Good Girls Love Thugs 5: Nic & Kendrick

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Good Girls Love Thugs 5: Nic & Kendrick Page 13

by Shvonne Latrice

  "What are you doing here?" she spat as she mopped the floor.

  After only two swipes, she panted out of breath. I carefully walked across the wet floor, and over to her.

  "Get out of my face please. I hate seeing your ugly mug." She rolled her eyes and walked off. I laughed and followed after her, until we reached the den that the kids weren't in.

  "Nic, I wanted to talk to you about the divorce papers. Why haven't you signed them?" I asked as we simultaneously sat on the couch.

  "I'm going to sign them, don't flatter yourself," she smacked her lips.

  "Well when?" I inquired.

  "Next weekend at my engagement party," she smirked.

  "Oh damn, like that? You making a celebration out of it?" I quizzed and nodded.

  "Yeah, you're more than welcome to come Kendrick, it's gonna be a big event." She smiled and took her hair out of a bun.

  "I think I will pass on your little whack ass engagement party," I spat.

  "You should be happy I found love Kendrick." She chuckled and flashed her perfect teeth.

  "You better not be letting that nigga fuck with my baby in you," I replied sternly.

  "Oh, now it's your baby?" she raised a brow. I scooted closer to her on the couch, and kissed her stomach.

  "Yep," I responded matter-of-factly.

  "Well I'm glad you realized it, and no, he’s not fucking me. But are you coming next weekend?" she questioned sarcastically.

  "If I did I would shoot that muthafucka up," I laughed and so did she.

  "Why would you do that?" she grinned.

  "Cause I want you. Plus, you would do the same thing if I was having an engagement party," I smiled.

  "Yes, but I would at least drag you out by your hair before I shot everyone else," she rolled her neck and laughed.

  "You're so beautiful babe," I said in a low tone, as I rubbed her stomach. “Especially when you have my baby inside you.”

  "Kendrick, stop," she replied and shook her head.

  "Stop what?" I asked pecking her lips.

  "You can't keep this up. You know what you're doing," she whined.

  "What am I doing?" I asked getting more in her face.

  "You're trying to get in my panties," she frowned.

  "I'm tryna get back in your heart Nic, being in between your legs is a bonus," I whispered, and she swallowed a lump in her throat.

  "You're already in my heart, you'll always be there," she replied nervously, as I rubbed her smooth thigh.

  "Well then, it's only one thing left to do." I bit my lip and kissed her lips.

  "We can't Kendrick, I'm getting married," she whimpered.

  "And it's still gonna be my pussy. You're gonna be having my babies the whole time you married to him," I moaned in her ear, and she panted heavily.

  "No. Kendrick I- you- we-" she stammered as I reached down into her shorts. I felt between her legs, and she was soaked.

  "You're so wet, Nic," I said, as I rubbed between the slit. "Damn," I commented.

  "How am I gonna be married to someone else with you around?" she quizzed as she rubbed my face.

  "You’re not supposed to be married to somebody else," I replied, as I pulled my hand out of her pants and licked my finger. "You still taste good too," I added and pecked her lips. She reached down to touch my dick, but I moved her hands. "I have to go. Good luck on your new marriage, and let me know when the umm, papers are signed," I said standing up and leaving.

  I washed my hands, and then went to spend a little time with my sons before heading home. Life was gonna change after next weekend, I guess.

  Chapter Twenty-One: Nic

  The Engagement Party

  The venue was packed wall to wall with all of our friends and family. There were waiters everywhere, walking around passing out champagne glasses, and hors d'oeuvres. There was a chocolate fountain, where people could take fruit and cover it in the chocolate.

  I was wearing a tight, white dress, despite the little pouch I was rocking. I looked around and spotted all my friends, sitting at a table with my mom and her boyfriend. Kendrick agreed to have the boys tonight, so I didn't have to worry about watching them.

  "Hello ladies," I smiled and walked over to the table.

  "Nic, you look so pretty," Danielle smiled, and stood to hug me.

  "Why thank you," I cheesed.

  "I hope Kendrick shoots this shit up like he said," Christy joked, and I playfully glared at her as everyone laughed - including my mother.

  "Be nice, Quincy is gonna come over so you guys can meet him," I said and looked around for my soon-to-be husband.

  All my friends refused to meet Quincy, so I was happy that they had no choice right now. He spotted us, and walked over to the table.

  "Quincy, these are my best friends Christy, Jessica, Morgan, and Deija. This is my cousin Danielle, and of course you know my mom and Fred," I smiled.

  "Nice to meet you all," Quincy nodded and kissed all of their hands. "Babe, I'm gonna go greet some of my people before we do the speeches, okay?" he rubbed my back and kissed my lips.

  "Okay," I half smiled and sat down with my friends. "Are you guys ever gonna get excited?" I asked the table.

  "Yeah, when you have Kendrick's new baby," Morgan laughed and everyone followed suit.

  "This nigga is gonna marry you knowing you’re in love with another man and having his baby? He's whacker than he looks, and the nigga looks whack!" Jessica chimed in and everybody laughed.

  I folded my arms and pouted. I wanted to be with Kendrick so bad, and the feeling was not going away. No matter how much time I spent with Quincy, Kendrick stayed on my mind and in my heart. But Quincy was the safe, predictable guy, and Kendrick was the wild, and unpredictable one. Quincy was boring, but I knew he would be faithful. Kendrick was so full of life, and exciting, but... Never mind, he loved me more than anything. Over these past months, he'd gone out of his way to show me how much I meant to him. Why was I just starting to see this now? This was not a good time! I'm at my engagement party! Kendrick is the bad guy Nic, I chanted in my head to calm down.

  "Okay, stop making fun of my baby. She says she's in love, so just go with it," my mom said, still chuckling at Jessica's comment, and snapping me back to reality.

  We ate some more hors d'oeuvres, and Morgan and I drank some apple cider since we were both pregnant.

  "It's time babe," Quincy came behind me. I nodded and got up to go stand on the little stage they had for us.

  "I want to thank everyone for coming out to celebrate Nic and my impending nuptials. We'd just like to say a few words, before Nic officially signs her divorce papers as a way to celebrate a new life," Quincy said over the mic. He then handed it to me so that I could speak.

  "I want you guys to know that this is one of-" I paused when I saw Kendreeis, Kendon, Kendrew, and Kayden come in and stand behind their wives. I cleared my throat, and then contiued to speak. "This is one of the happiest days of my life, and I can't wait to embark on this new journey, with my new soon-to-be husband. I never thought-"

  "Mommy!" I was interrupted when KJ and Kendrin ran through the small crowd of people to hug me.

  "Hi, where is your daddy? You're supposed to be with him," I said looking around.

  "Finish your speech babe," Quincy tapped me. Morgan and Jessica walked over and took KJ and Kendrin from the stage.

  "Sorry about that," I chuckled into the mic. "Like I was saying, I never thought I would find love in someone new, and I finally have." I finished looking up into Quincy's eyes.

  "Is that right?" Kendrick shouted.

  I turned my attention towards his voice, and there he was leaning against a pillar. He walked up closer to the stage, and everybody's jaws were on the floor. Quincy's family looked at each other, wondering what the hell was going on.

  "Kendrick what are you-" he snatched the mic from me and cut me off. I almost fell, and had to save face by smiling.

  "I'm sorry everybody-"

  "Man w
hat the hell-" Quincy tried to cut in.

  "We let you talk homie, now let me say a speech. I mean Nic did invite me, so it's only right I say a few words," Kendrick smiled with his conniving ass. You could hear a mouse piss on a cotton round at this point.

  Quincy clenched his jaw and pulled me close.

  "Now before I was rudely interrupted, I was apologizing to everybody here at this party for having wasted their time. I'm Kendrick King, and for months I let my wife parade around Baltimore with this poor excuse of a man on stage here. I thought, you know I did break her heart and maybe she just needs space. Maybe she needs time to come back. Then I realized, wait, she is really trying to move on. And we all know we can't let that happen, right?" he smiled.

  Kendrick and my family and friends shook their heads no. Christy, Morgan, Jessica, Deija, and Danielle had the biggest grins on their faces, and his brothers and Kayden were snickering.

  "So I came here tonight, to tell my wife that..." he turned to face me, "I love you more than anything in this world, and the only way I would ever stop fighting for you is if someone put a bullet in my head. And I don't think anyone has the balls to do such a thing," he grinned at Quincy, then turned his attention back to me. "With that said, it's time that you dismiss your little friend, and come back to daddy. I'm not asking you, I'm telling you, Nic. Now when I put this mic down, we're gonna kiss, and then I'm gonna take you home and..." he paused and looked at a smiling KJ, "and tickle you," he said and my friends and his brothers chuckled.

  He sat the mic down, pulled me close, and dipped his tongue into my mouth. He sucked my lips, and wrestled with my tongue as people whispered. We kissed like we missed each other, and boy did we miss each other, and then he finally pulled away. He took my hand, and we walked down the stairs off the stage.

  "Nic, what the fuck?" Quincy frowned throwing his hands out.

  "Oh right," I said and let Kendrick's hand go. I slid the engagement ring off, handed it back to him, and then rushed back to Kendrick.

  We walked out with our kids, just like he said we would, and my friends, my mother, and his brothers all followed.

  "Y'all enjoy the rest of the night," Kayden said to the party, as he took an hors d'oeuvres off one of the server's trays.

  Kendrick took me home, and tickled me all damn night... Lol.

  Chapter Twenty-One: Kendrick

  Three Days Later

  "Where are you going?" Nic smiled as she covered her naked body with a sheet.

  "Going to run a few errands," I replied.

  "You should come back to bed," she bit her lip.

  "You wearing me out Nic," I chuckled and then kissed her lips and belly.

  "Did you guys get rid of Carmen?" she asked while rubbing my fade.

  "Of course we did," I smiled and stared down into her eyes. As soon as I was proven to be not guilty, I had that bitch offed a couple weeks later.

  "I missed you," she pulled me down onto the bed with her.

  "I missed you more babe." I kissed her soft lips, and she wrapped her legs around my waist. "I'll never hurt you again, if you promise to never leave me like that again," I whispered.

  "I promise," she replied and touched my face.

  "And promise me that you'll trust and believe me before anybody else."

  "I promise to trust you, believe you, love you, and never leave you," she responded, kissing my lips after each word.

  "You had me going insane. I was starting to feel like that nigga, Michael," I smiled.

  "You were, except the only thing those situations had in common, was the fact that I was always in love with you," she said in a low tone as she caressed my face.


  I'd been suspicious of Stacie's ass since the night I got stabbed outside of her fucking house. I thought it was Quincy's doing at first, but he was too bitch made to do some shit like that. On top of that, Stacie was way too strange acting during our whole whirlwind fuck-mance. So I had someone follow and watch her 24/7, and they saw she kept meeting with some guy and giving him money. My people kidnapped the nigga, and just like I thought, she hired him to stab my ass. Why she did it, I have no idea, but I was gonna find out tonight. The crazy bitches you meet in the club.

  "I thought you went back to your wife," Stacie smacked her lips.

  "Let's go for a ride baby, I wanna talk," I smiled and so did she.

  "Okay," she blushed.

  I drove out to a deserted area by my warehouse, and parked the car. I got out, and then walked around to the passenger side and let her out.

  "Kendrick, what is this?" she chuckled.

  "I just want some alone time," I smirked.

  "Sounds like a plan," she giggled.

  Once we started walking, and got a little ways from the car, I felt it was best to find out why she had me stabbed.

  "Stacie, I know what you did baby girl," I said and squeezed her hand.

  "What are you talking about?" she frowned.

  "You had me stabbed. But I think it's kind of sexy how psycho you are," I smiled.

  "Kendrick I-"

  "Why did you do it though?" I asked and lowkey looked over my shoulder.

  "I was just upset because I felt like you were using me. I wanted to kill you for revenge, but then when you didn't die, I was happy, because I realized I just needed to give you time to come around. And look, I was right!" she beamed.

  I wanted to slap the shit out of her, but I half smiled instead. She really needed her own episode of Snapped.

  "I see. Well I understand that you were upset," I nodded, and she kissed my cheek.

  "Uh!" she yelped as a knife was plunged into her back.

  She turned around, and the young man continued to stab her repeatedly as I dropped her hand. He stabbed her everywhere, and then finally sliced her throat. He pulled his gun from his waist, silenced it, and then shot her in the head for good measure.

  "Good looking," I told my boy Levi.

  "Anytime." He pulled his mask back and smiled.

  I called Dice and Draco to come clean this shit up, and then Levi and I left.

  "You wanna get a drink?" I asked him.

  "Yeah, let's celebrate," he cheesed.

  Chapter Twenty-Two: Nic

  Five months later

  Could I get any bigger? My God! This baby was due any day now, and I couldn't wait until it was out of me. I needed another three-year break before the next one. I also told my gynecologist that I needed some stronger birth control, because Kendrick was bypassing that shit.

  "Are you sure you want to grocery shop?" Deija asked as we walked into Harris Teeter grocery.

  "Yes, I need to get snacks for the weekend for my babies," I sighed.

  "Alright, well if you need to sit down, let me know," she smiled.

  "Thank you," I huffed.

  As we were walking down the aisle that carried all the chips, fruit snacks, and drink boxes, I spotted Quincy walking with some girl. I tapped Deija on the arm repeatedly until she looked.

  "Ouch Nic," she shouted and Quincy looked over. He told the girl something, and then walked over to Deija and I.

  "Nic, looking just as beautiful as before," he smiled. "And Deija?" he quizzed and she nodded. "You look nice as well," he cheesed.

  "Thank you, but I'm sure I will look better when this belly is gone," I half joked.

  "Nah, you're fine," he bit his lip.

  "So how are you?" I asked trying to change the subject.

  "I'm great. I'm a married man now,” he giggled.

  "Oh, nice. I'm happy for you," I grinned.

  I was happy he found someone, because I felt so bad that I left him like that. But daddy said it was time to come home, so what was I supposed to do? Lol.

  "Yeah, that's my wife Ashley," he pointed back to the girl. She folded her arms and mugged me. Interesting, I thought.

  "Nice. Well it was good seeing you Quincy, but I have to finish shopping before I can't stand anymore," I half joked.

and nice seeing you as well, Deija," he replied and jogged back to his wife.

  "He's still a damn cornball. A fine cornball, but a cornball nonetheless," Deija said and we burst into laughter.


  "One more push Mrs. King," the doctor said.

  "Ugghhh!" I shouted and dug my nails into Kendrick's hand. "I'm never having your baby again!" I cried and Kendrick chuckled.

  "You say that every time," he grinned.

  Finally, our new son Kendrae Drisen King was born, and like I said, he had the prettiest set of green eyes like his daddy. When Kendrick looked at him, I could tell he was a little relieved that it was his baby. Dumb ass. But he was my little sexy dumb ass.

  "I told you," I panted once they cleaned me up.

  "Told me what?" he frowned.

  "That it was your baby," I smiled.

  "It would've been my baby regardless," he replied stroking my hair.

  "You love me that much?" I half smiled.

  "You should know that by now, baby girl," he kissed me.

  Chapter Twenty-Two: Kendrick

  Wedding Day #2

  I stood at the altar waiting for my wife to come out, so that we could get married again. I felt we owed it to our relationship to renew our vows. The first time around was followed by a lot of good times, but also some pretty terrible ones. We're blessed that throughout all the bullshit, we still came out unscathed, but more importantly, we came out of it together.

  There were days when I thought I'd lost Nic for good, and that I should just leave her alone. But everytime I made up my mind to do so, God would convince me that I needed to fight for her. I needed to fight for the woman who had forgiven me for things that many women wouldn't have. Despite my unfaithfulness, she stuck by me, and even swept it under the rug for as long as she was able to.

  I knew from the first day that I saw her at that party, that she was the woman that I'd been looking for all this time. Nic was the strongest woman that I’d ever met. From sticking by me through comas, cheating, and the ultimate - killing her father for me, to leaving me when she felt I couldn't treat her the way she deserved to be treated. I would never lose her again, and that was a promise.


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