Good Girls Love Thugs 5: Nic & Kendrick

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by Shvonne Latrice

  GOOD GIRLS LOVE THUGS 5: Nic & Kendrick


  Shvonne Latrice

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  © 2015

  Published by Leo Sullivan Presents

  All rights reserved.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events and incidents are either the products of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental. Unauthorized reproduction, in any manner, is prohibited.

  Last time in Good Girls Love Thugs 4


  One Year Later

  "Muah!" I kissed my son Kendrin's fat cheeks.

  "Can I get one of those?" Kendrick smiled. I leaned over and pecked his soft lips a couple times.

  It was December 24th, and we were relaxing amongst our family members. Everyone was here at Kairio and Camia's huge mansion. Kairio's brother Kylin, Morgan, Kendreeis, Kayden, Christy, Deija, Kendrew, Kendon, Jessica, my mother Mariah, her new boyfriend Fred, Danielle, and Damien. We all sat in the large living room on the huge beige couches, surrounding the huge 11-foot Christmas tree.

  "Is the food ready?" Morgan asked, rubbing her stomach. She was pregnant with another boy, and she was eating just as much as she was with Kaleeini. Kendreeis chuckled at her, as he watched Kaleeini play with some toys on the plush carpet with KJ.

  "Soon honey. Soon," Camia chuckled.

  Everyone had on ugly sweaters for the occasion, and drank unlimited eggnog. "She's growing too fast!" Christy chuckled, as she played with Kaylie, who was being held by Kayden.

  "Yeah she's one already," I chuckled, and Christy nodded and fake pouted.

  I smiled as I watched Jessica play with Kennedy, as Kenzie sat in Kendon’s lap. She really accepted Kennedy as her own, and I could tell Kendon appreciated it. They, too, were married now, as well as Deija and Kendrew. Kendrew Jr. was so cute, and Deija was so happy that Kendrew had kept his promise about not fucking around. Danielle's daughter, Andrea, was the cutest, and she was so calm and quiet, which Danielle loved. Damien spoiled her though, and Danielle hated that.

  Life was good for all of us at this point. Morgan and I finally graduated from college, and I was valedictorian. I was now in graduate school at Morgan State. My mother was so proud that I achieved my goal, after all that has happened to me. I owed a lot to my best friend and husband, because he really made sure I pulled through and kept me ambitious; my mom loved Kendrick for that. Kendrick was the greatest thing that ever happened to me, regardless of all the shit we had to go through. I couldn't choose a better man to go through it with.

  Christy, Jessica, Morgan, and I, opened a nail bar/hair salon. It was a hit immediately, and the cash flow had been great. It felt good to have our own money, instead having to ask our men for anything. Even though they never used it against us, having my own shit was lovely. The brothers opened a new club called King’s Palace, and it was just as big as KB’s.

  Kendrick kept his promise, and I hadn't had any infidelities out of him. As for Sydney, after I punched that hoe, I never had any problems out of her. Kendrick said she wouldn't even look at him anymore, which we laughed about. My baby, KJ was three years old, and I didn't want him to get any bigger. I grabbed him and kissed his cheeks due to my thoughts, and he chuckled. I put him back down, and he walked his little self, back to his cousins, Kaleeini and Kameko, to play.

  "The food is ready!" the chef peeked into the living room to let us know. Everyone got up to grab their babies, and headed to go eat. Kendrick tried to carry KJ, but he was hell bent on walking everywhere we went. I handed him Kendrin, and he grabbed my waist with the other hand. He kissed my lips, and I savored the moment.

  "We made it ma. I love you," he said as he stared down into my eyes.

  "I love you too, Kendrick King."

  Good Girls Love Thugs 5: Nic & Kendrick

  You're a good girl, you're a good fuckin' girl, get wild for a nigga one time.

  - "gfg" by Miguel

  Chapter One: Nic King

  Two Years Later

  "Ahhh Kendrick," I whimpered as he worked himself in and out of me.

  He sucked my bottom lip, as my body jerked from my third orgasm. He pinned my hands behind my head and kissed my neck, as he sped up his thrusts.

  "Ahhh! Oooh my gosh baaabe," I cried out. He quickly covered my mouth with his, and kissed me passionately.

  "Damn Nic," he whispered in between kisses.


  We both paused in bed and exhaled heavily.

  "Who is it?" I called out, even though I knew who it was already.

  "KJ," my baby boy replied.

  Kendrick dropped his head and then pulled out of me. He rolled over and lay on his back, as I sat up in the bed.

  "I told you that you were too loud," he said, as he covered his face with both hands. I chuckled and grabbed my silk robe to put on.

  "Come in baby," I finally said.

  "Are you okay, Mommy?" KJ asked, as he looked up at me with his jade green eyes. The older he got, the more he looked like Kendrick.

  "Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" I frowned down at him.

  "You were screaming," he replied, and Kendrick chuckled. He grabbed his boxers off the floor and slipped them on quickly.

  "Your daddy was tickling me," I smiled.

  "Oh okay. Can I sleep in here?" he asked me with puppy dog eyes.

  "Hell nah little man," Kendrick replied before I could, and picked him up. He knew I would've said yes to letting him stay.

  I smiled as I watched Kendrick tickle KJ. I couldn't believe he was five years old already. It seemed like just yesterday I found out I was pregnant with him, and crying because Kendrick thought I wanted an abortion. Because I was seventeen, I just knew that I wouldn't be able to complete the things that I'd set out to. But now, I had a bachelor’s degree in business, and would soon have my masters as well. I owned a successful salon with my best friends, and had a perfect husband. And when I say perfect, I mean perfect for me.

  "Say goodnight to your mom, you have school tomorrow," Kendrick told KJ.

  "Goodnight mommy," my baby pouted. He knew how to tug at my heartstrings for sure.

  "Goodnight baby," I cheesed, as Kendrick carried him over his shoulder to his room.

  I took off my robe and laid back down in the bed, because I knew the night wasn't over. Kendrick soon came back into the room and quickly took off his boxers. He got right into the bed and between my legs.

  "Keep quiet girl," he said before dipping his tongue into my mouth. He lifted my legs onto his forearms, and slid back into me.

  "Oooh Ke-" I could barely get it out before his tongue was back down my throat to quiet me down.

  I woke up at 7am so that I could shower and get dressed for the day. I bathed and fed my three-year-old son, Kendrin first, then woke up KJ so he could get ready for his first day of school.

  "What do you want for breakfast?" I asked KJ as I held Kendrin on my hip.

  "Sour patches," he grinned.

  "Oatmeal it is," I smiled.

  "No! Pancakes," he chuckled.

  "Okay, much better." I shook my head at him and started to make the pancakes.

  As soon as Kendrick walked into the kitchen, I handed Kendrin over to him. "Please hold him while I cook," I said.

  "You ready for school?" Kendrick smiled at KJ and he shook his head no.

  "I don't want to go," he whined.

t I tell you about that whining?" Kendrick asked sternly.

  "Real men don't whine," KJ replied somberly.

  "That's right," Kendrick nodded.

  "I wanna stay home, Daddy," he said, as he twisted around in his stool chair.

  "Why?" Kendrick quizzed.

  "Cause I don't like people," he replied, and Kendrick and I started laughing.

  "You don't like people?" I questioned, and he shook his head no.

  "Well son, me neither, but that's a part of life," Kendrick responded, as I sat their plates of pancakes and eggs down, along with some juice. "Right?" he smiled at Kendrin and kissed his cheek.

  "But I'm a real nigga, Dad!" KJ yelled, and my jaw hit the floor.

  "Kendrick, I told you to stop saying that around him!" I tried not to laugh because I didn't want KJ to think it was okay.

  "You know not to say that at school though right?" Kendrick smiled.

  "Yeah." KJ dropped his head. "But real niggas put in work," he added.

  Oh my gosh, not my baby, I thought.

  "You're gonna put in work at school," Kendrick chuckled even though he didn't want to.

  "Okay," KJ replied, and sadly ate his food. Lord, please don't let my baby be at school talking like that.

  After I dropped KJ off at school, I came home and put Kendrin down for a nap. I then walked down to Kendrick's office, and knocked lightly. As soon as we made eye contact, we laughed.

  "So the real nigga is at school?" he asked as I sat in his lap.

  "Yes, I hope he doesn't say that at school or I'm gonna be so embarrassed," I said.

  "You look good." He licked his lips, completely ignoring my statement.

  "Kendrick did you hear me?" I whined. He released his dick from his sweats, and moved my panties to the side.

  "I swear this is the best pussy I've ever felt in my life," he said, as he slowly slid into me.

  We both shivered a bit like we had the chills, as I bounced up and down slowly.

  "Fuck Nic," he whispered, as he pulled my dress over my head. He sucked my nipples, while sticking a finger in my butt hole.

  "Shit Kendrickkkk," I cried out, as I wound my hips on his dick. He leaned back and watched, as I glided up and down on his dick.

  "That's a beautiful sight," he panted as he held my hips. He put my legs on his shoulders so he could have a better view, and then pounded into me.

  "I'm cumming baby," I whimpered as I released on him.

  He kept ramming into me, until he finally released inside me. He let my legs down and pulled me close for a kiss.

  "I love this dick," I said, as he kissed all over my collarbone. My body jerked, as I released a little more onto his eleven inches.

  Chapter One: Kendrick King

  "So everything was straight this afternoon?" I asked my brother Kendrew, and he nodded.

  I was having a little check-in meeting with my brothers and team, just to make sure everything was running smoothly as usual.

  "Aight, well tomorrow there is a big shipment coming in, so Damien, I need you to go with Ricky and Jules," I said.

  "No problem," Damien nodded.

  I looked over at Sargent, who was the guy I had to replace Maurice with some years back, after he tried to rape my damn wife, in my damn condominium.

  "You go too, just in case Damien needs help with his portion," I told him.

  "Cool," he smiled.

  "Well, this meeting is over then people," I said, pulling my phone from my pocket.

  I needed to make sure Nic hadn't called or texted me, because whenever I didn't answer, there was gonna be a damn problem. I had a ten-minute window to reply, before I started to get one-word responses from her, and no pussy later on that night.

  "Don't forget about Friday night," Kendon smiled.

  "Jules' bachelor party?" Kendreeis raised a brow.

  "Oh yeah," I said, as I replied to the texts I had.

  "Yeah, y'all niggas better be there," Jules nodded and smiled.

  "You got strippers?" I asked.

  "You know it. It's about six of them," he replied, and slapped hands with Ricky.

  "You looking a little worried Kendrick," Ricky smirked.

  "I umm, never mind," I chuckled.

  "The wife might not let this nigga go. You know he got a bad rep with being around strippers," Kendreeis chimed in, and everybody laughed.

  "I'm a grown ass man, I can go anywhere I wanna fucking go," I spat.

  "But how long you gonna be sleeping on the couch?" Kendon joked, and they all cracked up laughing.

  "Get y'all asses out my shit!" I yelled, as they continued chuckling and getting up out of their chairs. "I'm gone be there Jules, and I'm getting some pussy from my wife that same night. You watch and see," I smiled and they cackled.

  I hoped Nic didn't put the pussy on lock over this. I mean, yeah I cheated in the past, but I was twenty-five now. Back then, I was a young ass nigga who somewhat felt like I was missing something by being tied down. But now I know ain't shit out there. I really didn't want anybody else but Nic. I didn't even think about other women, nor did the thought of new pussy excite me anymore. I loved my wife, and I knew better, so that was all that mattered.

  Before I went home, I made sure to stop by and get Nic some white roses. I needed to butter her up, so that this bachelor party wouldn't be an issue.

  I walked into the house and laughed when I heard KJ yelling to Kendrin not to touch his shit.

  "Watch your mouth," I said peeking into the den where he was.

  "Sorry," he smiled. I shook my head, and then went upstairs to find my wife.

  When I walked in, Nic was wearing a white towel and nothing else.

  "Are those for me?" she smiled.

  "Yes," I replied and handed them to her. She sniffed them, and then hugged me.

  "What are these for?" she inquired as she sat them on the dresser. "Hold that thought. I told KJ he could watch his little brother and I want to check-"

  "They're fine," I cut in.

  "Oh, okay," she half smiled, and then removed her towel to get dressed. I stared her naked body down, completely forgetting what I needed to say. "Kendrick," she said snapping me out of my trance.

  "Oh, umm, this Friday Jules is having a bachelor party," I said and she didn't respond. "Nic," I added.

  "He's gonna have strippers?" she asked without looking at me. I got up off the bed and walked over to her, as she snapped on her bra.

  "Come here," I pulled her close. "I'm just going to support. I'm not gonna touch anything or anyone, let alone have sex," I said as I looked down into her eyes. "I promise." I pecked her lips.

  "I want you in the corner, far away from them," she finally replied.

  "I will be far away from them, just enjoying the music," I grinned.

  "Those dimples always get me," she whispered, as she rubbed my cheek.

  I slipped my tongue into her mouth, and slid my hand down the back of her panties. I dipped my finger into her hole from behind, and a moan escaped her mouth into mine.

  "Kendr-" She tried to back away, but I locked her against my body. I plunged my finger into her fast and then slow, switching it up as I saw fit. "Uhhh! Uhhh!" She cried out as I sucked on her neck. She came on my fingers in no time, and then I slowly fingered her making sure it was all out. She panted heavily as we kissed passionately. I pulled my finger out of her and let her go, then licked her juices off.

  "You're so nasty." She shoved me lightly.

  "You came hard as hell." I said looking at my hand smiling.

  "Look what you did!" she shouted and frowned, as she pulled her fresh pair of panties down. The crotch was soaked. Ha.

  She rushed back to the shower, and I followed right behind for round two.

  Chapter Two: Nic

  "Okay KJ," I told my son as I stopped at the front of his class.

  "Do I have to?" he whined. This was his third day, and we went through the same thing everytime.

  "KJ, I'm gonna start having
your daddy drop you off, and you know he doesn't play that whining stuff," I told him. His green eyes glossed over, and he bit his lip, making his dimples appear. "Hello?" I chuckled.

  "I'm thinking, I'm thinking." He put his little hand up to tell me to be patient. "Okay I will go, but when do I get a day off?" he frowned and held tightly onto his backpack straps.

  "In two days," I replied as I rubbed his hair.

  "Okay," he said and walked towards the classroom door.

  "Let me get a kiss," I called out, then grabbed him and kissed his cheek.

  "Mommy- mom, only kiss me in the car." He shook his head and then walked in.

  I felt like a side chick, because he only called me mommy at home; in public, I was mom. I swear he was only a baby the first year of his life. Ever since he was one and a half, I could never cuddle him or kiss him constantly, because he would have a fit. I was happy that Kendrin wasn't like that, and still let me rain kisses on his cheeks, with no baby fuss or crying like KJ used to.

  I had already taken Kendrin to my mother’s house, so I headed over to Pink Champagne Nail Bar and Salon, the place my friends and I owned. We named it that, because you received a complimentary glass of pink champagne while being serviced.

  When I pulled up into my parking spot, I saw the place was packed. Morgan, Christy, Jessica, and I made a lot of money from this place, and I enjoyed not having to have my hand out whenever I saw Kendrick. He wasn't the type that you could drop hints on to get money, you had to come right out and ask his ass or you'd never get it. Don't get me wrong, he still footed the bill for shopping, dinners, and bills 90% of the time, but it wasn't because I needed him to.

  The girls and I had two locations, and usually Morgan and I worked at this one together, and Jessica and Christy at the other. I walked in, and spoke to a couple of the stylists and clients before spotting Morgan.

  "Hellooo," she sang looking beautiful as usual.

  "Is Kaleeini in school today?" I smiled as we hugged.


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