by Edit Torma
Laurence arrived in home front the rehearsal late in the evening again.
- H! Did you become very tired?
- Hi – Heni and the man kissed and embraced each order. They haven’t met all day because Laurence was rehearsing with the actors and they could talk only once by phone too, because that madman was nagging him at the other break what took a half an hour.
- Where is Loretta? – the man asked immediately and set towards the children’s room.
- Montana took her home how that boy promised it.
- I rather don’t even ask what was it like…
Well, you shouldn’t even ask it. But I was considering while you wasn’t at home, and I’ve got an idea. What if I talked her into leave that job?
- You’re right; anybody didn’t prohibit you from doing it.
- Quite!
- But she should pay a high price for what she does!
- I agree! – Loretta was still in Laurence’s arms when they heard something noise. It was louder and louder and was approaching towards them, then softly opened the children’s room’s door.
He was a surprised boy in his twenties. He didn’t count on they were still in the children’s room at such a time. The children already sleep when it’s getting late like this. But his conjecture was true that Laurence nor locked the door then because he was only thinking of if Loretta was really at home, at them and of he wanted to see her again and also he was tired because of the all-day rehearsal, and he also pretty made him tired by that phone conversation.
The parents were shocked while standing with the children in their arms. Heni already took the little Laurence out of the crib to guard him. David got in on the act and begun to speak:
- I heard how the mommy treated my girlfriend. If you’re giving me one of the kids, I won’t use this – he took a pistol out and pointed it at Heni. Laurence stood before his wife and answered:
- You didn’t say anything about she also has to feign to be the nice hostess.
- That’s right. But you believed I will allow anybody to nag Montana and hinder her career? Or that it isn’t the same to me who will I shoot?
- You would shoot your girlfriend’s father?! – Heni stood before Laurence.
- Who disowned her what landed her in rehab? Yes! So will you give me one of the kids or you want me to choose somebody of you?
- If we’ll give her or him to him, we’re never going to get her or him back – Laurence said.
- Yes, you said this! – Heni began to speak while she was sobbing and trembling so much that almost dropped the child.
- You know what you want – David said and shot, Laurence pushed Heni aside, hanged on to the crib and put Loretta into it. David put the pistol away and ran away. Heni shouted her husband’s name. He was still clinging to the crib but he was already kneeling on the floor and panting by the pain while the blood was oozing from his chest. His wife took his T-shirt off him and pressed it to the wound.
- Press it to this while I’m calling the ambulance! – she shouted while she ran away for her phone.
Montana was already planning to give David a piece of her mind because he kidnapped this baby again who was her father’s. She talked to him with calm voice till now to talk him out of at least this second kidnapping but in vain. She was nervously walking up and down in her flat what was furnished with pink and black furniture, when her phone rang. It was David.
- There was a little problem. We should meet – the boy said in short.
- Of course, to involve me too in your criminal-businesses! Police is surely searching you now and they’re going to find us together! – the girl began it.
- That’s not the point. However, maybe they’re already searching me but…
- How dare you kidnap your girlfriend’s father’s child without her permission at all?! – she was raging.
- Let’s stop talking about this now; we will talk it over later. Something happened what we should talk over personally… - David tried remaining calm but his voice was trembling.
- What chance has it hat they’re already searching you? – Montana asked coldly.
- I not have an idea. But it is going to be a long conversation and I don’t have enough money spend too much to this calling.
- So already money is the only thing what matters for you! You were even ready to kidnap a child for me till now, and when you are in a danger, you don’t even care about me! As far as you’re concerned they can catch us together! – the girl ticked off.
- OK, so I’ll tell you. It worked till that your father didn’t lock the door and also, I wrapped the bodyguards up too but all of them were in that damned children’s room, in the expectation of that older little girl… I claimed one of the younger ones but they didn’t give it to me so…
- Why would they give it to you?!
- I took my pistol out and pointed it at them… But they didn’t give it so I had to shoot.
- You’re not in your right mind! Why was it necessary?!
- If I didn’t do it, they didn’t trust me, they weren’t afraid of me because I was quite capable of doing everything, to your father get off you with his hysteria! – David was already shouting too.
- Congratulations, he’s surely going to love me now because I have a guy like this!
- He is going to leave you alone at least; he’s not going to bother you by try to talk you out of your job!
- And you had to shoot to reach this?! Who did you shoot at all?! – Montana asked with fear and anger in her voice.
- Your father… - the boy said as softly as it was possible.
- Who?!!! – the girl heard it but couldn’t believe her ears.
- I pointed the pistol at the girl but that stupid stood before her! – David gave excuses for this.
- How do you speak about my father?! - You also really should get off him! You know he fed up with you, why don’t you live your life wit out him and why do you guard him?! – the boy shouted.
- But you have been quite capable of shooting him! My guy is a criminal who, as an addition, kidnaps and hurts the family of his girlfriend’s father!
- You want to break with me?!!! – David asked, sounded furious.
- You have only one chance. If you’ll do something, I may forgive you for these, but only because you did these hidousnesses for me! And only maybe!
- What is this? – the boy asked with fear in his voice. He was afraid about he had to give himself up.
- You will immediately find out into witch hospital they brought dad and that how is he! Then you will immediately call me and tell it me! You understand?!
- And what to say, who I am and how I know about the events???
- It’s total the same! Invent it!
- But how to find out where he is?! – the boy got frightened again.
- I help you! Try to find what hospitals are not far away and search their phone number! I don’t believe you even can’t settle it!
- You no have an idea about what I’m feeling! I was quite capable kidnapping and gunfight for you, and then you’re talking to me that way like you never did it before!
- Just don’t tell me I should praise you for what a criminal you are! Also, I tried to talk you out of this! Didn’t you do these rather against me by chance?!
- I'm not listening it anymore. I’m calling the hospitals, and then I’ll call you back.
Heni was still sitting in the hospital’s corridor like a frightened little girl. Jenny was looking after the children. Fortunately, the older, four-year-old little girl slept at Allie tonight. Maybe she was already at home too because it was already at half past ten in the morning. But the effect of the barbiturate still hasn’t over. The doctor is going to tell her that she can go to him when it will be over. But it surely going to call the press before this – she thought. Also, she was wondering about they still haven’t arrive. Then she noticed Montana. How dare she come here???
- Hi! I said to the doctors to d
on’t allow the press to come here.
- And I’ll say the doctors don’t let you to your own father!
- Now what’s your problem???
- This all thing is your fault! Why did you come here at all? Maybe you can kill him what your guy didn’t succeed?
- He didn’t want to kill him either and both of us were happy about he survived it!
- And you didn’t even break with him because he shot your father!
- I was considering all night about if I should break with him! I haven’t even could decide because that was on my mind during it that I wanted dad to survive the operation too!
- Well, I still haven’t realized till now that you would take his interests into consideration!
- Don’t shout, it’s a hospital! By the way, you already can go in… - a doctor appeared.
- But don’t let in this bitch! – Heni softly interrupted the doctor but she was having lighting look. In spite of this, both of them set but the doctor stopped Montana to Heni go in first, she will ask the patient if he would like meet his daughter too.
Heni’s tears were flowing again on her face when noticed the man with the soaked bandage by blood, lying on the bed.
- Why didn’t you let him to shoot me? I was who brought down that criminal’s wrath on myself! – she began to speak when set down to the chair next to him.
- You also know that they didn’t even say anything about you also had to take part in this comedy. Anyway, I wouldn’t let anybody to hurt you. Mainly because you really aren’t a reason of anything – the man answered during dried Heni’s tears with his hand and was stroking her face and hair – Calm down, I’m going to stay alive, the doctors also have said that I well could manage this all thing compared to the situation – he was smiling – By the way maybe the bullet also would hit me if I let you to stand before me, anyway, you reach only my shoulders! – they were laughing – But I wanted no take chances.
- I know. Me too.
- But you see that nor happened any big trouble that way. Now, when you are here, I’m completely fine and also, I can go home soon.
- Isn’t it even hurting you?
- No, it isn’t – he set up in the bed.
- Is it surely allowed?
- I’ve told you there isn’t any misery. Come, sit here – Heni set to the edge of the bed, they embraced each other and they were kissing long – You are who I would miss the most of all the world – Laurence was smiling after they stopped it and was still stroking Heni.
- I couldn’t live without you either. I have never been afraid so much before like this.
- But you already don’t have to be afraid, nor because of the children. When the doctor left, I called one of my friends to take measures in connection with the bodyguards.
- Didn’t he inquire after why do you need so many bodyguards like this?
- I said him that I’ll tell him after they lock him up who is the reason of they are necessary. It is better till them if it’s sure that that guy won’t get it know from anybody that there are so many bodyguards at our house, maybe he would bring more criminals in the end. But I think he doesn’t want anything anymore, he sees anything he does, and we still don’t treat Montana like anything wouldn’t happen. They are necessary only for the safety’s shake while the guy is at large. I already called the police when the doctor still hasn’t come in and they haven’t even notice that I woke up.
- Did you say them also to don’t tell anybody that they are already searching for him?
- Of course. And we already have seen his look so they’re surely going to find him.
- And why didn’t the guards stop him on any occasion?
- I not have an idea about this. It came into my mind by this, Montana didn’t come in, did se?
- But she did. I met her in the corridor but I said the doctor to don’t let her in. There really can’t be big misery with you because she still didn’t come in to ask you about this and to send me out.
- They said the effect of the barbiturate lased so long that I don’t even need more rest till evening.
- So I can be here all day?
- You have to go home to the children sometimes.
- I know. When are the bodyguards going to arrive?
- Maybe already tomorrow.
- And only Jenny is guarding them till then?!
- Police also sent a bodyguard there, he is already there.
- But I still should go now, shouldn’t I?
- Stay a little bit. It’s so good that you are here – he pulled Heni to himself again and kissed her, and they said goodbye after kissing and embracing each other long again. After she left, a doctor asked Laurence if to let Montana in, but he said no of course.
Montana was crying when she rang at David’s flat.
- That’s what I cal you did it! Dad doesen’T let me to go and see him also because my dear guy shot at him, because of me! – she shouted immediately when the boy nswered the door.
- Don’t yell, they may overhear that I did it!
- You still have the cheek to deal with yourself?! You should be happy if I will stay with you at all after these!
- We agreed with each order on I will find wich hospital he is and ask how is he and I did these! – the boy set down to the sofa of the dark living-room.
- How can be so lame like this?! You did this all thing to dad make it up with me, and the situation is even worse now! What did you think, if you’ll threaten him with kidnaping his child and if you’ll shoot at him, he is going to accept me?
- If it impossible to convince him of accept you it’s necessary to settle it to at least shut up and don’t nag you.
- You want to say you wanted to kill him?!
- No. Bu tif I didn’t shoot, he believed that I’m going to let him to try to talk you out of continue your career.
- You can settle the things very well! When I make you nervous, don’t you shoot at me?! I don’t believe it!
- If I know it well, you also ticked off pretty much when you were seeing like your ex-boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend began pushing to him.
- Didn’t happen anything trouble to the girl, I only beated her up a little bit and she wasn’t in the locked bathroom too much to die of thirst or something! She wasn’t even taken to hospital! But you almost killed my father!!! Did you comprehend this?!!! Why have you got a pistol at all?! What kind of man are you?!
- If we’re at this subject, I also could tell you this.
- What are you driving at?!
- We hardly meet nowadays! You’re always busy by your job! You have sex with every kind of guy but you don’t spare time for your own one!
- It’s pretty strange, you didn’t have any problem with my occupation till now! You want dad to accept my job but you aren’t ready to this?! You were who took measures he not to quip me because of this, as an addition, you wanted it so much that you were quite capable for kidnapping his child and shooting him!
- I don’t have problem with you do porn, just with that you are a lot more with your colleagues than with me!
- I already really not going to feel like meeting you after it came out what a criminal you are! It’s also even questionable if I will forgive you for what things you did! – then Montana left and slammed the door.
Heni was in the hospital with her husband every day, almost all day. While the man was in hospital, press and his fans inquired after how he was, when she went to him and when she went home. They tried more times to get it out of her that who and why shot him but she always said that she still couldn’t tell this. One day, after she went home from the hospital, she didn’t run to the children to try to make up for the time she spended without them, while Jenny already left for a half an hour because they thought she is going to arrive come home earlier. But she went to the housekeeper who was just doing the washes in the kitchen after dinner. Heni fed up these mournful days when she always sat next to her injured husband, what r
ememberrf her of that terrible event when David wanted to kidnap one of their children again and he shoot Laurence. These days kept her in continuous tension because of this, she still hasn’t get over the shock completely, while her husband was already beyond the critical condition. But she still wanted to be next to him because they would still miss each other.
- Hi… - Heni began, sounded shy.
- What would you like? – Allyssa asked surprised. She was the thirty-year-old housekeeper, she was little and thin, and she had long, blondish-brown hair what she was wearing in a ponytail. Educating children took so much time for Heni that they haden’t enough time to meet too much, and Allyssa was even wondering because she was seeing Heni in the kitchen where only the cook and were.
- I’m sorry about you stayed alone with the children for a half an hour, I planned to come home earlier and I forgot about Jenny already left. Was there a lot of problem with them?
- No, they was only quietly sleeping.
- So that’s OK… It’s such a shame that we have lived together for so long but we still haven’t have too much time to meet. Just Heni and the little ones completely take almost all my time up. It came into my mind now that while I deal with the children and you do the housework, we could talk sometimes.
- And why did it come into your mind just now? – Allyssa laughed with wondering sound.
- I need somebody who I can talk to nowadays… - Heni said in a straightforward manner and she also felt awkward by telling something like this to someone who was almost completely stranger. Then the little ones was crying, she ran into the children’s room to them and brought them out. Allyssa just has finished washing up – Will you take one of them?
- I can really take it? – she asked while she was almost laughing – I have never taken any so little children like them.
- Of course – Heni was smiling, she explained how to do it and handed to little Laurence over her. She wanted to be in a familiar relation with Allyssa.