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Passion in Portland 2016 Anthology

Page 69

by Anthology

  As if she realizes what she just said, she apologizes to me. “I didn’t mean any offense. I liked working on the video you guys did. I just thought I would work on some movie sets, get to see the scenes get acted out to watch it all unfold right there. I mean do you know how many popular books are being made into movies right now. I’m not just talking about sparkly vampires either, there’s some really sexy movies coming, and I just thought that if I was there in Seattle I’d get picked for the movies.”

  Turning she flops on the bed looking defeated. I don’t know how to help but I can at least offer, “Do you want me to see if I can help you get moved to a movie set?

  She shakes her head, “No. It’s fine really. I’m just going to move back home for a while. There’s a lot going on and with the holidays coming it will be good to be home. I’m working on some other stuff and I’m hoping that my brother’s new girlfriend can help me. Maybe I can get something fun lined up for next summer, she’s still in school and she seems like the serious student type so I don’t think she will take a semester off to hang out or anything.”

  “You get along that well with her then?”

  I don’t know why I’m asking questions. Questions only lead to this conversation getting drawn out and that means she’s going to continue to talk. As only she can, the words keep spewing from her mouth and just as I’ve stopped listening she’s up on her feet spinning around to show me a dance move.

  It could be the way she wiggles, but her words get my attention. “So I went back to brush up on my pole dancing techniques. I thought it would make me more marketable…”

  There is no way I want her working a pole in some sleazy club somewhere. “Oh hell no!”

  She stops, turning to look at me. “What?”

  “I don’t want you working in some sleazy club letting guys grope at you for a few bucks. I’ll help you find something.”

  She covers her mouth with her hand as she laughs. Maybe this is overstepping what we have but she doesn’t belong in a strip club.

  She crosses over to me and leans in placing her hands on my chest before she gives me a quick kiss. “Thanks but I’m not really the stripper type. I haven’t taken dance lessons in a long time but I did take some pole dancing classes. I just thought Kyle could maybe help me round out a routine and we could try being showgirls or something.”

  “Who’s Kyle?”

  She raises an eyebrow at me; I guess that did sound a little jealous. She pats me as if to sooth me. “Kyle is my brother’s girlfriend. She danced in high school and I found all these videos of her. She was really good and I just thought that in a few weeks when I meet her, if I practiced enough maybe she would be willing to work with me. There’s nothing recent of her, but I figured she’s away at college so maybe I can talk her into trying it with me. I think she’s going to come home with him for the holidays, or maybe I can go visit them. I don’t know I haven’t worked out the details yet. My brother tends to be somewhat of a bore, but this is his first girlfriend in a few years and he seems pretty serious her.”

  Having already satisfied her, she seems to be back to her usual self as she talks faster than any normal human can listen. It’s easiest to just agree, I don’t know her brother or the girlfriend either. Knowing that she’s going to be back east can work for me. I still need a date for my sister’s wedding.

  She goes off to the bathroom before I’ve had a chance to ask her though. I can always bring it up on the phone. I settle back on the bed to wait for her while she’s in the bathroom. On the bedside table her phone begins to ring. She doesn’t reappear to check before the call goes to voicemail. She’s still in the bathroom when the phone rings a few minutes later. After two rings it stops, the pattern continues and I figure that someone really needs to talk Heather.

  I call out to her but she doesn’t seem to hear it through the door. “Heather your phone keeps ringing.”

  Just then it starts to ring again. I pick up the phone and see that the caller is Lisa, I don’t know who Lisa is but I answer so that she will stop calling.


  It’s a surprise when a male voice responds, “Who’s this?”

  “Who is this?”

  The bathroom door is still closed, so she must not have heard the phone again. It’s possible that she’s listed this guy with a female name of course she also called her brother’s girlfriend by a guy name. Maybe she hasn’t been as up front with me as I expected.

  “I just need to talk to Posey. Will you put her on?”

  This is easy enough to solve, “That’s the problem, you have the wrong number.”

  He doesn’t give up, “No, this is Posey’s phone number. Where is she?”

  Just then the door opens and Heather walks out as I tell this guy he has the wrong number. She’s removed her dress, so she’s again wearing just lace that blends in with her skin tone.

  “Why are you on my phone?”

  Explaining it away I tell her, “Don’t worry about it he’s looking for someone named Posey, so it’s a wrong number.”

  In front of me she starts talking, her words are drowned out as the guy on the phone starts asking questions. “She does this, look I need to talk to Posey Richards so whatever name she’s told you is fine I don’t care. She can call herself Heather, or Mary, or Susan, or whatever she wants to call herself. Just hand the phone to her.”

  “Is Heather your name?”

  She’s looks paler, making the lace she’s wearing stand out more. She stammers out an explanation, “I can… It’s easy enough, I can explain.”

  “Heather Richards isn’t your name?” She tries to push off my question. “Who’s this on the phone? Husband? Boyfriend?”

  I push the phone at her not even caring if it lands in her hands. She’s arguing with whoever is on the phone, but I’m not staying to get the results. I pull on my clothes ready to leave.

  “Wait Tommy, don’t go. I can explain.”

  At the door I turn to look at her. She doesn’t look like she’s about to apologize to me, and I sure don’t expect her to make excuses. It was a simple question, one that everyone should be able to answer. She shouldn’t have to think about her own name. She for sure shouldn’t be hiding behind some alias.

  “Is this where you tell me about the witness protection program? Or maybe you are trying out for one of those movie roles you wanted to see filmed. Who the hell is Posey Richards and why did you tell me you are Heather Richards?”

  She sputters not really giving an answer. “He’s my brother, not a husband and not a boyfriend. He’s my brother.”

  I cross the room moving back to where she’s standing; as I get closer she backs up like she’s afraid of what I might do to her.

  “What do you think I’m going to do Heather? Or should I call you Posey?”

  I thought she was being real with me, not just performing an act to get my attention like so many other girls. She made it seem believable that she’s with me because of me and not because I’m a rock star.

  “Yes, my name is really Posey Richards, but what does it matter? It’s only a name, a label. This is me, I’m still me.”

  “So why lie to me?”

  She breaks and starts wringing her hands together. She’s clearly frustrated or maybe embarrassed.

  “You don’t understand my family they expect me to…”

  Interrupting her I don’t want to hear her say the words but I have to. “Its money isn’t it?” I point at her, “You put on the great act, but the bottom line is money, right?”

  She doesn’t deny it. She’s like so many others, it’s all about money.

  “I thought you were different Heather, or Posey or whatever your name is.” I back away moving to the door again to make my exit, “Lose my phone number.”



  Of all the pig headed things he could say to me. 'Is it about money?'

  Of course it's about money, isn't everything about money? If you
have it you want to keep it. If you don't have it you want to get it. They say money makes the world go around, but what’s the point?

  In my experience if you have money then people treat you differently, they want to be your friend. They do this in the hope that you will give some to them, thus in their mind making their life easier. Because people always think that money makes life easier.


  No it doesn't make it easier; it just allows you to make different choices. I’ve never chosen my friends because of money, but I’ve had enough that have chosen me because of it. Even Molly treated me differently when she found out who my family was back in college. Our first semester at school was hard, sometimes she expected me to just pay for stuff, other times she would have a little money making her feel the need to show off that she had money. It was all fake and for a while we didn't like each other. It took us a while until we could see our way to being friends.

  Now, post college, we have a system that works for us. We agree to share the bills, she pays hers and I pay mine. Just like any other roommates sharing an apartment. Of course she also moved Jimmy in with us, but we still split everything half and half.

  My phone lies beside me on the bed, I know I need to call my brother back, but I just don’t want to talk to him right now. Maybe I should have turned the phone off earlier. If I had Tommy wouldn’t have felt the need to answer Nick’s repeated phone calls. Of course if my brother could mind his own business none of this would have happened.

  At first I thought Tommy was just jealous that another guy was calling. Stupid I know, I mean that’s not us. Even he should understand that I have other guy friends. It’s not like we are in a relationship or something.

  Picking up the phone, I look at the time. It’s been an hour since he left. I thought he would come back or even text me. I didn’t think he was serious about losing his number, but maybe he is.

  My little brother is a good guy; we even get along most of the time. He’s the dependable one, the one that follows the rules. He’s the one that seeks out the approval of our parents; he’s also the one that wants to take care of everything. The fact that he’s calling from Lisa’s phone is weird. I just talked to Lisa, our little sister, the other day and she’s still in the UK with our parents. Nick should be in school in Maryland.

  I dial the phone to call Nick back, even though I know I’m going to have to listen to him lecture me. I’m the one that should be mad here, but he will turn it around me.

  He answers on the first ring but I don’t give him a chance to start on me and jump at him first. "I don't know what your deal is, but was that really necessary?"

  As if he wants to prove something to me, his voice is gruff and to the point. "Get over it and just use your own name. At least you aren't a junior, a third, or even a ninth. Your name is all yours so get over it and grow up."

  Of all the people to complain about names with he is probably the worst. He doesn't have his own name; his name is the same as every other first born son in our family. I don't hide my amusement when I point out the obvious fact that it could have been me. "Whew! I dodged that bullet."

  He finally takes a breath to laughs for a minute. We both have a family name but if I was a boy, I would for sure have his name and everything that goes with it. He can't escape it, he doesn't even try though. Me, I do nothing but try to escape every chance I get.

  He understands me, he doesn’t always agree with me but he understands. This could get ugly, but when I hear him sigh I know we are done fighting. He has some other problem, that’s why he called me. He’s always been there for me; there have been a few times he had to catch me when I fell. I do the same for him, any time he needs me.

  He lowers his voice, he sounds tired, and that’s totally out of the norm for him. "Sorry if I messed up whatever you had going on. Are you dating someone? I just talked to mom and she didn't know you were dating anyone either."

  This is why some species eat their young, sure he's my brother but that should still count. Of course he’s already told my mother I might be dating someone. She’s going to have a million questions, even starting with we broke up won’t stop the questions.

  "I'm not answering that, besides he just told me to forget his number. I'm fairly sure we aren't doing anything."

  "Ok then. I need your help."

  I listen as he tells me about losing his phone and needing to talk to his girlfriend, whose number he doesn't have without the phone. It’s not funny, but it totally is to me. He’s Mr. Organized, and he doesn’t even have his girlfriend’s phone number. It’s not much but I do offer him the number of a few friends I still have still at school.

  He at first hesitates asking me about the guy from the phone. There’s not much to tell now that Tommy has walked out, I promise to tell him about it when I see him in a few weeks. He won’t forget I’ll try to distract him, in the end it won’t matter. It will all be a distant thought and just another adventure in life.

  After disconnecting the call I should have forced myself to sleep. I’m going to be miserable all day, not just from my fight with Tommy but also from being tired. I’m going to have to listen to Molly and Tabby when they tell me they were right. Why didn’t I just tell him it was a nickname?

  Standing at the window I can see the morning sun is peaking above the horizon. Any hope of sleep is long forgotten. It’s hard to decipher my feelings, I just sort of feel numb. He’s not the first guy that couldn’t deal with my issues and walked away.

  This time seems different though. Any other time I would have just shrugged it off. I would have let it go. Moved onto the next great thing in my life. What is the next great thing in my life?


  That’s how I feel, just blah. I stare out the window until the sun is so bright that it hurts my eyes. Of course it’s the sun that is causing my eyes to hurt; they’re even watering my cheeks for some reason. This isn’t me, I don’t cry about stupid stuff. I don’t do the drama that comes with relationships. The relationships I already have are enough for me, no need to go looking for more.



  Grade A asshole. That’s what I am. Actually let me correct myself, I’m a Grade A fucking asshole.

  The bar downstairs was closed when I left her room. That only left one option, mini-bar.

  At least if I would have gone to the bar there would have been a bartender to tell me to get over this. Instead my only company has been Google along with one, two, three, four… It doesn’t matter how many; there were a lot of little bottles lined up in front of me.

  It happened just last year; I thought that girl was the one. She was the one alright, the one to make money selling out my band. Now I’m suspicious of everyone and Heather or Posey...

  What the hell do I call her?

  The time on my phone has been ticking down all night. I have to be at the bus to leave in a few hours, but I need to make this right with her. How do I make it right with her after accusing her of using me? That’s what I was doing and she didn’t even try to defend herself. After looking up her real name I should have been using her all this time. What’s she doing working as a set assistant? She’s more likely to have our band paid to play for her birthday party, not run around playing set assistant for our video.

  Even our agreement doesn’t make any sense. Telling me about some fantasy, trading favors with me like she was doing something for me. She has no idea she’s every guys fantasy.

  I pick up the phone to call for room service. I can at least take her breakfast and maybe, just maybe she won’t throw me out on my ear this morning.

  Using the room key she gave me last night I let myself into their suite. Even this room should have been a signal to ask her questions. I was too wrapped up in my head to question the things around me. With a tray balanced on one hand I let the door gently close, the last thing I need is to wake up her friends. Groveling to her is going to be enough today, I don’t need an audience too

  There’s only a door standing between us, this is my only chance to make things right with her. If I leave today without doing this she won’t see me, I’m pretty sure she’ll be the one to change her number leaving me out in the cold.

  Opening the door, I’m not ready for what I find inside the room. The same room that I arrogantly walked out of just hours ago, never giving her a chance to say anything to me. She’s at the window and I can tell she hasn’t had any sleep. She must not have heard the door open, or she doesn’t care that I’m here.

  This isn’t me; I don’t mess up like this and have to grovel. She’s something special, maybe I don’t deserve her but I know I want to at least try. I clear my throat trying to alert her I’m here. She turns slowly as if she’s not surprised to see me. As if she’s almost bored that I’m here, in her space.

  Holding the tray up high as an offering, “I brought breakfast, thought maybe we could talk.”

  Behind her the drapes fall closed, she watches me without saying anything. I make my way to the table and set down the tray. She looks like she’s been up all night too; I don’t hesitate to pour us both coffees.

  “I thought maybe we could talk over breakfast.”

  “I’m not hungry.”

  It isn’t much of an answer but it’s in her voice, she’s going to keep me at a distance. Ignoring her I busy myself adding butter and jam to her toast. If nothing else it’s keeping me busy so I don’t have to look her in the eyes yet. I don’t have to tell her I know her secrets.

  She takes the cup of coffee and walks across the room to sit. We’ve never actually had a fight before; well we’ve disagreed on the phone a few times. She resolved that by hanging up and not answering her phone for a however long she was angry. So I’m not sure how this is going to go down, but she’s going to hear me out on this.

  “So tell me why Heather.” I finally look up and see that’s she’s staring into her cup like the answer is there. I’d like to think that she’s about to tell me that she’s sorry, that this was all mistake, but it can’t be that simple.


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