Kate & Alf

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Kate & Alf Page 23

by Carrie Stone

  Sensing her change in mood and reminding himself that she was off-limits – an engaged woman, for Christ’s sake – Marcus glanced at his mobile. ‘Time’s flown. Can you believe it’s almost three o’clock? I’ll need to head off soon – I told my sister I’d pop around and see the kids.’

  Disappointment swept through her as she silently cursed herself for bringing up Michael. She tried to remain upbeat, keeping her tone even. ‘Goodness, I didn’t realise it was that time already. I need to get going soon, too.’

  ‘Let’s start heading back, then,’ Marcus replied reluctantly, not wanting the moment to come to an end. ‘I think we must have caught some rays on our arms – look at that.’ He lifted the cuff of his t-shirt, showing a distinct tan line between his exposed arm and covered shoulder.

  Extending her right arm in front of her Megan observed the golden glisten of her skin. ‘Yes, we have actually. We should have put some sunscreen on.’ Not paying attention to the ice cream she was eating, she didn’t notice that the bottom of the cornet had cracked, a large dollop of ice cream falling from its base and onto her chest as she bit into it. ‘Oooh, damn, that’s cold!’

  Laughing, Marcus instinctively leaned forwards and wiped away the melted ice cream from her bare skin, not considering the intimacy of the gesture until he looked up – his face only inches from Megan’s.

  Locking eyes, it was as if time had stood still. Neither of them daring to breath, Megan tilted her head ever so slightly – hoping it was incentive enough for Marcus to kiss her.

  He pulled away quickly, the spell broken, flustered and avoiding looking at her. ‘Right, I really must get going. My sister will be wondering where I am.’

  Megan agreed with a nod of her head, feeling flummoxed by the countless emotions that were threatening to drown her. Never had she so strongly wanted a man to kiss her. Feeling awkward she quickly discarded her ice cream in a nearby bin, glad of the excuse to move away from him.

  Marcus picked up speed, busying himself with riffling through his pockets and making a show of checking his mobile. He stopped suddenly as they came to a narrow walkway. ‘I’ll slip off here, if that’s okay. It’s a quicker route to my sister’s.’ It wasn’t. But he needed to get away from her. Her presence was too powerful, too alluring. He didn’t trust himself not to do something he’d regret.

  ‘Yeah, of course – no worries.’

  He kissed her quickly on the cheek, before she had a chance to react. The smell of her skin made him want to throw his arms around her and never let go. Instead he backed away rapidly. ‘I’ll catch up with you soon, then, once we know how the guys got on today.’

  Standing there with mixed emotions, Megan found it difficult to focus on what he was saying. She was watching his lips move and the way his mouth curled upwards at the corners. He had her insides in a twist.

  ‘Bye, then. Talk soon.’

  She forced herself to stay rooted to the spot and not go after him. ‘Bye, Marcus – I’ll text you when I hear from Kate.’

  He smiled, knowing that he’d hear from Kate directly as well – but happy that Megan was finding an excuse to stay in contact. ‘Yeah, do that.’

  She watched him walk away with a heavy heart, knowing that she shouldn’t be pining for a man she barely knew.

  As if on cue, her mobile began to vibrate again. It was a harsh reminder of her fiancé. The one who was calling to find out where she was. Riddled with guilt, she gingerly retrieved the phone from her bag and pressed the answer key.

  It should have felt like the most natural thing in the world, having Alf sitting back at the kitchen table for breakfast. Instead it felt a little odd – almost as if he didn’t belong any more. Kate busied herself with making them a cup of tea and looked on in amusement as Sam continued to wag his tail furiously, unable to contain his excitement.

  ‘I can’t believe how well I slept last night. I’ve missed our bed.’ Alf smiled, watching Kate with interest. It had been a magical night together, one that he’d recreated countless times in his head since the split and yet, in reality, it had been so much more explosive. They’d certainly made up for the time apart.

  ‘It was nice having you there again. It’s not felt right without you.’ Kate brought their tea to the table, a packet of biscuits under her arm. The past twenty-four hours had been a whirlwind of changes and totally unexpected, but she couldn’t remember feeling so happy. It was refreshing having Alf back in their home, even if it did feel weird.

  ‘I’ve been thinking about a lot of the stuff you were saying yesterday.’ Alf picked up his mug and took a gulp of the strong tea, wondering how receptive Kate would be to the idea he was about to propose. ‘What do you reckon about selling up? Starting afresh, you know – somewhere a bit bigger, with a bit more space.’ He paused, noticing her eyes widen. ‘I mean, it doesn’t have to be a different area. We both like it here.’ He set down his mug. ‘I just thought it could be a good thing. A fresh start?’

  Kate was bewildered. Who was this man sitting in front of her? He most certainly seemed different to the Alf she’d spent the best part of seven years with. She wasn’t complaining; it was a welcome change. She couldn’t quite get her head around his complete about-face, though. First his declaration in the pub that he’d messed up by allowing her to walk away – and now this?

  ‘Do you really mean that?’ she asked tentatively, wondering whether he was saying it purely because he knew it was what she’d love to hear.

  ‘I do. And I’m not saying it because it’s what you wanted.’

  Kate suppressed a smile. He knew her too well.

  ‘I’m saying it because I really think it could be good for us. I was pondering on it on the drive back from Scotland. I was hoping that if you did have me back, it would be something we could consider. You were right, this place was never going to be our forever home anyway.’

  She shifted uncomfortably, not wanting to state the obvious but needing to – given that he was serious. ‘What about you not having a job now, though? How’re we going to get a mortgage – especially for something bigger?’

  ‘Let’s not worry about that yet. We’ve got the payoff money to add a bit to the deposit and I’ll have a job soon enough.’ He reached for a biscuit. ‘Which reminds me – did you know Megan’s offered to keep an ear out for any positions coming up?’

  Kate looked at Alf in surprise. ‘Has she?’ Since when did Megan do favours for Alf?

  ‘Yes, she’s got those contacts at that recruitment company that deal with Hamilton’s and the competitors; she said she’s always getting wind of when a job’s coming available elsewhere and she’d let me know.’ He dunked the oat biscuit in his tea, eating it in one go. ‘Got to say, I’m pretty impressed at the change in her since she’s met this new fella Michael. He’s sorted her right out. She’s no longer a nasty witch.’ He laughed as Kate playfully slapped him on the arm.

  ‘Don’t be mean. That’s nice of her to do that for you. And yes, she has changed a lot recently – she’s a lot calmer.’ She considered the changes in Megan and took a sip of her tea, allowing Sam, who was whining for her attention, to jump up onto her lap. ‘So, about the house. Do you think we should get it on the market soon, then?’

  Alf nodded. ‘Sooner the better. It might take a while to sell, babe – these things can take time. We might as well prepare ourselves for a wait before we receive an offer.’ He chewed his lip. ‘That’s a good thing, though – it’ll give me time to get a new job sorted, anyway.’

  ‘That’s true. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to tidy the place up a bit, either. A lick of paint to make it more appealing to the buyers, perhaps?’ She felt suddenly excited, her senses flared up for the new adventure that awaited them.

  ‘We can go to the estate agent later this afternoon if you want? After you get home from work? Get the ball rolling and maybe have a nosy at what’s out there for us if we do sell.’ He felt himself getting fired up at the idea – just as he had the previous nig
ht when he’d lain awake next to a sleeping Kate and thought about how best to plan their future together. It was the first step of the many changes he’d been considering. It felt right. His severance with Hamilton’s had taught him that it was pointless to try to always be in control. It was easier to surrender to the flow of life and treat it as an adventure.

  ‘Yes, that’ll be great. I can’t wait now. How exciting,’ Kate replied enthusiastically, picking up her teacup. ‘Speaking of work, though, I’ve just seen the time. I’d better get a move on or I’m going to be late.’ She stood up, Sam jumping to the floor.

  ‘Wait.’ Alf grabbed her hand, pulling her towards him and wondering how he’d managed to spend so long taking her for granted. She was perfect, everything he wanted in a woman. ‘I love you, babe.’ He stood up and wrapped his arms around her waist as she gazed at him. ‘I hope you know that. This time around, it’s going to be different. So different.’

  Searching into his eyes, Kate knew he meant it. She could feel the validity in her heart and everything he’d said to her yesterday had proved it, as had his gentle lovemaking and reassuring cuddles.

  ‘I know it is. This time around it’s going to be for good.’

  And it was. Otherwise she would never have let him back into her home, her life and her heart. Alf Stafford was her destiny. She was sure of it; more so than ever before.

  Chapter 22

  ‘I wasn’t expecting to see you, Grumps, that’s all.’ Marcus replied, bringing his grandfather a large tumbler of whisky and taking a seat on the recliner opposite him.

  Roberto raised an eyebrow, sensing the nervousness in his grandson’s actions. ‘Well, I’m staying with your sister for a while; it’s only natural I was going to want to see you.’

  ‘Of course. And I’m pleased you’re here.’ It wasn’t a lie. What with the move back South and the way things had turned out, it had been on Marcus’s mind to make the trip to Leeds to see his grandfather, but he just hadn’t found the time. ‘Sorry I haven’t made it up to see you.’

  ‘It’s okay, son, I know you’ve been busy. Your sister’s been filling me in on everything.’

  Marcus couldn’t be sure, but he thought he saw a twinkle in his grandfather’s eyes. He clutched his own whisky glass a little tighter, knowing he needed to say something about his manuscript soon.

  Leaning forwards and sloshing the ice around his glass thoughtfully, Roberto enjoyed the moment of keeping his grandson in suspense. The boy clearly had done well for himself; he was pleased to see Marcus looking more relaxed, his face free of the worry that had been troubling him for so long. It was a far cry from the last time he’d seen him – what with that Linzie dragging him down. Good riddance to bad rubbish was his thought on the matter. The boy had finally seen sense.

  ‘So, this book deal, then.’ He watched in amusement as Marcus’s head shot up, his cheeks colouring.

  ‘Grumps, listen…’

  Holding up his hand to his grandson, Roberto pressed on. ‘Your sister tells me I might be something of a star once the manuscript’s published – being that my life story is the main basis of it.’ He looked at Marcus pointedly. ‘So would you care to share exactly which of my many secrets you’re intending to divulge to the literary world?’

  Marcus grimaced, embarrassed to be caught out. ‘I was going to tell you sooner…’ He stared down at the new beige carpet of his North Street property. ‘The thing is, I knew you might not be okay with me using parts of your life – the affairs and so forth, I mean – so that’s why I’ve also added in a lot of fictional twists. No one, except maybe those closest, will even know that it’s inspired by you.’

  He looked back at his grandfather who had a mischievous grin on his face. ‘Son, you worry far too much.’ He shook his head with a chuckle. ‘I’m truly made up that you’ve found a positive way to use my misgivings.’

  ‘Really? You’re not pissed off about it, then?’

  ‘Well, only the fact that you’ve gone and mixed it up with fiction. I wouldn’t have minded my photo and dedication on the cover.’ He grinned, took a gulp of his whisky and relaxed back into the sofa. ‘I’m proud of you, Marcus.’ He looked around the room. ‘You really have started over and it’s the best decision you could have made.’

  Marcus felt relieved. His grandfather meant the world to him and the last thing he’d wanted to do was upset him. He allowed himself to smile and thought about how far his life had come in such a short space of time.

  ‘Who’s the lucky woman, then, son?’ Roberto asked, leaning forwards again and narrowing his eyes. It was obvious from the look on his grandson’s face that there was a special someone; he was too old and wise not to notice.

  ‘Megan.’ Without skipping a beat, Marcus answered instantly – shocking himself in the process. He pursed his lips and gripped the whisky glass with both hands. He had to stop thinking about her, it wasn’t right to… she was an engaged woman after all.

  ‘Problematic is she?’ Roberto asked, aware of the change in his grandson’s mood and hoping to God that he wasn’t involved with another type like Linzie. He knew Marcus was always drawn to the ones who needed help; the ones that he could try to be a saviour to. It was his downfall when it came to women.

  ‘No, she’s lovely, actually. Works in London, very beautiful. A really direct and honest person. The thing is, she’s already engaged to someone. She only met him a few months ago and the cheeky bastard has gone and got a ring on her finger already.’

  Roberto listened with interest, never taking his eyes off Marcus. He stayed silent for a few minutes after before deciding it was time to finally talk about the only woman who had ever won and then broken his heart. Broken it by not being able to forgive him for the affair he’d stupidly had….

  ‘Son, let me tell you a story. It’s about my first marriage to a woman called Lillian, right here in London.’ He smiled fondly at the memory, wondering what had happened to his beloved Lil.

  Marcus set down his glass in surprise, wondering why he’d never heard this story before. Besides, how could his first marriage have been to a woman called Lillian? Hadn’t his first marriage been to a woman called Mercedes in Spain?

  His grandfather was already lost in the process of storytelling, a melancholic expression on his face. ‘It all began with an introduction. She was the only one who ever called me Bobbi, you see…’

  Pressing the doorbell, Kate stood back and waited.

  She heard Megan’s mumbled voice from inside the hallway, followed by a rattling sound.

  ‘Just a sec.’ Moments later, the door opened and Megan stumbled from behind it – awkwardly tugging a long green t-shirt over her head. ‘Sorry – was getting changed. Had to get my suit off – I’ve felt uncomfortable in that bloomin’ pencil skirt all day. ’

  Kate stepped into the porch and kicked her pumps off. ‘I know how you feel, I’ve been on my feet all day. They’ve been killing me in these pumps.’

  ‘How was work?’

  Following Megan through to the kitchen, Kate hung her handbag over the banister. ‘Not bad. I’m a bit worried about Hilda, though. She’s got this awful-sounding cough – I think it might be serious this time.’

  ‘Is that the hypochondriac one – the one I met at the fête that year and she told me she was on the donor waiting list?’

  ‘Yes, that’s the one. The doctor saw her earlier; he took me aside and said it could be the onset of pneumonia.’

  ‘Goodness, that’s an awful shame. She seemed very sweet, even if she was a bit of a loon.’ Megan picked up the kettle and set about making tea. ‘Do you want tea, or something stronger?’

  ‘Tea’s fine, thanks. I told Alf I’d be back by eight o’clock – he’s booked a table for us at Pedro’s.’ She couldn’t help but smile happily as she said this. It had been a nice surprise to receive his call at lunchtime and be told that he wanted to treat her to a special meal.

  ‘So I take it that you guys are very much back on, then?
’ Megan asked carefully. ‘Are you still getting along fine at home?’

  ‘It’s early days yet – I mean it’s only been just over a week, hasn’t it, since he moved back in – but so far things have been going well.’ She scratched her arm, noticing the oil paint that she’d been using the previous night staining the undersides of her nails. ‘The agent said the photos of the house will be ready for us to check over tomorrow, too.’

  ‘The estate agent? Already? But I thought you were going to decorate a bit first?’ Megan replied, stunned that things seemed to be moving along so fast.

  ‘The decorating has been done!’ Kate said proudly, noting the look of surprise on her friend’s face. ‘It’s only because he’s not working. It’s given him something to do all week. The agent took the photos yesterday; he reckons we shouldn’t have too many problems with selling fast because of the location.’

  Picking up two china cups from the draining board, Megan put a teabag into each. ‘That’s great, hun. Are you going to start looking for something soon, then, just in case it does sell quickly?’

  ‘No,’ Kate replied, shaking her head. ‘I’ve said to Alf that anything we do now has to be considered and thought out properly. No more rushing ahead for the moment. I’d just prefer to take things slowly for the time being. After all, he rushed ahead with the whole Scotland thing and look where that got us!’

  Megan nodded. ‘I think that’s wise.’ She thought about her own predicament. ‘If I’m honest, I’m wondering if things have bounded ahead too quickly with Michael and me.’

  ‘How do you mean? I thought all was great between you two.’ Concerned, Kate came over to her friend. ‘Has Jonnie been stirring things up again?’

  Turning to face her, Megan failed miserably to hide her unhappiness, feeling tearful as Kate touched her arm. ‘No, it’s not Jonnie. He’s not mentioned anything else.’ She picked at the sleeve of her t-shirt, feeling sheepish. ‘It’s just that I’m not sure if Michael is the right one for me. The more I’m getting to know him, the more I’m beginning to doubt.’ She turned back to the tea and stirred in the milk.


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