Summer of the Cougar (Cougar Challenge)

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Summer of the Cougar (Cougar Challenge) Page 7

by Nicole Austin

  “Fuck, Rissa. That’s hot!”

  He flicked the switch and the toy started to oscillate as he fucked her with it, rasping over her G-spot with each pass. Lost to sensation, she squealed as cold liquid sluiced down the crease of her ass and a well-lubed finger thrust deep. Soon one finger became two, scissoring, stretching. Burning pleasure-pain had her grinding against the toy and his fingers. The two pulled out and on the next pass were replaced with three. It was too much, not enough.

  JD was in limbo, somewhere between heaven and hell. Rissa’s responsiveness blew him away as he watched her ride his fingers and the vibrator. He couldn’t wait to thrust his cock into her hot, tight ass.

  She cried in frustration when he removed his fingers. He grabbed a condom and rolled it on, squeezed a generous pool of lube into his palm and fisted his throbbing cock. When he was nice and slick, he pressed the head against her tiny hole and grasped her hip. With his free hand, he reached around and rubbed her clit. The stimulation to the engorged nub relaxed the tension and her anus fluttered open.

  “Nice and easy, Rissa. Take a breath. When you blow it out, bear down.”

  Following his lead, she breathed and relaxed. The head of his cock slipped past the dense ring of tissue and into the blistering heat of her body.

  His control nearly faltered as JD gritted his teeth and held perfectly still. If she changed her mind now it would kill him but he’d pull out. Endless moments passed in sheer anguish as her ass fisted the first inch of his cock and Rissa panted. When she finally moved, pushing back slightly, he hissed at the heady combination of ecstasy and agony.

  Her shy, tentative thrusts ripped away at his resolve, but digging deep, he forced his body to comply, remaining rigid as she took more of him. After what felt like excruciating hours the rounded curves of her ass nestled in snug against his pelvis and her body engulfed him in glorious, tight heat.

  “JD,” she gasped. “Move, damn it.”

  Calling on every ounce of discipline and control, he eased back through the heated grasp of her body, hissing from between clenched teeth. “Not…going…to…last—”

  His fiery temptress had other ideas. She dropped her shoulders and cheek to the mattress then reached back under her body to fondle his balls, which were already drawn close to his body.

  “No,” he shouted, barely holding on.

  “Yes,” she growled and thrust hard. “Fuck me.”

  A man’s endurance and strength has limits—a line that when crossed will snap the strongest of wills. Rissa’s verbal and physical demands pushed JD far past his restraint. He lost any semblance of control, taking her hard and fast with wild abandon.

  “Yes…yes…yes,” she cried, punctuating each punishing thrust. Unable to bear leaving her intense heat, he pulled out only halfway, the vibrator partially withdrawing with him. He slammed back into her and so did the toy, fucking her pussy and ass simultaneously almost as if he had two cocks.

  Her ass spasmed and clenched, she screamed and panted, riding an almost continual orgasm, forcing his own climax to arrive much quicker than he wanted. He couldn’t hold back, her body milked every pulsing jet of cum from his balls and he continued to thrust until exhaustion claimed him.

  JD dropped against her back, rolling them both onto their sides so he didn’t crush Rissa. Her body continued to contract, forcing out his deflated cock and the vibrator. The device skittered across the mattress and disappeared over the side.

  He felt a powerful need to care for Rissa—wash her body, see to her comfort—but he couldn’t move. He managed to remove the condom and toss it into the wastebasket. Intending to rest briefly, JD gathered the last of his strength, pulled a blanket over them and cuddled her into the curve of his body.

  He woke with a hard, insistent pounding echoing in his head. Cracking one eyelid, JD cursed as sunlight pierced straight through his skull. Rissa shifted in his arms and he realized that neither of them had moved a muscle since they’d fucked each other into a coma. A goofy grin split his lips but the constant pounding intruded on his happy thoughts.

  He glanced at the bedside clock and wondered who the hell was knocking down the door at seven twenty-nine in the morning.

  “Make it stop,” Rissa grumbled and pulled the blanket over her head.

  He rolled out of bed, pulled on a pair of boxers and shouted at the unwanted visitor as he stomped through the condo. “Do you have any fucking idea what time it is?”

  He unlocked the door and threw it wide. “This had damn well better be good!”

  Standing on the doorstep was a wide-eyed teenager. The boy’s mouth opened and closed several times but nothing came out. JD gave the stunned kid a quick once-over. Thick mop of brown hair, familiar dark brown eyes, high cheekbones, full lips and a wide mouth. The spitting image of his mother.

  “Aw, fuck!”

  * * * * *

  A sliver of moonlight fell on JD’s handsome face and sparkled in his pitch-black eyes. God, those eyes. He didn’t even try to hide the growing emotions reflected in their depths. If she stared into the dark pools long enough, she’d lose herself. And she couldn’t let that happen, although her reasons why seemed less and less important. Especially in such a romantic setting.

  She glanced around, praying the condo association had not installed a security camera near the hot tub, which according to the sign was closed after midnight. Not that JD let the association’s rules or an unknown witness stop their naughty water fun. The mere idea of someone watching created a wicked thrill that had her fucking him faster, harder.


  “Oh yeah. Almost there.”

  “Rissa!” JD’s tone turned sharper and he shook her shoulder.


  “Wake up, baby.”

  Wake up? What the hell was he talking about?

  “Come on, Rissa. Wake up.” He shook her again. “Robby’s here.”

  Her son? In the hot tub?

  Rissa’s eyes snapped open and she blinked against the bright light flooding her bedroom. Damn it! She was still in bed and it had only been a wet dream.

  “I’ll start some coffee.” JD headed for the door, muttering under his breath, “We’re going to need it.”

  Robby’s visit wasn’t that big of a surprise. Ever since Mariah had talked to JD on the phone, Rissa had been expecting one of them to pay an unexpected visit. Apparently, Robby had drawn the short straw.

  And right now her son and her lover were together, possibly talking.


  She rolled out of bed and raced around the room, threw on some clothes, brushed her teeth and pulled her hair into a ponytail. She saw no point in trying to cover the love bites on her neck with makeup since she and JD had obviously been in bed when Robby arrived.

  Taking a deep breath, Rissa squared her shoulders and walked into the kitchen as if it was just any regular day and nothing of particular note had happened.

  Robby sat on a stool at the counter with a steaming mug of coffee. “Good morning.” She stopped to kiss his cheek and headed for the coffeepot. JD leaned casually against the cabinet dressed in jeans and a shirt. As she moved closer, he reached out and pulled her body flush with his.

  “Don’t I get a good morning kiss?”

  She laughed and spoke softly so her son wouldn’t overhear. “You’ve already had several but another would be nice.”

  JD took her mouth in a scorching-hot kiss, his tongue sliding past her lips to tangle with hers. But they had an audience and she had no intention of putting on a show. She pulled back and nipped his lip. “You’ve made your point, now play nice.”

  “Baby, I always play nice.” He kissed the spot behind her ear that never failed to turn her core to molten lava.

  She grabbed a mug, added a liberal amount of flavored creamer and sighed as she took a tentative sip. Mirroring JD’s relaxed stance, she faced her son. “I wasn’t expecting to see you this weekend. Don’t you have exams coming up?”

p; Robby had matured at an early age and regardless of the unfamiliar situation, she was proud of the calm composure he displayed. Thankfully, Mariah had not made the trip, because her daughter had an innate flair for drama and would have made a scene.

  “Mariah’s been pretty crazy. She threatened dismemberment if I didn’t get in the car and come check on you.” He shrugged. “Besides, I figured you’d prefer to avoid one of her manic fits.”

  JD shivered. “Thank you! I have an older sister and several female cousins so I know how insane girls can be.”

  “You haven’t met my sister yet. Add in her Latina temper and she redefines psycho.”

  JD shot her a knowing look then began speaking fluent Spanish, teasing Robby and making Rissa choke on the sip of coffee she’d just taken. He slapped her back and kept up the chatter without missing a beat.

  “Are you okay?” he asked when she’d regained her composure.

  “I didn’t know you spoke Spanish.”

  “There’s a lot you don’t know about me.”

  True, but did he have to stress that point in front of her son? She’d been so busy keeping their relationship casual and avoiding personal subjects that she really didn’t know her lover at all. Regardless of her efforts to keep her life and her affair separate, the two were bound to collide at some point. She began looking at JD through fresh eyes as he quickly put her son at ease and they got to know each other. When they began making plans to go kayaking, Rissa knew she’d lost the battle. She longed to spend some time with her son but she had made plans for the day.

  “How long can you stay?”

  “Not long.” Robby raked a hand through his thick hair and sighed. “I need to head back by tomorrow morning.”

  “Well damn. I have an appointment at the salon in an hour and then I’m supposed to meet some friends for lunch.”

  “Don’t worry about it. I’ll catch up with some friends.”

  “No.” Rissa had missed Robby and wanted to spend time with him. “I’ll reschedule.”

  “You don’t need to do that, baby,” JD said. “I’m off work until tomorrow morning. Robby and I will go kayaking and hang out—get to know each other.”

  She nervously chewed on a fingernail and her gaze shot to Robby to gauge his response.

  “Really!” He shot JD a wide-eyed, hopeful glance. “You wouldn’t mind?”

  “Yeah, man. I’ve been dying to get some time on the river. Besides,” the two shared a conspiratorial grin, “your mom’s not big on kayaking.”

  “Did she freak out? Tip the kayak?”

  JD clapped Robby on the back and the two of them meandered toward the living room. “She held it together pretty good but the snakes and gators made her really tense.”

  “Hey,” she called after them. “You didn’t warn me about the snakes and gators.”

  Not good. Already thick as thieves, they ignored her ranting. Rissa rubbed at her temples as they began to pound. She had not imagined her son and her lover becoming buddies and taking off to spend the day together without her. No, this was definitely not good for her chances of keeping things with JD casual.

  Chapter Eight

  For those who reside in the sunshine state, hurricanes are a fact of life. Hurricane season runs from June first through late November with August and September being the busiest months. A late July storm, Alex, had thrown weather forecasters into a frenzy. No one had expected Hurricane Alex to become so strong or move so fast.

  Being a veteran of many storms, Rissa didn’t worry until a storm approached Cuba and either stayed in the Atlantic or headed into the Gulf of Mexico. The warm waters of the Gulf strengthened the storms and put the Tampa Bay area in the potential strike zone.

  Lucky for her, Alex had stayed in the Atlantic. Unfortunately, the residents in the southeastern part of the state got hammered by the formidable force of nature. Curled up on her couch, she watched the reports as Alex crossed the Everglades and moved into the Gulf. All the computer models were now showing the storm had finished with Florida and headed straight for Mexico.

  She’d stocked up on water, canned goods and batteries, and as a precaution the condo association had hung plywood over all the windows. The entire situation made for a rather depressing fortieth birthday, sitting alone in her boarded-up condo watching for the latest news.

  The fire department had been put on emergency activation yesterday, which meant the crew had to be there whether scheduled to work or not. Although now that the storm had passed things would go back to normal.

  JD hadn’t even called today, not that he knew it was her birthday. He didn’t. Rissa wasn’t sure why she’d kept it a secret, but the longer she remained in the condo alone the angrier she became, which was ridiculous. She shouldn’t be mad at him for not knowing.

  And yet, over the past six weeks, JD had forced his way in and become a big part of her life. He’d practically moved into the condo with her and had even befriended her son—all while she’d sat by and let it happen. In another two weeks school would start and she would soon have to face the inevitable breakup. Their summer fling had almost reached the end. But how was she supposed to break it off?

  Needing some advice, she booted up her computer and opened the instant message program, glad to see Cam was online.

  Rissa: Hey

  Cam: Hey stranger! Please tell me you’re not in the path of that storm.

  Rissa: Nah, I’m good. It stayed far south of me and is supposed to go after Mexico next.

  Cam: Good! Well, not for south Florida or Mexico, but you know what I mean. So what’s up? How are you doing? Or more appropriate, who are you doing? *G*

  Rissa: LOL! I’m good. It’s my birthday. The big four-oh today.

  Cam: Hey, happy birthday. You have plans to celebrate?

  Rissa: Not really. I’m still seeing JD but he’s on emergency duty.

  Cam: That sucks.

  Rissa: Yup. So listen, I need some advice.

  Cam: Sure. What’s up?

  Rissa: Well, school starts in a couple of weeks. It’s time to get back to real life and end this summer fling. But I’ve never had to break up with anyone before. How do I do it?

  Cam: WTF! I don’t get it. I thought you and JD were solid. He and Robby became friends, right? And isn’t he living with you?

  Rissa: Yeah but this was never supposed to be more than a summertime thing. I don’t want it to become permanent. So how do I end it without hurting him?

  Cam: Too late for that. If you didn’t want to hurt him then you should have left it at a one-night stand. Why do you think you have to end it? Why not ride it out, see where it goes? You never know, it could be the real deal. Something permanent.

  Rissa: I’ve had that. Went right from my parents’ house to my husband’s. From daughter to wife then widowed mom. This is my first time living alone, being on my own. And that only lasted for a little over a week before JD started moving himself in. There are a million reasons he doesn’t fit into my real life.

  Cam: So you’ve never lived alone. So what. You’re going to pass up a possible future with a good man because you want to be alone? Are you crazy?

  Rissa: Maybe I am. I’m not sure of anything anymore.

  Cam: Then my advice is until you get your head on straight don’t do anything rash. Don’t break up with JD. Take this chance to be happy and hold on tight.

  Hold on tight.

  That was the one thing she couldn’t do. If anything, all her conversation with Cam did was add to her frustration. She didn’t want a permanent relationship with JD. At least, she thought she didn’t. Right now she wasn’t sure of anything and feared making the wrong move. The fear fed her temper to the point Rissa was spoiling for a good fight. All she needed was a target for her anger.

  The phone rang and she snatched it up. “Hello.”

  An automated recording began a sales pitch for term life insurance coverage. Rissa listened only long enough to identify the company. She found a phone number
for the organization online and placed a scathing complaint with the poor soul unfortunate enough to be on the other end of the line.

  She hung up feeling less than satisfied.

  In need of a distraction, Rissa picked up the book she’d been reading. It was written by one of her favorite erotic romance authors. No matter how great the story, Rissa wasn’t able to concentrate. When she’d read the same page five times and still didn’t remember what it said, she closed the book and tossed it aside.

  Someone knocked on the door.

  “Well, all right. Fresh meat.” She made it to the entryway before the third rap sounded. She yanked open the door, ready to rumble, but found herself taking a reflexive step backward, one hand covering her throat. Her jaw hung open for a moment before she recovered from the shock of seeing JD decked out in full camouflage military uniform.

  “Dios!” she cried. “A little early to be dressing up for Halloween.”

  “This isn’t a costume, Rissa.” He sighed, took off his hat and rubbed a hand over his head. “I only have a minute. The guys are waiting.” The problem was he had no idea what to say.

  Rissa’s hands fisted at her sides and her cheeks were flushed red. Her anger irritated the hell out of him. He’d lost count of how many times he’d tried to tell her about his life. She hadn’t wanted to listen, always keeping him at a distance. And she didn’t appear any more receptive now.

  He took a breath and forged ahead. “I’m a member of the National Guard and my unit has been called to the areas hit by Hurricane Alex. I’m not sure how long I’ll be gone. A week—maybe ten days.” He shrugged. “Could be longer.”

  She cursed him in Spanish then switched to English. “You lied to me. Let me believe you were just a firefighter. I should have known. You’re an adrenaline junkie so the military makes perfect sense. Dios! I have no restraint. Should have resisted that damn cougar challenge.”

  Cougar challenge? Exactly what had she been keeping from him?


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