Good Girls Love Thugs 5: Nic & Kendrick

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Good Girls Love Thugs 5: Nic & Kendrick Page 9

by Shvonne Latrice

  "Vodka and coconut juice please," I ordered for myself.

  "Just Patrón, thanks," Quincy told her and she nodded.

  "That’ll be twenty-six dollars please," the bartender replied as she started to make the drinks. Quincy pulled out his card and handed it to her. "You look familiar," she yelled to me over the music.

  "Really? I've never been here before," I lied. She nodded and smiled, then went to charge his card.

  "Is this a one-time, or would you like to open a tab?" she asked him before sliding.

  "What you think?" he asked me.

  "Tab," I chuckled.

  "Party animal." He shook his head at me. "You can leave it open ma," he smiled and she licked her lips at him. Bitch. She came back, finished making our drinks, and then handed them over.

  "I'm glad I came," I whispered to him as I sipped my drink.

  "See, I told your paranoid ass it was gonna be fun," he pecked my lips. We both bobbed our heads to the music, as we finished our drinks off. "There's ya boy," Quincy pointed, and I looked down the bar to see Kendrick.

  He was smiling all in some chick’s face that was working the bar. She reached over and played with his chin hairs, and it pissed me the fuck off. I didn't like her doing shit to him that I did. He looked so good in his light blue jeans, Jordan's, a long sleeve white shirt with red strips, and a red hat. He turned it to the back, and I saw him bite his lip to make his dimples appear, as he gamed that hoe up. I wondered if he was telling her the things he told me. He was born with a special gift, where he could get you out of your panties in thirty minutes tops. He was very forward and aggressive in a sexy way.

  "You good?" Quincy asked and I had to pretend like I wasn't staring.

  "I'm prefect," I smiled.

  Oh shit, I thought, when I saw Kendrick start to walk this way. My heart rate sped up as he got closer to Quincy and I. I sat up straight, and this nigga just looked at me and kept walking. I knew I was looking like the scream mask, with my jaw on the club floor. He completely ignored me. He ignored his wife and mother of his kids, like he didn't even know me. My eyes followed him as he went to the back somewhere.

  "I have to pee, babe, I will be right back," I told Quincy and he nodded.

  Thank God he didn't know that the bathrooms were in the opposite direction of where I was going. I rushed through all the dancing people, and power walked to his office. I walked right in without knocking, and he looked at me like I was crazy. Once he saw it was me, he went back to what he was doing.

  "Hello to you too," I spat.

  "What's up? What you need?" he asked without looking at me.

  "You walked right by me out there," I shouted.

  "I didn't want to upset you and your man," he replied, as he looked into his drawer nonchalantly.

  "So you flirting with anything that got a pussy now, I see," I said, and he didn't say anything. "Hello!" I yelled and rushed over to him.

  "What? Why you in here bothering me? Go be with your nigga," he turned his lip up. I reached my hand up and caressed his face, as I looked into his green eyes.

  "Where is your N chain?" I asked.

  "At the crib somewhere," he replied dryly.

  "And to think I still wear mine." I shook my head.

  "I don't know why. You ain't my woman," he scoffed.

  "Don't talk to me like that!" I shouted.

  "Nic, leave me alone. Stop playing with my fucking emotions. Go be with that nigga and sign the divorce papers while you at it. Now get out of my office, customers ain't supposed be back here," he sighed.

  "I'm just a customer now?" I raised a brow.

  "A customer who doubles as my baby mother. Now please go and stop embarrassing your man," he said and sat down in his chair.

  I blinked away the tears that threatened to fall, and stared at him. I didn't know who he was anymore.

  "I will sign them as soon as I leave here," I said.

  "Please do, goodbye," he waved me off.

  I rushed out and broke down in the hallway. I cried loud as hell, and I didn't care who heard me. Suddenly, Kendrick walked out of his office and picked me up bridal style. He took me inside, closed the door, and sat me down on the couch.

  "I love you Nic," he said as he kneeled down in front of me.

  "Just as much as before?" I asked sniffling.

  "Yes, maybe even more," he sighed and I smiled. "Feel better?" he asked and I nodded. "Aight," he said as he helped me up. He walked me to his door, and I turned to kiss him but he moved away.

  "You need to make up your mind," he said and gestured for me to leave.

  I walked out and went back to the party. It was dark so Quincy couldn't tell that I had just been crying. It was crazy how Kendrick knew just what to say to make me stop crying, without me even telling him.

  Chapter Fourteen: Kendrick

  Two weeks later...

  I was sitting down waiting for my car to get cleaned and just thinking. My life had changed so much in a matter of months. Time so far was not healing anything, but I guess I needed to give that time too.

  "Well, well, well." Quincy walked up with two of his friends. I ignored him and continued looking around the car wash. "Oh, now you don't see me?" he frowned. I guess he was trying to show off for his bitch ass friends, because he wasn't barking this much when I kicked him out my crib. "Oh this nigga just mad cause I'm smashing his baby mama," he laughed and so did his homies. I jumped up out my seat and got in his face.

  "Don't you ever disrespect my wife like that ever again, little nigga," I said through gritted teeth. I didn't know who he thought he was, talking about Nic like she was one of these hoes out here.


  "Shut the fuck up! I'm not done. This the last damn time I'm gonna let you go untouched nigga. The next time I see you, I'm beating yo’ ass on sight." I shoulder checked him and then walked off. "Oh and by the way, you ain't smashed nothing yet so stop lying on your dick. But don't fret, I been fulfilling her needs for you," I smiled and winked. He stared at me with his nostrils flared like he was about to do something, but of course he didn't, and neither did his friends.

  After getting my car, I picked my kids up from my parents’ house and went to my condo. While Kendrin played with his toys, KJ and I watched some basketball.

  "Quincy came to the house again daddy," KJ looked over at me.

  "Oh yeah?" I asked as I got up to get he and his brother a juice box.

  "Yeah," he frowned and nodded.

  "Do you umm, hear him tickling your mother?" I inquired as I handed the juices to him and his brother. I had to know.

  "No," he shook his head.

  "Well, if you see them going into our room, make sure you go in there and say you had a nightmare, okay?" I smiled and so did he. "You don't want him tickling your mommy, because he doesn't know what he's doing. That's my job," I raised a brow.

  "Got it," he smiled big. He loved when I gave him jobs and stuff to do, so I knew this would be fun for him. "You the man of that house now KJ, don't let him disrespect you and your mama," I told him.

  "I won't. Cause I'm a-" he stopped, looked up at me, and sipped his juice.

  "You can say it," I laughed.

  "I'm a real nigga," he nodded and I dapped him up.

  "Yep. Your Kendrick King II, gotta let them know. Plus, I'm trying to get your mommy back," I said as I sipped my water.

  "I got your back," he replied.

  "Thank you. You wanna play some video games?" I asked him.

  "Yes pleeeaassse!" he cheesed.

  I hooked it up, and then gave Kendrin an unplugged controller so he would think that he was playing with us. After playing some video games, I made some freezer chicken nuggets, and they did not come out how they usually did when Nic made them, but oh well.

  "I think they're still frozen daddy." KJ put his teeth in one.

  "You sure? They feel hot," I said as I touched them. "What you think?" I asked Kendrin. He just stared at the plate and then back at me
. "Alright, let's go out to eat," I replied as I trashed the shit.

  We went to Red Lobster, because that's what KJ chose.

  "Have you ever even been here?" I asked as I adjusted Kendrin in his booster seat.

  "No, but I see it on TV all the time," he replied as the menu covered his whole head.

  As I was looking over the menu, I felt someone staring at me. I saw it was Jamila, so I quickly turned away. I'd gotten tired of hitting, so I stopped answering her calls and texts. I really had to cut her loose when she followed Nic on Instagram and started liking old pictures of us. After pretending I didn’t see her, she decided to make her way over to me, as I shook my head.

  "Hi Kendrick, who are these cuties?" she asked.

  "My sons," I replied dryly. I’m sure she recognized them from Nic’s Instagram page.

  "I'm KJ," he smiled and looked her up and down.

  "Hi KJ, you and your brother look just like your daddy," Jamila smiled.

  "Well, nice seeing you," I said so she would leave.

  "Alright, well call me sometimes," she winked and switched off.

  KJ and I were both watching her ass as she walked off.

  "What you looking at her butt for?" I chuckled. He shrugged his shoulders and laughed.

  "That's a shorty dad," he nodded, and I laughed at his crazy ass.

  I would teach him one day that the word he was looking for was hoe. I was glad that he could spot them so early though. Ha.

  Chapter Fifteen: Nic

  Tonight was gonna be the night. I was gonna do whatever I needed to, so that Quincy and I could make love. I was horny as hell and wanted to fuck Kendrick, but I refused. It was hard for me to just be with him. I was too scared. Yeah he loved me, but every time I looked up he was entertaining some hoes. And every time he cheated on me, it felt like someone stabbed me in the chest. I wanted to be with someone who wouldn't do that to me, and that was Quincy. He was the good guy, and Kendrick was the villain. Kendrick was too wild and crazy, but then again, I loved that about him. I shook him from my mind so that I could focus on Quincy, with his calm and sane self.

  I slipped into my lingerie and sprayed on some perfume. I wrapped a robe around my body, and then went to make sure my sons were sleeping. I walked down the stairs, and opened the robe for Quincy.

  "Damn Nic," he whispered, as he took it all in.

  "Let's go upstairs." I smiled, and he hopped up with the quickness.

  He followed me to the bedroom, and as soon as the door closed, he pressed his lips against mine. He pulled my robe off and squeezed my ass.

  "I been waiting so long for this baby," he moaned in my ear. Just go with it Nic, I told myself.

  He laid me on the bed, and pulled his shirt off. He climbed between my legs, and kissed all over my stomach. His lips were so soft, and I was definitely getting turned on.

  "Ooh Quincy," I moaned as he kissed between my hips.

  He reached to pull my panties down, and then suddenly there was a light knock at the door. Quincy moved and grabbed his shirt, while I grabbed my robe.

  "Who is it?" I asked shaking my head.

  "KJ," my baby replied in his little voice. Shit, he must've heard me moan.

  "Yes baby?" I said opening the door.

  "Mommy, I had a nightmare," he stuck his little lip out.

  "Oh baby, it's okay." I picked him up and kissed his cheek.

  "Can I sleep in here mommy?" he asked and pursed his lips. His dimples appeared, and his green eyes were glazed over.

  "Okay baby," I smiled and kissed him.

  "I guess I will see you tomorrow for breakfast," Quincy huffed.

  "Yes, I'm sorry," I replied, as I laid KJ down in bed with me. I knew he was mad as fuck.

  I went to the bathroom within my bedroom, and changed out of my lingerie. I went downstairs to make sure the front door was locked, and then retired to bed. Another night that I couldn't fuck Quincy.

  In the morning, my boys and I got dressed so that Quincy could take us to breakfast. Once we all sat down, our waitress came over and took our drink orders.

  "So KJ, how is school going?" Quincy asked.

  "Straight," he replied and kept his eyes on the menu.

  "So what do you do in class?" Quincy quizzed while I played with Kendrin.

  "Stuff nigga," KJ spat.

  "Kendrick! Stop being rude," I frowned.

  "He keeps asking questions and I'm tryna look at the food, Ma!" KJ shouted.

  "Ma? Since when did you start calling me Ma?" I bucked my eyes and spanked his leg. He slapped his menu down, and a tear rolled out of his eye. "Mommy's sorry KJ." I leaned down and kissed his little lips. I hated to spank him because he was so sweet. His grandmother said Kendrick was the same way when he was little, and she hated whooping him too.

  He wiped his face, and nodded okay. He kept his arms folded, and his little face twisted up. He glared at Quincy, and wouldn't talk to him for the rest of the breakfast.

  We went to the park afterwards, but KJ didn't want to play. While Quincy played with Kendrin, I decided to talk to him.

  "You don't like Quincy?" I asked and he shook his head no.

  "Why not?" I questioned.

  "Because I want you with my daddy," he replied somberly.

  "I can't be with Daddy, KJ," I rubbed his head.

  "Why not?" he cried. His green eyes lightened in color, so I knew he was sad.

  "Cause he hurt Mommy's feelings," I responded, and wiped the tears that were trying to fall.

  "He's sorry Mommy, bring him back!" he sobbed. I didn't say anything, and just hugged him tightly.

  "Let's go," I called out to Quincy and he nodded.

  Once we got home, Quincy tried to stay, but I sent him home so that I could be alone with my babies. I turned on the Disney channel, and the three of us sat down on the couch. Kendrin passed out on my lap, while KJ ate chips. I didn't know what I was gonna do, but I didn't realize that me breaking up with Kendrick would hurt my kids this badly.

  Chapter Fifteen: Kendrick

  I was chilling at Stacie's house on the couch, as she massaged my shoulders. I wasn't in the mood to be touched, but this shit was feeling good as hell. After a couple minutes, I tapped her hand to let her know I was good. She came around the couch, and sat down next to me.

  "So what are we doing Kendrick?" she asked as she rubbed my hair.

  "Watching TV," I replied.

  "No, I mean as far as being in a relationship. We've been spending a lot of time together, so I was just seeing where your head was," she sighed.

  "Stacie, you're cool and all, but I'm not trying to be anybody's boyfriend," I replied and her nostrils flared.

  "Is it ‘cause of your wife?" she quizzed.

  "A little bit, and just because I don't want to be in a relationship right now unless it's my marriage," I nodded.

  "Are you still fucking Jamila?" she glared at me.

  "That's none of your business. Ask her if you really want to know, since she ran her fucking mouth already," I scoffed.

  "Oh, okay," she replied and turned the TV up. It was pretty awkward after that, so I decided to leave. "Are you coming back?" she asked.

  "Yeah, I'll be back in a little bit." I smiled and pinched her cheek, making her blush.

  I needed a drink, and although it was late, I decided to stop by the store to get my fix. I drove back to Stacie's, and she was way too happy to see me.

  "What did you get?" she smiled.

  "Just some Henny," I huffed.

  We sat back on the couch, and as I tipped the bottle straight up, she got on her knees to take my dick out. I started to feel a buzz, just as she was deep-throating me.

  "Shit," I moaned.

  It had to be the liquor that had me feeling like she was sucking my dick this good. She licked up my shaft, then sucked the head like a vacuum. She dropped down and took my balls into her mouth, while using her spit to jack me off. I took another swig, as I watched her go to work.

k," I groaned, and I saw her smile as she took my dick back into her mouth. I put one hand on the back of her head, and then used my other to take some more Hennessy to the face. "Uhhhhh," I grunted as I nutted down her throat. She swallowed it up like it was medicine that she needed in order to live.

  "I made you moan," she smiled and stood up to take her big t-shirt off.

  I took another gulp of Hennessy, and then helped her undress me as well. I grabbed a condom from my wallet, and rolled it down while biting my lip at her.

  "Come ride it with your sexy ass," I slurred and she smiled. She straddled my lap, and began to ride me like an award winning jockey. "Fuck, I love you Kendrick," she purred as she bounced up and down. How was she in love with me? The fuck?

  She started creaming all over my dick, as I sipped my drink from the bottle. "I'm cumming!" she shouted out as I flicked my tongue over her hard nipples. I was definitely about to nut watching her fuck me like this. "Ahhhh," she whimpered as she came hard for the third time. I released as well, and dropped my head back because I was feeling drunk as fuck. How am I gonna get home? I thought.

  Stacie climbed off of me, and I sat there butt ass naked for a couple minutes. She walked from the bathroom with a warm soapy towel, removed the condom, and cleaned my dick off. I nodded to say thank you, then took another sip. Once she was done, I watched her throw away the condom to make sure she ain't try to inseminate herself. I slowly got dressed, because I was pretty fucked up from finishing off that bottle alone. I watched as she texted someone on her phone like she was in a hurry.

  “Don’t worry, I’m not texting another nigga,” she smirked.

  “Shorty, I do not care. You can fuck anybody you want to fuck. That pussy ain’t mine,” I slurred and chuckled, as she shook her head at my response. I was serious. I didn’t care who she fucked or let fuck her. As long as I could bust my nut when I wanted we was good.

  "You shouldn't drive Kendrick," she said as she followed me to the door.

  "I'm gonna sleep in the car," I laughed and opened her front door.

  I walked out to my car, as she watched me from the doorway. I hit my car alarm, and when I pulled on the handle, a knife was plunged into my side. I quickly turned to look at the person, and they were wearing a mask. I touched my wound, only for them to stab me again.


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