Witness to a Murder

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Witness to a Murder Page 10

by J Hamilton-Fford

  We loaded our bags and climbed into the pedicab and we were off. We soon reached our goal. The driver helped us alight and unloaded our bags. I gave him two fifty dollar bills. We stood outside the Federal Building. Rota hesitated as we approached the door.

  'Don't start having second thoughts, not now,' I said. 'Think of it as a chance to make good on everything, a new start in life.'

  'Is that how this Thelma and Louise film ended?' she asked.

  'Not exactly,' I said. I pictured the T-bird as it roared over the edge of the canyon. 'But, if I remember rightly, they remained friends right up to the end of the picture.'

  'They won't lock me up, will they?' she asked.

  'They won't lock you up, I promise,' I said. I took her arm in mine, picked up the bags and led her inside the building. 'Trust me, you are much too valuable a person to be locked up.'

  Faerys, Alasdair and the children were waiting for us.

  They looked at the guard on the reception desk. He motioned us through and the elevator doors opened to take us up to the 23rd floor.

  Now, there was no turning back.



  The FBI

  The elevator doors opened and we were greeted by a bevy of FBI agents.

  'Louise Deveraux and party?' one of the agents asked.

  'Yes,' I said.

  'Please follow me,' he replied.

  We were escorted down endless corridors to a door marked, 'Conference Room.' He opened the door and motioned us inside.

  'Please make yourselves comfortable,' he said. 'While you are here, you will be escorted by an agent at all times. Take a few minutes and introduce yourselves to the agent assigned to you. The director will be with you shortly.'

  He left and the remaining agents approached us to make their introductions. We each had an agent assigned to us.

  Faerys had more than one as an agent was also assigned to the children. It was suggested and agreed that the little ones be given something to eat and drink and the agent would look after them while we dealt with other matters. Faerys was shown a monitor she could look at that would reveal all that happened in the nursery and she could request the children be returned at any time. She agreed and Philo and Sabene were eager to be coaxed into more pleasant surroundings. The children left and we settled into the conference room space.

  We were given whatever we required and waited for the Director to appear.

  The door opened and a woman walked in followed by a man holding files and folders. She walked to the end of the table and turned to face us.

  'Welcome to the FBI and thank you for coming. My name is Glinda Weichherzig. I am the Assistant Director. This is Tom,' she said as she motioned to her assistant. 'Tom will hand you a folder and we need to take care of a few things before we get underway.'

  Tom passed around the folders and pens. He returned and sat in a chair to one side of the table.

  'Thank you, Tom,' Glinda said. 'If you would please open the folders and fill out the form on the top, we can then proceed.'

  There was silence as we filled in the forms. One by one, we reached for our bags to unearth identification documents.

  'I can see you are all finished. Thank you. Tom will collect your forms and your identification documents. Please ensure you give him all of your documents, including credit cards, check books, etc., if you have them. If you don't have them, that's okay. It is nothing to concern yourself with at this time.'

  Tom went around the table and collected the forms and the documents. He left the room and Glinda continued.

  'We know why you are here and to continue this process, we need to split you up. Your agents will escort you all to separate rooms. Faerys, you can stay in this room so you can monitor the children. Please accompany your agent and we will explain everything very soon.'

  Glinda nodded to the agents and gave them each a file. They waited for us to grab our bags and, one by one, they escorted us from the room.

  Glinda left behind the last one of us to leave.

  Interrogation Room 1 was my destination.

  'Please, have a seat,' the agent, Rebecca said.

  'I know you know why we're here, only...' I hesitated as I spoke with the agent who accompanied me.

  'Oh yes, we know why you're here and we're fully aware of everything that has happened so far,' Rebecca informed me. 'In fact, we gathered so much information about you, Louise, that we had to start a file,' she said.

  'You have a file on me?' I asked.

  'We pretty much have your complete life history,' she said as she flicked through the pages. 'Everyone has a history, even you. What I need to do, however, is brief you on the Witness Protection Program, what it entails, the protection we provide and, more importantly, how this will affect your lives once you're accepted into the program.'

  'Accepted?' I asked. 'I thought that would be a given under the circumstances?'

  'No, you're fine, trust me. There is no need to be alarmed. It's just a figure of speech,' Rebecca said. 'We have a mountain of paperwork on Carlos Carbinicci, his syndicate and just about everyone he's come into contact with,' she intimated. 'We also know that you were trapped on a mezzanine level of the Well Health Foundation with Enrique Cordele and that he was, in fact, found dead along with another known mobster from the East Side. Care to add anything to that?' she asked.

  'I don't know. Do I really have to?' I asked.

  'Well, that all depends on what really happened up there, only...' she paused. 'The report shows that the police found only one firearm on the roof, yet both were shot dead, one in the back and one in the head,' she said.

  'So, what does that have to do with me?' I questioned.

  'Cordele is known to rape and mutilate his female targets. So, you obviously shot him dead in self-defense. Is that what you're saying?' she asked.

  'Yes, I used a gun to shoot him dead. Cordele shot the other person, whoever he was,' I explained.

  'So what gun did you use?' she asked.

  'What?' I asked. I shook my head as it all came back to me. 'It was the one carried by the other person, the one Cordele shot dead. He dropped it on the mezzanine floor after being shot and before he fell from the ladder.'

  'And that gun is now...?'she asked.

  'Oh, I don't have it anymore. I mean, I did have it. I took it for protection. But I don't have it anymore.'

  'Where is it?' she asked.

  'Well, I lost it when the cabbie tried to kidnap Rota and me and take us into Little Italy. He grabbed the gun and it went off and, I think, it killed him. But it fell into his lap and Rota and I had to escape the cab so we could make it here.'

  'So, that was self-defense then, too,' she said.

  'So, what happens now, will I be arrested?' I asked.

  'No. We will simply leave things as they are,' she smiled. 'We're just as glad as anyone else to see this Cordele taken out of the picture. As for the cabbie, I'm sure that will go away quickly,' she explained. 'As a federal witness, we can offer you immunity from prosecution if need be,' she revealed. 'Did Cordele do that to you?' she questioned as she motioned to my lip.

  'No, this was a parting gift from Carbinicci,' I said. I touched the cut with a finger and then looking closely at the tip to see if it was still bleeding.

  'Oh yes, Carlos,' she said. 'When we raided the Foundation just after you left, we found him hog tied and looking a bit forlorn.'

  'You raided the Foundation?' I asked.

  'Of course,' she said. 'We had to give you the best opportunity to get here and we had reason to raid the facility.'

  'Oh,' I remarked. 'Does that mean that Carlos is here, too?' My eyes darted around as I looked for ghosts.

  'You don't have to worry about Carlos. Besides, it seems to me that you're quite a little army when you want to be,' she replied. 'You hog tie one of New York's most notorious mobsters and shoot dead one of his enforcers,' she said.

  'It wasn't planned that way,' I explained. '
It just kind of happened.'

  'I understand,' she said. 'Okay... just how much you know about the Carbinicci syndicate?'

  'Honestly, I don't know much,' I said. 'But Alasdair has brought his computer and Faerys was part of the Marketing department. She might know about other areas he was looking at as they may have been developing a campaign for them,' I said. 'Rota will be your biggest source of information. You know that she had a daughter with Carlos, Juanita, and she was killed looking for us when we met Mariam at the restaurant.'

  'Whoa, slow down,' Rebecca said. 'I can only write so fast.'

  'Oh, sorry,' I replied. 'It's why Rota is so eager to tell you all about Carlos and the syndicate. She was so shocked by Juanita's death and she hasn't had the luxury of grieving for her daughter, yet. I do hope she will be okay,' I said.

  'Louise, Rota is being processed much like you are now,' Rebecca said. 'After that, she will be kept apart from the rest of you. She is still a danger to you even though you think of her as a friend. Please understand that our priority is keeping you and your children safe.'

  'I hope you will consider allowing her some time with a priest so she can confess and grieve her loss,' I said.

  'I will make sure the agent who is working with her is aware,' Rebecca said. She pushed a button on the table near her and the door opened. 'Could you please come in and keep Ms. Deveraux company?' Rebecca asked. 'I need to speak with another agent.'

  'Of course,' the agent said. 'Give me a moment while another agent relieves me out here and I'll step in.'

  'Please trust us to keep you safe,' Rebecca said. 'Allow us to do our jobs and concentrate on you and your children. Rota has done time before and she is quite used to being in the system. If she is willing to share what she knows, we will keep her safe and in good hands. If she is unwilling, she will spend time behind bars. It is the way it is. There is nothing you can do for her now.'

  'Thank you for explaining, Rebecca. I will most certainly allow things to unfold as they will,' I said.

  The door opened and the other agent stepped inside. 'Right,' he said. 'Ms. Deveraux, I'm Rajesh. I'm happy to make your acquaintance.'

  'Thank you, Rajesh,' Rebecca said. She looked at me. 'Take a few minutes to just relax. I'll be back soon.' She rose and left the room

  'Thank you, Rebecca. I'm delighted to meet you, Rajesh,' I replied.

  'I thought you might like an update on everyone else,' Rajesh said.

  'Yes, please.'

  'Faerys and Alasdair are doing much the same things as you are and they have been very helpful. They told us that you know more than you think you know and they hope you will be able to see it for yourself.'

  'Oh?' I replied. 'I might know a lot without realizing I do. I'll have to mull that one over.'

  'That's okay,' Rajesh said, 'We know that, in the heat of all these questions, you are bound to find yourself paralyzed when trying to recall details. There's no rush... really. Do you want to know about Philo and Sabene?'

  'Of course,' I replied. 'What grandmother wouldn't want to know about her grandchildren?'

  'Point taken,' Rajesh said. 'They are currently napping. They have had something to eat and drink and they were playing games with Tasha but, after all the excitement of today, they tired quickly and are currently enjoying a rest.'

  'I'm glad this hasn't been too stressful for them,' I said.

  'Kids are so resilient,' Rajesh replied, 'they are great and they are excited about the games they get to play and moving to a new home.'

  'Ah, now you intrigue me, Rajesh,' I said. 'What games will they have to play in the future?'

  'You will all, including the grandchildren, be given different names and identities. It is a pretend game for the children and they take to it like a duck to water,' he said.

  'Right. I'm afraid I may not be so good at that.'

  'You'll be fine,' he said. 'Just take your time and relax. We will make sure you have it aced before you have to use the information, okay?'

  'Thank you.'

  The door opened and Rebecca entered with the Assistant Director, Glinda.

  'I'll see you later,' Rajesh said, as he walked out the door.

  'You are quite a remarkable woman, aren't you, Louise?' Glinda asked as she sat across the table from me.

  'What do you mean?'

  'After all that has happened and you are worried about Rota, a woman who could have killed you or had you killed easily in the time you were together.'

  'Of course, I'm worried about her,' I said. 'There is nothing remarkable about it. She has gone through more than I have in the company of Carlos Carbinnici. I'm sure, if I had been in her shoes, I would have done whatever was required to survive. In fact, I think I did.'

  'Yes. That's the other thing. I can't think of any woman ever in the history of the FBI who has hog-tied a mafia boss, or killed his enforcer.'

  'It just happened,' I said.

  'Make no mistake, I'm not chastising or rebuking you,' Glinda said. 'Far from it, I am amazed at all you have managed.'

  'Thank you, I think.'

  'Well, I wanted to let you know that we are preparing new identification for you and your assets are secure.'

  'My assets?'

  'Yes, your home in New Hampshire and the money in your account. I know you have taken possession of some things from the Foundation and, rightly so. However, I need you to release them to us so we can secure them for you, too. We will turn them into cash for you. Is that okay?'

  'Of course,' I said. 'You've actually saved me a headache because I didn't know how to go about doing that myself.'

  'We'll be bringing everyone back together very soon,' Glinda said. 'Rota will not be with you. She is going to be secure in a completely different place with a new name and identity. We are treating her well and she has agreed to tell us everything she knows about Carbinicci and the syndicate. I hope this will set your mind at ease about her.'

  'Thank you, it does.'

  'Right. I'll leave you with Rebecca. She has a few things to finalize with you and then you'll be reunited with your family. Thank you, once again, for bringing this to the FBI.' She rose and left the room.

  Rebecca sat down. 'I know there is so much yet to do and it will all be quite a whirlwind for you. There is one person, however, who asked to see you.' She pushed the button on the table.


  The door opened and Miriam entered the room.

  I stood to greet her and the two of us just hugged one another. I couldn't help but allow myself to shed a tear as a wave of emotion swept over me. It was good to have at least one face that I knew and to which I could relate. We had known each other for a long time and yet... I had no idea who she truly was, apart from her being someone I knew and could trust.

  'Is this visit for moral support?' I asked. I glanced at her official looking FBI badge.

  'I'm here in an advisory role, and as a friend,' she said. She took my arm and we strode to the door and began a walk down corridors. 'The problem, as we see it, is that you're so instantly recognizable to a great many people. You have published books, been the face of the most recent publicity campaign given towards the Foundation, been on television and in so many newspapers,' she said. 'What we need do is change your hair, the color and perhaps the style. We need to dress you down, rather than up, make it appear as if you're more a traditional soccer mom and not one of the cheerleaders.' She smiled, adding a laugh to her suggestion.

  'I could have been a cheerleader,' I stated. 'I had the looks and the legs.' I laughed. 'I still have the boobs, come to think of it,' I said.

  Miriam laughed. 'So, how have things really been, since you last saw Jon?' she asked. 'We never did really discuss any of that when we last met.'

  'Oh well, things were hard, at first. Then, I ended up with pneumonia,' I said. 'Just the normal stuff.'

  'You obviously miss him a great deal? But...'

  'But what?' I asked. I stopped in my tracks as we walked throug
h a series of doors. I looked at her expression. She refused to look me in the eyes.

  'I think a drink is in order,' Miriam said.

  'Coffee, or will I need something a little stronger?' I asked. I walked forward again as the corridor began to fill with other agents going about their business.

  'Here we go,' Miriam said. She opened the door to an office bearing her name.

  'Well, I would never have thought this of you,' I said. I looked around at her office, the stocked bookcases, the walls littered with photographs, awards and citations. 'I had no idea that you're an agent with the FBI.'

  'I work here as a psychologist, although you might think I'm a fed,' she replied. 'Take a seat. Make yourself comfortable,' she said. 'I think that we might need this.' She reached into a cabinet and slid a bottle of brandy across her desk. She retrieved to glasses from the cabinet and sat down at her desk.

  'Oh, goodness me... that bad, eh?' I asked.

  'Well, let's just say that I can now reveal some good news,' she said. She took the top off the brandy bottle and poured a good amount into the two glasses. I took one from her. 'You might want to take a swig of this first,' she said. She threw back a mouthful for herself and I took a sip. 'There is no easy way to say this so I'm going to give it to you hard and fast. Jon is still alive.'

  'Louise... hello... Louise.' I could hear a distant male voice demanding my attention. 'Louise, can you hear me?' he asked. He tapped the back of my hand.

  'Is she going to be okay, do we need to call for a medic?' Miriam asked.

  'No. She's slightly hot, a little clammy,' he said. I could feel a hand on my forehead and neck. 'I think she's just fainted, that's all.' I opened my eyes and waited for the room to stop spinning.

  'Hello you, welcome back,' Miriam said. She smiled. 'You had us all worried there for a moment.'

  'Why, what did I do?' I asked.

  'I think that you maybe needed a little down time and inadvertently pressed the reset switch inside your head.'

  'Remind me. Did I hear you right when you said that Jon was alive, or did I just dream the whole thing?' I asked.


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