by Edit Torma
They couldn’t say too many good things about the plaintiff so it was conceivable that he has tried to rape somebody. During the years, Heni’s parents and Eliza completely learned English in order to can talk sometimes to Heni’s husband so they could interrogate them too. Heni and the witnesses told the same what they told at the police station and the plaintiff said the same what he said to the neighbour.
- True enough that Heni always has have such a difficult personality – her father siad – But in the end, this haven’t appeared in aggression. The things she was different than others was that she used to be such a shrinker person, she used to talk to people only a few words and that she used to invent various rules for herself and she always used to obey these. At least she used to be like this when she still used to live with us. Nowadays we haven’t met and talked to each other too many times. But I think important to tell that she never hasn’t could kill any kind of living being under no circumstances, she has rarely saied that she couldn’t deprive even an insect of its life. Anad also, she has been afraid of watching scary, bloody horror movies.
- Haven’T you experience any suspicious thing whenever when you have talked to each other or met nowadays?
- According to these few conversations, it has seemed to me that she hasn’t change too much. But I know from TV and news that she became a mature adult according to more point of views than that girlish personality she used to be when shie lived with us.
- According to what point of views?
- I can’t really tell it now but evidently some mature is necessary to bring the children up at home when her husband is on filming. But she didn’t change according to that point of view that she still is not a violent person. As an addition, when she still used to live with us, she was many times really big discussions between us but I realzed she became a bit more amicable till then.
Then it was her mother’s turn.
- Henike, my daughter has suffered a lot of torments in her life and she has reached huge achievements compared to these, instead of she would expert her anger towards her destiny to people.
- Isn’t it possible that she experted her anger with this attack?
- This doesn’t any sense to do it years later when she already hasn’t those big problems what used to be in her teenager age. She already surely got over these during the years. And also, we, Jehova’s Witnesses don’t let anybody to rank among us who is susceptible to violence or even suspicious to be a thing like this.
- Are you completely sure of Heni attecked by self-defence?
- Yes. I’m completely sure of this.
- Thank you.
It was Eliza’s turn.
- My sister used to shout to my parents many times like a raving lunatic and she used to talk to them disresrectfully when we were teenagers but I used to have to try to persuade already then very hard to hit my dob when it did something bad.
- Hasn’t she hurt anybody assaultly?
- I don’t know if anything happened like this.
- Could you tell me what liki she is now?
- We don’t meet to often and we really rarely talk to each other on telephone too but I haven’t experienced even any oral roughness either in these few occasions.
- Your parents or other else has told you she talked to very rudely to somebody neither or even threatened somebody with anything?
- No, anyone hasn’t.
It was Laurence’s turn.
- Heni is the mot wonderful creature I’ve met in the last soime decades or ever. Her lovely aurashows in her innocence and in her morality too and I can’t even imagine about her to hurt anyone. Minly that way that she hasn’t the cause of doing this either. What could be her motive?
- Mr. Fishburne, let me reminding you that the paintiff reported your wife! This is enough to bring her to court.
- I’m protesting this! Motive is really an important part of occusation – their lawyer began to speak. The judge accpted this.
- As an addition, the plaintiff recovered from his injuries but he caused a serious mental injury to my wife and the attack was self-defence because if she didn’t do it, even more trouble happened to Heni.
- What do you think, what is the more serious injury: convalesing near to death by dealing him a blow or if someone is almost raped? Provided that the attemted rape did happened at all - Heni turned her head away with tighting her lips and casting her eyes because it was so much worrying her, he was feeling it so humiliating that they were talking about this again.
- Present is much more important than past. The plaintiff is already well. But my wife still doesn’t even want to talk about the events – he looked at Heni – And look at her how much worried mood she is in by we mentioned this at all!
- Maybe she’s rather afraid about it will come out that the griveious bodily harm had no kind of prior event like this.
- So what do you explain the eyewitnesses’ evidence? – their loxyer began to speak again.
- I understand as far as your peciniary opportiunities are very good. Wha tif Mrs. Fishburne offered a lot of money to the eyewitnesses in order to confess against the plaintiff?
- I’m protesting this! You’re querying the judicial oath’s importance with this – their lawyer said. The judge reject4ed this by there have been some example to false evidence and they were naturally going to pnish this if this will come out at this time too.
- As an addition, this rape-court case is another court case. Don’t let forget that now and here Mrs. Fishburne is the defendant! – Heni smoothed her hair back, had a sigh and lowered her head by hearing the expression – By the way what do you say to the article published in news where Mr. Fishburne’s daughter who was born by his first marriage, made that statement that Mrs. Fishburne seriously endangered her health when she almost slammed the glass door to her in the living-room?
- I’m sure of it didn’t even coma into my wife’s mind that she could cause any demage to my daughter. As an addition, didn’t even happen anything. The door and she got away unharmed too. At least an accident could be by this.
- But your wife commited it by second-degree. And also, it couldn’t cause any kind of “accident’. Montana Fishburne could even bleed to death with big possibility if that glass door banged into her.
- Heni didn’t commited anything and any trouble didn’t happen to Montana.
- I have knowledge of Miss Fishburne didn’t intend this statement for a charge. I’m quating: “The only thing what could prove Heni’s possible violence is that one day when she slammed the door on me, that glass door in their living-room almost hit against me”.
- But this still happened and there even could be by this a murder through negligence or a second-degree grivous bodily harm. And this proves the defendant’s aggressive inclination.
- This one event? As an addition, didn’t happen anything and my daughter was defending my wife with this – Laurence said. They had a break at court before announcing the sentence.
- I’m so afraid! – Heni said after they left the courtroom. She was trembling and her tears were flowing.
- Calm down, it already will come to an end soon – Laurence was embracing her. They were embracing each other long time, than Heni’s family went to them.
- I didn’t count on they will can assert so much like this how violent I am. The only thing I remember of my violence that we used to quarrel with my sister when we were little girls!
- I didn’t think either they will be so bese like this but I think it will be come out that you’re right – Laurence said.
- Yes, it really seems to be that they’re going to admit that you’re right – Heni’s father began to speak – But I think you already suspect that it wasn’t so good idea to accept taking photos of you in swimsuit.
- I don’t believe it! You really think this all thing is my fault?! You defend that swine who wanted to rape me?! – his daughter was indignant.
- Jakab, don’t talk it over
now! Can’t you see what like mood Henike is in without thiw too? – her mother began to speak.
- That’s all?! That don’t talk it over now?! You also think me something bitch?! – Heni ticked off even more.
- I also worried when she accepted it because I was afraid of this all thing will be similar what Montana has done. But the photos are tasteful and comparatively restrained, as an addition, Heni acccepted it for a good cause, to help other people – Laurence guarded her.
- I think you only shouldn’t hit so big when you got away – Eliza began to speak.
- I know, I’ve ghought it over a lot of times but I had to act without thinking in that moment and the only thing what was on my mind then that I wanted to can get away – Heni answered. then they called them back into the courtroom.
Heni felt like she were will faint when she went back to her place and was waiting for the sentence. The introduction lmade her even more tense. She aldready wanted to be over of it. Later she was already hoping she will have a bit more time to get ready for the worst thing. She clinged to her chair and she was spontanously looking at the judge with begging look, she knew in vain she already couldn’t do anything. But it wasn’t even necessary. Justice won. She was innocent.
When Heni heard the word, she was feeling something of the kind after huge relief when she got to know she got her training trade school report, later her high school diploma, just the feeling was even much more powerful now than then.
- I told they’ll acquit you – Laurence was smiling at Heni when they arrived out of the courtroom. They were hurrying to reach their car before the press will begin quiestioning Heni and her famous husband.
- I don’t know how would I endure to be through years in prison, between criminals – Heni said after they’ve arrived in home.
- I would terribly miss you – Laurence answered and kissed his wife.
- And would you wait for me?
- You wouldn’t deserve to replace you only because you got to prison while you’re innocent. And I still wouldn’t want anybody else, only you – he wass stroking Heni’s face and hair and kissed her again.
Later Heni’s parents and Eliza came round to their place and they solved their disagreements too, they were taking photos with them about each other, then talking in the living-room together. They knew they weren’t going to meet through long time, but everything was OK about them, and they were going to keep connection on the internet and telephone.
- We don’t meet much oftener your family either than mine – Heni said.
- That’s right. I haven’t had too much time nowadays because of the filmings and getting ready for these.
- I wouldn’t think Montana will defend me after I slammed a door on her and I wasn’t too kind either to her when she came into the hospital to you after that shot.
- She surely did it to make it up with us. Or she maybe mentioned tha tevent to use that information against you.
- She already was conducting herself such kindly to me when she took Loretta back.
- Maybe we should give her one more chance.
- Maybe.
- But get ready for she hasn’t so innocent personality like you have. Because of her occupation, and because she really has aggressive inclinations, maybe I can’t even make it up with her either, only for a short time, if it will came up that she really wanted to defend you with that statement in the news.
- Everybody could know at court that we can’t be on too good terms with her after she brought shame to the family and her guy kidnapped Loretta. What do you think, did she help my acquittal if they interpreted she still told in spite of this that she didn’t think me aggressive?
- I don’t know. But your goodwill and innocent, little-girlish face I love so much in you, maybe helped – he kissed Heni and they were kissing through a long time. They were embracing each other right during it in orter to anybody and anything part them.