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Demon Warriors 2: Snooke

Page 3

by Lynn Hagen

  “It’s easy. Don’t be frightened,” Kane said in a soft and coaxing tone.

  Snooke nodded, allowing Kane to take him through. He became slightly dizzy and a sense of disorientation washed over him as they emerged into a bedroom. Somehow using a shadow was different. Kane turned, pulling Snooke into his arms. “Now what is it you needed?”

  Snooke caught the innuendo in Kane’s question, and his heart started racing. He wasn’t untried, but to be with a warrior, this was every gay man’s dream. So why was he shaking?

  Don’t get him involved.

  Snooke pulled away, thinking he was insane for doing so. “I just wanted to ask you about my bruises.” Man, that sounded lame, even to his ears.

  Kane’s face hardened slightly, and his jaw clenched. “I don’t know too much about it. Do you have enemies?”

  Plenty. But he wasn’t going to confess that to Kane. “I can’t think of anyone offhand who would want to do that to me.” Snooke felt like shit for the lie, but he couldn’t tell Kane what was really going on in his life. The warrior would hate him.

  “I found you unconscious on the ground.” Kane led Snooke out of the room and down the hall. He noticed the big, comfortable couch and glass coffee table. There were large floor-to-ceiling windows taking up one whole wall. The place had a very masculine feel to it.

  He recognized the place. They were in Kane’s apartment. When Snooke stopped to take it all in, he felt a hard, flat chest press against his back. Kane’s arms circled around his shoulders as Kane’s hand tilted Snooke’s head back.

  Snooke looked up into those gorgeous brown eyes. The same eyes that were haunting him since he first met Kane.

  “I want you.” Kane lowered his head and took Snooke’s mouth in a searing kiss. The dizziness was back, but not from walking between shadows.

  Kane’s lips were soft, a contrast to his rock-hard body. Snooke whimpered and opened up as Kane gave him a slow and drugging kiss. Kane’s hand cupped the side of Snooke’s face and rubbed up and down his cheek. His thumb caressed Snooke’s chin as Kane pressed his body more firmly against Snooke’s.

  He could feel Kane’s erection pressing into his back. Snooke was dying to find a step stool so he could feel that hard shaft against his ass. Not for the first time in his life, Snooke cursed his short height.

  Snooke’s body jerked when Kane’s hand snaked around and gripped his erection. That large hand knew exactly what to do. He could feel the tips of Kane’s fingers squeezing the head of his cock through his slacks.

  Lust, desire, want, and need coursed through Snooke. How could he keep his distance when Kane tasted so damn good? The kiss continued as Kane unsnapped Snooke’s pants. He wanted to shout with joy as Kane’s warm hand encircled his cock. His puckered hole pulsed with want. Snooke craved to be filled by this big warrior. Kane was everything a guy could want. He was handsome, strong, funny, tender, and if he wasn’t mistaken, protective.

  The last word brought Snooke out of his lust-filled daze. “Kane,” Snooke moaned into Kane’s mouth. He didn’t mean to moan. It should have come out as a protest, but Snooke couldn’t find the right tone to use. Kane had his brain turning to mush.


  “Kane,” Snooke said a little more forcefully this time.

  “Yeah, shorty?” Kane asked as his hand began to move up and down Snooke’s shaft, his thumb gliding over the head of Snooke’s cock, spreading pre-cum over it and driving Snooke insane. Kane’s cock ground into Snooke’s back, making him whimper again.

  What was he going to say?

  Snooke wiggled his body, giving Kane the friction he knew the warrior needed. Kane hissed into his mouth as he slowly walked Snooke over to the large couch. He whined when Kane bent him over. Snooke stuck his ass out like a slut as Kane stroked the cock in his hand. God, how he wanted Kane in the worst sort of way.

  Snooke’s breath caught when he felt his slacks lowering. His skin felt the cool air on it as Kane moved behind him. When Snooke felt the tip of Kane’s cock kiss his hole, Snooke’s senses returned. “I can’t.” Snooke rolled from under Kane and stood, pulling his pants up and snapping them.

  Kane stood there looking confused. Snooke’s eyes wandered down, even though he fought not to look, and saw how well-endowed the man truly was. Wow. He glanced back up to see the confusion turned to a cold smirk.

  “Is it a habit of yours to take a guy to the edge and then drop him? Do you tease men a lot? You better be lucky I can control myself. Someone else might have made you finish what you started.” Kane shoved his cock back into his pants, looking pissed as hell. “You know, I can understand someone changing their mind. I can deal with that. But to call me, come to me, have my pants around my damn ankles, my cock almost shoved up your ass, just to tell me no. That’s low.” Kane headed toward his bedroom. “Let yourself out.”

  How had he started it? Kane was the one to grab him from behind. Snooke let out a sigh as he walked to the door. It didn’t really matter who started it. Snooke probably ruined any chance he had of being with Kane.

  All he wanted was to protect the Demon Warrior from Snooke’s life. He grabbed the knob, turned it, and then walked out, feeling depressed as hell.

  Shit. He hadn’t even smoothed it over about him being in the Melting Pot. Now what? Kane probably didn’t want to hear a damn thing Snooke had to say right now. Could he blame him?

  Snooke touched his lips as he descended the stairs. His mind relived the velvet warmness of Kane’s kiss. He was insane. Snooke pushed the door open and walked out of the building.

  He should have stopped Kane in the bedroom. He should have stopped him when Kane wrapped his arms around Snooke’s shoulders. But it had felt so good, so safe. Kane’s body was like a big sensual security blanket wrapped around him, and Snooke couldn’t pull away.

  Now he felt so cold. Snooke wanted Kane’s arms wrapped back around him. He knew he blew it. Even if he ran back and shouted to the windows, Kane wouldn’t answer. He had called Snooke a tease. That was the last thing he was. His performance tonight dictated otherwise in the warriors eyes though.

  Snooke decided to go home. There wasn’t much he could do now except curl up in bed and lick his wounds. He walked down to the Black River that ran behind Serenity City. It was the portal between the demon realm and the human realm.

  With the shit he had gotten himself into, Snooke thought it wise to live in the human realm. He saw the troll sitting by the water’s edge and decided to be very discrete. Besides, the warriors were looking for someone with the crystal. Something Snooke didn’t have nor want. Even if he knew how to use it, why would he want to free anyone from the detention cells?

  He slid from behind a tree and waded into the water, sinking further down as he watched the troll. Snooke finally submerged his entire body and came out in his living room. Thank goodness you didn’t actually get wet in the river. That would suck. He’d ruin a lot of expensive clothes if he did.

  He turned his cell phone off and tossed it on his nightstand. The entire apartment had blackout curtains hung. Being a demon, his corporal form would fade in sunlight. Snooke wasn’t trying to scare his neighbors.

  Speaking of. Snooke walked across the hall to Dillon’s apartment. Although he didn’t spend much time in the human realm, Dillon was always good company. Something he sorely needed right now. Snooke knocked and waited as he thought of how he royally screwed things up with Kane.

  “’Sup.” Dillon said after pulling the door open. Snooke strolled in and took a seat, laying his arms over his eyes. Thank goodness it was nighttime here or Dillon would have thought a ghost had knocked.

  “That bad?”

  Snooke felt the couch dip. “I really screwed up,” he moaned.

  “What did you do?” Dillon asked teasingly.

  “I met the perfect guy. He wanted to sleep with me, and at the last second, I said no.”

  “How last second?”

  Snooke lowered his arm and stared at the man. He l
ifted a brow and twisted his lips.

  “That last second? Fuck. I would have kicked your ass.” Dillon sat back as he chuckled. That’s one thing Snooke could say about the human. Dillon spoke his mind, regardless to whether you liked what he had to say or not.

  “I want to kick my own ass.” Snooke groaned. “I’ve been after him since I set eyes on him. There he was”—Snooke held his hands out in front of him, his fingers curled halfway to his palms—“and I fucking roll away from him and say no.”

  “Was there a reason, or do you need to see a psychiatrist?”

  Snooke looked over at him. “What do you mean?”

  Dillon rolled his eyes. “Did his breath stink? Did he have a small dick? You know, major turn-offs.”

  “Are you kidding?” Snooke shook his head as he threw his hands in the air. “He was fucking perfect in every way. His breath and kiss were amazing, his body is rock hard, and his cock was the largest I’ve ever seen.”

  “Then that goes back to my theory that you need a psychiatrist,” Dillon stated smugly. Snooke wasn’t sure if he should laugh or choke Dillon. “Look, you’re a good-looking man, another one will come along.”

  Snooke flopped over to his side, rubbing his eyes with the palms of his hands. “But I don’t want another one. I want him,” he whined.

  “Then do you have major turn-offs that you were afraid he’d find out about? I hope not. It would so ruin my image of you.” Dillon laughed.

  “I don’t think so. I’ve never had any complaints.” How could he explain to the human that he was just trying to protect the Demon Warrior? He couldn’t. So he sat there, suffering.

  Damn, the thought struck Snooke out of nowhere. He was suffering. He thought Kane was the hottest thing on two legs, but to suffer? How deep did his desires go?

  “Send him some flowers. Serenade him outside his window. Wrap your skinny ass in a ribbon and deliver yourself naked to his front doorstep. Just make sure no cops are around when you do it.”

  Those actually weren’t bad ideas. Question was, how did he get back into the apartment building? He had a feeling Hondo wasn’t going to help him. And when Chris found out…I’m so screwed.

  Snooke needed to get back in Kane’s good graces, but he still had to worry about getting the job done, or else Marino was going to send someone else after him.

  For once, Snooke was really interested in someone and wanted Kane in the worst way, obsessively so. How was he going to get out of this?

  Panahasi handed the newspaper to Hondo. “It just happened last night, and it’s front-page news.”

  Hondo grabbed the paper and stared at the headlines that told of the dead body behind the Pancake House and how Snooke was found alongside it. “Do you think someone from the restaurant talked to the reporter?”

  “I don’t know who talked to Sexton, but I want you to go see the manager and find out if he, or one of his employees, talked. I don’t need everyone thinking that Serenity City is becoming violent.”

  Hondo crossed the room and emerged on the side of the restaurant. He’d have a talk with the owner. That’s the only person he could think of that knew the warriors were looking for the waiter, John.

  “Can I have a word with you?” Hondo asked as he approached the owner.

  “Of course.” The tall man walked around the counter and down a hallway. He opened a door that led to an office. “Now how can I help you?” he asked as he turned to stand in the middle of the room.

  “It’s about last night. Did you go to the reporter after we talked to you?” Hondo leaned in slightly, pissed as hell about the man’s flapping gums.

  “Last night? I’m sorry, but I have no clue what you’re talking about. I have never spoken with you before. Although I’m aware you’re a Demon Warrior, I haven’t had the honor of meeting you until now.”

  Hondo wondered what game the owner was playing at. “I just spoke to you last night. You told me the name of the waiter I was looking for.” Hondo’s brows creased when he saw the perplexed look on the owner’s face.

  The demon shook his head. “I’m very sorry, but I wasn’t even here last night, ask my employees. I was in the human realm celebrating my mate’s birthday.”

  What the hell was going on?

  Chapter Three

  Kane sat in Diablo’s sulking. He hadn’t seen Snooke in two weeks. Did he really want to see the tease? Kane sighed. Yes, he did. As angry as he had been that night in his apartment, he wanted another chance with Snooke.

  The same twink that gave him the come-hither look before walked over to Kane and began rubbing up and down on Kane’s side. “You look like you could use some company.”

  He could, but Snooke wasn’t anywhere around. Was he being stupid by refusing to find his mate? As badly as he wanted Snooke, he wanted to find his mate even more so. Kane nodded down at the guy. “You’re on.” He tossed a few bills up on the bar and followed the short man to the back of the club.

  There were rooms back there that one could rent out for the more wild things people wanted to do. If it was a quick fuck or blowjob, you could see people sitting at the tables taking care of that. But Kane didn’t like putting his business out there like that.

  “Oh, man, I’m gonna show you the best time ever.” The man walked ahead excitedly.

  Kane closed the door behind them as the twink began to tear his clothes off. Kane walked over to the small bed, freeing his cock. That’s as far as he would go. He didn’t want to get undressed. This was impersonal, and he was only doing it to find his mate. If the guy turned out to be the one, Kane would make up for the impersonal way he was handling this.

  “I can help you.”

  Kane looked down to see what the short man was talking about. His cock lay flaccid over the opening of his jeans. Really? It was so hard that night with Snooke that you could have set a television on it, flat screen that is, and his dick would have held it up. But now it was as limp as Kane felt.

  He held his hand up when the twink dropped onto his knees in front of him. “I can get it.” He stroked his cock, grabbing and pinching his balls in the other hand as he tried to no avail to get hard. Kane began to think about Snooke’s beautiful indigo-blue eyes and silky white hair, and his cock perked right up.

  “There he is.” The man smiled and leaned forward, but Kane took a step back. He thought of how good Snooke’s ass looked bent over the couch and how sweet his lips tasted. Kane was fully hard now, stroking his cock like there was no tomorrow.

  “Hey, I thought you wanted to be with me? I can leave the two of you alone.”

  Kane ignored him. He envisioned Snooke on his knees, his lips wide open while Kane jacked off in his mouth. Lightning shot up his spine as he grunted, his hand filling with his sperm.

  “Can I be next?”

  Kane opened his eyes, and disappointment filled him. He wasn’t in his apartment, and Snooke was nowhere around. He pulled his jeans closed and walked into the shadow of the room, hearing the short man call him a cocksucker as he left Diablo’s and entered his bedroom.

  “How do you not know where he lives?” Kane asked in frustration.

  “I have his cell phone number, but it keeps going to voicemail. Do you want that?” Chris asked nervously.

  “Calm down or I’m going to take you outside and kick your ass,” Hondo warned as he pulled his mate into his arms. “Don’t take your frustrations out on Chris.”

  Kane stopped pacing and looked over at Chris. “Oh god, I’m sorry. I wasn’t trying to be a prick. It’s just that…” How did he explain what Snooke was doing to him? He didn’t want to sound like a punk whose nose was wide open and sniffing behind the guy.

  Kane knew he had been horrible to Snooke. He could see the hesitation in Snooke’s eyes. He should have been more understanding. But like an ass, he had thrown a fit. Snooke probably didn’t even want to talk to him anymore.

  “You really like him.” Chris had mercy on him and gave him a way out.


  “Take his phone number. You can repeat dial him all night long if you want, and nobody will know.” Chris smiled at Kane as he wrote the number down. Kane was grateful for a friend like Chris.

  “Thanks.” Kane grabbed the piece of paper and headed for the back door.


  “Huh?” he looked back to see Chris pulling out of Hondo’s arms and crossing the kitchen.

  “He seems to have a lot going on. Don’t pressure him.”

  If only Chris had said that two weeks ago. “I won’t.” He waved at the two as he walked into the backyard.

  Snooke rolled over and wondered where the loud music was coming from. It took a moment to realize that it was his phone. He winced as he reached over and grabbed the vibrating thing before it slid from his nightstand.

  “Hello?” Was that his voice? It sounded dry and cracked.

  “Snooke? It’s Kane. You sound off. Are you okay?”

  Kane? Why would Kane be calling him? Didn’t he blow his only chance he had? He had to still be sleeping. Snooke winced again when he pushed himself up to a sitting position. The covers fell and his bruised chest was exposed. “I’m fine.” Why couldn’t he get his voice to work properly?

  “Stop lying. Tell me where you’re at.” Kane growled and then his voice softened. “I can help.”

  Snooke hissed when he ran his hand over his sternum and touched the sore spots. With his pale skin, it looked worse than it was. His chest resembled that of a human who’d been bit by a truck. The blues and purples blended together to form a macramé of ugly colors. The greens and yellows didn’t help either.

  The only thing that worried Snooke was the pain he experienced when he breathed. Going to a human doctor was out of the question. And a demon realm doctor…Snooke shuddered.

  Snooke finally gave in and told Kane where he could be found. He knew the warrior wouldn’t tell anyone. Okay, he hoped he wouldn’t.

  Snooke dropped the phone on his bed and slid back down very carefully. This was so messed up. He pulled the cover back over his shoulder and tried to lie there comfortably, but it wasn’t in the cards. Every move he made was extremely painful.


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