Let Me Love You (Love #4)

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Let Me Love You (Love #4) Page 5

by Megan Smith

“Bro,” Mason punches me in the arm, “what’s with you today?”

  I let out a frustrated sigh, knowing I can’t tell him, “Nothing.”

  “Bullshit.” Mason stands in front of his car with his arms folded in front of his chest.

  I lean up against mine and cross my ankles. I flip up my hood and bury my hands in the front of my hoodie. “I’m just in a bad mood that’s all.”

  Mason cocks an eyebrow at me knowing I’m full of shit.

  I shake my head. “It’s nothing man, seriously.”

  Hunter pulls up in his unmarked police car. My eyebrows draw together. I hope everything’s ok. Mason and I walk over to him. “What’s up man?” Mason asks.

  “Nothing much, just seeing what you fools are up to.” Hunter checks his phone then places it in the cup holder.

  Mason and I glare at him.

  “What?” Hunter asks, giving us a look. “Are you assholes always this miserable after your workouts?” “Why don’t you tell us why you’re really here?” I quip back.

  Hunter rests his head back against his head rest. “Just a long day, you guys want to head over to the batting cages for a little while? I gotta let some of this pent up aggression out.”

  Mason pulls his phone from his pocket and dials Hailey I’m sure.

  “Yeah I’m game.” I tell him, digging in my bag for my keys. “I’ll meet you over there now? Or do you want to go later?”

  Mason walks back towards his car.

  “Now if that’s cool with you. CC and Chloe are at the house with the boys so now is better so she isn’t home by herself.” Hunter yawns.

  Mason walks back over scowling.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask him.

  Mason looks up at me, “Hailey isn’t answering. She knows I hate that shit.”

  “She’s probably napping or something.” Hunter says. “CC sleeps all the time.”

  Mason considers this for a minute. “Yeah, I guess you’re right. When are you heading over?”

  I adjust the bag on my shoulder, squinting at the bright sky. “Now.”

  Mason reaches in his pocket to retrieve his keys, “Alright, let’s go.”

  I put the tokens in the machine and set it on fast. After putting my gloves on, I slip my helmet over my head and look over at the boys to see them doing the same. I grab my bat and step into the cage. The ball comes barreling at me and I swing. My bat connects with the ball and a thunderous noise bounces off the walls. I do this five times in a row before I miss one. My shoulders slump. I raise my bat again and go another four times before the machine stops. I hang my bat in the fence before stepping out of the gate. Mason and Hunter follow suit. I take a seat on the bench and reach for my water.

  “Damn bro, why can’t you bat like that at games?” Mason jokes around.

  I glare over at him. “Listen to you, tough guy. What’s your batting average?”

  That shuts him up. He had a pretty shitty year last year with everything that was going on between him and Hailey. It was a dick thing to say but if he can dish it out he should be able to take it.

  Hunter slips his hat on backwards and crosses his arms over his chest. I know the questions are about to start and I’m not in the mood to deal with them right now.

  “All bullshitting aside, what’s up with you, Coop? I hardly ever see you get pissed off.” Hunter says.

  Shaking my head, I look down at the ground. “Just in a bad mood is all. Don’t feel like talking about it.”

  Hunter’s not giving up so easily. “You and Jaylinn have a fight?”


  Mason shrugs his shoulders and walks back over to his cage.

  Hunter takes Mason’s seat next to me. “You and Jaylinn break up?”

  I look over at him in confusion. “We aren’t together. I’ve told you and everyone else that. I don’t get why no one believes me.”

  “You could have fooled me,” Hunter huffs, not buying my bullshit. “You guys practically live together, you do everything together, and you fucking kiss each other all the time. What are we supposed to believe?”

  “I want you all to believe me when I say we aren’t a couple.”

  Hunter nods his head.

  I’m being a dick and no one deserves it but I can’t talk to them about what I’m feeling. I can’t talk to anyone.

  “You know I’m ok with you and Jaylinn right? I know it doesn’t matter because if you say nothing is going on than nothing is, but if it does, I’m ok with it.”

  I nod, and give him a head nod. “Thanks man.” After placing my water bottle back on the bench, I head back into the cage to release a little more of my frustration.

  Every time the bat connects I can feel myself letting go a little.

  After going another four times I’m feeling a bit better and exhausted enough to go home and hopefully get a nap in. After Jaylinn’s nightmare last night I didn’t go back to sleep and it’s starting to take its toll. Mason and Hunter are sitting on the bench when I walk out.

  I reach up and wipe the sweat away with the back of my hand, looking over at them. “You guys done?”

  “Yeah,” Mason says while he taps away on his phone, never looking up.

  “Feel better now?” Hunter asks, raising his eyebrows at me. “I think you needed this more than I did.”

  “Yeah,” I mumble back. I did a little but as soon as I was out of the cage, the frustration seemed to be coming back again.

  I finish off my water and we all grab our stuff and head out. On our way, Hunter’s phone rings and he groans before answering it.

  “Hello?” Hunter looks over at Mason. “Yeah alright, we’re done here anyway.” Hunter shakes his head. “Yeah you’re welcome but you owe me a favor now.”

  My eyebrows draw in wonder but I don’t look over in Hunter’s direction.

  “Yeah well, dealing with a moody asshole will cause that.” He chuckles and I turn my head this time to look over at him.

  “Bye.” Hunter hangs up and stuffs the phone in his pocket.

  Mason and I are staring at Hunter, waiting for him to tell us who that was.

  “It was Jaylinn.”

  Mason unlocks his car and climbs in.

  “Good luck when you get home. She’s up to something.” Hunter warns me with a mysterious smirk on his face.

  “Fuck.” I mutter.

  I pull up into the driveway beside Jaylinn’s car. I don’t get out right away, my body is relaxed and I could fall asleep right here in my truck. I kinda want tojust started getting dark out and I see that most of the house is dark except the upstairs bedroom. She’s probably upstairs reading or has fallen asleep with the light on which she does a lot lately. I didn’t come right home after I left the batting cages; I drove around for a little while trying to clear my head. When I’m around Jay I can’t think. Right now I can, or at least I don’t have to think about anything if I don’t want to.

  My stomach rumbles and that’s interrupting my thinking. I haven’t eaten anything since this morning when I cooked myself breakfast before leaving for the gym. Part of me hopes Jaylinn has cooked because I’m starving and not in the mood.

  Reaching for my bag on the passenger side, I head inside in search of some food, knowing that once I find some, I’m hitting the bed early tonight.

  My steps are heavy but when I get to the door, it’s unlocked and it pisses me off that she’s here alone and didn’t lock the door. Safe neighborhood or not, I don’t like it, not when it’s starting to get dark. “Jaylinn?”

  No answer.

  I drop my bag next to the door and kick off my shoes. “Jay!” I pull my hoodie over my head and throw it on top of my bag, waiting for her to say something.

  Still no answer.

  I walk into the kitchen and everything is clean. I look in the microwave to see if she left me any food. Thank. Fucking. God. There’s a plate made up with steak, potatoes and corn ready for me and I nearly groan. Closing the door, I set the time for two minutes to warm
it up.

  When it beeps I take it out and take a seat at the kitchen table. I quickly eat my food since I know if I sit here for long I’ll fall asleep I’m so exhausted. After I’m done I put the plate in the dishwasher and grab a bottle of water and head upstairs for a shower.

  I open the bedroom door, the bed is empty but clearly she’s been here because the covers are ruffled like she’s been lying in bed on top of them.

  Music is coming from the bathroom. She must be taking a bath and didn’t hear me calling her. I walk over to plug my phone into the charger that’s next to the bed. Something catches my eye on the bed. I turn and have to do a double take.

  There is a fucking dildo on my bed. A fucking dildo!

  I lean over the bed to make sure that’s really what it is. It surely is just that. It’s a glass rose dildo. I take a deep breath, trying to keep my mind from going to where it so desperately wants to. What the hell happened after I left?

  Immediately I’m thinking she used that on herself and I like that thought, but then again, I don’t. I walk over to Jay’s side of the bed and damn near trip over a pair of heels.

  What the fuck? I look down and there are stockings, a thong and a black dress lying on the floor. This has to be some kind of joke?

  I walk over to the bathroom door and knock once. She had better be in there alone is my first thought. I wait for her to answer but nothing. “Wicked Games” by The Weekend is playing from her phone, I lean my forehead against the bathroom door. My dick springs to life immediately and I’m surprised it didn’t when I saw the dildo but it’s now that I start imagining what she’s doing in there. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to hold myself back from walking in the bathroom and demanding to know what the hell is going on.

  Before I realize what I’m doing I push the door open and the steam from the bathroom billows out. I stand in the doorway; she doesn’t know I’m here yet, and I watch her, it’s everything I can do not to move closer. A moan escapes from her lips and I bite down hard on my bottom lip and grip the doorway.

  The doors to the shower are frosted glass so I can’t see her clearly but I can make out her body and it’s enough. Believe me, it’s enough. She has a foot propped up on the ledge of the bathtub and a hand on the glass door with her head bent forward. I take a step closer and I can hear her panting.

  Fuck me.

  She tosses her head back and my name is moaned out. I squeeze my eyes shut and bring my fisted hand to my mouth, leaning into the doorframe for support, if I don’t, I’m falling to my knees. I don’t want her to know I’m here. I seriously can’t believe Jaylinn; my shy, bashful Jaylinn is getting herself off. It’s sexy as hell is what it is. Her breathing is quickening and I know she’s about to make herself come. Goddamn it I want to be her hand; I want to be it so bad. Without wanting to, I take the next few steps and place an open hand on the glass, exactly where hers is on the other side. Now that I’m closer I can hear the faint sound of a vibrator and I can’t help the groan that comes from deep within me. It was loud enough that it caught Jaylinn’s attention.

  She looks up and stares at me through the glass. “Cooper?”

  I don’t answer her, I’m not sure I can right now. My dick is painfully hard and I know shit is about to hit the fan whether I want it to or not. When I answer, when I finally speak, I know where this is going to go; I see it play out before me.

  She lowers her leg and slowly opens the door. When half of her body is exposed I turn my head. I can’t look at her. My body is humming with want and need and if I look, I’ll do.

  Jaylinn’s small hand reaches for my chin and turns my head towards her. Water drips from her elbow down to the tiled floor. “Baby,” Jaylinn says in a sexy voice.

  I bite down on my lip; my body is shaking, fighting against the need. I let my eyes roam from her racy red toenails, to her toned, tanned legs. Her pussy is now bare when it wasn’t just the other day. Fuck me. Her flat stomach flexes as my eyes travel up her body. Her nipples are hard and begging me to touch them. I take a deep breath and let my eyes wander to her plump full pink lips. Her tongue comes out to lick her lips and my eyes immediately find hers.

  Jaylinn reaches forward and grabs the hem of my shirt and starts to lift it but I put a hand over hers to stop her. I can’t do this. I can’t fucking do this, not after last night.

  “Stop fighting me.” Jaylinn whispers, just over the sound of the shower.

  I drop my hand to my side. My breaths are coming in faster and faster. When she gets the shirt to my chest I lift my arms and let her pull it off. She steps out of the shower and runs her wet hands from my shoulders down my chest and stomach. My body goes rigid as she slips her fingertips under the band of my sweatpants. Jaylinn starts to lower my pants slowly. As she gets lower so does her whole body and before I know it she’s on her knees in front of me, dripping wet. My cock swells and twitches as her eyes roam over me.

  Jaylinn reaches for me and brings me closer to her. She places a kiss on my stomach just above my belly button and then trails a finger down the patch of hair that trails to my dick. She grabs me fully in her tiny hand and pumps up and down so slowly. When she reaches the tip again I pull back and out of her grasp.

  Jaylinn looks up at me with those big gorgeous blue eyes of hers.

  This is a bad fucking idea but I can’t seem to think with the right head right now. Jaylinn seems to be reading my mind as she takes a few steps back and I watch as her hips sway back and forth. She’s teasing me. She’s fucking teasing me.

  I step into the shower and pull Jaylinn in with me, bringing her back to my front. My dick rests against her ass and I have to stop the urge to thrust my hips. “What were you doing in here, Jay?” I whisper into her ear.

  My right hand slips between her legs and her head falls back against my shoulder. “Playing with myself.”

  “And why were you doing that?” I rub her clit and her legs start to shake. I have control and she knows it.

  “Because I wanted to.” She pants, barely able to get the words out.

  I let my voice drop lower. “Were you thinking of me when you were touching yourself?”

  I circle her entrance with my finger going around and around until she answers me.

  “Y…Yes.” Jaylinn moans.

  I dip a single finger in her It’s a big fucking mistake on my part because I want my dick where my finger is. She knows it too. Jaylinn tries to spin in my arms but I trap her with my body against the cold shower wall. I thrust my hips, letting my dick slide between her ass cheeks and it’s the most amazing feeling. “Don’t ever,” I thrust a little harder this time, “ever do that shit again.”

  I quickly take a step back and watch her eyes flare as she spins to face me. “Fuck you, Cooper. I’ve got to get myself off somehow and you don’t seem to be game for it.”

  That pisses me off. I glare hard at her as she smirks at me.

  “Is that so?”

  I stalk towards her and pin her arms above her head against the wall. “Yeah that is so.” She moans back.

  I look around for the vibrator and spot it on the floor near the drain. I keep her arms pinned with one hand while I reach down and grab it. I turn it on and reach down between her legs. I place it on her clit causing her eyes to roll to the back of her head. I tease her for a couple of minutes, letting her squirm before dropping it and plunging two fingers deep inside her. Her head falls forward and she bites down on my shoulder.

  “Fuck,” I groan.

  I pump my fingers a little faster and curve them so they’re hitting that spot and within seconds she screaming my name as her pussy is gripping my fingers while she rides out her orgasm. When I know she’s coming back down I hold her body up against mine because I know she’s not going to be able to hold herself up for a little bit.

  “Damn, Cooper.” Jaylinn says breathily and I lose myself in the sound.

  I kiss her hard on the lips, letting my tongue explore her mouth.

  “Still feel
like you’ve got to get yourself off?” I ask her as I push back some of the hair that’s fallen in front of her face.

  “That wasn’t supposed to happen.” Jaylinn smirks at me. “I already had myself worked up before you walked in.”

  I chuckle. “Oh yeah?”

  “Yup.” Jaylinn pops the p.

  She looks down between our bodies and notices that I’m still achingly hard. Her little hand starts to slide down my body but I stop her.

  “Let me.” She pleads.

  “Not tonight.” I tell her before placing a kiss on her swollen lips.

  “Cooper,” She whines.

  I ignore her and reach over to turn the water on cold. I’m surprised we even have any hot water left at this point. Jaylinn yelps and steps back out of the spray.

  “That’s not right, Cooper!” Jaylinn opens the shower door and jumps out, still dripping wet.

  I let the freezing cold water run all over my body but I know that nothing is going to help me at this point and it’s only going to give me a little relief. I know as soon as that water is off, I’m not getting off and that sucks for me.

  Fuck, sucks. What I wouldn’t give for that. My head falls to the shower wall a little harder than necessary but I’m hoping it knocks some sense into me.

  The last few days Cooper has been doing everything to avoid being alone with me. He’s been meeting with Eli a lot about the whole club business and trying to get it launched before pre-season starts up in February. His time at the gym is lasting a lot longer than normal and when he comes home he’s so exhausted that half the time he falls asleep on the couch. He’s been hanging out at his brother’s or MacKenzie’s house a lot more too.

  It’s pretty clear he’s avoiding me.

  It’s Thursday afternoon and I just left the gym. A few of the girls from the soccer team called and asked if I wanted to meet up. I agreed because I needed to let out some aggression. I’m super frustrated with the way things are between Cooper and me right now. I know what you’re thinking - I can solve it all by giving him an ultimatum; me or nothing at all. Deep down inside though, I’m afraid that he’ll choose the latter. I know in my heart that Cooper would never hurt me and he’s just keeping me at arms-length because he thinks that’s what’s best. But damn it, he shouldn’t be the one who gets to decide that for me.


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