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Worth the Pain (Royal Bastards MC Book 2)

Page 5

by J. L. Leslie

  I open his driver’s side door and check underneath the seat, doing the same to the passenger’s side. I go through the vehicle, only finding a few candy wrappers and one of Wes’s blankets.

  Frustrated, I sit on the driver’s seat and lean my head back against the headrest. Everything is a dead fucking end.


  Smoke wafts around my head as I exhale, leaning down to take my shot. I sink it, knowing I would, and smirk over at Bishop. He rolls his eyes and shoves a piece of pizza into his mouth. I swear the guy could eat nothing but pizza or pizza-flavored food for the rest of his life and be satisfied.

  “Double or nothing?” I ask, arching an eyebrow at him.

  “Fuck it. Let’s do it.”

  I grin, ready to make another hundred bucks, when my phone vibrates in my pocket. I prop the cue against the table and fish my phone out, frowning at the unknown number. Ignoring it, I start racking the balls. I barely have them ready when my phone vibrates again. Unknown Caller.

  “Yeah?” I answer, annoyed.

  “I’m ready to cash in my favor.”

  My face immediately pales. I knew this was coming. Doesn’t make it any easier. It isn’t like the Souls of Satan would let me off the hook. And it isn’t like I can ignore their request. I’m a man of my fucking word. Besides, if I don’t do it, they’ll come after the club, and I’m not having that.

  “Come to the clubhouse. I’ll give you the details.”

  “When?” I ask.

  “Now’s good.”

  Dammit. I disconnect and shove the phone back into my pocket. Bishop takes a swig of his beer, then asks me what’s going on.

  “You feel like going for a ride?”

  He shrugs. “Got nothing else to do. Where’re we going?”

  “Souls’ clubhouse. Dean is cashing in.”

  He nods, grabbing his cut off the back of the couch and slipping it on. “Want Jake to ride too?”

  “Nah. Shouldn’t be an issue. I’m invited.”

  He finishes off his beer, and we head out, firing up our bikes and racing out of the clubhouse. The Souls’ clubhouse isn’t too far. After finding out they were behind my sister’s kidnapping, I know it well.

  I’d hoped they would have been more forthcoming about the guy they’d contracted, but they didn’t know much. They’d contracted him for a job — to take my sister — and when they called it off, he took matters into his own hands. They claim not to know anything about any other girls. Fucking liars. My gut tells me they know something, that Skylar wasn’t the first girl he took for them, but Mason doesn’t want a war with the Souls.

  We pull into their clubhouse, the gate opening right up for us. There’s a party going on, music blaring and people gathered outside around a large bonfire.

  “I don’t trust these assholes,” Bishop mumbles. “Wouldn’t put it past them to try to roast our asses.”

  “They won’t. Not until they’re done with me.”

  “Hunter! My man!” Dean shouts, then leans down to snort a line of coke off some bitch’s tits. “Come on over!”

  He smacks her ass and shoves her away, motioning for Bishop and me to join him. I head over, ready to find out what the hell he has in store for me. No need in wasting time.

  “I’m here. What do you want?”

  “Relax,” Dean encourages. “No need to rush things.”

  “I have shit to do. Get on with it.”

  He drops down on one of the lawn chairs, taking a beer from a blonde chick. Looking over his shoulder, he gives a nod, then the music stops.

  “Ladies, get inside. We have business to tend to.”

  Just like that, the women leave, and members gather around. Our meetings are a touch more formal, but he’s the one calling the shots here.

  “Owen Preytor.”

  The president of the Fallen Eagles MC. Their territory is the north side of Birmingham while we cover the south. We’ve had no issues with them. So long as they stay in their territory and we stay in ours, we’re good.

  “What about him?”

  “He has something that belongs to me. I want it back.”


  I jerk awake as the covers are snatched off my body. It takes a moment for my disorientation to clear and for me to realize I’m not alone in my bedroom. I scramble off the bed, ready to defend myself, when I realize it’s Hunter.

  “Get dressed. We’re going to the clubhouse.”

  “Why? Did something happen?” I ask. “Did you find Paul? Oh God, is he all right? Just tell me. Whatever it is.”

  “Get dressed,” he orders again through clenched teeth.

  Walking over to my dresser, he snatches a drawer open, pulling out some clothes. He throws them at me, and I let them drop to the floor.

  “I’m not going anywhere until I know what the hell’s going on.”

  “Oh yeah?”

  I cross my arms in defiance and he marches over to me, easily picking me up and tossing me over his shoulder.

  “Put me down, Hunter!” I pound my fists against his back, kicking and flailing my legs as he walks down my hallway, fighting like a fucking banshee. He smacks me hard on the ass, and I yelp, my butt cheek stinging.

  “I swear to God. Put. Me. The. Fuck. Down.”

  “You got the kid?” he asks, and I look over to see Dash strapping Wes into his car seat. He grabs his diaper bag, then picks him up. “Take him to the car. We won’t be far behind you.”

  “Dash!” I yell at the top of my lungs. “Don’t you dare take my son!”

  He ignores me, of course, and walks out my front door. I start pounding my fists again, making contact wherever I can — anything to get him to put me down.

  Hunter growls out a curse and lowers me to my feet. I stumble a bit but manage to steady myself, ready to bolt and chase after Dash. Before I can react, his hand is at my throat, and he’s pressing me against the wall. My chest heaves, and my nipples ache against the fabric of my T-shirt. His eyes bore through me, and despite my anger, I’m too entranced to look away.

  I tell myself to break his gaze. Knee him in the damn nuts. But my body has a mind of its own. Gripping the back of his neck, I pull his mouth to mine.

  What. The. Fuck.

  Our mouths fuse together, teeth gnashing. Hunter keeps his grip on my neck as he reaches between us with his other hand, unbuckling his pants. My head screams for me to stop him. I can’t do this. Shouldn’t do this. As for my heart…well, it knows I can’t handle another sexual encounter with him. He already broke me once. He’ll do it again.

  But my body is a traitor.

  He trails his hand down my chest and slips it beneath my shirt, ripping my panties from my body before hoisting me up. On their own accord, my legs wrap around him as he pushes inside me in one swift thrust.

  “Oh God,” I moan, tears pricking my eyes.

  I lay my head back against the wall, biting my bottom lip to keep from screaming in ecstasy as he fucks me hard. Every single stroke brings me closer to the edge. I’m teetering, desperate to stay upright, knowing it’s inevitable for me to fall.

  How is it possible to want this so much while hating myself for it at the same time?

  I dig my fingertips into his shoulders as he brings me closer and closer. I’m ready to fall. Ready to be broken by him. In this moment, if only temporary, Hunter owns me. He cups my face, forcing me to look at him. Hunter Fucking Baker is a terrible beauty. Eyes like sapphire. Perfectly shaped lips. Strong jawline. Everything about him is achingly gorgeous.

  And he knows it.

  A tear rolls down my cheek as I finally fall over the edge, my pussy clenching around him as he drives into me. Moments later, he comes, his hot cum filling me.

  He apologized to me before. Said he never fucks bare. Yet here we are again. Making the same exact mistake. At least this time there won’t be any consequences.

  Nothing but the damage to my heart.


  I lower Allie to the floor,
my dick still at half-mast. She stumbles away from me, snatching some paper towels from her counter and cleaning herself. I shove my dick back in my jeans and zip them up before running a hand through my hair.

  Fuck. I had no intention of that ever happening again. None. She drives me up the damn wall. I was ready to choke her, not fuck her.

  But Jesus, she felt so fucking perfect. Her legs around my waist. Fingers in my hair. That wasn’t the last time we’ll be together. It’s only the damn beginning. She can’t resist this any more than I can.

  “We need to leave.”

  She turns to face me, clutching her arms around her chest. Her hair is mussed, lips swollen. Damn. She’s fucking beautiful.

  “Why? Just tell me why.”

  “You kissed me, Allie,” I say with a smirk.

  She heaves out a sigh. “Not that, you prick. Why do we have to leave my house?”

  How do I answer that? Your shithead fiancé is being held by the Fallen Eagles MC, and I don’t know why. They have him, and the Souls want him back. The man you want to spend the rest of your life with, raise our son, is keeping secrets — and not the white lie type of secrets. The type of secrets that get you and everyone you love killed.

  “You’re not safe here.”

  She scoffs. “I’m not safe there either. Not with you.”

  “The hell does that mean?”

  “You know exactly what I mean, Hunter. That,” she says, motioning to the wall where I just slammed my dick inside her, “cannot ever happen again. I am engaged. I love Paul.”

  I saunter over to her, leaning down to whisper in her ear. “And your pussy loves me. Now, get dressed.”

  “You’re an asshole.”

  I laugh. “Never pretended to be otherwise, but I’m not taking the blame for what just happened. You are just as responsible. You want to hate me, go right the fuck ahead. We both know you’re looking for a way out of this suburban housewife bullshit.”

  With that, I walk out and leave her to get dressed. I light up a cigarette on her front porch, no nosy neighbor watching me this time. When she emerges, she’s wearing a pair of ripped jeans that display the soft globes of her ass and a Grateful Dead T-shirt that’s fallen off one shoulder. Her hair is pulled back in a ponytail, and her face is still clear of makeup.

  Fuck me if I don’t want her again, more than I’ve ever wanted anything. I went a whole year without seeing her. Without hearing her voice. Without touching her skin.

  I thought the worst. Thought for sure she was a victim, suffering the same fate as my sister but instead of being rescued, she was gone for good, and I wouldn’t find her. Never find out her true fate.

  Knowing she’s been alive this entire time, with my fucking kid, makes me want to rage while feeling indescribable relief. Like I said, Allie King drives me up the damn wall.

  She stands beside me, arms crossed over her chest. I take my time, finishing off my cigarette before snuffing it out on my boot and tossing it on the grass.

  I hand her my extra helmet before I climb on and grab my own. I crank my bike up and wait for her to get on behind me. She’s not the first woman I’ve had on the back of my bike, probably won’t be the last, but damn if she doesn’t feel good with her arms wrapped around me, legs against my sides.

  I don’t have to tell her to hold on. She knows the drill. I speed away from her house, leaving suburbia behind.


  Hunter is hiding something from me. He wouldn’t have burst into my home in the middle of the night and demanded we leave if he didn’t know something. He’s not telling me a damn thing, though.

  Is Paul alive or dead? That question burns through my mind. I want to know the truth. Want to know his fate.

  I cradle Wes to my chest as he sucks hungrily. We’re in the spare room at the clubhouse. At least it’s still clean from when Skylar used it. I swear, this place used to be a dump. Then, Skylar moved in, and Jake was on everyone’s asses about cleaning up after themselves. The habits must’ve stuck. Pretty sure I even saw one of those automatic air fresheners in the bathroom.

  “Hey,” Skylar says, pushing the door open. She comes to join me on the bed, placing Maisy down between us. “Hunter said you were staying in here. I brought over a bassinet for Wes. Thought you might need it.”

  “Thanks. I appreciate that.”

  “How are you two?”

  I shrug. “Barely got any sleep. I have no idea why we’re really here. The only thing Hunter will tell me is we’re not safe at my house.”

  “You know he wouldn’t have brought you here if he didn’t feel that way.”

  “I know, but I was adamant when I came to the club for help that I didn’t want to stay here. We have a life, a home. This isn’t it.”

  “It was before.”

  Yeah. Before. Before Hunter so cruelly told me I was a burden to the club. His words still haunt me. Still make me feel unwelcome. I left the only life I ever knew because of him. And like a damn crazy person, I gave in to him again.

  “I moved on. Being here again is like going backwards when all I want to do is go forward.”

  “They’ll find him. You know that.”

  “But will everything change in the process?”

  Things are already changing. How would Paul feel if he knew I screwed Hunter while he was missing? If he knew I continuously fantasize about the man who shattered my heart? We’re supposed to get married, be a family, and all I do is try to find ways to sabotage that. I woke up to him being gone and ran straight to the one person who could destroy what we’ve built together.

  “Nothing has to change if you don’t want it to,” Skylar assures me. “Once Paul is found, you can go back to your life together. Forget the club. Forget this ever happened. If that’s what you want.”

  Is it? When I made the decision to leave the club behind, it seemed like the right thing to do. Every decision with Paul has been easy. There hasn’t been this excruciating back and forth of whether I should or shouldn’t like it is with Hunter. Moving in with Paul, getting engaged, they weren’t difficult decisions to make. Life with him was simple, until it wasn’t.

  “None of this was supposed to happen,” I say, repositioning Wes to my shoulder and softly patting his back so he can burp. “I wasn’t supposed to wake up to find him gone. Then everything with Hunter. It’s all so screwed up. I’m screwed up.”

  “What happened with Hunter?”

  I blink back tears, not wanting to tell her how much of an idiot I am but I also know she won’t judge me. She was in love with Jake for years before they figured things out.

  “I’m so stupid, Skylar,” I say, stifling a sob. “I have a good life with Paul. He’s kind, caring, and he accepted Wes. Loves him like his own.”

  “And you hooked up with Hunt.”

  I nod, fully ashamed. “It won’t happen again.”

  “We can’t help who we love, Allie.”

  I knew she would understand. She and Jake broke the rules to be together. He was nearly banished from the club. The only difference is he loved her back.

  Hunter doesn’t love me. Never will.

  “But we both know Hunter is not good for me. And I’m not going to keep chasing after him. Not anymore.”

  “Then don’t. You deserve a man who will chase after you. If my brother can’t see that, he’s an idiot.”

  No, I’m the idiot. I keep thinking maybe one day he will. And while I’m busy thinking that, I could be missing out on my happily ever after with Paul.


  I shift on the seat, cracking the window a bit so I can let the smoke out. Bishop sits beside me, munching on pizza-flavored Pringles.

  “You talk to Mason about all this?”


  “No? The fuck, man?”

  I glance over at him. “I will when I know what the hell is going on. Right now, the only thing I know is Dean thinks the Eagles have Paul. I don’t have concrete proof they do or why they would.”

  “Does it matter? You owe a favor. You need to tell Mason what’s going down.”

  “I’m not going to fulfill that favor until I know everything. Then I’ll tell Mason. You think I’m willing to start a war with the Eagles just to keep my word to the Souls?”

  He shoves a stack of chips into his mouth. “With the way you’ve been lately, on that damn kidnapping witch hunt, I don’t know. You haven’t been yourself. That’s what I do know.”

  “You want to know what I know? That none of you bitches had my back. That’s what I know.”

  He shakes his head. “Hunt, you never found any proof. What were we supposed to do? Keep chasing ghosts?”

  “You should’ve trusted me,” I say, gritting my teeth. “I’ve always had the club’s back. Always been down for whatever goes on. But I ask one fucking time for y’all to back me up, and I get nothing. Not a single one of you trusted me.”

  “It wasn’t like that, man, and you know it. We checked into it. Did the same thing you were doing. We found nothing.”

  “Yeah? Well, we also didn’t find Allie either. Had no idea where she was. If she’d been taken.”

  “We didn’t find Allie because she didn’t want to be found.”

  I ignore him, focusing my attention back on the Eagles’ clubhouse. It’s been quiet. Too fucking quiet. There should be members coming and going. At least some women coming in and out. I’ve barely seen any movement.

  “Why would they even have this guy? We didn’t find a damn thing on him. He’s a nobody. A damn nurse. Doesn’t even have a speeding ticket.”

  “If that were the case, the Souls wouldn’t want him,” I reply. “Shit, maybe he’s family. Just didn’t seem like it.”

  “I didn’t get that vibe either.”


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