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Page 5

by Marian Tee

  “Yes. Y-you do.” Lilac’s voice became light and teasing again, clearly meant to cajole him out of his bad mood. “I was telling you earlier about how I was reading the news…Nick, you see, was invited to be a keynote speaker…there was media coverage a-and I wanted to create a scrapbook of his…photos. That was when I saw…you. And Keanne.”

  Lilac paused again, but this time it wasn’t awkward, and Jason knew she was simply giving herself time to adjust and not stammer.

  “She’s beautiful, your Keanne.”

  A thread of unease wove around him at the words. Suddenly, it did not feel right to discuss Keanne with Lilac, like it was an act of betrayal that he should know better than to indulge in.

  And yet – that couldn’t be, could it?

  How was it that talking to Lilac could be a betrayal?

  Keanne might be in love with him, but Jason had never returned the words. He did not owe her anything.


  He heard himself saying, “This time, I really have to go. To Keanne. It’s her first day of classes today and I promised I’d drive her to C.U.”

  “Oh. Okay.” If a part of him had hoped she would sound jealous, then it was doomed to be disappointed. “Please say hi for me…and Nick.”

  His heart twisted. Her…and Nick.

  Reid’s words came back to him. She’s not for you.

  Keanne’s impassionate cry echoed in his brain. She will never be yours.

  He wanted to smash something.

  Fuck them all.

  They didn’t understand a fucking thing.

  They didn’t understand that he knew – that he had always known Lilac wasn’t ever meant to be his.

  They didn’t understand that it didn’t matter. Something drew him to Lilac, and even now that invisible cord was strong as ever. Something that might never break…even if it meant loving her from afar for the rest of his life.


  “You cannot keep doing this.” Nick Christakos’ voice was soft but curt as he gathered Lilac in his arms. He had entered their bedroom, taken one look at her, and knew she had been talking to his twin again.

  Her arms wrapped around him as he hauled her into his lap.

  “He needs me. You…know that.”

  Yes, he fucking knew that. He also knew that he owed his twin a lot, that there was no way he could ever repay Jason’s sacrifice for him. His twin did not have to tell him anything for Nick to know that Jason had given up something precious in order to make sense of the past.

  Once upon a time, he had been a broken man, believing only that his childhood love could ever love him. Because he had clung to this belief desperately, he had hurt Lilac endlessly, constantly putting the needs of his former lover above Lilac’s. It was only when Jason discovered the truth about Karla Niall’s betrayal that the veil of deception was torn away from Nick’s eyes.

  Karla Niall, the woman he had thought saved him from death so many years ago, the woman he had asked to marry was also the same woman who had sold him to his attackers.

  He looked down at the girl in his arms, whose love had been the result of Jason’s selfless action. Jason had somehow found a way to make their stepmother Beatrice Crichton talk, and it had been her testimony that put Karla behind bars and Davos – the man who had paid drug junkies to violate Nick when he was a teenager – on the run.

  Nick said harshly, “I love my brother, Lilac, but you are the most important thing to me in this world.”

  She cupped his cheek lovingly. “I feel the same…about you. You know…that.” A tear escaped her eye, trailing down one smooth cheek, and she wiped it away impatiently. “Nick, you and I both know…Jason’s hurting. If talking to him helps…you know I can’t…turn my back on him.”

  “He will keep loving you if you keep talking to him.” Jealousy and understanding warred inside Nick. He did not want Jason to be hurting, but he was never going to share his woman with anyone – not even his twin. Lilac was his soul mate, and without her he was nothing.

  Lilac slowly shook her head. “No. I…d-don’t think so.” Her head cocked to the side as a thoughtful frown creased her forehead. “You k-know Keanne Summers?”

  Nick was startled to hear the name on Lilac’s lips. “I’ve known her for years,” he admitted, careful not to let his voice reveal how much he did know. Jason had not shared with him the particulars, but the clues had all been there. Keanne Summers had a dark past, and it had made Jason feel very protective towards her, so much so that even Nick had rarely been invited to spend time with the two when they were together.

  She had been like his twin’s little shadow when she was younger, but over the years she had become something more.

  Nick had thought she would always be Jason’s friend, but looking into Lilac’s eyes, the truth slowly dawned on him.

  “Jason and Keanne?”

  She gave him a tremulous smile. “I p-pray it’s so. You know how Jason never…runs out of things to say? But with Keanne…it’s different. He’s different.”

  The more he thought about it, the more it made sense. “He still thinks he is in love with you.”

  Color flushed her lovely cheeks. “I have seen her…photos. She’s…not…” Her nose wrinkled. “She’s not…like me. I'm too meek. She will make Jason realize…she’s the woman for him.” Her eyes flew to him and her lips curved into a slight smile. “Like I know…I’m the woman for…you.”

  Just like that and he was hot for her. In mere seconds, he had her horizontal, Lilac shrieking in surprise at the speed with which he had gotten both of them naked.

  She was breathless with the feel of his heavy weight over her, and she couldn’t keep herself from whimpering when his fingers found her core. A few flicks, and she was more than wet for him.

  He kissed her hard and she welcomed it, kissing him back. When he lifted his head, there was an implacable expression on his face. “You are my world, Lilac. I won’t ever give you up to Jason even if he’s the better man between us.”

  Oh Nick.

  Placing her hands on his shoulders, she let her fingers drift to his nape and caressed the tender skin. She smiled lovingly when he shuddered at her touch. “There is no better man,” she said very gently. “You are simply…the only…man for me. Just as Jason may be…the only man…for Keanne, and her the only…woman for him. It’s just a matter of time…”

  His expression did not ease. “Just so we are clear, manari mou. You are mine.” And not giving her a chance to answer, he pushed his cock into her welcoming warmth, making Lilac moan in surprised pleasure.

  Chapter Six

  Keanne stomped her foot in frustration as Jason Christakos finally reached her side. Dressed in a gray buttoned shirt partially open to reveal a golden expanse of chest and tight-fitting jeans, Jason looked so much hotter than she remembered, causing her to swallow.

  It was her first time to see him again after their unholy pact at the auditorium four nights ago. Every night, she had tossed and turned, wondering what would happen next. She had imagined all sorts of things, but none of it came close to the truth.

  Jason bent down to kiss her cheek, and she automatically raised her head to meet him halfway like she always did. It was not, however, his usual kind of kiss, and Keanne’s breath caught in her throat at the way his lips seductively lingered on her cheek.

  His scent teased her, but she did not let his nearness and sheer attractiveness make her forget the most important thing.

  “You made me wait,” she accused him. He was supposed to be at her house thirty minutes ago.

  Jason’s eyes flashed, the scorching-hot emotion in it making Keanne’s toes curl. An arrogant smirk then formed on his lips as he said simply, “Yes. I did. In more ways than one, do you not agree?” The way he was looking at her left no doubt to the message in his words.

  He was not just admitting that he had deliberately made her wait for him to drive her to Christopoulos University.

  He was also admitti
ng to making her wait for his kiss, his touch, his possession.

  The way he was looking at her now told Keanne that he believed she had been frustrated when he made her wait.

  And damn it, he was right!

  She choked, unable to believe that Jason was being so…so wicked.

  As Keanne visibly tried to recover from the shock of his words – and he had no problems admitting that he had intended to shock her – Jason took his sweet time studying her. She was so vibrantly beautiful, with her shining golden hair cascading down her back, her eyes shooting silver fire at him, and her curvy little body barely covered in a white dress with spaghetti straps.

  His face hardened, a fierce rush of dislike rising inside him at the thought of having other men see so much of Keanne’s body. It was a strange feeling to feel so possessive towards his little dove. When she had grown out of her shell, turning from a broken duckling into a strong and beautiful swan, Keanne had captured hearts wherever she went. She had always been a provocative witch, dressing herself in the sexiest outfits that somehow always felt more playful than garish.

  Then, it had not bothered him. Then, he had only been amused at the way she took all the admiring glances in stride.

  Now, it did not amuse him. Now it bothered him – a lot.

  “You need to change your clothes.”

  “No, I don’t,” she rejected without hesitation.

  His teeth clenched together as he snapped, “Do you want every boy staring at you?”

  An impish smile appeared on her lips, and at that moment he was reminded of the fact that Keanne was just as good as he was at teasing. “Not really,” she told him demurely. “I only just want one man staring at me, and that’s you.”



  “Change your fucking clothes, Keanne.”

  “Only if you say I’m your girlfriend.” The words came out before she could stop them, and Keanne could have kicked herself as she saw the flirtatious look in his eyes disappear, replaced by something bleak.

  “It’s not that easy, Keanne.”

  Actually, it was. But she knew better than to say it aloud. She loved Jason, and therefore she knew him better than he realized.

  Even though her heart ached, Keanne made herself say lightly, “Shall we go? I don’t want to be late for my first day.”

  The ride to Christopoulos University was spent in nerve-wracking silence, Keanne cursing herself all the time. This was her fault. When, oh when would she learn to think before she spoke? She was so terribly impatient it was just not funny. If she wanted Jason to fall in love with her, she had to remember to be more strategic and not keep pushing him.

  Say I’m your girlfriend.

  The words played in his mind as he drove. Even though he did not want to, he found himself comparing Keanne to Lilac.

  Lilac would never have said something like that. It was just not in her nature to do so. If anyone had spoken the words, she would have sounded pathetic and desperate to be Jason’s girlfriend. But when Keanne said it, the words did not seem to make her less any proud. If anything, it made her seem prouder, someone so wonderfully courageous and confident that she had no problems wearing her heart on her sleeve.

  When they reached her school, Jason had no problems finding a vacant spot. One was already reserved for him since he was friends with Derek Christopoulos, whose family owned the university.

  When he opened the car door for her and took her hand, it was cold and clammy. “Dio! You feel as cold as death!”

  Keanne glared at him, but her lips were bloodless with fear.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She shook her head.

  “Answer me!”

  Keanne looked away as she confessed hoarsely, “I’m terrified.” She tried to pull her hand away from his. He didn’t let go, and she was secretly glad that he didn’t.

  “Tell me why.”

  She said in a shamed whisper, “I’m worried that there’d be people from my old school here. And that they’d tell everyone about---” Her words were cut off when Jason’s arms went around her and Keanne suddenly found herself pressed against his chest.

  She was stiff with shock, unable to believe that he was embracing her in such a public place. They had always been affectionate with each other, but not like this – not in such a blatantly open environment.

  Even without looking around her, she could feel all gazes on her – on them, and those gazes did not feel friendly.

  “Jason, let go of me,” she said unconvincingly.

  His arms only tightened. “In a moment.”

  She looked up at him, bewildered.

  “I want everyone here to see that you are mine.” His voice became chilly. “And so anyone who hurts you…hurts me.”

  It was a great line, enough to make her want to cry, which she didn’t want to do in a public place. And so she said almost waspishly, “You sound like a bad actor playing the role of a Mafia lord.”

  He slowly loosened his hold, just enough for him to step back so Keanne could see him smirk. “And I know you well enough to understand those words are merely your way of not wanting to appear weak in front of these idiots.”

  Her fingers curled against his chest. “Tell me it will be okay.”

  Her words wiped the amusement from his lips. She was truly afraid, and it hit him raw. He didn’t want her to be afraid of anything. He couldn’t bear seeing it. He needed her to be strong.

  “Remember your promise, Keanne?”

  Her eyes shot up to him. “Y-yes?”

  “Then I command you to not be afraid.” His voice was again that strange and irresistible mixture of steel and silk, a velvety order that promised the sweetest pain and the most agonizing pleasure.

  Finally, the word came to her.


  Oh my God, Jason Christakos was a Dom.

  When Jason saw her eyes widening in surprise, her fear completely forgotten at the realization that hit her, he answered the questions in her gaze with a razor-sharp smile, one that did not promise gentleness or tenderness. No, his smile promised Keanne everything of him – every damn possessive and dominant cell that made up the real Jason Christakos, the one he kept ruthlessly hidden beneath his charming and easygoing persona.

  She swallowed convulsively. “You’re…” Oh my God, she just couldn’t believe it.

  He answered silkily, “Yes.”

  Her mouth opened and closed several times.

  “You said you loved me, Keanne.”

  His purring voice made her wet, embarrassingly so. They were in the middle of a public parking lot, surrounded by hundreds of college students – most of whom probably recognized both of them. And yet somehow none of it made any difference to her.


  Jason Christakos. A Dom. It was so freakishly sexy she could barely contain herself just thinking about what that meant.

  “Do you? Do you love me, Keanne?”

  “You know I do,” she whispered.

  “Then you will do what I ask you to?”


  “You will no longer be afraid.”


  “You will only think of me if you start to feel fear crawling back into your heart, and you will not be afraid anymore. You have me in your corner, Keanne.” He was not being boastful and she knew it. He was Jason Christakos, after all. If she had him in her corner – and it did seem she had – then there really was nothing to be afraid of.

  “Do you understand, Keanne?”

  “Yes,” she whispered again. The way Jason was staring at her with such blatant possessiveness made her feel faint. She knew he wasn’t in love with her yet – or at least he didn’t think he was. But even so, there was something in his gaze that made her hope. He had never looked at her this way in the past – like he wanted to own her and keep Keanne under lock and key forever.

  Oh, if only.

  “Later,” he said quietly, “I will fetch you


  “I will take you home. My home.” He paused, his eyes holding hers captive, brilliant blue eyes demanding acquiescence from her, and she surrendered to him without a struggle.

  She said simply, “I will do anything you want, Jason. I love you.”

  Chapter Seven

  Merde. Did he really mean this?

  She gazed at Jason’s message in consternation. What kind of idiotic game was he playing?

  Keanne: Do you really mean this?

  Jason: Yes.

  His curt answer made Keanne want to strangle him. She was pretty sure it was deliberate, too. Jason had always been like that, acting like it was his God-given mission to pull her down a peg or two and make sure her feet were firmly on the ground.

  Silly old man, Keanne thought. Didn’t he know that his indifference to her love all these years had always kept her humble? It was hard to be proud when the man you loved didn’t really see you as a woman.

  Her finger moved down the screen of her phone to pull up Jason’s earlier messages. She knew what he had written, but she just found it too incredible that she needed to read it again.

  Jason: Choose a man that you are attracted to and you believe I will approve of. Ask him out. Today.

  A painful twinge hit her in the heart, and it kept aching as she re-read his message. Before she knew it, she was already typing a reply.

  Keanne: Why?

  Jason: Because you need to realize that there are better men than me for you.

  Keanne almost threw her phone away in frustration at his reply. How was it that he could make her love and hate him at the same time? Merde. He was so damn complex! She almost wished he was an ordinary man – it would have been so much easier to make him love her. But she did not really wish it because she knew an ordinary man would not have been able to protect her and make her strong the way Jason Christakos did.

  A fist rapped on her table and she looked up, blinking in confusion.

  The guy seated next to her said impatiently, “The professor’s calling you.”


  Keanne’s head swung back to the professor, a middle-aged bespectacled man with a frown on his face. The frown did not terrify her. She knew his type. She was willing to bet he was just a big softie inside.


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