When I finally removed her shirt and bra, she stood before me. She just looked down at me not moving, waiting for me to make the next move. I didn’t move at first. I just looked at her. Fuck, she was beautiful. Her brown skin seemingly glowed in the dim light of my apartment. Seeing her chest move up and down, noticing the longing in her eyes, I didn’t prolong the torture I was giving us both.
I brought my hands to her bare hips and, in an effort to do this once, made sure I pulled both her pants and underwear with me. However, finding she wasn’t wearing any panties made my chest swell even more… and my dick.
Raquel slowly pushed me back and climbed on top of me. She didn’t release me from my shorts. Instead, she kissed me more while caressing me underneath my t-shirt.
I gave her the control she desired, something I never did. Maybe I was changing.
Raquel took her time kissing my lips and running those beautiful full lips down my cheek to my neck. She nibbled and sucked, driving me fucking crazy, but I did nothing to further her along.
We were making love to each other without penetration, and it was incredible.
When she finally got my shirt off, I sat up and widened my legs in order to open her up to me. We looked at each other, neither one of us saying anything. I could sense her hunger for me growing stronger. I could practically taste her. I definitely smelled her heavenly desires, but I didn’t ravish her. I didn’t know why this was happening at this moment, but it was, and I didn’t want to mess this up because I knew once our bodies finally connected, it would be unfucking believable.
However, I still wanted to stroke her. Therefore, I brought up my left hand and softly placed it on the side of her cheek. I took my right hand, traced her spine all the way down to her ass and found her sweet center. I tickled her there as we kissed, as I caressed her nipples with my tongue. I didn’t go fast or move forcefully inside her; I tickled her. In turn, her moans were soft and quiet. Her movements were slow. Her earth shattering orgasm was profound with just the grip of my neck and the shutter of her body.
Fuck, I was burning for her. I wanted to slam into her hard, but again I used restraint. Surprising, I know. I was surprising myself. She pushed me back against the couch, finally releasing me from my prison. And as she buried me within her drenched walls, we muffled both of our cries with the embrace of each other’s lips.
We made love slow. She ground her hips against mine, and I met her torturous rhythm unabated. We didn’t stay there. I couldn’t feel enough of her, and I felt restrained, still imprisoned. I leaned forward and stood with all intentions of walking with me still inside her to my bed, but we never made it there. I couldn’t take it anymore so lay on the plush rug right next to the couch with her on top of me.
We managed to touch every surface of my apartment; touching, kissing, fondling and making sweet love to each other for …shit, I didn’t know how long. I had never experienced anything like it, and I was completely grateful that I was able to experience that with her, with the woman that I loved.
As I said, things changed after that night. She still griped a bit when I took over or when I was forceful or controlling, but that was it. I thought it was a victory for me. Hell, I even saw her get nasty with one of my “sometimes,” which, by the way, was a complete turn on.
Raquel and I were partying in the VIP section of Silk. Raquel had been rubbing her ass on me all night, so much so that I pulled her in a dark corner of the room and fucked her up against the wall. She brought it on herself, mind you. Don’t worry; we were the only people in the room at the time. Actually, I told Darrell to put everyone out of the room. I couldn’t wait until we got home and I wasn’t fucking her in some bathroom stall. Right up against the wall was fine. Shit, it was glorious.
What happened afterward nearly made me fuck her on the dance floor in front of everyone. After our session against the wall, she left to go freshen up. She was taking too long for my comfort and even though I sent someone with her, it was still unnerving. So, I left in search of her and ran right into Lucy.
She looked good, I must say. I smiled at her, leaned in, and said my hello.
Unfortunately, for her, she took this as an opening. She wrapped her arms around my neck and tried to bring my lips to hers. I was pissed that she was even touching me without permission. I didn’t allow that, and she knew it. Shit, before I could push her off me, a hand came between both her and me, clasping Lucy’s mouth. The next thing I knew, Lucy was forced away from me by her face… hard. Raquel was suddenly standing in front of me like a bodyguard, ready to beat some ass.
My dick was hard as a rock, which also made me a second too late for what happened next. Lucy, apparently thinking she was a beast, actually swung on Raquel. Well, I should say she attempted. Raquel reacted so quick that I really question if Lucy actually balled her fists. Raquel’s punch to Lucy’s face caused her to fall back, this time into no one and the back of her head met the floor.
My Cara Mia decided she was going to finish her off and headed in Lucy’s direction before I gripped her up by her waist. I turned my back to Lucy and faced the dance floor before I let Raquel go.
Raquel then turned her anger on me. “What the fuck did I tell you, Leonetti?”
I put my hands up defensively, but I couldn’t help the shit-eating grin on my face. “Cara Mia, you are so fucking hot.”
Raquel folded her arms. “Oh, no, that shit isn’t going to fly. Were you just going to kiss that bitch?”
I picked up Raquel, wrapping my arms around her ass. “Baby, there is no way I want any other’s taste on my lips, but yours. You just got to her before I did, that’s all. You are badass. Do you know that?”
I kissed her in front of everyone, and this wasn’t some little peck. No, I stuck my tongue down her throat, trying my best to touch her tonsils.
I did manage to tell her, “I can’t wait to get you home.”
She smiled and said in my ear, “Who said we have to wait until we get home?”
I mean, music to my ears, right?
You see? Everything was fine. I actually thought we were heading somewhere and now that I think back, maybe she was just distracting me from the truth.
I wanted to murder someone, that’s how pissed I was. I didn’t want to hear what Darrell, Eddie, my father, or Basile had to say about my woman. I wanted to fucking hear it from her. I needed to get to the bottom of her betrayal, of her lies. However, when my eyes finally opened, I didn’t move. I actually felt a calming feeling come over me. It didn’t diminish the rage in me, it channeled it.
I had business to take care of. It was simple as that. I didn’t have time to deal with Raquel’s betrayal and treachery right now. Don’t get me wrong; oh, I would deal with her. But right now, I had other pressing matters. I stood and fixed my jacket. The steel under my arms were calling me, but I quieted their cries for release. It will happen soon enough.
I moved to Darrell.
“You find that son of a bitch, Innis, Igor, whatever the fuck his name is, and do it now,” I told him. “Before I go to sleep tonight, I want him, do you understand?”
Darrell stiffened and nodded. “Yes, sir.”
I looked at Hugo. “Where is she?”
“Stink is with her.”
“I want to know how in the fuck he missed this shit,” I barked.
Darrell stepped up and said to me, “I know that too. There’s some shit going on under your nose, boss.”
I scoffed. “No shit. However, it stops tonight. I’m tired of being fucking tried. That shit is over. You call Russo, get the meeting place for tonight, and tell him to let my father know that I will be there. After that, you hunt that fucker down.” I moved until I was inches from Darrell. “I want him alive, Darrell. I don’t care how you get him to me, but I want him alive, breathing and coherent.”
“Yes, sir.”
I had made brief eye contact with both men before I headed to the door.
“Where will you be?” Hugo aske
“I’m going to end this fucking feud once and for all.”
I didn’t have to tell them anymore than that. They knew who I was going to see. However, I never made it there. The second I put my hand on the doorknob, I heard sirens and the screeching of about a dozen cars.
“Fuck!” Darrell exclaimed and looked at me eyes wide.
We all knew who it was coming to start some shit. Darrell pulled out his phone and made the necessary calls needed. I took out my guns and placed them in my hidden safe underneath one of the floorboards in the room. My guns were licensed, but I didn’t want to deal with bullshit.
Remember I mentioned the storm that I felt was surrounding me? Well, I could feel the winds starting to pick up. In fact, it picked up the moment Darrell told me all about Raquel.
The war wasn’t coming; it had already arrived.
“Let’s get this over with. We have shit to do,” I said aloud just as Darrell put his phone away. I opened the door, put my hands behind my head and laced my fingers.
“But boss,” Darrell started. However, I was already out the door.
When I came out of the office, there were two SUVs parked behind my Mustang and Darrell’s Suburban. I headed in the trucks direction just as a familiar face emerged from the truck closest to me.
“That’s far enough, Leonetti. Keep your hands where I can see them.”
There were about five guns trained on us, so I didn’t move.
What I did do, just to piss off the man before me, was smile and asked, “And what brings my favorite cousin to my doorstep?”
Daniel turned bright red with anger as he approached me. “We have a warrant to search these premises.”
I chuckled sarcastically. “Of course you do.”
Daniel forcefully pushed me up against the truck and searched me. “Are you armed?”
“Do you think I’m stupid?” I asked him.
I felt the zip ties placed on my wrists and just before he stood me upright, he said in my ear. “I finally got you, motherfucker. You’re going down.”
He turned me around to face him and we locked eyes.
The storm was definitely in full force.
Chapter Nineteen
Son of a bitch!
Face plants aren’t very pleasant, especially when you’re getting your ass kicked.
“What the hell, Raquel? Get your head out of your ass!”
I opened my eyes and found a very angry, but strikingly handsome face looking down at me.
“If you didn’t come here to work, then stop wasting my time.”
“Okay, okay. I’m sorry,” I mumbled.
I quickly stood, punched my gloves together, cracked my neck and got ready.
Okay, girl. Focus. Concentrate.
I threw a few punches. One connected, but I got greedy and forgot who I was fighting. I went for a roundhouse kick to the temple and found my leg extended in the air and my other swept from under me. I landed hard on the mat, the wind knocked out of my lungs, and a fist in my gut for good measure.
“Goddamn it!” I turned over coughing.
“You’re done!”
I got to my knees feeling the air starting to flow correctly through my lungs.
“I’m sorry, Mason,” I managed to get out.
“You know I agreed to train you because of the skills you possess. I don’t train people.”
I nodded my head. “I know.”
I gave up on standing and just laid on the mat, eyes closed.
After I left Denny’s, I had Junior take me to the meeting I had told Angel about in his garage this morning. I wanted to start my own consulting firm. I loved the financial world, and I was good at what I did. I could find any Joe Schmo company, a diamond in the rough investment opportunity, and make them a sought out treasure. I just had that knack for knowing just what to do, what companies to invest in and, most importantly, I knew when a company was a loss.
I was out here selling myself and actually found a few clients that were willing to take a chance on me. One of them was the very one that was giving me a nasty disapproving look.
After my promising meeting with the successful billionaire Mason West, who promised to send more business my way if I proved myself, he talked me into working out with him.
He and I actually worked out a lot together. He was training me, not for competition, mind you, but to keep me sharp. Fighting was something that I enjoyed doing. I had been caught out there with a threat on my life without knowing how to effectively protect myself, and I vowed never to be caught out there like that again. But ever since Ira came into town, I’d been skipping out on our sessions. So when Mason mentioned working out today during our meeting, I felt guilty. So, I told him yes, even though I knew that I wasn’t mentally there. I knew that I couldn’t handle him on a good day, so I knew my off day was going to be brutal.
I opened my eyes just as Mason knelt next to me. “What’s going on with you, Roxy?”
I sat up and looked in his eyes. Did I say he was fine as shit? He had ice blue eyes that were so hypnotizing. Goodness, Max was a very lucky woman.
Mason took me by my hand and arm, then helped me up.
“You’ve been MIA for a few weeks. You have Max worried as shit. You haven’t been here to work out like you normally do. It’s crazy that the only way I could check up on you is to call a business meeting.”
I sighed. “I know. I’ll call Max and explain everything, I promise.”
He nodded, but kept watching me.
I looked around the gym and found no one paying us any attention. I mean, the place was packed, but everyone was in his or her own world, including Junior. He was busy talking to some fighter that he knew in the circuit.
I looked back at an expectant Mason and asked, “Can I ask you something?”
Mason didn’t reply. He just motioned for me to follow him as he headed for a set of chairs on the side of the mat we were working on.
Once we sat down, he passed me my bottled water and grabbed his own. He took a huge gulp, then took a deep breath, as if he was preparing himself for some bullshit.
Hell, how does he know?
“Okay, have you ever kept something from Max that was so deep that you knew the moment she found out she wouldn’t look at you the same way?”
He scoffed and shook his head. “Woman, you have no idea.”
“Really?” I couldn’t help my surprise.
Everything that I learned about Mason surprised me. When you first see him, you think he’s oblivious to the ways of the world; that is, until you look in his eyes. There was nothing innocent behind his eyes. He could be friendly to those close to him. I could see it when he spoke to the owner of the gym, and I could see it when he looked at his family. I started to see it when we trained together too, which was why I felt I could talk to him about my problem.
Mason blew out an exacerbated breath. “There’re things in my past that I know for a fact if I shared them with my wife, she would pack up and leave with my kids. Look, Raquel, there will be things in our lives that we just can’t share with our significant others. I mean, I’m sure Leonetti will never share certain things with you.”
“Yes, I know, but…”
“But what?”
I scooted up in my chair and looked down at my shoes. “You don’t know him like I do. What I have to tell him isn’t going to go over well.”
“Okay, I agree. I don’t know him personally, but I know the type of man he is. I know he is as ruthless as they come, especially when you cross him. I know he has people around him that are worse than he is, if that’s even possible. He lives by codes that could definitely be his demise. I also know he’s crazy about you.”
I looked up at him and he nodded as if he was reading my mind.
“I’ve done my homework on your beau. I probably know a lot more about him than you would ever know. I even know a lot about you.”
I looked at him questioningly and h
e continued. “My wife adores you. She thinks of you as her friend, and I’m sure you feel the same way. You know she and my family are the reason why I exist. I will not let anything or anyone take that away from me. With that said, since you and she were getting close, I looked into both you and Leonetti. I will say I’m not happy with who Leonetti is, but he seems to keep his shit away from the people he’s closest to. He’s feared by most, and the rest don’t want the drama. So I’m kind of curious as to what secret you have that would change the way he feels about you.”
I couldn’t help the skeptical grunt that escaped my lips. “Dude, you have no idea.”
Mason smiled and leaned back in his chair. “Try me.”
“Okay, what would you say if I told you that I am a licensed Private Investigator in San Francisco? I have a license to carry a gun here and in Cali. As a matter of fact, I’m actually qualified to handle most handguns and a couple of assault rifles.”
“I would say, prove it.”
I laughed. “I would love to.”
Mason smiled himself. “Okay, for arguments sake, let’s say everything you’re saying is true. That to me isn’t something that would make him leave. In fact, it would probably be a turn on. Seeing a woman handle herself like that…” He shook his head. “Damn, it’s sexy.”
I laughed. “You’re too much, you know that?” I asked.
“Sure do, but I stand by my statement. You can tell him that. That’s nothing.”
“I know that. He will be pissed that I kept it from him, but he wouldn’t care. He knows I come here to work out. He doesn’t know the extent of my skills, but I’m sure he wouldn’t be surprised to hear that I know how to handle myself.”
“Okay, Roxy, before you say anything else, let me tell you that your man knows a whole hell of a lot about you, more than just the basics.”
“Why do you say that?”
“Really? I need to tell you about your man?” I didn’t reply and he scooted closer to me. “Raquel, that man is deliriously in love with you.”
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