Limitless Torment (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 4)

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Limitless Torment (Southern Chaotic's MC Book 4) Page 5

by Dana Arden

  He strikes her a few more times and I watch as her eyes glaze over as she stares at nothing. It unnerves me that she’s so responsive to Beanie, but at the same time, it intrigues me.

  He steps away from her and places the flogger on the dresser. “She’s zoned out.” He places his hand against her stomach as he wraps his arm around her placing his front to her back. “Greer, are you okay so far.”

  “Yeah.” My sister croaks.

  “This is basically what I’ll do to you except the next part Spook will take care of. I’ll give you the pain and he’ll give you the release.”

  “Okay.” She says huskily and by the look of her and Spook I’d say they are looking forward to it.

  I scrutinize Beanie’s hand as it slowly works its way down to the top of Razz’s panties and my fist clench. He slips beneath the lace and I know he’s grazed her clit when she bucks and shudders. Her head falls back onto Beanie’s shoulder and she moans. I can’t take it anymore. What the fuck is wrong with me? She’s not my girl, but the way my head and heart aren’t warring with each other makes me feel like she’s mine.

  “That’s enough!” I growl.

  My sister grabs my arm but I can’t turn away from Razz. I feel her brush her hand on my cheek. I relent and gaze at her. “She needs this, Trigger. She needs the liberation of an orgasm to pull her out of subspace quicker.”

  “I get that, but it doesn’t have to be him.” I whisper yell.

  She smiles mischievously at me. “Well, well, well! My little brother is love-struck for another damsel.”

  “It’s not like that or maybe it is, but…”

  A long, sensual moan erupts in the room and I glance back at Razz as she slumps against the tension of the rope. Beanie moves in front of her so she can lean against him as he unravels the bindings. He wraps her up in his arms and lifts her to his chest. My eyes follow helplessly as he strides to the door and opens it, moving down the hall to the room I can assume is Razz’s. I follow and take in the utmost care he provides her as he gently lays her on her bed and covers her. He kisses her forehead and stops abruptly as he turns.

  “She’ll be fine in a few minutes. She just needs a reprieve.” I nod. “I know this is going to be difficult but just keep in mind that we know what we’re doing and I’d never hurt her.”

  “I get that, but it doesn’t mean I like it.” I grumble.

  He stares at me for a second trying to figure out my mood. “Let’s get a drink and sit.”

  A few minutes later, we’re sitting in Razz’s living room sans Razz. I glance at Beanie with his head hung, lips moving but no sound emitting and a grunt here and there. He raises his head and his eyes connect with mine.

  “You need to get your jealousy in line.”

  “It’s not jealousy. It’s confusion and wonderment.” He just glares. “Okay maybe there’s a little jealousy.” I confess.

  Spook chuckles. “A little my ass. You were about to go calm, cool and collected to raging asshole in sixty seconds. Your pretty blues need to open wide because you’ve never done that shit with Sadie.”

  “This has nothing to do with Sadie, fucker.” I grit out. “Yesterday, I went through a time warp. I went back to being in middle school with my best fucking friend at my side like she was everyday growing up to my best friend being Dani and Ryker. My brain is roaring with questions that have no answers and every time I watch Beanie and her together teasing with easy banter and touches it pisses me off and I don’t know why.”

  I make eye contact with Greer and she has tears in her eyes. “Little brother, I know for the past few months you’ve been lost and I miss you. I miss the playful man you were, but I don’t miss the lap dog you were either.”

  “I wasn’t a lap dog.” I argue.

  “Yes, you were and don’t disagree because deep down you knew you were. You dedicated so much of yourself to her and it was never returned. I know how that feels. I wanted my mom to love me back for years and it never happen. I was a pawn. I didn’t know what true affection and love were until I came to Georgia. I’ve felt the need to be loved back so much that even a little felt like a lot. Sadie gave you just a smidgen to keep you around. She may not have known what she was doing but that’s what she did.”

  “Answer me this. Why do I now feel like I’d rather rip my own balls off than watch another man touch Razz when I haven’t as much as said hi to her in years?”

  “Um.” Greer looks to Spook for help but he lowers his head. She elbows him in the ribs getting a grunt out of him.

  “Fine.” He huffs. “Because she’s always been available to you whether you physically knew it or not. Razz has been subconsciously available to you, so there was no need for you to stake a claim more or less.”

  “Am I just stupid? I still don’t understand.” I’m losing my patience with this conversation.

  “Have you ever seen Razz with another man before the past couple of days?” I shake my head no because I haven’t paid that much attention to her comings and goings. “Exactly. Out of sight, out of mind. You haven’t physically had to see her with someone else and now you’ve seen her with Beanie touching her and teasing her like you probably used to do when you were younger.”

  It’s like a light bulb goes off in my head. “Okay, so tell me how to get my best friend back.”

  Greer looks at me with her eyebrow raised. “Is that all you want?”

  Beanie interrupts. “That’s all he’ll get from her.”

  “How do you know?”

  “Because I’ve been around for Razz for a few years now and the only people she let’s close are the ones that she knows will never overstep or hurt her. You’ve already hurt her once so unless she’s grown a forgive and forget button in the last twenty-four hours, you’re fucked.”

  “We’ll see about that.” I mutter.

  Beanie just challenged me to get my girl back and by the expression on his face, he knows it.

  Chapter 11


  The guys and Greer left Razz’s about twenty minutes since Razz decided to take an extended nap. I’m not mad at her, but damn if I don’t want to curl up in the bed with her.

  I’ve checked on her every ten minutes or so for the past three hours. Obsess much? Yeah, apparently being in her stomping grounds surrounded by her has opened my eyes even further. Every glance around her living room is proof that my Razzle Dazzle hasn’t changed much since she was six.

  When we were in kindergarten, Razz had a fascination to items that would glitter and glisten. Her granddad called her Rocky the Raccoon because it didn’t matter if it was a rock that simmered in the light or a bubblegum machine ring with a fake jewel.

  The funny aspect of all this is that Razz is the least girly girl I know or knew. She was jeans, T-shirt and Chucks. No dresses or frilly shit. Get dirty? Hell yeah, grass stains and all.

  I find myself laughing out loud to little Razz throwing a fit with her grandfather about wanting to bedazzle one of his flannel shirts. Apparently, Otis thought it would be a good idea to buy her one of those dumb things and Razz was never one to do it half-assed. She bedazzled the hell out of everything in their house; curtains, pillow cases, jeans, shirts and even her fucking shoes.

  “Rocky!” Otis bellowed. “Get your jeweled ass down her right now!”

  I look to Razz and see her shoulders shake at her granddad yelling for her. She takes off running out of her room and down the stairs to the kitchen where Otis is standing with his arms crossed and a stern look on his face.

  “Yes.” Razz says with conviction.

  Her granddad turns around and sticks out his butt and damn if Razz hasn’t attached jewels to the back pockets of his jeans.

  “Now Rocky, you know I don’t mind you jewelling up the house, but I’m a man. I don’t want nor do I need jewels on my ass.”

  “Granddaddy, you’re making a fashion statement.” Razz says trying to keep a straight face.

  “Girl, I went to the diner to get cof
fee this morning and I couldn’t figure out why everyone was staring at me with a smile on their faces until Tanner’s dad busted out laughing and followed me out of diner to tell me my loving granddaughter had Bejeweled my ass.”

  I can’t hold it in any longer and bust out laughing, which in turn leads Otis and Razz laughing so hard he was bent over and Razz was curled up on the floor holding her stomach.

  I’m still laughing when I hear a throat clear behind me. When I turn my upper body to face Razz, she’s stunning with her bed head, bright eyes and damn even the dried drool on her cheek is sexy.

  “What’s so funny?” She says as she walks towards the kitchen.

  “Just remembering the time you bedazzled your granddad’s jeans.” I stand and walk towards a smiling Razz.

  “That was epic, but I never did get back at your dad for ratting me out. I probably could’ve gotten away with it, at least a couple of more times.”

  “He probably would’ve let you bedazzle all his pants. Shit, he used to let you practice braiding on his hair. Poor man lost his man card the day he let you paint his nails and put makeup on his face all for the sake of practicing.”

  “He was awesome. He never once complained about having to raise me. He would try so hard to be mad at me or try to punish me and he couldn’t do it. He’d rather sit me down and talk about it. I miss him.” She chokes on the last word and I pull her into me.

  “He was a riot. Where do you think I learned as much mischief as I did? He used to tell me about the shit he did when he was younger.” I feel her nodding in my shirt. “Are you wiping snot on my shirt?”

  She lifts her head to look into my eyes. “Of course, can’t have you laughing at my Bedazzling skills and not give you a little bit of payback.”

  I chuckle. “Man, I’ve missed you and I didn’t even know it.”

  She steps out of my arms. “I’ve missed you too, but I think it’s just the trouble we used to cause together.”

  “I think it’s more than that, Razzle Dazzle. We were more than just miscreants together.”

  She giggles and the sound is refreshing. “Yeah.” She says softly.

  “What do I have to do to get back to where we were?”

  She puts her index finger to her chin like she’s pondering the answer and then sticks it in the air like she’s having an Einstein moment. “You could help me get your dad back for telling granddaddy about his jeweled ass.”

  I pretend to think hard on it. “I think I can do that. He’s having a barbeque at the clubhouse on Thursday evening.”


  She pulls away from me and runs to her room. I follow intrigued on what could be so important she’s running through her apartment.

  She’s ransacking her closet. Shoes are flying. She reappears a few minutes later with her Bedazzle gun that has definitely seen better days.

  “I need to go to the craft store to get some pretty jewels for your daddy.” She laughs.

  “You’re gonna get me in a world of trouble. You know that right?”

  “Sure, but we leave on Friday, so that gives big bad Rudy time to chillax.”

  “Yeah, we’ll see how chillaxed he is when you embarrass him in front of his brothers.”

  Chapter 12


  Where’s my head you ask? It’s temporarily stuck at the age of twelve when I was just as much a prankster as Trigger is or was or whatever.

  We spent an hour in the craft store getting sparkly and frilly items to get back at his dad for ruining my prank on my grandfather some ten plus years ago.

  Now, we’re pulling up to Queenie and Rudy’s house thankful that his bike isn’t here and that hopefully we don’t get caught.

  Trigger walks into the house yelling for his mom only to be greeted by Greer.

  “Hey, sis. Is Ma here?”

  “Yeah, she’s in the kitchen getting dinner ready.”

  He passes her quickly and she gives me a puzzled look. I smile at her and lift my backpack over my shoulder and bypass her too.

  Queenie’s at the stove with a very pleased grin on her face while Trigger continues to talk about our plans and trying to get her on our side.

  “Rocky, are you getting my boy in trouble again?” She tries to be serious, but it doesn’t work because her eyes are a light with happiness.

  “Of course not. It’s always been him,” I point to Trigger who tries to act like he’s innocent in everything, “who got me in trouble.”

  “Sure, Rocky.” She laughs. “I’d love nothing more than to help with your master plan, but how are you going to get away with Rudy wearing jeweled pants all day and not have one of the brothers tell him before the barbeque?”

  “Welllll…” Trigger draws out. “His new and improved jeans will be in ya’lls room at the Clubhouse and either Razz or I will make sure the jeans he’s wearing are messed up enough that he has to change.”

  Queenie nods. “That could work, but what about the jeans he already has there.”

  Greer coughs. “I want in.” Her eyes are twinkling with trouble. “Yep, I definitely want in. I’ll remove all his jeans from the room and put them in Spook’s that way the only option he has are the ones that are available.”

  Trigger claps his hands together loud with excitement. He looks like a little kid. “So Ma, we need a pair of Dad’s jeans so the master jeweler can get to work on them for Thursday.”

  “Here, Rocky,” Queenie hands me a stirring spoon, “keep an eye on the Bolognese.” She leans into my ear and whispers, “thank you,” and hurries off.

  A few minutes later, she returns with a pair of Rudy’s jeans and I snatch them and tuck them in my backpack as the front door slams shut.

  “I’m home.” Rudy bellows from the entryway. He eyes me for a second and then walks up behind Queenie wrapping his arms around her and nuzzling her neck.

  For years their love for each other was all I wanted, but I haven’t been that lucky. To find someone to embrace me with so much affection was a dream, but I know it’s out there I just haven’t found it yet.

  Rudy releases her and stares confused at me and then at Trigger who’s standing arm to arm to me. “What are you two up to?”

  I shake my head and quietly respond. “Nothing just came by to talk to Greer about this weekend.”

  He nods but with a sarcastic smile on his face. “Sure you are.” His eyes leave mine and I exhale as he turns his attention to Trigger. “Has she beaten your ass yet?” He chuckles.

  Queenie huffs. “You want me to beat your ass?”

  He snatches her from the stove and brings her tightly against his side. “I got something you can beat but it isn’t my ass.”

  Trigger starts gagging as well as Greer but all I can do is smile wider because they are the epitome of what I want.

  Trigger coughs obnoxiously to get his parents to stop. “Okay you two, we’re out. See ya later, sis.” He laces his fingers with mine and tugs me out of the kitchen and the front door without releasing my hand.

  He leads me to the side of his bike. He mounts it like I wouldn’t mind mounting him and pulls my hand so I can climb behind him wrapping my arms around his waist and leaning my cheek against his back with a sigh.

  Being this close to him and breathing in his scent, sends a subliminal erogenous signal to my pussy.

  Chapter 13


  The evening ended with pizza, beer and reminiscing. Oh! Bejeweling was also a major factor of the night. Let’s just say that Rudy’s jeans are spectacular and I’ve got a feeling all the men in the MC are going to be wanting a pair for themselves. Yeah, probably not, but it was a good thought.

  Trigger and I agreed for him to come this morning to get started on his training. I’m not as nervous as I originally was, but the butterflies have definitely awoken from hibernating for so many years. Yesterday reminded me of being a kid with all the plotting and planning that we used to do.

  If all I get from this time with Trigg
er is my friend back, I’ll accept that because he brings out a side of me that has been dormant for years, the free and fun Razz.

  My front door opens with a pissed off looking Trigger slamming the door behind him.

  “Razz.” He growls. “Front door unlocked.”

  I nod. “Yep, front door unlocked.” When did Trigger stop speaking full sentences?

  “Why?” He grits.

  “Because I knew you would be here promptly at ten and I just unlocked it like ten minutes ago. Chill out, Cujo.”

  “Fine, but next time the door needs to be locked or you could just give me a key.”

  “Hmmm.” Ten years ago that would have been a yes. Now, it’s an undecided. “We need to get started, chico. I need you at least a little bit submissive for Florida.”

  He drops his brooding and chuckles. “I’ll do mostly anything except that rope suffocating my cock shit and the plug in the ass.”

  “We’ll see.” I hum as I pass him heading for my personal sex dungeon. Don’t shake your head at me. Use your imagination, geesh.

  Entering the room, I’ve already pulled out the items I want to try out on Trigger to see how far I can push him.

  “I need you to tell me when something isn’t your cup of tea. Today and tomorrow I’ll be pushing you to test your limits and I need you to be honest with me.” He nods and swallows. “Shirt, pants, shoes and socks off.” I demand.

  He lowers his head and shocks the shit out of me. “Yes, Mistress.” Just those words send a sliver of excitement through my body.

  Once he’s undressed except his boxer briefs, he automatically kneels in front of me just like I did yesterday.

  “How’s your pain tolerance?”

  “I’d like to say pretty high, but honestly I have no clue.”

  “Okay, I’ll start with light tapping then move to the crop or paddle.” I walk to the closet and pull out the paddle. “Do you want to be bent of the bench or standing?”


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