Taz (Tarnished Souls MC Book 2)

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Taz (Tarnished Souls MC Book 2) Page 19

by Dusty Lassetter


  The alleyway is dark and dingy, exactly what you expect an alley to look like. An overfilled trash can waits by the door I have been watching for the past three hours. I know she’s in there, cleaning the bar, making sure everything is ready for the next business day. Maria is completely oblivious to the danger that awaits her when she leaves, and she has no one to blame but her father. Carlos, the man that kept my Scarlett from me, tried to sell her to my enemy, and still has a debt to pay, even if dead.

  We had been in a partnership for two years when I asked him to give my queen the extra experience she needed to please me. Only the bastard never returned what was mine. He tried to extort me, and for years I spent all my time looking for Scarlett. When he got wind that I was closing in on him, he tried to sell her to Buck and his band of idiots, only to be killed in the process. His death was just another thing the Tarnished Souls MC has taken away from me. It angered me to think about never getting my revenge on the coward, but then I heard his eldest son, Dominic, has taken over the family business, so I’m here to make sure he doesn’t make the same mistake his old man did. Carlos was smart enough to keep his family hidden from me, I had men searching the globe for them, but his son apparently doesn’t see me as a threat.

  The sound of a heavy metal door being pushed open alerts me to her arrival. I can’t stop the smile that pulls at my lips knowing Maria just turned twenty-two and her brother bought her this bar to give her something to do. Dominic is protective over his younger sister, which makes everything I’m about to do all the more fun.

  “What’s a beautiful woman like you doing out here all alone?” I question from the shadows. Allowing the darkness to shield my body is nothing more than a way to frighten the girl.

  Maria’s body only stiffens for a brief second before she takes control of her fear. The blue dress she’s wearing sways across her knees when she forcefully relaxes her muscles. The light color laying against her skin seems darker than it is.

  “Who says I’m alone,” she answers in a Spanish accent. It’s not hard to tell that English is her second language. I guess it’s a good thing I’m not here to question her.

  “I do,” I reply, finally walking into the dim light that is projected from the overhead street lamps. “Your guards are currently indisposed.”

  The fear that flashes behind her eyes isn’t so easily hidden, and my body’s reaction to the emotion will soon be on display as well. Maria is a beautiful woman. Her thick, long black hair looks soft to the touch, and her dark brown irises are the key to all her emotions. With long lashes that brush the surface of her cheeks when she blinks, and lips that were made to be wrapped around a man’s dick, I’m finding I will get more than just the joy of revenge out of our meeting.

  “Slasher,” she says, her voice coming out strong.

  “I must admit I like that you know who I am. I also like the way you say my name, Beautiful. The way your tongue rolls on the ‘r’ sound.”

  It doesn’t surprise me that she was shown pictures of me in warning. Her father probably instructed her to run if she ever saw me lurking in the shadows, so why do I get the sense that she is going to portray strength?

  “I know exactly who you are. You are a deranged man that needed to be put down a long time ago,” she spits out. The way her eyes travel over my body could have me falsely believing she likes what she sees, but I know it’s more to get a sense of my actual size. Maria is finally doing what she was taught to do. Keeping her distance, she is trying to find a way to get out of the dangerous situation she’s in.

  “I’m no more deranged than your late father. I think we both know that,” I reply while closing the distance between us, and just like I had anticipated, Maria doesn’t cower, or try to back away.

  “Mi papa was a good man,” she snarls, raising her hand high in the air.

  The slap that lands on the side of my face stings as expected, but what I didn’t count on was Maria scratching my cheek with her nails. Softly dabbing the painful spot on my face, I almost lose control when my fingertips come back wet. Crimson, the sexiest shade of red, is gathering on my new wounds, and the look on Maria’s face says she’s proud of her mark.

  “No one makes me bleed,” I growl. “Not without paying a price.”

  The pleased expression on her face turns to one of dread. The promise in my voice has seeped into her strength and she’s finally beginning to realize how much danger she is in. I continue to watch the confidence drain out of her stance, and all the while my bloodstream is filling with excitement and rage. I shouldn’t have let the bitch hit me. Bleeding is a visual sign of weakness and looking weak is something I hate.

  “What’s the matter, Beautiful?” I question with a hint of joy in my voice. I want her to know that I will get pleasure from everything I do to her tonight. Then, when her brother does find her bloodied and beaten body in the early morning sunlight, I will have proved my point.

  I can tell she wants to say something, but she pushed the fast forward button on our gathering when she scratched me. “Your time for talking is over, Maria. The only sounds I want to hear from your mouth are the screams of agony I will soon cause you,” I inform her.


  The crack of my palm coming in contact with her delicate face starts echoing off the walls surrounding us when I bring my hand down hard on her cheek. The force of the hit sends Maria’s neck craning left. I’m surprised she was able to stay on her feet, but my shock soon turns to enthusiasm.

  “You’re going to be hard to break aren’t you, beautiful,” I whisper while roughly pulling her small body toward mine by grabbing her neck. She keeps her face turned as our bodies link together like a set of puzzle pieces, tears freely flowing from her eyes.

  “Don’t cry,” I growl, trailing my tongue up her cheek, catching all the salty liquid pooling from her eyes. “I’ll make sure you cum all over my dick before we start the fun stuff.”

  Her only response is to whimper out in fear. Walking her backward until her body comes to a rest against the dirty brick, I place my foot between hers. Watching as Maria’s breathing picks up speed, I can only imagine how large her pupils must be right now.

  “Look at me,” I order. When she doesn’t immediately obey, I tighten my hold around her neck. “Look at me or I’ll remove your eyes from your fucking skull.”

  The threat works like magic, and I get a real sense of her terror when dark brown irises start staring into mine. There is no amount of sorrow that will stop the events that have already been set into motion. I am a sick and twisted man that enjoys the monstrous things I do to the women of this world. I only have one thing to say to the ignorant people that believe the evil around them will always be overshadowed by the good, you haven’t met me yet.

  Slowly widening her stance with the edge of my boot, I start running my hand up the pretty blue dress she probably regrets wearing. The soft skin of her inner thigh is the perfect welcome to my rough hands.

  “Please,” she whimpers out.

  “No talking,” I remind her while pinching the leg my hand was taking it’s time traveling up. The pain from the pinch goes unnoticed because her fear of what is to come overrides all her senses. It won’t be until later that she remembers my smell, the feeling of my hands, or the sound of my voice. Right now, Maria is numb to all feeling, but that will soon change.

  When my hand comes in contact with a pair of smooth-panties, I rip them from her body with enough force to leave marks on her flawless skin. Removing my hand from underneath her dress, I bring two of my fingers to Maria’s apple-red lips.

  “If you bite me I’ll make it hurt,” I warn.

  It only takes two beats of her thundering pulse before she opens those luscious lips, allowing me to place my fingers onto her tongue. The slight suction of her mouth gets the blood freely flowing down to my dick in anticipation of what is to come.

  “Enough,” I say when I want her to release me.

sp; I can see the hesitation in her gaze before she opens her mouth. She knows exactly where my wet fingers are going. With fresh tears pooling into her eyes, I quickly get to work on making sure she hates herself for enjoying what my magical fingers can do. Her hands ball into fists against the wall, and she closes her eyes in an attempt to hide from me as I work the juices from her mouth into the folds of her pussy.

  “You can either fight it, or enjoy it, but either way your pussy will be mine to use until my dick gets raw,” I growl into her ear. I know I will have to take our party for two inside before anyone hears us, but right now I think it will be fun to see how far I can take it before she screams. Bending forward to place my mouth on the curve of her neck, I bite down with enough force to draw blood.

  Maria’s scream fills my ears at the same time her blood fills my mouth, and both are more than enough to send ecstasy sizzling through my bloodstream. Tonight is proving to be more exciting than I had planned.

  The only solace I get in life is to lay my head down at night and dream of the person that did the impossible, captured the attention of my demons. It’s no secret I hold a personal hatred toward the female sex, but the first time I stared into Scarlett’s green eyes she captivated me. There was no manipulation in her gaze. For the first time in my life, I felt someone was seeing me for Wolfe, the boy born into a world of crime and filth, not Slasher, the man that was molded from greed and evil. Most women only smiled at me because of my looks, but not Scarlett. Her laughter was just as contagious as her smile, and I knew I had to have her. Scarlett is a rarity that only comes around once in a person’s life, and I wasn’t going to let her get away. Her father, Gavin Rhodes, my president at the time, would have never agreed, so I quickly erased him from the equation.

  Giving her to Carlos was one of the worse errors in judgment I’ve made as a man. He was a trusted partner at the time, and I foolishly made my affections toward Scarlett known. I had no intention of any harm coming to her. I just wanted her to know how to please me as a man, without having to be the one to break her. I was afraid she would look at me the same way she did when I shot her father. By killing Gavin in front of her, I thought I was proving my strength to the club and to Scarlett, but she was quick to reject that notion. Instead of earning her devotion, I received only hatred. After claiming her as my own, I did what I thought would bring us closer. Time heals all wounds, and being ripped from her home would only make her heart grow fonder to the man that had vowed to make her his queen.

  Closing my eyes, in the hopes of falling asleep quick, I anticipate the reunion I will have with Scarlett in my dreams. I picture her waiting for me in our bedroom with her fiery red hair hiding the peeks of her nipples as it cascades down her breasts. All of Scarlet’s fair skin on display, an offering that would prove to be too tempting for any man. As sleep starts to take me under, I keep playing out the scene in my head until I drift off into a peaceful sleep.

  The happiness dancing around her sage green eyes at seeing me enter sends a rush of emotion through my chest. The force of the unwanted sensation tightening my muscles, making it difficult to breathe. Hope, the one thing I despise more than women is taking hold of my soul. Staring into the eyes of the person that has caused this feeling, I find myself wanting to cherish her, not hurt.

  “What have you done to me, Scarlett?” I question, closing the distance between us. Unlike the other women I’ve played with, Scarlett is not kneeling. She is my queen, not just a whore to be treated as such.

  “Why does it hurt to breathe when you are near?” I ask, stopping my pursuit when I’m only an arm’s length away. Inhaling deep, I can smell the scent of her vanilla lotion, the sweet smell will forever be ingrained into my memory.

  “Because I am yours, Slasher,” she answers. The smooth tone of her voice eases some of my discomfort.

  “Don’t call me that,” I order, not able to control the venom my words are laced with. I will not have Scarlett call me by that name. It’s the one all my enemies use, and she is not someone I wish to kill.

  “What would you have me call you,” she inquires, closing the distance between us. The black t-shirt and jeans I’m wearing don’t allow me to feel her bare skin against mine, but there is something empowering about her being vulnerable to me, just as I am to her.

  “Master,” she whispers, moving her hand underneath my shirt. The warmth of another person’s touch is foreign to me. No one has touched me since I was strong enough to stop them, but I find I like the way her finger is slowly tracing all the scars I keep hidden.

  “Wolfe,” my birth name is not something I share with anyone, but to hear it spoken from her lips would make every sin I’ve committed in this life worth the eternity I’m sure to suffer in Hell.

  When she removes her hand from my body and takes a step back, I have to resist the urge to chase after her. The gleam in her eyes tells me Scarlett knows exactly what she is doing. First, she teases me with the sweet scent of her skin, then the soft caress of her touch, and now she is trying to torment me by not saying my name.

  The smile on her face says she’s enjoying her game. Scarlett is physically vulnerable, yet she’s acting as if I’m no threat at all. Her bravery amazes me, and confirms that she is the woman meant to rule by my side, as my queen.

  Running her hands down the long-strands of her hair, she starts looking at me from underneath her long eyelashes, pulling at the corner of her lip with perfect white teeth. Within a moment’s time, Scarlett quickly turns from being playful to acting shy and timid.

  “If you’re the Big Bad Wolf, that must make me Little Red Riding Hood,” Scarlett states with a small grin threatening to pull at her lips. She manages to keep from smiling by sinking her teeth back into the traitorous red edge.

  “Isn’t she scared of the wolf?”

  “Yes, but I’m not.”

  “Why?” I ask, once again closing the distance between us. Scarlett doesn’t retreat, instead she goes back to playing with the scarred skin underneath my shirt.

  “Because I want you, Wolfe. All of you,” she answers.

  The ringing of my cellphone wakes me from my dream. Looking down at the glowing screen, I see that I’ve only been asleep for a few hours. I got home late last night because I took my time with the sweet Spanish vixen, leaving my bite marks on all the most sensitive parts of Maria’s body. Her cries filled the empty bar, but it wasn’t until I started whipping her with my belt buckle that she started to really scream out in pain. The pattern of the skull and crossbones left on her skin was something to behold, and the bruising that is sure to follow should remind her of our meeting every time she glances at her skin. Knowing that Dominic’s men have found her, and won’t be able to undo the mental damage I’ve caused makes this phone call all the more pleasing. I engraved Tate’s burner phone number into the arm of Maria to make it easier for Dominic to get in touch with me, so I’m not surprised from the early morning phone call.

  “He wants a meeting,” Tate says into the speaker. His voice comes out raspy, telling me he too was sleeping.

  “Set it up for tonight in one of the spots we usually use. Tell Dominic to bring Maria,” I command, knowing he will refuse at first, but I long for the protective brother to witness firsthand the fear I have instilled into his beloved sister. “If he refuses tell him next time I won’t leave her alive,” I say, hanging up the phone before Tate can reply. I have no choice but to trust my VP enough to do as commanded, and I’m eager to get back to sleep so I can once again be with my queen. Tonight, may be the last night I have to dream about her touch. Tomorrow is a new day, and it might prove to be the one where Scarlett comes home.

  The empty warehouse Tate has chosen for the meeting is one we’ve never used. With the war raging on between Blacktop Sinners and Tarnished Souls, it wouldn’t be wise to hold meetings at one of our normal spots. Walking around the large open floor, I find it reassuring to look out and see the opposite end of the building. There are no boxes, walls, or
objects of any kind to conceal a shooter which works in my favor but also against me. Tate and I arrived an hour early to get the full layout of the area, hoping we could get some extra men in here. The last thing I need is for this newly made boss to get brave and try to get revenge on me instead of falling in line as he should. It’s a good thing I insisted he bring his sister. Maria will be my one sure way of getting out of this alive.

  “They’re here,” Tate says after looking down at the screen of his glowing phone. We posted some of our prospects outside, hidden by nature’s objects, because that was our only option to have back up if needed. It will take them a few seconds to get here if Dominic does choose to do something stupid, precious minutes that could cost Tate and I our lives, but it’s the only choice we had.

  “How many men?” I ask.

  “Three men, one woman,” Tate responds.

  The agreement was he would bring one guard and his sister. Dominic is already proving to be a thorn in my side and we haven’t even officially met. The door to the warehouse was left open to bring in enough light from the moon for us to be able to maneuver around. The many skylights along the ceiling, put there to save on electricity, also helps us to see.

  A beast of a man is the first of the four to arrive. His huge arms are threatening to pop the seam of his black suit jacket while he ducks his large frame to enter through the doorway. As soon as his meaty head is clear of the metal frame threatening to hit it, he straightens back to his natural height. I’ve never seen him before which has me wondering if Dominic found the biggest brute he could for this meeting.


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