Cornered by Cupcakes

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Cornered by Cupcakes Page 6

by S. Y. Robins

  "So you think that maybe it wasn't the ice cream that did it after all?"

  "Well it was definitely one of the two." Her tone was forceful. "Either Ryan poisoned her drink, or the owner of the ice cream shop poisoned her ice cream."

  I sat back and took a good look at Beverly. "Or..." I started to say. "Someone else…someone, who, say, held a grudge against her, poisoned her, and now they are trying to find someone else to blame."

  Her eyes grew wide and I could have sworn I saw the colour entirely fade from her face. "Just what the hell are you getting at?" Her eyes darted around as she examined my face. "Who are you, exactly?"

  "I'm a bank manager."

  "Why are you asking all these questions about Monica."

  "Why are you so defensive every time I ask a question about Monica? Makes me think you have something to hide?"

  She reached over to her grab her sunglasses. I noticed her hands shake as she struggled to set them straight on her nose. "I don't have to listen to this." She stood up to leave.

  "Just walking out on the meeting, again, are you?" I stood up as well, so that the two of us were face to face. "Maybe you really shouldn't be president."

  She took a step backwards. "What does that mean?"

  "It means. I know that Monica was threatening to take over as club president. That's why you offed her, isn't it? You couldn't stand anyone else being in charge of your precious little club. So you poisoned her. And now you're trying to blame the murder on an innocent ice cream shop owner!" I couldn't help but yell the last part, but I got caught up in the emotion.

  Beverly looked around and her lip began to tremble. She buried her head in her hands as she began to sob. "I never meant - I never meant for it to kill her! I just wanted…I just wanted to teach her a lesson!" The sobs came thick and fast as her shoulders began to heave up and down.

  My god. Beverly really had done it. Thank god. Now not was I off the hook, Ryan was as well. With a little bit of luck the Cow & Moon would be back to trading that afternoon, and maybe Ryan and I could even grab a movie that night or something. Now that neither of us were murderers.

  Not sure what to do, I waited a moment until Beverly brought her face back up. "But it was just a little laxative. I thought it would just make a bit sick, so that she'd miss the Tuesday book club, and everyone would realise she was unreliable! I didn't think it would kill her!' She brought her hands back up to her face and the sobs started up again.

  Hold up. "A laxative?"

  Beverly nodded as she continued to cry.

  "But that...well that can't kill anybody!"

  Beverly stopped crying and brought her face up. She wiped her eyes. "No?"

  "No. At least, it would be very unlikely. It would take more than one bleeding laxative to knock a grown woman dead."

  "I just thought maybe she was allergic to it. I mean, I had intended to hurt her, and I thought maybe I was being punished."

  "Well, I'm not sure that's exactly how it works." The disappointment was heavy as I brought my arms up to my chest and crossed them. "You didn't exactly do a great thing Beverly. But I'm pretty sure you didn't kill Monica."

  Beverly brought out a hanky and blew her nose.

  "Well, who did then?"

  I shot a look over at Ryan, who was watching the entire scene with a strange look in his eyes.

  I took a deep breath. "Unfortunately, I think I might know."


  Back at the Cow & Moon I was buried in my own thoughts when June walked through the door. "What are you doing here today?" I asked, sitting up.

  "I've come in to work my shift, of course."

  I pointed at the empty shop. "Sorry June, I thought you'd realise that I wouldn't have any work for you while we have no customers."

  Her face fell. "I need the money, Amber. This is the only job I have. I'm trying to support myself through school, and I have my rent to pay, and…" she seemed on the verge of tears so I cut her off.

  "Alright, alright, you can stay." After all, it wasn't her fault we had no customers. I had promised her a job when I hired her. I promised her twenty hours worth of shifts a week, and I hadn't added anything about those hours getting cut just because someone died on the premises.

  Still, if things didn't pick up.

  June tied her apron around her waist. "So what would you like me to do?"

  I always hated playing boss, especially when there was no real work to do. Still, I couldn't pay her to stand around doing absolutely nothing. "I guess the toilets out the back need scrubbing."

  I could have sworn I heard her mutter something under her breathe as she turned her back to me and reached into the pantry where we kept the rubber gloves.

  "Did you say something?" I sat up and leaned towards her, to check if I'd missed something.

  She spun around with a shiny smile on her face. "No, nothing at all Ambs." She walked towards where I was sitting, as she started to pull on her gloves. "So, anyway, how's the investigation coming along?"

  I leaned my head back on the back of my chair. "I'd rather not talk about it."

  "Why, what happened?" She took a seat opposite me. "Has there been a development?"

  I sighed. "Beverly is innocent. Well, not innocent, exactly. But she didn't kill Monica."

  "Oh." June looked as disappointed as I was. "So who's your next suspect?"

  I shrugged, not wanting to admit who my number one suspect was. "I guess you were right June. It's Ryan. It’s got to be. He had the motive, and the opportunity."

  "So are you going to confront him about it? Will you go to the police?"

  I thought for a moment. "I've got to be careful about it, don't I? I can't let him know I'm onto him. He's obviously capable of some pretty bad stuff."

  "Well you could…" June started to say.

  "Oh, shit!" I exclaimed, ducking down under the table.

  "What? What's happening?"



  "It's Ryan!"


  "Outside in the street. Shoot, he's looking in through the window. June, he'll recognise you. Get down!"

  She jumped down and joined me huddled under the table. "What's he doing?"

  "He's scoping the place out, isn't he? Checking his scheme actually worked, that he put me out of business all together. God, I hope he doesn't see me. If he spots me, he'll realise who I am and what I've been up to! I told him I work in a bank."

  Keeping as still as I could, I watched Ryan as he pressed his nose against the glass door and scanned the entire store. Luckily, I hadn't put all the lights on, in an attempt to cut down on the electricity bill, but - I hadn't locked the door. Technically, we were open.

  Please don't open the door, please don't open the door.

  I held my breath as he reached his hand up to push the door, and the bell overhead gave off the slightest hint of a jingle, but at the last second he changed his mind and pulled his arm away, before he took a step backwards and began to leave. Exhaling, I crept out from under the table.

  "That was close."

  June followed me out and straightened out her skirt as she stood up. "What's he doing, snooping on us for? We should be snooping on him."

  "Maybe he's onto us." I swallowed.

  "What should we do?"

  I untied my apron. "You wait here, June. I'm going to go out and take care of it."

  "You're going to go out after him? Amber, that's stupid!"

  "It's alright; I know what I'm doing. Watch the store. I'll be back in ten!"


  "Ryan!" I called out.

  "Amber?" He spun around as I waved him down.

  We walked towards each other and met in the middle of the sidewalk. He glanced around. "What are you doing out here?"

  "Oh, just on my lunch break from the bank," I said, searching his face for some kind of reaction. I couldn't read his expression.

  "Well if that's the case you should come into the Coffee Corner to grab a bi
te." He grinned and I noticed that the dimples in his cheeks were slightly lopsided, giving his smile a crooked edge which, to be honest, only made him look cuter.

  "Oh, I've eaten now," I quickly lied. I didn't want to risk another trip to the Coffee Corner. In fact, I didn't want to be around Ryan at all - I just needed to find out what he'd been doing spying through my windows. "So what are you doing out and about?"

  "Just running a few errands. The bank and that. Hey, maybe it’s your bank. Which one do you work at again?"

  "The...national one. The National Bank."

  He squinted at me. "What is it that you do there?"

  "I...manage…people's bank accounts. Their money."

  "Right." He stopped as if he was considering pressing me further on the subject. I really prayed that he wouldn't. "So Amber, let me ask you something..."

  "Yes," I replied, forgetting that I was supposed to be the one grilling him.

  "What are you doing tonight?"

  "Tonight?" I swallowed. "Not…nothing. Nothing much."

  He grinned. "You know I don't just cook at work."


  He shook his head. "I can whip up a pretty mean meal at home as well."

  "Can you just?"

  "What do you say? You come over at seven, and I cook you up my speciality. You're not a vegetarian or anything are you?"

  I shook my head. "No but…"

  "Great, then it's a date. Here's my phone, you can put your number in it for me. I'll text you the address."

  Before I knew it, I was handing over my phone to him and agreeing to meet him at his house that night and to bring a bottle of wine.

  Well this was not the way that things were supposed to go.


  "You're going to let a suspected poisoner, cook for you?" June exclaimed. "Amber I know it's been a while since you went on a date but this is insane. Gees you must really like this guy."

  "It's not like that at all," I said, flicking a tea towel in her direction. "I'm going over there to see if I can find out any evidence."

  "Yeah right."

  "It is right actually! I can check in all his cupboards, see if he has some rat poison hidden in there or something. I won't actually eat anything."

  June raised an eyebrow. "I don't know Amber...I really don't think this is a good idea..."

  "Don't worry. I'll be careful."

  "You'd better be."

  Chapter Four

  The smell of herbs, butter and lemon hit me as soon as I walked through the front door. "Smells amazing," I said, and I meant it. It was too bad I wasn't going to be able to eat any of the food. "What are you cooking?"

  "Ah, it's just risotto," Ryan replied, waving his hand. "No big deal."

  "Well, it smells like a big deal." I passed over the bottle of Shiraz I'd picked up on the way. For some reason I picked an expensive brand. I was sure putting in a lot of effort for a fake date.

  Ryan led me into the kitchen where the scent of the bubbling rice dish was even more inviting. It seemed like the guy had real talent. Probably explained why his business was so popular. While others in the same street failed. I glanced up at his face while he leaned over the hot dish, concentrating on adding just the right amount of seasoning. He put a spoon in and dished out a mouthful, before offering it to me. "Here, taste this. Tell me if it's any good, or if it needs something else added."

  "Erm, I'd…I'd rather not spoil my appetite."

  "Come on Amber," he laughed. "It's just one mouthful."

  I nodded towards the dish. "You take a mouthful first."

  "Alright, if you really want me to." He turned the spoon round and fed it into his own mouth. "Hmm...I think it needs more chilli. Now, your turn."

  If he'd taken a bite himself it must be fine. Maybe he'd be adding the poison to mine later. Then again, maybe I was just being paranoid. Maybe. just maybe, did I dare to hope. Maybe he wasn't guilty in the first place.

  He brought the spoon up to my lips and I gingerly took a taste. I pulled back. "Oh my god, that is amazing."


  "Really. I don't think it needs the extra chilli. Really. It's perfect."

  He looked at me as a lock of hair fell in front of his eyes. I had to fight the temptation to reach up and push it away. He brought his hand down to my face and wiped his thumb against the corner of my mouth. "You got a little sauce there."


  He leaned forward and brought his lips down to mine, just pushing them against mine. I pulled back slightly.

  "What's wrong?" Ryan asked.

  "Nothing," I said. Well, nothing except for the fact that you might be planning to poison me.

  "Then it's alright if I do this then?" He leaned back in and kissed me again, this time more forcefully, and I didn't stop him.

  Uh-oh, I thought.


  "Okay," Ryan announced, wiping his hands on his apron. "Everything's just about ready. I'll just go wash up and be right back." He smiled and reached out to squeeze my arm. "Make yourself at home while I'm gone."

  "I will," I replied, returning the smile.

  As soon as he was out of sight, I ran back into his kitchen, heading straight for the pantries. This was my chance. Maybe my only chance. I had to find something - anything - that might prove that he murdered Monica. Otherwise, it was all over for me. The entire community would boycott my ice cream store forever - I'd lose my money, my business, my reputation. Not to mention my possible freedom, if the police decided to press charges.

  Ryan had to have done it.

  Didn't he?

  He was so nice though, and so good looking...and such a good cook. Why did all the good ones have to be murderers?

  As I heard the tap running, I knelt down and began rummaging through the pantry under the sink. Detergent, soap, window cleaner…there! There it was. I pulled out the container and looked at the contents. Drain cleaner. A few squirts of this in someone's coffee could definitely put him or her into their grave. Now I just needed to wait for the autopsy results and…

  "Amber, what the hell are you doing?"

  I inhaled quickly and spun around. "I'm…"

  "Why are you looking through my cupboards?" He seemed angry. "Amber this is really weird."

  What right did he have to call me the weird one? Or to get angry at me. I brought the drain cleaner up. "What are you doing with this?"

  "Umm...I keep it to clean drains? What's with the third degree over my cleaning products?"

  I walked towards him and pointed to the large "POISON" warning on the front of the container. "So you didn't use this to kill Monica Musgrave?"

  "What the hell?" He took a step back. "Amber what is wrong with you?"

  "You killed Monica, didn't you? Just admit it?"

  His face fell. "Kill Monica? Amber you've lost it. What would I want to do that for?"

  I paused. I supposed it was time to come clean. "Because you wanted to put that new ice cream shop of out business. The Cow & Moon. My store."

  "Your store? I thought you worked at the bank!"

  I shook my head. "I own The Cow & Moon. At least, I did. I'll probably be out of business now by the end of the week, thanks to you."

  "Thanks to me?" He was aghast. "You can't really honestly believe I killed Monica." He took another step back. "You're the one who lied about who you are - and you're the one creeping around in other people's pantries. You're the one who owns the shop where she died. You probably did it!"

  "I didn't Ryan!" I tried to hold back the tears. I didn't want him to see me cry. "I've done nothing but work towards making my shop a success for the past six months. Everything I have went into that shop! Now it's ruined! Why would I purposefully do that to myself?"

  "Amber," he said, his voice softening. "It's alright, it's alright. Come on." He walked over and put his arms around me. "I believe you."

  "Do you?" I asked, looking up.

  "Yes. Do you believe I didn't do it?"

  I broke t
he embrace and looked up at him. "I…I don't know."

  "Amber I loved Monica! She was my favourite customer. In fact, I took special care of her."

  "Beverly said that. What do mean by that though?"

  "Well she had a strict peanut allergy. So I always made sure I prepared everything for her, even her coffees, far away from everything else."

  "But..." I took another step back and turned around. "But on the day she died. She ordered peanut butter ice cream. She ate peanut butter ice cream. I remember because it's the very last flavour we ever sold."

  Ryan pulled a face. "There's no way she would have done that. She makes a point of telling whoever serves her that she has a deathly allergy. Didn't she tell you when you took her order?"

  "I didn't take her order."

  "Well who did?"

  I stopped, frozen in place. "June did."


  "Thought I'd find you here!" I switched the lights on in the Cow & Moon and marched over to where June was hunched. She stood up, startled.

  "Amber, I'm just…"

  I snatched the folder that she was holding out of her hands. All my paperwork. "So this is your only job, is it, Amber?"

  "Yes - yes of course it is." She looked and me, and then shifted her gaze to Ryan, who was standing behind me as back up.

  "So you parents don't own the national Frozen Planet ice-cream chain then?"

  "Amber, what are you talking about?" She laughed nervously as she took a step backwards and almost fell head first into an ice cream freezer.

  "Save it June. We looked it up on the way over here. You're June Holland, the daughter of Max Holland! Your family owns over a thousand stores, nationwide!"

  "So? That doesn't mean anything. I still have to make a living for myself you know."

  "So you took on a minimum wage job in a competitor's store? Ha." I scoffed. "That's not exactly likely."

  "It's the truth! I don't care who my parents are or what stores they own!"

  "Bull-dust June! You got a job here just so that you could put me out of business, and your parents could take it over just like they wanted in the first place. You found the perfect moment when Monica told you about her peanut allergy. Our peanut butter ice cream looks exactly like vanilla! You knew you could get away with claiming it was just a mix up!"


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