Kate & Alf

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Kate & Alf Page 27

by Carrie Stone

  ‘There are quite a lot people in the reception area and it’s not even seven o’clock yet. Due to the turn-out, Daniel’s keen to be opening the doors in the next few minutes or so.’ Alf pressed his hand against the small of her back as he said this, noticing Kate instinctively chew down on her bottom lip – something she only ever did out of anxiety. ‘It’ll be a wonderful evening, babe. Just enjoy it.’

  ‘I know, it’s just hard to imagine that I’m actually here.’ Her eyes sparkled and she suddenly thought of her aunt, who had always been so encouraging of her talent – what would she make of it if she were here now to see her? She choked back an unexpected lump in her throat and concentrated on the startling sense of purpose that accompanied it. She knew that fate was giving her another chance to carve herself a name in the art world – an opportunity that she’d already shelved in the past. This was her moment; she had to put every part of her soul into making the evening a success – one that would make her aunt proud.

  Noticing the twinkle in Kate’s eyes, Alf looked around the room and had to admit that he was rather impressed with the way things had turned out. It had been hard for him to imagine how the gallery, with the bare brick walls and slightly musty smell, would transform itself into an environment so welcoming and polished; yet he’d somehow made it happen and the excitement on Kate’s face was enough to know that he’d done her proud. As if on cue, the black-metal entrance doors swung open followed by Daniel and the first trickle of waiting visitors. Alf stepped aside, nodding at the exhibition manager’s discreet thumbs-up sign.

  Kate took a deep breath and fixed a smile into place, even though her insides were already jittering with nerves and she was finding it difficult to keep her hands steady. She tried to concentrate on the initial reactions of the first guests, feeling relieved when she saw smiles and approving nods. She knew she would have to mingle – there would be plenty of people wanting background knowledge on each piece and besides, she was quite looking forward to meeting others who shared her passion – even if it did mean taking a step outside of her usual reserved comfort zone. Taking a generous gulp of champagne to calm herself, she turned to Alf and fixed him with a determined expression. ‘Right, I suppose I’d better get networking. Let me know when the others arrive. I can’t wait to see them now.’

  ‘Oh, okay. Sure.’ A little taken aback at her boldness, Alf nodded slowly, watching intently as Kate quickly sipped a little more of her champagne. With a brave smile and squeeze of his arm, she turned away from him, tentatively making her way towards the gathering group of people admiring the first showpiece of her collection. He wasn’t sure what he’d expected, but he hadn’t bargained on her taking to the business side of the evening quite so quickly. He guessed he’d also hoped to be more personally involved in some way.

  Alf watched from across the room as Kate – seemingly unaware of his confusion at her flightiness – said something in Daniel’s ear, making him feel all the more dismayed. He wasn’t an arty type and so far no one that he recognised had put in an appearance, despite the steady stream of guests making their way through the doors. He was effectively alone. Pulling back the cuff of his jacket, he checked his watch, wondering when the others would arrive; the last thing he wanted was to be standing around like a spare part.

  Grimly walking towards the drinks table, he refilled his glass of wine and picked up a canapé. From the corner of his eye he could see Kate throwing back her head in self-assured amusement The gesture was innocent enough, but Alf couldn’t help the stirrings of resentment that were quick to pop up inside him.

  It was going to be a very long evening indeed.

  ‘Ooh, and what about the time you took me to see Buddy Holly at the London Palladium.’ Lillian nudged Roberto; the initial mix of emotions she’d had at the totally unexpected re-encounter had now settled into a comfortable mix of excitement and happiness. The anger that she’d silently held against him for cheating on her melting away as she’d chatted with him, recapturing their past.

  ‘Best night of my life,’ he answered, without skipping a beat and breaking into song “…Well that’ll be the day…”

  ‘Pack it in, you two, we’re here now. You’ve got all night to reminisce – you don’t need to do it right in my earhole.’ From her squashed corner position Vivian shook her head in good-natured humour. She’d had a feeling all day that something special was in store for Lil – but what a revelation it had been. She couldn’t believe the turn of events and, apparently, neither could Lillian or Roberto. For the last twenty minutes, nobody else in the car had been able to get a word in edgeways.

  ‘Don’t mind her – she’s just a moany old bat sometimes,’ Lillian chirped up in playful response.

  Marcus laughed from the front seat. ‘Well, you lot have certainly made for an interesting journey – but thank goodness we’ve arrived before Grumps had a chance to launch into another song.’ Spotting the only remaining parking space outside the red- brick exhibition centre, he deftly managed to squeeze the large car into the narrow gap. Turning off the engine, he glanced at Megan. ‘You’re a bit quiet – you okay?’

  ‘Yes, fine – just been listening to the others.’ She smiled warmly at him and looked at her watch, unfastening her seat belt. A flurry of activity from the back seat commenced as Roberto opened his side door. Megan lowered her voice to almost a whisper. ‘Kate’s going to be shocked when Lil introduces her to your granddad. Talk about unexpected – how’re you feeling?’

  Marcus shrugged, glancing over his shoulder and was thankful that all three back- seat passengers were engrossed in helping each other exit the car. ‘It’s a shock, but she seems lovely – a bit like you.’ He grinned cheekily and opened his car door. ‘Right, come on. Let’s go and see how Kate’s doing.’

  It took five full minutes before everyone was out of the car and a further five minutes to find the correct entrance to the warehouse building. ‘About time,’ Roberto mumbled, taking Lillian’s hand as Marcus led the way through the intricate, arty wrought-iron doors.

  ‘Are you okay, love?’ Vivian asked, hanging back from the others and reaching for Megan’s arm in support. ‘You look a bit nervous.’

  It had been a while since she’d last seen Megan in person and, although she knew a lot about her life through Kate’s stories, she strongly sensed there was something bothering the girl. She’d been aware of it in the car, noticing how the excited energy that had been there when she’d first greeted her had started to lull. In its place there was anxiety.

  Megan turned to her, a soft smile on her lips and nodded. ‘I’m fine, Viv. It just hit home a bit – hearing Roberto and Lillian’s story. Made me realise how important it is to never let go of someone you love, despite any setbacks.’ Downcast, her gaze fell to the grey-flecked carpeted floor beneath them.

  Vivian stopped walking suddenly and looked at her, her intuition going into overdrive. She’d known there was something about the girl that she was missing and couldn’t put her finger on, but now the message was coming as clear as day to her mind. ‘Megan, you’ve made the correct choice. He is the one for you – the one that destiny has chosen for you to be with. But you mustn’t worry about what others will think. True love happens fast – the heart knows when it’s met its match.’ She saw an image of Marcus, followed by Kate and then realised Megan’s predicament. She smiled, knowing that Megan was worrying where there was no concern for worry. ‘Don’t worry about what Kate will say. Whatever her reaction, with time all will be well. She will see with her own eyes the special connection that you and Marcus share. She will be happy for you and it will help her in her own path.’ She squeezed Megan’s hand. ‘Don’t hold back, love, go for it. None of this “just friends” business. Life is too short.’

  Up ahead, Marcus and the others had turned to look at the hushed exchange taking place between Megan and Viv.

  ‘Are they okay?’ Roberto asked, his tone concerned.

  Lillian, sensing that Viv was passing
a word or two of her wise advice, patted his arm. ‘Don’t you worry, I’m sure they’re fine.’ She looked at Marcus – startlingly the image of his grandfather fifty years previously – noticing that his eyes hadn’t left Megan. ‘So, any special woman in your life then, lad?’

  Before he had a chance to answer, she heard Vivian and Megan break into laughter behind them and saw Marcus’s face visibly relax at the sight. Suppressing a smile, she narrowed her eyes and glanced quizzically at Bobbi, who had always had a knack of knowing what she was thinking. He nodded his confirmation with a small smile, his eyes never leaving hers.

  Marcus, who hadn’t noticed the discreet exchange between the older couple, finally dragged his gaze away from Megan, who was now approaching them. ‘Yes, there is actually.’ He glanced back at her, his face illuminated with glee. ‘Someone very special indeed.’

  Megan, catching the tail end of his sentence, looked at Viv, who discreetly gave her a tap on the leg. It was now or never. What was the point of holding back? Vivian was right; love didn’t wait for anybody. So why force it to?

  ‘Me, too. He’s very special indeed.’ With a grin on her face she walked across to Marcus and put her arms around him, ignoring his surprised expression. ‘Aren’t you, Marcus?’

  To the delight of the others, Marcus drew her towards him and, without hesitation, kissed her on the lips. ‘Are we making it official, then?’

  ‘We certainly are,’ Megan replied, the butterflies in her stomach growing stronger.

  ‘You don’t half make a lovely couple,’ Lillian said, touched at the gentle and sweet display of affection. She now knew why this man would have never been the right one for Kate. Everything about him fitted perfectly with Megan – it was like they’d been made to be together. Who’d have thought? Especially since the last she’d heard, Megan was already engaged…

  Vivian nodded in agreement. ‘Oh, they do. They make a lovely pair.’

  ‘I don’t want to ruin the moment, but I really think we ought to go inside now. We’re rather late already,’ Roberto said, noticing that music was coming from somewhere just a little up ahead of them.

  ‘Sorry, granddad – you’re right.’

  ‘Yes, he is right.’ Vivian frowned anxiously, her mind suddenly drawn to wondering how Kate was faring. ‘I do hope Kate’s getting on okay.’

  ‘Course she is. Our Kate’s a little star.’ Lillian piped up, reassuring Viv.

  Taking hold of Megan’s hand, Marcus led them towards the room at the far end of the corridor – each of them silently hoping that the sight that greeted them would be a positive one.

  When they finally reached the open doors, Megan let out a happy sigh of relief as Vivian clutched her hands to her chest in excitement.

  It was better than any of them could have expected.

  Chapter 26

  ‘My favourite one.’ Vivian remarked, staring up at the large canvas in admiration. She leaned in to Kate’s ear, covering her mouth with the back of her hand so that the group of people around them couldn’t overhear. ‘You ought to have charged far more than that, though. No wonder it was snapped up so quickly.’ She tutted in mock disapproval at the ‘sold’ sticker that Daniel had placed underneath the painting.

  Kate laughed. ‘I can’t believe how many have sold already,’ she whispered back in an elated tone. Her attention was drawn to Lillian and Bobbi, who she could just about make out through a gap in the crowd of visitors, giggling together in the far corner near the canapés. ‘Oh, look at those two lovebirds. I still can’t get over how uncanny it is that long-lost Bobbi happens to be Marcus’s granddad.’ She shook her head at the extraordinary turn of events. ‘Marcus must be pretty shocked, too.’

  ‘I know, darling. Join the club; I don’t think any of us saw that one coming.’ Vivian followed Kate’s gaze to where Lil was now sitting on a chair, with Roberto towering above her, in deep conversation. ‘I’m so happy for her – I can’t begin to tell you what a weight off my mind it is. He’ll be able to step into my shoes now.’

  Kate glanced at her and was about to say something when Alf appeared by her side and grabbed her arm, a wide smile on his face. ‘Sorry to interrupt you, Viv.’ He nodded apologetically.

  ‘Babe, have you seen that fella over there? The one in the yellow trousers.’ He jerked his thumb to the right of them. ‘Me and Marcus have just been chatting with him. Turns out he’s Nigel Lambert. Would never believe it to look at him, would you.’

  Frowning, Kate looked at Vivian, who appeared just as lost as she was. Alf shook his head in disbelief. ‘Surely you’ve heard of him? He’s one of the owners of Grobert Corporation.’ He waited for a reaction, but seeing both ladies shrug with as much confusion as before, he waved his hand dismissively. ‘Well, anyway, he’s one of the big financial players and apparently there’s a new project in the pipeline that he’s keen to get me involved in.’ He smoothed down his shirt with a smirk, pleased with himself.

  ‘Oh, that’s fantastic,’ Kate replied encouragingly. She noticed Vivian looking at her curiously. ‘Did you give him your details?’

  Alf was already looking past her, straining his head in Marcus’s direction, noticing him once again chatting with Nigel. Marcus was making eye signals for Alf to join them. ‘Oh, he’s beckoning for me again. Hang on, I’ll go and see what he wants.’ Nodding his head at his friend in confirmation, Alf hurriedly turned away from them. ‘Sorry, I’ll be back in a minute.’

  Vivian pursed her lips, watching him go. Despite already having been there for over an hour, not once had she heard Alf make a single reference to the success of the evening. Her irritation growing, it made her feel rather unsettled that he’d once again drawn the conversation around to himself and Kate appeared far too blinded to notice.

  Nonetheless, she was so proud of her Kate. She’d literally felt blown away upon entering the unexpectedly large exhibition room and seeing the hordes of visitors admiring paintings adorning the walls. The evening seemed to have gone from strength to strength. Kate was in constant demand for one thing or another and none of them had managed to get more than five minutes alone with her.

  ‘Are you okay?’ Kate asked, her face a picture of concern as Vivian stood there lost in thought.

  ‘I’m feeling wonderful, dear – happy to be here and happy to see you enjoying yourself so much. I’m just thinking how much of a success you’re going to be. Tonight’s enough proof of that.’ She reached out and rubbed Kate’s back. ‘It’s going to be the beginning of good things for you, Kate.’

  Kate beamed; Viv’s compliments meaning more to her than anyone’s. She reached across and hugged her. ‘Thanks, Viv. I have to say I can’t believe how well it’s going.’ She felt an arm going around her shoulder and turned her head to the left. ‘Oh, there you are! I’ve been wondering where you disappeared to.’

  Megan laughed as she came up to Kate’s side and lowered her arm, catching Viv’s warm smile. ‘I know, it’s crazy busy, though. Every time I’ve walked over to chat with you, someone’s stolen you first to talk about paintings!’ She reached out and readjusted Kate’s diamante neckline that had caught upon itself. ‘You look gorgeous in that dress, by the way – so pleased you’ve finally worn it.’

  ‘Thanks. I’m glad I made the effort now, especially given that there’s so many influential people here.’ Kate watched as Megan nodded her head excitedly. ‘I know – Marcus was just telling me that he saw the arts editor of the Telegraph earlier.’

  ‘Goodness me, that’s wonderful news,’ Vivian said, nodding her head approvingly.

  ‘I know – it is, isn’t it, Viv,’ Megan agreed, rubbing her hands together. ‘Let’s hope he’s impressed. Be lovely to see Kate get a nice review in the paper, wouldn’t it?’

  Intrigued by Megan’s flushed cheeks and sparkling eyes, Kate studied her friend more closely, noticing the radiance and how her actions were unusually larger than life. ‘Listen, sorry we’ve not had a proper chance to catch up yet.’
br />   Megan waved her away. ‘Don’t be silly, it’s your night – you’ve got to network, hun. Make the most of it.’ She looked to Viv for approval. ‘Anyway, I’ve been with Marcus and the others.’

  Kate took a sip of wine. ‘Good, Marcus will look after you. He’s good company – mind you, I haven’t had a proper chance to catch up with him yet, either.’ She noticed Megan’s eyes dart towards Vivian and wondered if she’d missed something. ‘By the way, have you sorted things with Michael or ..?’

  She watched as Megan, flushed to a deep crimson, her eyes bulging slightly. ‘Erm, well.’ Her glance shifted towards Vivian again, who lowered her eyes, causing Kate to do a double-take. ‘The thing is…’

  ‘What’s going on? You’re both acting strange. Have I missed something?’ Kate asked, suddenly anxious as she caught Megan’s eyes flitting towards Vivian for a third time.

  ‘Go on, darling, you might as well tell her. She obviously hasn’t noticed yet,’ the older woman encouraged, ignoring Kate’s perplexed stare.

  Megan swallowed, clearing her throat and feeling unusually self-conscious. ‘The thing is, Kate, things have kind of developed with Marcus…’ She tailed off, uncomfortable as Kate’s eyes widened in surprise. ‘I didn’t know how to tell you. But he was the one I was torn about….’


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