell death 248, 250
in contraction of the heart 156, 158–9, 163
in muscle contraction 112–14, 113
in neurotransmitter release 88–92, 89, 197
calcium stores 112–13, 114, 156, 158, 163
camphor 221
capacitor 14–5
capsaicin 220–21
cardiac arrest 22, 153–5
cardiac arrhythmia 150, 157–8, 159–61, 162
cardiopulmonary resuscitation 22, 154
carnivorous plants 189–90, 315n
Carroll, Lewis 245
Carson, Rachel 78
Castor and Pollux 265
cataplexy 275
cataracts 200–201
Caterina, Mike 220
catfish 117–19, 118, 130
Catsper channels 172–3
Celestial Bed 290
cell 38
ion concentrations 39–41
origins 40–41
membrane 38–41
programmed cell death 184–6
cerebellum 228, 229, 269
cerebral cortex 227–8, 235–6, 238–42, 245, 266, 269, 270, 273–4
Cerletti, Ugo 293
channel-forming proteins 42, 182–4
channel rhodopsin 271
channelopathies see ion channel diseases
Charak 248
Châtres, Duc de 35–6
Cheema, Lakhvinder 75
chemical messengers 51, 100–101
see also intracellular messengers, neurotransmitter
chilli peppers 219–20
‘Chinese restaurant syndrome’ 250
chloride channels
cystic fibrosis (CFTR) 178–9
in muscle 105, 110–12, 113
in plants 189
startle disease, glycine receptors 251–2
chloride (ions) 37, 105, 110, 178–9, 189, 251
chloroform 279–80
cholera 179–80
Chondrodendron tomentosum 93
Church of Scientology 303
clams 72–4
Clapham, David 172
Claviceps purpurea 264
Clostridium botulinum 80
see also botulinum toxin
Coca-Cola 258
cocaine 258–9
cochlea 204, 205–7, 306–7
cochlear amplifier 208–9
cochlear implants 209, 306–7
Cockcroft, John 15
Cole, Kenneth 63–4, 65–6
Coleridge, Samuel 277
colour blindness 201–3, 315n
colour vision 195–6, 198–203, 241–2
Colquhoun, David 45
complement 183
cones 194–6, 197, 198
Conium maculatum 94–5
consciousness 264
origin of 281–4
loss of 22, 160, 253, 273, 279–81
Cook, James 54–5, 69
Coombs, Jack 87–88
corn see maize
cornea 193, 194, 315n
cortex (of brain)
cerebral 227–8, 235, 270, 273, 274,
motor 235, 238–40, 269
prefrontal 234, 240–41
somatosensory 235–6
visual 236, 240, 242, 245
cot death 160–61
fish 138–9
Drosophila 271–2
praire voles 261
crayfish 272
Cream, Thomas Neill 252
curare 52, 92–5
alternating 298–301
definition of 34, 36–7
direct 298–9
electrocution 21–2, 296–8
war of currents 298–300
Curtis, Howard 63–4
cyclic GMP 164, 196–7, 203
cynarin 213
cystic fibrosis 177–9
cystic fibrosis transmembrane receptor (CFTR) 178–9
Dale, Henry 83, 84–7
D’Alibard, Thomas-François 17
Dalton, John 201–2
dantrolene 115–16
Darwin, Charles 41, 119, 133–4, 189, 313n
Davy, Humphrey 278–9
DDT 77–8
deafness 160, 209–12
cochlear implants 209, 306–7
death 30–31, 114, 150, 151, 152, 177, 179, 202, 237, 276, 282
capital punishment 167–8, 300–301, 314n
cell death 149, 170–1, 184–6, 229, 247, 248, 270
from toxins 70, 77, 80–1, 93, 95, 96
from electric shock 121, 286, 296, 300–301
sudden cardiac death 140–41, 148, 155–6, 157–8, 159–62
br /> deep brain stimulation 305–6, 309, 310
defibrillator 150, 154–5, 161, 304
Delgado, José Manuel Rodriguez 304
Demostratus 10
dendrites 56, 231, 232, 269
dendritic spines 232, 269–70
depolarization 66, 69, 168
depression 209, 257, 259, 262, 293, 295, 309
Descartes, René 281
deuteranopia 202
diabetes 222
neonatal 1–4, 52
type 1, 3
diastole 142
diathermy 292–3
Dickens, Charles 292
dinoflagellates 72–3
DNA 3, 38, 40, 48–9, 56, 173, 185, 203, 313n
Doberman pinscher dog 275
Doll, Richard 260
dolphin 133, 283
domoic acid 249–50
dopamine 257, 258–9, 261–2
Dostoyevsky, Fyodor 253
dreams 82–3, 273–4
Drosophila 304
courtship song 271–2
ether-á-go-go 159
sperm 173
du Pré, Jacqueline 58
Dufy, Raoul 5, 6
Dumbacher, John 76
durian fruit 218
E-meter 303
ear 204
basilar membrane 206–7
cochlear implants 306–7
hair cells 206, 206–9, 211, 211–12, 306–7
sensing sound 205–9
structure 204, 205–7
see also hearing, deafness
‘ear songs’ 209
earth (voltage) see ground
Eccles, John Carew 86–8
echidna 133
Edison, Thomas 285–6, 299-301
eel, electric 119–25, 127, 128, 133
electric organs 122–5, 124, 128
electroplaque 122–5, 124
see also Electrophorus
Einthoven, Willem 145–6
electric chair 298, 300–301
electric charge 11, 34, 36, 43
electric fish
electric shock 25, 32, 117–29, 124, 126, 286, 314n
electrical communication 137–9
electrosensing 129–132, 131, 135–7
social hierarchy 137–8
weak electric discharges 133–9
see also electric organ, electroplaque, electroreceptors
electric organ 116
electric eel 122–5, 124, 128
torepdo ray 122, 126, 126–7, 128
electric shock 31, 40, 52, 55, 116, 149, 286, 296–7, 300, 299–301, 302
cadaver demonstrations 28–9
electric fish 117–8, 133
electroconvulsive therapy 293–6
electrotherapy 286–9
Leyden jar 14–15, 35–6
nerve and muscle stimulation 63, 69
to heart 150, 152, 153, 155, 161
voltaic pile 25–6
see also electric chair, electrotherapy, defibrillator, Topsy
electric shock treatment 286–8, 289–90, 293–6
see also electroconvulsive therapy
Electrical Ether 291
electricity 126, 141, 187, 284, 286–7, 288, 289, 291, 293, 296
animal 6, 22, 24–6, 32
animal and mains supply differences 36–7
definition of 34
safety trip switches 297
static 9–13, 16, 22, 297
supply 52, 151, 296–7, 298–9, 301
see also electric charge, electrocution, lightning
Electricity Fairy 5
electrocardiogram (ECG) 141, 144–8, 159–60, 162, 310
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) 293–6
electrocution 296–302
accidental 296–8
capital punishment 300–301
electric chair 298, 300–301
lightning strike 20, 21–2
Topsy (elephant) 285–6, 300, 316n
electroencephalogram (EEG) 236–7, 238, 273
electrons 10, 35, 36, 298
Electrophorus electricus 119–25, 126, 127
see also electric eel
electroplaques 135
electric eel 122–5, 124, 128
torpedo ray 122, 126–7, 128
electroreception 129–139
Guiana dolphin 133
knifefish 136–7
monotremes 132–3
shark 130–2, 314n
see also ampullae of Lorenzini
electrostatic generator 12, 23, 11–13, 14, 286–8
electrotherapy 286–92
elephant nose fish 137–8
Ellis, Keith 116
Elmqvist, Rune 152
emotions 90, 223, 256, 257, 264, 274, 281, 284, 303
and memory 264–5, 268
brain regions involved 217, 228, 234, 240, 273
endorphins 278
epilepsy 237, 238, 253–5, 267
epithelial sodium channels (ENaC channels) 175–7, 180, 214
equilibrium potential 43
ergotamine 263
erythermalgia 222
eserine 86, 97
ether anaesthesia 279–80
Ewins, Arthur 85
excitation–contraction coupling 112–14
disease 107,108, 115, 141, 160, 222
endorphins 278
heart rate 163, 166–7
potassium blood levels 168
serotonin levels 262–3
eye 166, 193–203, 315n
colour blindness 201–3, 315n
colour vision 195–6, 198–203, 241–2
photodetection 195–7
structure 193–5
vision in dark 198
see also vision
Faraday, Michael 6, 31–2
Feldberg, Wilhelm 85–6, 97, 314n
Feynman, Richard 243
fish 72, 199, 249, 275
see also electric fish, electric eel, torpedo, puffer fish, knifefish
flying boy experiment 12, 13
Fond, Joseph-Aignan Sigaud de la 35
Frankenstein 8–9, 28, 30, 32, 310
Franklin, Benjamin 6, 16–20, 287, 289, 313n
Freud, Sigmund 258
fruit fly see Drosophila
fugu see puffer fish
GABA receptors 281
Gage, Phineas 233–4
Galen 141
Gall, Franz Joseph 233
Galvani, Luigi 6, 8, 22–5, 26–7, 30, 32, 33–4, 39, 119, 312n
galvanism 9, 25, 26, 28, 30, 32
galvanometer 59, 143, 145–6
gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) 247, 254, 281
gap junctions 99–100
garlic 221
general anaesthesia 279–80, 282
George III, King 19
Getahun, Haileyesus 247
Gilbert, William 11
Gladstone, Herbert 145, 314n
glial cells 229
Gloyn, Anna 3
glucose 2–4, 52, 238, 312n
glutamate 214, 247
glutamate receptors 214, 247–51, 270, 281
glycine 247, 251–2
glycine receptors 251–2, 281
Gnathonemus 137
goats, myotonic 102–3, 109–12, 252
Golgi, Camillo 231–2
Gordon, Alex 94
gorilla 243
gout 286
Goya, Francisco de 210
Graham, James 289–91
grass pea 248–9
Gray, Stephen 12, 13
grey matter 229
Griffith, Ellis 144–5
ground (voltage) 12, 13, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 35–6, 296–7
guard cells 188–9
Guericke, Otto von 11–13
Guillain–Barré syndrome 57–8
Gymnarchus 134–7
Gymnema sylvestre 213
gymnemic acid 213
haemolysin 183
hair cells (of the ear) 204, 206,
206–12, 211
damaged 211–12, 306–7
inner 207–8, 211
outer 208–9, 211
hallucinogen 264
see also LSD
happiness 262–3
Harvey, William 141
Hattersley, Andrew 3
Hawkins, John 259
headache 181, 245, 250, 259, 286, 287
hearing 203–12
cochlear amplifier 208–9
frequency discrimination 206–7
hearing aids 306–7, 309
loss 209–12
mechanosensitive ion channels 207
tinnitus 212
see also ear, deafness, hair cells
heart 4, 29, 83, 121, 128, 130, 140–69, 142, 237, 260, 280, 297, 301
action potential 147, 147–8, 156–7, 158–9, 168
computer model 168–9
contraction 141–2, 144, 147, 148–9, 150, 154, 156–7, 158, 159, 163
electrical conduction paths 142, 143–4, 148, 150, 155–6
ion channels 70, 74, 156–62, 163, 165, 168–9
structure 142, 141–4
vagus nerve inhibition 87, 165–6, 167
see also electrocardiogram, longQT syndrome, Brugada syndrome
heart attack 148, 150–51, 155, 168, 169
heart block 148, 149, 152
heart cells 99, 148, 150, 236
sinus node (pacemaker) 143, 148–9, 165
ventricular 147, 148, 168
heart rate 83, 144, 150, 229, 256
abnormal 148–9
acetylcholine 83, 165–6
adrenaline 83, 163–4
in exercise 155, 166–7
heat sensing 221
hemlock 94–5
HERG potassium channel 159, 162, 169
heroin 278
Heron, Patrick 241–2
Heydrich, Reinhard 80
hippocampus 267–9, 276
Hippocrates 160, 226, 248, 253
Hitchcock, Alfred 249
Hitler, Adolf 85, 313n
Hitzig, Eduard 235
Hodgkin, Alan 60, 62–8, 313n
Hoffman, Albert 263–4
honey (mad) 76–7
Hooke, Robert 38
horse 33, 85, 106–7, 278, 300
Hughes, John 278
Humboldt, Alexander von 32, 93, 119–21
Huxley, Aldous 204–5, 313n, 315n
Huxley, Andrew 62–8, 313n
Huxley, Thomas 88, 313n
hydrogen ions 37, 188–9, 214, 316n
see also protons
hydrothermal vents 41
hyperkalaemic periodic paralysis (HYPP) 106–8
hypertension 177
hypocretin 27
Imperial Electric Pills 291
impotence 164, 197, 290
Indurain, Miguel 144
infrared radiation 199, 221
insecticide 77–8, 183–4
insulin 1–4, 293, 312n
intracellular messengers 89, 156, 196–7, 313n
ion channel 39, 42
acetylcholine receptor 89, 92, 96, 104
Catsper (sperm) 172–3
cyclic GMP-gated 197, 203
discovery 44–7
glutamate receptor 214, 247–51, 270, 281
glycine receptor 251–2, 281
The Spark of Life: Electricity in the Human Body Page 34