Fifty Shades of Goldilocks (The Fifty Shades of Jezebel Trilogy Book 3)

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Fifty Shades of Goldilocks (The Fifty Shades of Jezebel Trilogy Book 3) Page 2

by Melinda DuChamp

  “How about going to the spa? Isn’t that what brides do before their wedding day?”

  Jezebel wasn’t sure what brides did, but the spa sounded promising. “Maybe.”

  “I’ll set up a spa appointment. You can have whatever treatments you like. Whatever you need to help you feel as lovely as you are. How does that sound?”

  “It sounds really nice.” Jezebel gave him a sheepish smile. “I’m sorry for being so silly.”

  “Silly? Nah. Sexy? And how.” He gave her a wink. “Now which spa would you like to visit?”

  “Uh, I don’t know.”

  “How about the one Alice was talking about Saturday night?”

  Jezzy had run into her old friend from college on the day Jack had proposed, and they’d been best friends since. Sometimes the girlfriends would grab lunch. Sometimes they would have a foursome with Jack and Alice’s husband, Lewis.

  Yeah, that kind of foursome. Fairytaleland, remember?

  Jezebel searched her memory. “You mean the spa that’s part of the Hellfire Club?”

  “Alice and Lewis made it sound pretty terrific.”

  Jezzy had to agree. Luxurious. Decadent. And very relaxing. “Will you go with me?”

  “Can’t. I have to attend the Bean Summit. And then it’s the wedding. But you should go, Jez. The bride and groom aren’t supposed to see each other before the wedding, right?”

  “I guess.”

  “So spend the day at the spa, stay overnight, and the next morning, Alice can meet you for all that pre-wedding stuff.”

  Jezebel smiled. “Pre-wedding stuff?”

  “I don’t know. Like hair and makeup and general pampering. You deserve it, Jez. I want you to feel beautiful on our special day. From what Alice said, that spa is just the ticket.”

  Alice was beautiful. And every time Jezebel saw her, she felt a little tweak of envy. “You think the spa can make me look like Alice?”

  Jack laughed. “You don’t need to look like Alice. I love you just the way you are.”

  Jezzy knew Jack had a weakness for blondes. She’d seen it first hand in an encounter they’d shared with the fetching Rapunzel and again when he’d met Alice for the first time. The idea of dying her hair had hovered in the back of her mind ever since. “But you’d love me more if I looked like Alice, wouldn’t you?”

  “I love you just the way you are. I mean it, Jez.”

  “So you’d hate it if I was a blonde?”

  “Of course not. If it’s what you want, go for it.”

  Jezzy eyed herself in the mirror. If she had blonder hair, a tighter body, and a smoother complexion, she would surely feel the magic. And then she would be as perfect as the rest of her wedding day.

  “But what about our agreement?” Jez asked. “The Hellfire Spa is a sex spa, isn’t it?”

  “For what they charge, it had better be.”

  “But we’ve been saving ourselves for our wedding night. No sex, remember?”

  “Having orgasms at the spa doesn’t count.”

  Jez knitted her brows. “I know neither of us is the least bit jealous. But maybe you should tell me what is allowed.”

  “You can have whatever you want, as long as it isn’t my cock.”

  But that was what Jezebel wanted most of all.

  She smiled, false bravado, for Jack’s sake. “Then hi-ho, hi-ho, it’s off to the spa I go.”

  The Spa at the Hellfire Club

  Jezzy stood in the reception area of the Hellfire Club, mouth open and eyes rounded. The place was every bit as luxurious as Alice had said; marble floors, brass accents, velvet draperies hanging at the windows, and butter-soft leather furniture.

  It reminded Jezebel of an expensive bordello.

  Or at least, how she imagined one would look. The only bordellos Jez had been in were middle class. Nice enough, but just as there was a difference between pub grub at the local tavern and a five star restaurant with Chez in the name, Jez assumed the Hellfire Club Spa would be a bit more decadent than Murray’s Bathhouse, where a guy named Murray exfoliated you with his old wool socks.

  A tall, willowy woman with long, red tresses smiled a welcome, and Jezzy couldn’t help but notice the woman was nude (that is something you tend to notice, after all). Like the décor, this woman was stunning.

  “You must be Jezebel. I’m Bare.”

  “Indeed, you are,” said Jezzy, her eyes skipping over the woman’s lush breasts, curvy hips, and perfectly smooth nether place.

  The woman giggled. “That’s my name. Bare Bottoms. I’m a member of your transformation team.”

  “Transformation team?”

  “Yes. A transformation team is made up of many professionals who guide you through your spa experience. I am directing your experience, but it takes a village to provide all the pleasure a woman deserves.”

  “Didn’t Hillary Clinton write a book about that?”

  “I believe she did.” Bare looked Jezebel up and down, and then took Jezzy’s hands in her own. “Don’t worry about anything during your stay here. Your transformation team knows just what you need.”

  “You do?”

  “Your fiancé has booked you for the deluxe package.”

  “So when I leave the spa, will I be as perfect-looking as you?”

  “You’ll be as perfect as you feel.”

  Not sure if that was a promise or an avoidance of the question, Jezzy just nodded and smiled.

  “You’ll love it, Jezebel,” Bare said. “We were voted the best spa in Fairytaleland by people who vote for things like that. Not only do you leave looking like a million bucks, we make you feel heavenly. By the time you walk out, you won’t even recognize yourself!”

  “Good.” Jezzy said. “I want a change. A big change.”

  “Then come along with me. We’ll get started.” Bare led Jezzy into a small dressing room and gestured to a kimono hanging from a hook on the wall. “You’ll need to remove your clothing and put on this robe.”

  Jezzy did as she was told, feeling a little silly to be clothed while Bare was totally, uh, bare. But when the silk garment wisped gently against her skin, she decided a little silliness was worth it.

  Way worth it.

  She joined Bare in the corridor, and the woman led her to a glass door and ushered Jezzy inside. “This is where the transformation begins.”

  Jezzy stepped into a large room filled with large reclining chairs filled with people. Both women and men occupied the area, all in different stages of being robed or disrobed and all being waxed and massaged, manicured and pedicured, cut, colored, and styled. But one thing they all had in common was the glazed look on their faces… oh, and the moaning, sighing, groaning, and crying out in obvious ecstasy.

  The staff is sexually pleasuring them.

  There were so many hands working on each person that Jezzy had missed it at first glance. But now that she really looked, she could see that some of the hands were massaging nether regions and using special tools in special places.

  Jezebel felt a twinge of arousal between her legs and smiled.

  “We’ll start with your hair.” Bare led Jezzy to a styling chair. “Just sit down and make yourself comfortable.”

  Jezebel sunk into the soft leather. Bare pushed a button, reclining the chair, and then placed her fingertips on Jezzy’s forehead. She started with little circles at the hairline, massaging away the tension in Jezebel’s face and scalp.

  Jezzy closed her eyes and felt her entire body begin to relax.

  “Oh, what have we here?” A husky, seductive voice said.

  Jezzy opened her eyes and focused on a big blonde wearing a pink satin negligee. The woman jutted a hip out and nodded approvingly.

  “Well, aren’t you a doll face?”

  “Thank you,” Jezebel said.

  “Jezebel, this is Titania.” Bare said, still massaging Jezzy’s scalp.

  “Titania?” Jezzy said. “I don’t get the fairytale reference.”

vogued. “Shakespeare, girlfriend. Queen of the Fairies. But I’m not actually a queen. I’m definitely a ‘he’ under this pink babydoll. I just like dressing up in women’s clothes. But trust me, beneath my lace panties, I’m all man, sugar.”

  “Bare Bottoms is also from Shakespeare,” Bare offered. “I was in King Lear.”

  “I don’t remember you,” Jez said.

  Bare smiled. “Who do you think the king was leering at?”

  Titania tilted to the side and whispered to Jez, “That rascal Billy edited out her scene, but she’s in the uncut version. Personally, I think King Lear is much better with some lesbian spanking, but what isn’t?”

  “Pleased to meet you, Titania,” Jezebel said.

  “It’s so mutual.”

  “You are rocking that negligee, Titania,” Bare said. “But I’m glad you put the fishnets away. They’re kind of tacky.”

  “Don’t you dis my fishnets, girl. I get lots of compliments on those.” Titania pulled up a chair and began running his hands over Jezzy’s feet, then calves, then thighs. “You have lovely legs, Jezebel.”

  “I do?” Jezzy said, genuinely surprised.

  “Yes. Fantastic muscles. Are you a runner?” Titania ran one strong hand over the back of one of her thighs.

  “I was. I’ve let it slip recently.” Jezzy felt a flush of shame at having let her physical fitness lapse. She’d just been so busy. “I’ve let everything slip, and now I’m getting married.”

  “Congratulations, sugar! You’ll be a stunning bride.”

  “I hope so.”

  “I know so.” Titania gave her a wink. “You need to relax, girl. And I’m here to help you do that.”

  Jezebel closed her eyes again, the feeling of Titania’s large, male hands kneading her legs was heavenly. The soothing, sensual movements had always turned her on. Even more than a kiss. It was just so intimate. Combined with Bare’s scalp massage, Jezzy wasn’t sure if she was going to fall asleep or have an orgasm.

  “So being a masseur here at the spa and Queen of the Fairies must keep you awfully busy.” Jezzy was now so relaxed that her voice sounded far away.

  “Nah. I’m no masseur. I just like feeling girls up,” Titania said.

  “He’s an excellent groper,” Bare agreed. “One of the best. He’s in high demand, even though he doesn’t really work here.”

  “So you’re not part of my transformation team?”

  “Officially? No. I just like to keep my hands busy.”

  Speaking of Titania’s hands, they were moving high on her inner thighs, skirting the edge of her robe, gently caressing the muscles there. The motions were so sublime that Jezebel heard herself moan again, and heat gathered between her legs.

  “Mmmhmm,” Titania said. “You’ve got that right.”

  Jezebel’s breathing quickened. She spread her legs and pushed her hips forward, wanting his fingers on the center of her desire.

  Titania complied, moving two fingers in little circles over Jezzy’s most sensitive spot, mimicking Bare’s scalp massage.

  “Oooh. Oooh…” Jezzy moaned.

  “Oh, yes,” Titania purred. “And don’t you forget it.”

  “I’m not likely to,” Jezzy murmured. The sensations were so pleasurable, she found herself moving against Titania’s fingers, seeking more and more. She couldn’t remember the last time she felt so turned on.

  Well, actually she was this turned on an hour or so earlier, but that was with Jack. She was always turned on with Jack. Titania was a perfect stranger.

  “You’re so damned pretty, and your body is so lush, I can’t help touching you, Jezebel,” Titania breathed. “I’m so glad your fiancé requested me.”

  “Jack asked for you?”

  “He said he wanted the best for you. And of course, I’m the best.” Titania dipped a finger deep inside her, and Jezzy caught her breath.

  “I’ll say.” She eyed the pink negligee, wondering if Titania was as talented with other parts as he was with his fingers.

  “It’s time to get the swatches,” Bare said.

  “Swatches?” Jezzy echoed. “You don’t mean those plastic watches from the eighties, do you?”

  “Heavens, no. I’ll be right back.”

  Jezzy closed her eyes, losing herself in the amazing talent of Titania’s hands and imagining what kind of wonderful hedonistic device a swatch might be.

  “Okay, here they are, Jezebel. Tell me what you think.”

  Jezzy opened her eyes and focused on the large, white demonstration board Bare held in front of her. Peppering the display were little bunches of strands salons used to showcase the variety of hair color offered. “Ohhh, you meant a swatch… for color.”

  “You thought I was referring to something else?”

  Jezzy shook her head, a little embarrassed. “I thought it was something that would give me pleasure.”

  “Oh you just wait, sugar,” Titania cooed. “You think I’m talented with my hands?”

  “But first,” Bare said, “you must pick a tint. We have fifty shades to cover the grey. Or in your case, we have fifty shades to spruce up the brunette.”

  Jezzy took a deep breath. “I want to be a blonde.”

  “Lovely choice!” Bare plucked a swatch of strands from the board. “What do you think of this color? It’s called Innocent Buttercup.”

  “Pretty, but too soft,” Jezzy answered.

  Bare held up another swatch, this one almost white. “And this? This one is called Platinum Tramp.”

  “Hmm, I think that one is too hard for my complexion.”

  Titania gave a tone of approval. “I think you’re right, baby cakes. Although there’s nothing wrong with hard.”

  “All right,” Bare selected a third.

  “Ohhh, girl, wait until you see this one,” Titania said, giving her clit a little shimmy.

  Teetering on the edge of an orgasm, Jezzy looked at the newest swatch of hair. “What is this one called?”

  “This? It’s Dirty Slut Blond.”

  Just then, Titania did the most amazing figure eight with one finger while penetrating with another and pirouetting with a third.

  “Oh, that is JUST RIGHT!” Jezebel screamed.

  And she liked the hair color, too.

  “Dirty Slut Blond it is!” Bare said and handed the swatch to Titania. But instead of mixing up the color, Titania fanned the little bunch of hair over Jezzy’s mound then circled the outside edge of her nether lips.

  Chills raced over Jezebel’s skin, followed by shivers. Her nipples poked upward under the silk robe. “Oh my, that’s delicious.”

  “Isn’t it though?” Titania said, continuing to move his fingers while he swirled the swatch. “Dirty Slut is amazing, and it will really bring out your eyes.”

  “I love it already,” Jezzy managed between moans. She tilted her hips, trying to open her thighs wider. Where the light tickle of the hair had first been delectable, she was now starting to crave more. Titania’s tongue along with his fingers would be nice right about now.

  Bare moved back to the head of the chair and resumed playing with Jezebel’s hair, this time brushing color from roots to ends. But like everything Jezzy had experienced so far at the Hellfire Club Spa, this was no ordinary color. A cool tingle stole over her scalp, raising goosebumps down her arms. In fact, between Bare and Titania, Jezebel felt shiverfabulous from head to toe.

  “Look how hard your nipples are, sweetums,” Titania said.

  Jezebel looked, marveling at the hard peaks. Feeling excited and a little naughty, she loosened the robe’s belt and let the silk slide to either side, exposing her bare breasts.

  Titania didn’t miss a beat with the Dirty Slut swatch. He circled one nipple then the other, his fingers still dancing over the sensitive pearl between her legs.

  Jezzy arched her back. She squirmed. She moaned. And finally the pressure built and the walls of her pussy started to clench. “I’m going to come.”

  Titania immediate
ly stopped all the scrumptious things he was doing.

  “No, no, no! Don’t stop!”

  “We have to Jezebel,” Titania said. “Your hair has reached the perfect shade.”

  “That was fast.”

  “Oh honey, Dirty Sluts are fast.”

  “But, but…”

  “Don’t worry,” Bare said in a soothing voice. “We have more work to do. Just relax.”

  Jezebel tried her best, focusing on the promise of delights ahead. And while the ache of desire deep inside wouldn’t let her relax, exactly, it didn’t prevent her from enjoying the feeling of Bare rinsing her hair with warm water and lathering it with jasmine scented shampoo. It was followed by a rich conditioner.

  “For the next part, I’m afraid you’ll have to be restrained,” Bare said when she was finished.

  “Restrained?” Jezzy’s shiver of delight turned to a shiver of fear. “Why?”

  “Oh, you’ll see.” Titania wiggled his brows. “And you’ll like.”

  Bare pushed a button, and soft leather cuffs popped out of the styling chair’s arms and foot rest. Then switching positions, Bare fitted the soft cuffs on Jezzy’s ankles, while Titania secured her wrists.

  Jezebel could wiggle her bottom and arch her back, but not much else. She was trapped. Her pulse began a triple beat in her throat, and her skin beaded with gooseflesh. Butterfly wings fluttered low in her belly.

  Bare smiled. “I’ll be doing your waxing today.”

  “And hair is my specialty,” Titania said.

  “I thought fondling was your specialty.”

  “No, that’s my hobby.”

  “So you’re a professional hair designer?”

  “Well, no. I guess that’s a hobby, too. Essentially, I like to fondle all parts of a woman. Feet, legs, pussy, tits, hair… But I don’t like to cut all parts of a woman. I reserve that for hair, just so you know.”

  “Oh… good…” Jezzy suddenly felt a little more helpless than she was accustomed.

  “Don’t worry,” Titania said. “I’m a cosmetology graduate of the School of Hard Cocks, and if I can make a gay man swoon over one of my cuts, I can please anyone.”


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