Trust (Billionaire Secrets Series, #4)

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Trust (Billionaire Secrets Series, #4) Page 1

by Lexy Timms


  Billionaire Secrets Series, Volume 4

  Lexy Timms

  Published by Dark Shadow Publishing, 2018.

  This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


  First edition. May 13, 2018.

  Copyright © 2018 Lexy Timms.

  ISBN: 978-1386439301

  Written by Lexy Timms.

  Also by Lexy Timms

  A Chance at Forever Series

  Forever Perfect

  Forever Desired

  Forever Together

  BBW Romance Series

  Capturing Her Beauty

  Pursuing Her Dreams

  Tracing Her Curves

  Beating the Biker Series

  Making Her His

  Making the Break

  Making of Them

  Billionaire Holiday Romance Series

  Driving Home for Christmas

  The Valentine Getaway

  Cruising Love

  Billionaire in Disguise Series




  Billionaire Secrets Series

  The Secret



  Trust (Coming Soon)

  Building Billions

  Building Billions - Part 1

  Building Billions - Part 2

  Building Billions - Part 3

  Conquering Warrior Series


  Diamond in the Rough Anthology

  Billionaire Rock

  Billionaire Rock - part 2

  Dominating PA Series

  Her Personal Assistant - Part 1

  Her Personal Assistant Box Set

  Fake Billionaire Series

  Faking It

  Temporary CEO

  Caught in the Act

  Never Tell A Lie

  Fake Christmas

  Firehouse Romance Series

  Caught in Flames

  Burning With Desire

  Craving the Heat

  Firehouse Romance Complete Collection

  Fortune Riders MC Series

  Billionaire Biker

  Billionaire Ransom

  Billionaire Misery

  Fragile Series

  Fragile Touch

  Fragile Kiss

  Fragile Love

  Hades' Spawn Motorcycle Club

  One You Can't Forget

  One That Got Away

  One That Came Back

  One You Never Leave

  One Christmas Night

  Hades' Spawn MC Complete Series

  Hard Rocked Series


  Heart of Stone Series

  The Protector

  The Guardian

  The Warrior

  Heart of the Battle Series

  Celtic Viking

  Celtic Rune

  Celtic Mann

  Heart of the Battle Series Box Set

  Heistdom Series

  Master Thief

  Just About Series

  About Love

  About Truth

  About Forever

  Justice Series

  Seeking Justice

  Finding Justice

  Chasing Justice

  Pursuing Justice

  Justice - Complete Series

  Love You Series

  Love Life

  Need Love

  My Love

  Managing the Bosses Series

  The Boss

  The Boss Too

  Who's the Boss Now

  Love the Boss

  I Do the Boss

  Wife to the Boss

  Employed by the Boss

  Brother to the Boss

  Senior Advisor to the Boss

  Forever the Boss

  Christmas With the Boss

  Gift for the Boss - Novella 3.5

  Model Mayhem Series

  Shameless (Coming Soon)

  Moment in Time

  Highlander's Bride

  Victorian Bride

  Modern Day Bride

  A Royal Bride

  Forever the Bride

  Outside the Octagon


  Reverse Harem Series




  RIP Series

  Track the Ripper

  Hunt the Ripper

  Pursue the Ripper

  R&S Rich and Single Series

  Alex Reid


  Saving Forever

  Saving Forever - Part 1

  Saving Forever - Part 2

  Saving Forever - Part 3

  Saving Forever - Part 4

  Saving Forever - Part 5

  Saving Forever - Part 6

  Saving Forever Part 7

  Saving Forever - Part 8

  Saving Forever Boxset Books #1-3

  Shifting Desires Series

  Jungle Heat

  Jungle Blaze (Coming Soon)

  Jungle Fever

  Southern Romance Series

  Little Love Affair

  Siege of the Heart

  Freedom Forever

  Soldier's Fortune

  Tattooist Series

  Confession of a Tattooist

  Surrender of a Tattooist

  Heart of a Tattooist

  Hopes & Dreams of a Tattooist

  Tennessee Romance

  Whisky Lullaby

  Whisky Melody

  Whisky Harmony

  The Bad Boy Alpha Club

  Battle Lines - Part 1

  Battle Lines

  The Brush Of Love Series

  Every Night

  Every Day

  Every Time

  Every Way

  Every Touch

  The Debt

  The Debt: Part 1 - Damn Horse

  The Debt: Complete Collection

  The University of Gatica Series

  The Recruiting Trip





  No Rush

  University of Gatica - The Complete Series

  T.N.T. Series

  Troubled Nate Thomas - Part 1

  Troubled Nate Thomas - Part 2

  Troubled Nate Thomas - Part 3

  Undercover Series

  Perfect For Me

  Perfect For You

  Perfect For Us

  Unknown Identity Series






  Unknown Identity Box Set: Books #1-3

  Unlucky Series

  Unlucky in Love


  UnLoved Forever

  Wet & Wild Series

  Stormy Love (Coming Soon)



  Loving Charity

  Summer Lovin'

  Love & College

  Billionaire Heart

  First Love

  Frisky and Fun Romance Box Collection

  Managing the Bosses Box Set #1-3

  Copyright 2018

ED. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in or introduced into a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form, or by any means (electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise) without the prior written permission of both the copyright owner and the above publisher of this book.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, brands, media, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to an actual person, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of various products referenced in this work of fiction, which have been used without permission. The publication/use of these trademarks is not authorized, associated with, or sponsored by the trademark owners.

  All rights reserved.


  Billionaire Secrets Series # 4

  Copyright 2018 by Lexy Timms

  Cover by: Book Cover by Design


  The Secret





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  Trust Blurb

  THE REASON PEOPLE FIND it so hard to be happy is that they always see the past as better than what is was and the present worse than it actually is.

  SIMON DIESEL crossed the line.

  In so many ways. He told his assistant that he’s hopelessly in love with her. He told the board of his company that he’s stepping down to be with the woman he loves. The man who shares nothing risked sharing his heart.

  Heather and Simon finally have a chance at happiness. Not the high school sweetheart happily ever after, but the real, grown-up version. It’s within their grasp.

  Except, when something feels to good to be true it usually is.

  How much can the heart take before it can no longer be put back together?

  “The harder thing to do and the right thing to do are usually the same thing.”



  Find Lexy Timms:

  Trust Blurb

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Impulse Book #5 Blurb


  Find Lexy Timms:


  More by Lexy Timms:

  Chapter 1

  For the first time in his adult life, Simon Diesel was free. A free agent with no obligations. No shareholders or investors breathing down his neck. No board members shooting down his ideas.

  So why the hell was he walking back into the Dover Inc. building on a Monday morning when he’d rather be having an early-morning phone call with the woman he loved?

  Why indeed.

  He pressed the elevator button in irritation, impatient to get this morning over with. Taking his private elevator up to the thirty-seventh-floor conference room was probably presumptuous, considering he was no longer Dover’s CEO, but the reason was simple. The private elevator was faster. One of the rare perks he’d allowed himself to enjoy once in a while. Except for the one time he tried to get on the regular elevator with Heather. He grinned. It was worth the slow ride then. He cleared his throat and any emotion from his face as the car dinged to indicated he’d arrived at the correct floor.

  When the shiny doors slid open, he stepped out and made his way to the conference room. Simon stepped inside and found that the board had already gathered. The board members all turned to stare at him, their gazes filled with anxiety. Some of the department heads, like company media relations officer Linda Schaffer, were also present. They looked even more anxious.

  His eyes scanned the room. Frowning, he asked, “Where’s Heather?”

  “Right here.” Her soothing voice came from behind him.

  He turned around to face her and she hurried into the board room.

  “Good morning everyone.” She paused when her gaze fell on him and a blush stole up her cheeks. “Simon.”

  His heart started to pound at the sight of her. “Good morning, Heather.” He probably sounded like a smitten fool, but he didn’t care if the board was present. Let them see. Let them see how much he loved her. How much he was ready to sacrifice for her.

  Heather took a seat beside Linda, forgoing her chance to sit next to him. Clearly, she wanted to keep things professional despite the craziness of the past week.

  And what a week it had been. Everett Eastman, one of Dover’s senior board members, had been arrested last week in this very room. The arrest had sent shockwaves through the tech industry and the resulting panic had roiled the stock market. Dover stock had taken a serious hit, and while Simon was deeply sympathetic for all of Dover’s staff they were no longer his responsibility.

  The world might still be talking about Everett’s arrest, but all he had been focused on was his relationship with Heather. After he had stepped down as CEO, so he would be free to pursue a relationship with her, Simon hadn’t actually been able to see her.

  The arrest and the subsequent media storm had forced them to avoid being seen together in public, so they had relied on video conferencing and phone calls to stay in touch. For Simon that wasn’t enough, and seeing her now was making his pulse race like nothing ever had before.

  Simon took his usual seat at the head of the table. He probably didn’t have the right to sit there now that he was no longer CEO, but it was a habit he couldn’t seem to break. At least, not yet.

  “Thank you for coming, Simon,” Agnes Morton said from her seat beside him.

  He gave her a grim nod. “You’re welcome.”

  It looked like the board had made Agnes their unofficial spokeswoman, which made sense considering how many years she had put into Dover. She was just as respected as Everett had been, though she had been nothing like Everett. Her style had been to work behind the scenes, keep her cards close to the vest. Nobody could accuse Agnes of trying to hog the spotlight the way Everett had.

  Agnes cleared her throat and reached for the glass of water in front of her. After taking a sip she said, “These past few days haven’t been easy for Dover. So I appreciate every single one of you coming in this morning.”

  “These short-notice meetings seem to have become something of a habit.” Simon stole a glance at Heather, his heart hammering as their eyes met. At first, he thought she was going to avert her gaze, but she didn’t. There was a warmth in her eyes that reminded him that he had agreed to endure this meeting for her.

  “Yes, well, there has been a lot to discuss of late.” Agnes gently smoothed her short, snowy white hair and cleared her throat again. “What bit of business should we get to first?”

  “Start with the apology,” he instructed. This was the only reason he had agreed to come to this meeting, and it was the least that Heather deserved after everything she had been put through.

  Agnes laced her fingers together and focused her attention on Heather. “Ms. Hall, on behalf of the entire board, I would like to offer you our most sincere apology. We were wrong to imply that you had committed any crime against Dov
er, and we deeply regret any pain and suffering this might have caused.”

  Surprise flashed in Heather’s dazzling hazel eyes. “Oh. Thank you. I appreciate that.”

  Simon narrowed his eyes at Agnes. “Are you going to be offering Heather more than words?” An apology was fine, but he wouldn’t rest until the board gave Heather something tangible to make up for how they had treated her.

  “We haven’t discussed anything yet,” Agnes replied. “But we will absolutely do all that we can to show how sorry we are.”

  “I’m glad to hear that.” Heather shifted uncomfortably in her seat and forced a smile.

  Clearly the attention was getting to her, but he knew that getting a formal apology from Dover’s board was the right step. He hadn’t told her the apology was coming because he wanted the apology to be about her, rather than about him and his negotiating tactics.

  Agnes had called him over the weekend, begging him to come in for a meeting so that the board could have a chance to discuss his resignation. Deep down, he had known that the board was summoning him to this meeting because they wanted to talk him out of his decision to abruptly resign. At first, he had flat out refused to come to the meeting since he no longer owed Dover anything. But he had seen his chance to negotiate some concessions out of the board, and eventually Agnes had agreed to formally apologize to Heather if he promised to come to this meeting. The apology was the only reason he had bothered to come in today.

  “There’s another item on the agenda, so let’s get to it,” Agnes said. “It’s time for us to address recent events and do whatever we can to help Dover get back on its feet.”

  One of the junior board members, Roberto Hernandez, frowned. “Back on its feet? Are things really that bad?” Roberto was a relatively new board member who often saw opportunities where none of the other board members did. He was ambitious and had incredible vision that Simon had always admired.


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