Wolf at Her Door: BBW Paranormal Romance

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Wolf at Her Door: BBW Paranormal Romance Page 10

by Liliana Rhodes

  Sitting on the couch with the throw blanket across his lap was Callen. He was naked except for the blanket and when our eyes met, he looked away.

  "Don't tell me it's true?" I asked as I walked over to him.

  He shook his head. I tried to meet his gaze, but he wouldn't look at me.

  "I was hoping it wouldn't come to this," he said. "I cannot lie to you as much as I wish I could right now."

  "So you did?"

  A pain shot through my chest and the room lost its air. Slowly, my memories of that night played through my head. I remembered coming home that night to the lights and the yellow police tape. Gavin telling me Pop was gone. Gavin comforting me as I collapsed.

  How could the man of my dreams be the killer?

  I dropped into the one piece of furniture that reminded me of my father, the recliner. I couldn't look at Callen. I didn't want to.

  "Please leave," I said.

  He didn't say a word as he rose from the couch. I turned away as he left the blanket on the couch and headed towards the door.

  "I know it doesn't make sense, but I only did it because I love you," he said.

  The thud of the door closing felt like losing my father all over again. I couldn't cry though, I was too numb. I got up and curled up on the corner of the couch and pulled the blanket towards me. It was still warm from his body, and it had his musky scent. I held it close as I closed my eyes and tried to shut out the rest of the world.

  Chapter Eight


  Having torn my clothes after shifting, I left Heather's and changed back to my wolf form. I needed a run so I sprinted towards the woods. I couldn't tell her the truth. I promised her father I wouldn't, and I was a man of my word.

  As I ran through the forest, the low branches of the trees whipped against me as I rushed past. I didn't know how far I went or if I was running in circles, but the ground changed from solid dirt to a thin, sandy mixture. It wasn't the first time I had run in the Pine Barrens, but the strange softness beneath my paws always surprised me.

  The dry, sandy earth made it harder to gain traction so I slowed down. Ahead, I noticed a path and weaved through the tall trees to follow it as I looked for an area to rest.

  I couldn't get Heather out of my mind. I didn't know how she would forgive me for what I did. If she knew the truth, she would understand.

  As I played out scenarios in my mind to get Heather back to me, I heard the sound of footsteps crunching dried leaves. Lifting my snout, I took several short sniffs of the air. It was definitely a human female. I was never wrong. I moved closer to the trees and slowed my pace even more. It was late, and I was in the middle of the Pine Barrens. No human in their right mind would be in the woods alone. I was curious what they were doing here.

  Through the trees, I spotted a woman in her thirties with long blonde hair. She was dressed in black, and dangling from her arm was a basket where she was placing berries and leaves she was collecting. I had spent enough time with Gracelin to recognize this was a witch.

  I crept slowly, not wanting to frighten her. I didn't mean her any harm. Normally I would have continued on my way, but she had a shifter's scent all over her. She was obviously someone's mate. It intrigued me that a shifter would let their mate wander the woods alone. It seemed dangerous. I wondered if he was nearby, too.

  Moving through the trees, I entered the path in the direction she was heading. Her eyes flicked towards me, then back at the dark red berries she was picking.

  "Oh hello," she said. "I don't think I've seen you around before."

  I entered the trees and shifted into my human form, not wanting to appear naked in front of her.

  "I'm Callen MacCulloch," I said. "I hope you don't mind my intrusion. I didn't expect to find a human out here on her own. Is your mate close?"

  "No, he had to work late. He doesn't know I'm here," she said, laughing. "I know how you shifters are so overprotective, but sometimes you need to realize we're not as weak as you think."

  "I don't have to know your mate to tell you we don't protect the women we love because we think they're weak," I said. "It's usually because we find you so strong that we fall in love."

  "Really?" she said as she stopped what she was doing to look towards my voice. She set her basket down and then slipped a small backpack from her shoulders, unzipped it, and pulled out some clothing. Covering her eyes, she held the clothes out towards me. "Get dressed so we can chat. I want to hear more. I'm Faith, by the way."

  Stepping out from the cover of the trees, I took the clothing from her and unfolded them. They were a pair of work out pants and a t-shirt. Both items were black.

  "Nice to meet you, Faith. Do you always walk around with an extra set of clothing?" I asked as I pulled the clothing on.

  "It's something that comes in handy more often than you'd think," she said with a laugh. "Come this way, there's a fallen tree up ahead where we can sit."

  She picked up her basket and I followed her along the path to a grassy clearing. In one corner, I could barely make out the outline of a house that once stood there. Faith set her things down and sat cross-legged in the grass. I sat on the trunk of a tree that looked like it had fallen long ago.

  "Okay now, so tell me," she said. "You guys really don't think we're silly, weak creatures who are always getting into trouble?"

  "Well, I think almost everyone is a silly, weak creature. Shifters included," I said, laughing. "But seriously, no. I can guarantee that if you ask, you'll see that's far from the truth. Yes, we're overprotective, but it's only because we don't want to lose those we've taken so long to find."

  I looked down as I thought about Heather telling me to leave earlier.

  "So why are you here and not protecting your mate? Did you have a fight?" she asked.

  "I guess you can call it that," I said. "She told me to leave. It's complicated."

  "And I'm sure you didn't do anything at all to upset her," she said, laughing.

  Her smile quickly changed as confusion crossed her face. Then she winced and grabbed her head as she closed her eyes tightly.

  "Are you okay?" I asked, rushing over and kneeling next to her.

  Keeping her eyes closed, she grabbed my hand and squeezed it tight. Pain shot through my head for an instant then the world drifted away and went black, surrounding me in darkness.

  Slowly, the blackness lightened and cobbled stone streets appeared before me. When I realized Faith was still holding my hand, I turned and looked at her, knowing I had the same look of confusion I saw on her face.

  The lit street lamps were kerosene and cast shadows on stone buildings with tall gabled roofs that cut into the nighttime sky. No one else was around. Although I didn't know where we were, I knew we weren't in Leeds Point anymore.

  A cool breeze blew past with the soft scent of roses mixed with heather. There was only one place and one person who carried that scent. I let out a sigh of relief.

  "Gracelin?" I said quietly.

  A shuffling sound came from behind Faith and I. I turned around and saw an elderly woman in a black cloak with her hood up. Long grey wisps of hair peeked out from the hood. Faith let out a gasp and covered her mouth with her hands.

  "You've never seen a banshee before, have you?" I said with a smile.

  As I walked over to Gracelin, she lowered her hood and spread her arms wide for me. I held her tight as we hugged, then kissed both her cheeks.

  "I got lucky when I tracked you down with a witch," she said. "But this doesn't last for very long so we don't have a lot of time."

  "You know each other?" Faith said as she came closer.

  "Yes, Faith. This is Gracelin. She's family. She's the closest thing I have to a grandmother," I said.

  "You don't know your family?" Faith asked as she grabbed my arm.

  "My mother raised me with Gracelin's help. I never met anyone else from my family until recently, when my parents found each other."

  Faith was rapt. She looked fro
m me to Gracelin sweetly with her eyes wide. I could tell she had a lot of questions, but now wasn't the time to answer them.

  "We don't have much time," Gracelin said. "I saw what happened at Heather's. That was Niall in that man. He's let his soul join with a demon."

  "Niall? Is he in Leeds Point?" I asked.

  "Not yet, he must have been drawn to that man for some reason, and he was able to send his spirit to overtake him. You're lucky he was weakened."

  "How do you know Gavin was weakened?"

  "The blue eyes," Gracelin said. "Just as your eyes can glow amber when you're in wolf form, when a person has bonded or is attacked by a demon, you'll see their eyes glow red. But when an angel uses their power over a demon, it'll turn the demon's eyes blue."

  I remembered seeing Gavin's eyes glowing blue when I attacked. I wondered why he didn't fight back, why he was frozen, and now I had my answer.

  I turned away from Gracelin and Faith as I thought about what happened earlier that night. What I told Faith was true. I didn't know her, but I was sure her love saw her the same way I saw Heather. Heather was far from weak, but I didn't want anything bad to happen to her. I wanted to do anything I could to protect her. And six months ago, I made a choice to help a man who felt the same way. Hearing Gracelin's words, I realized Abram's sacrifice wasn't in vain.

  "What happens when it's not just Niall's spirit?" I asked. "What happens when he's there in the flesh?"

  Gracelin smiled wistfully and transformed into her young woman form. It was the form she used to play with me as a child and when she traveled with my mother and I. But I knew her well enough to know she also changed into that form when she was remembering Niall. Despite everything, she still loved him.

  "I don't know," she said, turning away from me. "He's older than both you and Bran. That makes him even more powerful even without the help of the demon."

  "So you're saying there's no hope?" I asked. "My mother and Bran are together right now. Their love flies in the face of the very curse Niall is protecting. Heather and I are apart so she's safe from him, but what about my parents?"

  "That's why I used Faith," Gracelin said. "I needed to speak to you. I had to warn you and Ainsley. I was on my way to Leeds Point, but Niall is blocking me. I don't know where he is, but he's coming."

  "Then we have to get back now," I said. "I have to tell them they're in danger."

  "What can I do to help?" Faith asked.

  "Stay with him," Gracelin said. "I'm bonded to Callen and his mother Ainsley. I can always see them, just as I can see Niall if he doesn't block me. If you're near either of them, I can speak to you or even pull you to me like I'm doing now."

  "Can you give me a warning or something next time?" Faith said with a grin.

  Gracelin laughed. "I'm sorry, my dear. I didn't realize what a powerful witch you were. Now I know," she said as she took Faith's hand and patted it. Gracelin then turned to me and patted my cheek. "Callen, I know you're hurting right now, but trust me, things will work out. Heather will begin to remember more of your past together. You'll be together again soon."

  "And what about Niall? Is he the one who kills her this time?" I said angrily.

  I didn't know what was worse, knowing Heather was alive and not with me, or having to see her die yet again. Gracelin was keeping secrets. She knew something, and I suspected her love for Niall was protecting him.

  Taking Faith's hand again, I kissed Gracelin on the cheek. I understood too well how love could make someone do the wrong thing. Love had the power to make even the worst decisions seem right.

  "Send us back," I said. "Get us as close to my mother's as possible."

  Gracelin put her hand up and smiled before a mist covered the small town and wrapped Faith and me in darkness. I had to take care of my family, but my mind kept drifting back to Heather. If Niall was coming for my parents, I wanted Heather as far away from him as possible. Maybe our being apart was a blessing in disguise.

  It was darker and later in Leeds Point than when we left. My mother's stone-faced cottage was ahead of us, and I pointed it out to Faith before we headed towards it. I wasn't sure what to expect, but I was glad Bran was there to protect my mother.

  Oddly, as we approached the cottage, my mind returned to Heather more and more. Was that her scent? I felt my soul pulling me like it did whenever she was alive again. My instincts told me she was close, but it wasn't possible. I had to be out of my mind. Love was finally making me crazy, but if crazy meant feeling like Heather was near, I welcomed the insanity.

  Chapter Nine


  Moaning loudly, I woke myself up. I blinked, trying to figure out where I was, until I realized I was still on the couch in the same spot Callen had sat earlier.

  That was some dream, I thought. But I knew better. I had been having dreams like that for years now. My dreams would take me to different times and places, but the one constant in them was the man, my dream guy. And now he had a name, Callen MacCulloch.

  I couldn't explain how Callen stepped out of my dreams, but I knew that's why I was so drawn to him. I felt like I knew him because he'd been in my dreams for so long. But why? And how was that possible?

  I picked up my cell and noticed a missed call from Viv. Tapping the screen, it dialed her back. I knew it was late but she wouldn't care.

  Viv mumbled something unintelligible as she answered.

  "Sorry for waking you, Viv," I said. "But I really need to talk."

  "Is everything okay? I tried calling but when you didn't answer, I thought maybe he was showing you a grrrrrreat time," she said as she laughed.

  "No, Gavin showed up. It's a long story and I promise to tell you everything soon, but I just...I don't know."

  "Seriously, Heather. If you don't spill it right now, I'm going to have to kill you. What's going on?"

  "It's about Callen, the grrr guy you sent over here," I said. "I can't get him out of my mind. It's like I've known him forever, maybe longer if that's possible. I keep feeling like we're supposed to be together."

  "So what's the problem? Give Gavin his walking papers and get your happily ever after with Callen."

  "Gavin and I are done. If you only knew the night I had tonight, Viv. And I want to tell you everything, but it needs to wait. There just isn't time."

  "Take a deep breath, honey, okay? Because you're not making any sense."

  I took a deep breath and replayed everything in my mind. Something in me was telling me to find Callen, to go to him. My gut was telling me he needed me. But how could I? He killed my father. Why don't I hate him?

  Find him.

  My father's voice floated through my head.

  "I'm sorry, Viv. I know I'm not making any sense. I'm probably just tired. I'll call you tomorrow."

  "You sure? I can come over if you want."

  "I'm sure. Thanks for listening to me. I think I know what I have to do."

  "What are you going to do?" she asked.

  "What I should've done six months ago. I'm going to listen to my father."

  "I have no idea what you're talking about," she said. "But like I've always said, your dad would never steer you wrong."

  I hung up and headed to the door then stopped. I had no idea how to find Callen. I didn't know where he lived. Did he even live in Leeds Point?

  I walked over to the corner of the living room to the small desk in the corner. The large screen came to life and I opened up a browser to start my search. I always joked I could find anything on the Internet. Now was my chance to prove that.

  I typed in 'Callen MacCulloch' and got over 38,000 results. I didn't have time for that, I had to move quickly. I didn't know why I was in such a rush to find him, but Pop always told me to listen to my gut. Right now my gut said to find Callen now.

  I added 'NJ' to the search and two results popped up on the screen. One had an address in Leeds Point, but said it belonged to an Ainsley Drummond MacCulloch. I stared at the name for a while. What were t
he chances that someone with the same last name wouldn't know him? They had to be slim.

  "Pop, I really hope you can hear me," I said as I turned to face the room. "I want to be with him. I can't explain it, but I think I love him. I know him, I've known him forever. But I need to know why he killed you. I can't be with him until I know that."

  I entered the address into my phone's GPS and grabbed my car keys. I wasn't going to sit around and wait for him to find me. I had enough with waiting around for my dream guy.

  I drove practically in a trance as I followed the directions on my phone. As I pulled up in front of a small cottage-style house, I wondered how I managed to get there. I could hardly remember driving.

  My mind was on Callen. I had to get there. I needed him to tell me why he killed my father. There had to be a reason for what he did to him.

  I knew it was late, but I rang the doorbell anyway. After a minute, I heard footsteps inside the house. My heart was racing so fast I thought it was going to jump out of my chest. I chewed my lip nervously and wrung my hands as I waited for the footsteps to reach the door and open it.

  The tall door opened and across from me was a woman a little older than me in a plaid robe with a thick sash around her waist. She was beautiful with wild red hair and eyes the same color green as Callen's. I thought she looked familiar, but I couldn't place her. Before I knew what was happening, she threw her arms around me and hugged me tight.

  "It's been so long, Heather," she said. "Where's Callen? He didn't even tell us he found you."

  "I'm sorry, who are you?" I said.

  She laughed. "I'm Ainsley, his mother."

  Chapter Ten


  Ainsley seemed so happy to see me, it didn't even bother me that she kept hugging me. With her arms around me, she brought me into the house and we sat on a soft brown couch.

  "If Callen didn't bring you, then how did you get here?" she asked.


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