The Caveman’s Possession: Cavemen, 2

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The Caveman’s Possession: Cavemen, 2 Page 7

by Sam Crescent

  “Fuck, baby, yeah, that’s it, fuck.” He gritted his teeth, holding himself still, gaining control. It would be so easy to come just by the feel of her tight heat wrapped around him.

  Once he was sure he wasn’t going to blow his load, he started to withdraw until only the tip of him remained. His cock was slick with her cream, and he couldn’t do it.

  Pulling out of her cunt, he lifted her up to his face, breathing in her pussy. Sliding his tongue between her slick folds, he tasted her.

  Such exquisite, pure honey.

  Plunging his tongue into her cunt, he fucked her, feeling her quiver beneath him.

  “Please, Maxim, I can’t take any more.”

  He didn’t let up, wanting her to come all over his tongue.

  Sliding his tongue up to her clit, he used his teeth to create a bite of pain that had her screaming. When she couldn’t handle any more, he stroked back and forth, relishing every cry and moan as it echoed around the room.

  Holding onto her ass cheeks, he knew by the night’s end he was going to be fucking her hole. He didn’t want to leave a part of her without his brand. He was hungry for her.

  Sucking her clit into his mouth, he listened to her moans and gasps. More of his pre-cum leaked out of the tip of his dick, dripping onto the bed.

  She was so close and he took his time, drawing more pleasure out of her. When he took her, pounded inside her, he wanted her to be slick. She was such a small woman compared to him and if he didn’t have her properly prepared she was going to hurt.

  She’d struggle to walk either way, but he wanted her to enjoy it.

  The moment she started to come, he lapped it all up with his tongue. Her soft pussy was now ready for him to ravish her. Letting her drop to the bed, he quickly spun her around so that she was on her knees.

  Running his hands over her ass, he spread the cheeks wide. Her virgin ass would belong to him, but first, he wanted her pussy dripping with his cum.

  Gripping his cock, he placed the tip back at her entrance and ploughed inside her. Holding her hips, he pounded inside her, thrusting balls deep, making her take it all. Her cream coated his dick. She was so fucking wet. He loved it.

  “Please, please,” she said.

  He kept hold of her hip with one hand while the other dipped down between her thighs, stroking her pussy, getting his fingers nice and wet. Drawing them back to her ass, he began to stroke over her anus.

  The moment he touched her, she tensed up and he slammed in. His balls hit her clit as he did.

  “I’m going to fuck this ass, baby. You’re going to let me touch you, fuck you, and I’m going to fill you with my cum. Don’t worry, I’m going to make sure you love every single second.”

  She started to relax as he continued to tease her asshole. He kept on fucking her, his cock hitting that spot deep inside her that made her cry out with more pleasure.

  His balls ached.

  He wanted to come deep within her but he held himself back.

  Pressing a slick finger to her puckered hole, he started to work it in. She let out a whimper.

  Moving his hand from her hip, he started to stroke her clit.

  Her cunt rippled around his cock, squeezing him, and he closed his eyes at the same time he pressed his finger inside her asshole. She groaned as he pushed his finger to the knuckle in her ass.

  He twisted his finger around, letting her feel him inside her ass.

  “You want this, baby. I can feel how much. You’re dripping wet. I can give you all you desire, Shauna.”

  “Please, Maxim.”

  “You want to come?”


  “Good.” He stroked her clit as he worked her ass. His cock was still balls deep inside her, but he didn’t let up.

  She gasped and he felt the change within her pussy as she came. Her ass tightened around his finger, trying to keep him inside.

  Don’t worry, babe. I’m going to fuck you there soon enough.

  The moment she came, he pulled his fingers from her ass and pussy. Holding onto her hips, he gave her his all. Pounding inside her pussy, hitting her to the hilt, stroking over her g-spot as he did until she cried out his name. Little explosions of orgasm went off within her pussy with each thrust.

  He was so close and as he held her still, he pounded his dick inside her until he finally came, filling her cunt with his cream.

  Wave upon wave of his cum filled her tight pussy.

  They were both panting as she milked every last drop. When he pulled out of her, he saw a trail of his cum spill from her pussy.

  He cupped her cunt, pressing his fingers back inside her, trying to make it stay. He wanted her pregnant, belonging to him in every single way possible.


  Several days later

  Shauna cleaned the last plate, pulled it out of the soapy water, and couldn’t help but smile. She was happy, so damn happy that it felt like she was in a dream, that she was living some alternate world, that this wasn’t her life.

  But it was her life.

  She was with Maxim.

  The man she loved.

  And then, speak of the devil, she felt his hands wrap around her hips. He pulled her back against him, the feel of his erection pressing to the crease of her ass, her pussy already becoming wet as her desire slammed into her.

  “Hey baby,” he said softly against her ear and she closed her eyes, shivering. “Have I told you lately how much I like waking up beside you, and going to bed with you curled around my body?”

  She could get lost in these feelings, her emotions, not worrying about the real world. And although she was going to work, yet staying with Maxim more times than not, she knew the real issue had to be addressed eventually.

  Shauna turned around in his arms and wrapped her hands around his narrow waist, the feeling of his muscles underneath her fingers having her body coming alive. Rising up on her toes, she pressed her lips to his, wishing that things could be smooth and seamless.

  “You know we have to talk to my father, right?” She pulled back fully and saw him nod. He exhaled slowly and closed his eyes. When he opened them after a suspended second, she could see how hard this was for him.

  “I know. And I will talk to him. I want things right with your father and me. I have no intentions of letting you go, and I have no intentions of firing him either, which I know he’s worried about.” He cupped her cheeks. “I’d never do anything like that, even if you told me to fuck off, that I’m too much of a caveman to be with.” He grinned. “I’d still keep him on my staff because he’s the best contractor I have.”

  “I know his job isn’t in jeopardy, and there’s no way you’re getting me out of your life.” She grinned and rose up to kiss him once more before pulling back. “But I want things to work out between the three of us. I want him to be okay with this even if he may not be and is keeping that in. I need to find out how okay he is about our relationship.”

  Maxim nodded, and she knew he would let her take the reins on this. She knew he would give her the control to get this figured out.

  Because not having her father be okay with Maxim was not an option.

  He started kissing her again, harder, with more passion. Before Shauna knew what was happening, he had her in the bedroom with the door shut.

  Her clothes were off a second later.

  “God, I can’t fucking control myself where you’re concerned.”

  She felt his lips skim her stomach, and a shiver worked its way through her body.

  “Your smell drives me insane.” Maxim inhaled deeply, and his breathing became harder and faster with each passing second. He dug his fingers more firmly into her sides, and a small sound escaped her. “I am always so hard when you’re around. It’s like I can’t control myself.”

  And then she felt him run his tongue along the indentation on her belly, swirling it around until she was nearly closing her eyes as pleasure slammed into her.

  “I swear I can smell how w
et you are, baby.” He slid his hands up her sides, taking the shirt with him until it was over her breasts.

  “Maxim. God, yes.”

  Maxim ran his tongue up her chest and over her cleavage. “I’ll never get enough.” He slid his hands behind Shauna, moved them up her back to where her bra clasp was, and in a second he had it undone. He pushed the fabric over her chest and stated sucking on her nipples.

  Shauna couldn’t hold her head up any longer and let it fall back on the bed. A gasp of pleasure left her, and she tunneled her hands in his hair. “Yes, Maxim. More.”

  “So fucking delicious,” he murmured against her now wet flesh, and alternated between her breasts. “I just want to hold and kiss you.” He rested his forehead on her belly and they stayed silent for a second. “I want my baby right here, growing, a little piece of both of us.”

  “Get naked for me,” she whispered.

  When his pants and underwear were removed, he helped her out of her clothes. His cock was hard between his legs, and she was so wet her cream slipped down her inner thighs.

  He cupped the side of her head and kissed her deeply. When he pulled away he stared right into her eyes and said, “I’m going to love you so deeply, so madly, that there will never be any doubt in your mind that you’re mine.”


  Two weeks later

  Shauna still looked worried, and as far as Maxim was concerned, that just wouldn’t do. In the past few weeks, everything had changed. Shauna had moved in with him, which to her father had been a little too fast for comfort. And he’d made sure to tell them that.

  Maxim had also sprung the question, proposed midway through licking her tight pussy. She’d screamed her answer just as she’d come for him. Just the memory of it always made him smile.

  She was so responsive in his arms.

  He wanted to share his life with her.

  He wanted to give her everything she ever wanted and to do that, he had to make sure her father knew he was serious.

  If the gossips were to be trusted around town, then he already knew that she lived with him, but Maxim wanted to go further.

  Frank had a right to be … annoyed, or to not even trust him. If or when he had a daughter, he’d lock them up until they were fifty.

  He was going to take care of her.

  He fucking loved her.

  Deep down into his fucking core.

  All he could think about, day and night, was Shauna.

  From that first moment, she was all he wanted.

  All he craved.

  To make Shauna happy, he needed to show Frank that he intended to love his daughter, to cherish her, and to always be there for her.

  He sat in the nice restaurant, probably sticking out like a sore fucking thumb. Sipping at his water, he checked the time, and saw it was a little after twelve. Shauna didn’t know he’d invited Frank for lunch, not that she was coming here. He wanted them to have a chance to chat.

  The last thing he wanted was for Frank to pretend once again in front of her. That would piss him off.

  Finally, Frank arrived. He sipped his water and waited for the maître d’ to show him to his seat.

  When they were alone, he waited, seeing Frank looking around the restaurant.

  “Fancy place,” he said.

  “They serve good food.”

  “Is Shauna coming?” Frank asked.

  “No. I wanted the two of us to talk. To get to know each other a little bit.”

  “Look, Maxim. I know as much about you as I need to.”

  “What do you know exactly? That I’m a recluse. That I own a successful business that you work for. That I happen to like animals. Tell me what exactly it is that you know about me.”

  Frank stared at him.

  “Like everyone else, no one knows a thing about me. You just make assumptions because I don’t follow what other people do. Shauna knows me.”

  “What exactly does Shauna know?” Frank asked.

  “She knows that I love her more than anything on this earth. That I would do anything and everything for her.”

  “And if she asked you to walk away?”

  “She’d have to have a damn good reason but if it would make her happy, I’d do that.” Maxim took another sip of water. “I’m not using Shauna. She’s not a fancy piece on my arm until I get bored. I love her.”

  “Do you even know what love is?”

  “When I wake up in the morning, I think about Shauna.” He wasn’t about to tell her father that he reached for her and before they could do anything else, he placed her on his cock and got her to ride him to an amazing orgasm. There were some things parents really didn’t need to know. “When I see her, all of my troubles fall away and the only person that matters is her. I want to make her smile. To see the way her eyes sparkle when she’s happy. I think about her every single moment. I can’t go a couple of hours without calling her up just to hear her voice. The best part of the day is either picking her up or driving home to see her. I love her. She’s the best thing that has ever happened to me and I know she wants the two of us to get along. It’s a long shot, I know.” He reached into his pocket and pulled out the velvet box. “I purchased this some time ago. I was hoping that you’d see how serious I was.”

  “You want to marry her?”

  “Yes. I want everything with her. I want her to be my wife, the mother of my children, and I want to love her for the rest of our lives. I know it upsets her that you’re not … happy with us. I get it. You’re her father and you want what is best for her. But can’t you see, I’m what’s best for her. Give me a chance and I promise you, she’ll be the happiest woman alive. I love her so damn much.”

  Frank took the velvet box, staring down at the ring. “I had no idea you intended to marry her.”

  There were a lot of things Frank didn’t know but he wasn’t about to start an argument over that.

  “I don’t expect you to be happy with me or for us to do chummy things or whatnot. What I’m hoping is that you’ll give me a chance and let Shauna know that you have. She doesn’t want you to not be part of our lives and neither do I.”

  “You want me there?”

  “Of course. You’re her father and if we have any grandkids, we don’t want them to grow up without you. I’d love to have your blessing, not for me, for Shauna.”

  Frank handed him back the ring and he waited, staring at his soon to be father-in-law.

  He’d do whatever it took to make sure this man gave him his blessing.

  For Shauna.

  For their marriage.

  And for their future children.

  Frank was silent for long seconds, and then he exhaled. “I know you love her, and I know she feels the same way for you. I do want what’s best for her. She’s all I have in this world so I’m extra protective of her.” He stared at Maxim in the eyes. “And I know you’ll treat her well, watch over her, love her. I know you’ll treat her with the respect and kindness she deserves.”

  Maxim’s throat tightened and he nodded. “Until I take my last breath.”

  Frank nodded then. “Good. She deserves the world, and I know you can give it to her.” Frank grinned then, and Maxim felt himself become a little lighter. “You guys have my acceptance and blessing, of course.” And then Frank surprised the hell out of Maxim by pulling him into an embrace. “Take care of my baby girl.”



  One year later

  Blisters lined the side of one of her feet, and as Shauna looked down at her white heels, she sucked it up because with pain came beauty. She could have snorted at that thought, but she supposed for her wedding day it was true.

  She could survive a few blisters, because it meant she would be walking down the aisle and finally marrying the only man she’d ever loved.

  She closed her eyes and breathed in and out slowly, trying to get her composure, her self-control. And then she felt a light touch on her shoulder. Opening her eyes a
nd looking to the side, she saw her father standing beside her, this look of concern on his face.

  “Are you okay, sweetheart?”

  She swallowed and nodded. “I’m fine, just a nervous wreck.”

  He chuckled softly and pulled her in for a hug. Shauna rested her head on his shoulder and closed her eyes, just letting the feel of being with her father, letting his strength and comfort wash through her, ease her nerves.

  “I don’t know why I am so nervous,” she admitted. “I’ve loved Maxim for longer than I can even admit. This is what I’ve always wanted.”

  The feel of his hand moving up and down her back further eased her anxiety.

  “Honey, it’s natural to be nervous. This is your wedding day. I would think something was wrong if you weren’t about to jump out of your skin.” He pulled back and looked down at her, a smile on his face. “Just breathe and know that I’m here to give you support. Just know that Maxim is on the other end of that aisle waiting for you.”

  And then the sound of the music coming through the closed double doors had her heart racing. She licked her lips and nodded, telling herself over and over that she could do this, that she wouldn’t trip walking down the aisle and make a fool out of herself.

  They faced the doors and then a second later they opened. She held on to her father’s arm for support. And then she saw Maxim standing on the other end, his face lighting up as he stared at her.

  She felt that anxiety leave her.

  Shauna felt all the love she had for him consume her, bursting free until tears rolled down her cheeks.

  And then her father brushed them away, his thumb moving under her eye, his arm holding her up.

  “You can do this, sweetheart.”

  She nodded and laugh-cried, straightening and moving toward the man she loved.

  Toward her future.

  Maxim carried her over the threshold of their cabin, and she couldn’t help but laugh as happiness slammed into her. He set her down once in the cabin, and her reception dress billowed around her feet.


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