Sky's the Limit

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Sky's the Limit Page 33

by Janie Millman


  Nick was pacing his room thinking about his conversation with Beatrice. He was finding it hard to believe yet it made perfect sense. It was absolutely the right thing to happen but it was incredible. God, life was weird at times.

  He glanced at his watch. Miles would still be up – they were an hour earlier over in the UK. He would give him a quick ring. He felt guilty about Miles, he was aware that he had by far the better deal here at Chateau Fontaine while poor Miles was on his own in a tacky hotel in Bayswater. He had sounded utterly wretched last time they spoke. He understood why Miles had chosen to stay there, he felt that he ought to be suffering, that it would somehow help. Well, he was certainly suffering but Nick doubted that it was helping much. He’d tell him he needed to get out of there.

  ‘Hello, it’s me.’

  ‘Hello you.’

  ‘How are you?’

  ‘Ah, you know, party, party, party, wild times, I’m painting the town red.’

  Nick remained silent. He hated hearing Miles like this, it was very unlike him.

  ‘In reality I’m creeping along like a leper speaking to no one.’ Miles paused. ‘No, that’s not strictly true, I spoke to Carlo the other day.’

  ‘You spoke to Carlo?’

  ‘And Nonna.’

  ‘Bloody hell, well done, you, that was brave.’ Nick was impressed.

  ‘Not really. I had no choice, they deserved nothing less.’

  ‘And how were they?’

  ‘They were incredible. Simply incredible.’

  ‘Yes they are.’

  ‘How is Sky?’

  ‘In turmoil, but we’re not the cause this time.’

  ‘What the hell are you talking about?’

  But suddenly Nick didn’t want to voice what he was thinking, he didn’t want to give Miles any false hope. ‘Let’s just say there is magic at work in south-west France.’

  ‘There’s no bloody magic at work in Bayswater,’ Miles replied. ‘Unless you count the fact that I have actually had hot water the last two days.’

  ‘You need to get out.’

  ‘I was thinking much the same, I may go away for a few days.’

  ‘I’ll be home soon, I’ll be home in a few days.’

  ‘Well if I’m back, I’ll see you, if not then you can come and join me,’ Miles replied shortly. ‘I’m sorry, Nick, I really don’t mean to sound curt, it’s just that I feel like I’m treading water here. You’re talking in riddles about some sort of magic while I’m staring at a TV screen, drinking way too much beer and wallowing in self-pity and guilt.’

  ‘I’m so sorry, Miles.’ Nick felt awful. ‘But we will get there, I know we will.’

  ‘So you keep saying. I hope you’re right.’ He paused. ‘In fact, I think that I’ll give Sky a ring.’

  ‘Yes, that would be OK.’

  ‘I’m not asking your bloody permission, Nick,’ Miles said drily.

  ‘No, I know, sorry that came out wrong.’ Nick ran his hand through his hair.

  ‘I’m sorry, Nick.’ Miles suddenly laughed. ‘I shouldn’t take it out on you, it’s just that I feel so inadequate and helpless here and I hate it.’

  ‘When I come back for the wine weekend you can come too.’

  ‘We’ll see.’ Miles was non-committal.

  ‘I love you, I miss you.

  ‘I love you too, Nicky, and I miss you too. I miss both of you.’

  I’d slept amazingly well given all the drama of the day before and was about to go and search for coffee when my mobile rang. I was surprised to see Miles’ name flash up and contemplated not answering but then thought it must be something urgent for him to be ringing me.


  ‘Sky, it’s me.’

  ‘I know.’

  ‘Don’t worry, nothing’s wrong,’ he reassured me quickly, correctly guessing what was going through my mind.


  ‘I, um, well I just thought I’d ring to see how you are, and to, um, well, to tell you that I rang your father.’

  ‘How was he?’ That was courageous of Miles.

  ‘Incredibly understanding, as was Nonna, they are both amazing.’

  I was silent but was filled with a reluctant admiration for him.

  ‘I also spoke to my mother.’

  ‘Oh?’ Probably not so amazing, I thought to myself.

  ‘I spared her all the gory details.’

  ‘Wise move.’

  ‘She was very sad, she sent you her love.’

  I doubted that very much. I was under no illusions as to what Edith thought of me. We’d never hit it off, despite my best efforts. She hated my name and hated my profession. She had earmarked the large lesbian from next door for Miles. Her name was Janet and she had a sensible job in an office. I had been a big disappointment.

  ‘Have you told anyone else?’

  ‘No, Sky, we agreed to wait until you were ready.’


  ‘How are you, Sky?’

  ‘How do you think?’

  There was a short pause.

  ‘Nick says it’s magical over there.’

  ‘It is.’

  ‘He was full of praise for your paintings.’

  I knew I wasn’t making it easy, he was trying very hard but I felt so damned awkward. ‘I’m happy with them.’

  ‘That’s great, Sky, really great.’

  There was another short pause.

  ‘OK, well I just wanted to check in with you, and let you know I’d spoken to Scotland.’ He’d clearly given up. ‘Take care, Sky.’

  ‘Miles?’ I spoke quickly before he hung up. ‘Thank you for ringing, that was very kind of you.’

  He was my husband of five years and yet I felt like I was talking to a stranger. We had always been able to chat for hours on any subject. We never ran out of steam. My sister used to joke that he was as good as one of her girlfriends on the phone. I smiled ruefully. But strangely I didn’t feel the usual surge of anger or bitterness, just sadness that we had wasted five years. Or was it a waste? We’d had some great times together. There had been a lot of fun and a lot of laughter and he had always been hugely supportive of my career. Surely it wasn’t right to discount all of that.

  I really wished that I had my mum to talk to, not just about Nick and Miles but about other strange feelings that were beginning to stir. Feelings that were taking me surprise, feelings that I couldn’t quite understand.


  ‘There they are.’ I rushed towards them as they finally came out of arrivals and threw my arms around Gail. I was delighted to see her.

  ‘I can’t believe you’re here.’ I turned to hug Sonny.

  ‘Neither can I!’ Gail laughed. ‘Tariq didn’t say a word about it until he came to the UK.’ She smiled at him and I was overwhelmed once again at the love in their faces. ‘Have you been waiting for long? I’m so sorry we were delayed.’

  ‘Gail, it’s hardly your fault.’ I laughed.

  ‘And then there seemed to be only one guy on passport control.’ She grinned. ‘It’s a mad little airport, the luggage carousel doesn’t go around, the bags just fall off the end.’

  ‘No worries, it just gave Nick more time to buy everything in the market.’ I shook my head. ‘It’s going to be a real squash in the car. Nick basically bought everything he saw for dinner tonight.’

  ‘What are you cooking?’ Tariq asked. ‘I can still remember every detail of the last meal.’

  ‘I can’t.’ I raised my eyebrows and Gail chuckled.

  Sonny was tugging at my arm. ‘Is Sausage here?’

  ‘He’s at the chateau, sweetheart.’ I grinned at him. ‘You’ll love him, he’s adorable, and there is a new ginger kitten but you may have to be careful with him, he’s a bit feisty, you don’t want to get scratched.’

  ‘And the dog?’

  ‘Yes, a huge dog called Belle, and lots of chickens, though no goats or camels, they’re reserved
for Marrakech.’ I smiled shyly at Tariq. We hadn’t really got to know each other in Marrakech and I was worried that I may not have made the best impression.

  ‘Thank you so much for suggesting we come, Sky.’ He smiled warmly. ‘Have you been having a lovely time?’

  ‘It has been eventful,’ Nick said. ‘We’ve had wine scams, wild boars, a runaway wife and um, well, a fair few other things besides.’ He glanced in my direction and I shook my head. I didn’t think it was a good idea to mention Emmie running away in front of Sonny.

  ‘Well perhaps we’d better turn back then!’ Tariq said.

  Sonny gasped and Gail took his hand. ‘It’s alright, sweetheart, Papa is only joking.’

  I marvelled at the easy way she used the word Papa and the easy way in which Sonny accepted it. A lot had obviously taken place since Marrakech.

  ‘You look really well, Sky,’ Gail said as we followed the men to the car park. Sonny was dancing beside them, overjoyed to see Nick once again.

  ‘Do you mean pink?’

  ‘No, definitely more gold than pink.’ Gail smiled. ‘France obviously suits you.’

  ‘Oh, Gail, it most certainly does.’ She looked surprised. ‘There’s so much to tell you but first I want to hear all about you, clearly things with Tariq are good.’

  She didn’t answer but held out her left hand for me to see.

  I stared at the beautiful solitaire diamond ring and then stared at her. ‘Oh my God!’ I threw my arms around her.

  ‘Shush, don’t say a word yet, we’re going to announce it later but I wanted to tell you first.’

  ‘Gail, I am so happy for you,’ I whispered. ‘When did it happen, and does Sonny know?’

  ‘He proposed the first night he came and yes, Sonny knows and is over the moon.’

  ‘Will you move to Morocco?’

  ‘I think that is the plan.’

  ‘My God, Gail, it’s all so exciting.’

  ‘To think a few months ago I hadn’t even decided to go and find him.’ She bit her lip. ‘It’s just all so surreal, I can’t really believe it.’

  ‘Marrakech seems like light-years ago,’ I said. ‘And everything that happened before that seems very remote.’

  ‘How are you, Sky?’ Gail asked quickly. ‘You look wonderful and you sound happy.’

  ‘I’m a bit topsy-turvy,’ I replied, using one of my favourite expressions.’

  ‘It’s bound to take time, you, Nick and Miles aren’t going to sort yourselves out overnight.’

  ‘Well there is another complication too…’

  She looked at me enquiringly but we had arrived at the car and to be honest I was regretting saying anything. I wasn’t sure that I was ready talk about things I couldn’t really understand myself.

  ‘My God, what have you bought?’ Tariq was trying unsuccessfully to fit their bags into the boot of the car.

  ‘I warned you,’ I said. ‘We’ll have to balance things on our laps.’

  ‘It will be worth it,’ Nick said.

  ‘How many are you cooking for?’ Tariq laughed.

  ‘I wanted to make sure there was something for everyone.’ Nick was unrepentant. ‘We have huge succulent prawns for starters and some beautiful fresh crab for my signature dish of crab cakes.’

  ‘They’re good,’ I acknowledged. ‘Very good.’

  ‘Then we have a veritable meat feast for a BBQ.’

  ‘Assuming Philippe has a BBQ?’ I said.

  ‘Of course he has a BBQ, but if not we’ll make one.’ He shook his head. ‘I’m making Moroccan lamb kofta, sweet and spicy chicken wings, tangy pork ribs, homemade mega burgers, chunky coleslaw and baked potatoes dripping with butter.’ He paused for a moment. ‘Haven’t thought about pudding yet.’

  ‘No one will have any room for pudding,’ Gail said.

  ‘I will,’ Sonny said quickly.

  Gail and Tariq were bowled over by the chateau and Sonny was equally bowled over by Emmie and the animals. There had been a new addition to the menagerie in the shape of a glorious, large, floppy-eared rabbit. He was called Gabriel and he was sitting contentedly on Emmie’s lap.

  Elf had apparently jogged the four kilometres to Jean’s house early in the morning. He said that he had been unable to get the idea of the rabbit out of his head. After last night he felt that Emmie needed special protection and that the rabbit might be the answer. Why he thought the rabbit might be the answer was unclear but Emmie was overjoyed. She was rather pale and a large lump had appeared on her head but otherwise she seemed to have suffered no ill effects.

  Jean had driven Elf back to the chateau and they had spent the morning discussing plans for the opening of a small zoo.

  ‘A zoo?’ Nick asked in astonishment. ‘Here?’

  ‘Certainly not here,’ Stephanie replied quickly.

  ‘You already have a zoo here,’ Sonny said, looking around, his eyes were round as saucers. He had a point, I thought.

  ‘No, a zoo in Jean’s garden,’ Elf said, pushing a large notepad towards us. ‘People are always bringing him animals, but his wife has had enough so this way he gets to keep them all and make some money. Take a look, I’ve drawn up some plans.’

  ‘Is there nothing you can’t do, Elf?’ I asked.

  ‘I can’t grow.’ He grinned at me.

  Champagne was waiting for us in the salon.

  ‘Almost every time I walk into this place I hear a cork popping.’ I laughed. ‘I’m going to miss it.’

  ‘Better make the most of it while you’re here.’ Luc smiled, pouring my glass obscenely full.

  ‘Don’t go home, Sky.’ Emmie looked up at me.

  ‘Well not yet, sweetheart but probably quite soon.’ Emmie looked as if she might cry and frankly I felt as if I might join her. There was a slightly awkward moment. Philippe looked as if he was about to say something but Tariq got there first.

  ‘Actually champagne is entirely appropriate.’ He looked self-conscious and terribly proud at the same time. I glanced over at Gail, she was staring at him with a face that radiated love and joy. ‘We have an announcement.’ He held out his hand and she glided over to join him. ‘Gail has agreed to be my wife.’

  There was a huge outburst of applause and once again I flung my arms around her.

  ‘Oh, Gail, it really is so wonderful.’

  ‘I can’t quite believe it,’ she said, hugging me back. ‘Oh, Sky, I’m so happy.’

  ‘You don’t have to tell me!’ I laughed. ‘It’s written all over your face.’ I turned to Sonny. ‘And how about you, young man?’ I bent to give him a kiss. ‘Isn’t this exciting?’

  ‘We is going to live by Pappy Amir and the parrot.’ Sonny’s face was shining as much as his mothers. ‘And Jasmina,’ he added quickly.

  ‘Talking of which, has she had the baby?’ I turned to Tariq.

  ‘Not yet, but any minute. I’m hoping she can wait until I return.’

  ‘An upcoming marriage and a baby,’ I said. ‘What a lot to celebrate.’ I smiled at them but there was a wobble in my voice as I realised they would be celebrating the very two things I had lost.

  ‘Ladies and gentlemen.’ Nick clapped his hands. ‘If I may have your attention for a moment. Phase one of the Engagement BBQ will commence in about two hours.’ He grinned over at the happy couple. Gail laughed.

  ‘How many phases are there?’ Philippe raised his eyebrows.

  ‘How long is a piece of string, Philippe?’ Nick grinned. ‘You do have a BBQ, don’t you?’ he added quickly.

  I very much hoped so, for Nick’s sake.

  ‘We have a large converted pig trough, Nick, and plenty of old vines to burn. Henri will show you, he has it down to a fine art.’

  ‘We’ll need a delicate rosé for the starter before moving on to a robust red for the main,’ Nick continued and I marvelled at his ability to take control so easily.

  ‘I think that can be organised.’ Philippe grinned. ‘But let’s finish off the bubbles first.’

>   I allowed myself one more glass before making a move. ‘I’ll see you all later, I’m going to do some work before the gastronomic BBQ and hard-hitting red.’

  ‘Robust, Sky, not hard-hitting.’ Nick shook his head.

  ‘Do you really have to work today, Sky?’ Philippe said. ‘Gail and Tariq have only just arrived.’

  ‘I honestly won’t be long. There are just a couple of things I need to finish.’

  The truth was that I needed to be on my own for a while. I was over the moon to see Gail and Tariq so obviously happy but it highlighted my own ghastly situation. Every time I thought about my return I started to panic. I simply couldn’t contemplate leaving here but knew I had no choice.

  Smiling at everyone and promising to be back soon, I fled to my room, collected my sketch pad and took refuge amongst the vines I had grown to love.


  The thought of going back was unbearable and I knew with certainty that I could no longer live in London. Maybe I should move back to Scotland? But no sooner had I thought of it than I dismissed it. Marrakech and France had given me a taste for the exotic, they had inspired some of my best paintings and I craved more. Perhaps I should unleash my Italian side, I had relatives over there and my rusty Italian would surely improve with time. My illustration work needn’t suffer, I could illustrate books anywhere in the world and I knew that I was in high demand. So yes, maybe Italy could be the next step – or was I merely running away again?


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