Andy Roid and the Superhuman Secret

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Andy Roid and the Superhuman Secret Page 4

by Felice Arena

  ‘Where am I?’ she asked, still groggy and confused. ‘What happened?’

  Andy knew he had to get out of there before she woke up properly. Even with his mask, she’d recognise him in a second. Plus, the crowd had swarmed in and everyone was snapping photos as if the two of them were Hollywood stars on the red carpet.

  Andy jumped up and took off, pushing through the crowd, sprinting faster than any of the cheetahs in the big-cat enclosure. In a flash he was at the far end of the zoo. He ripped off the lion mask and his jacket and dumped them in a bin.

  Hiding in the shadow of the zoo wall, he switched himself off. With any luck no one would guess he’d had anything to do with what just happened.

  Minutes later he was able to blend back into the crowd and meet up with the rest of his classmates. They were gathered around the ambulance where Molly was getting checked out. He watched nervously as the ambos shone lights in her eyes and asked her questions.

  ‘Are you all right?’ he asked, when the ambulance officers moved on to check other people.

  She nodded. ‘They’re calling my parents now, but I’m fine,’ she said. ‘I’m dying to find out more about that kid in the mask, though. They said he probably saved my life. Did you see him?’

  Andy wished he could tell her it was him who’d saved her. He didn’t want her to think that he’d ditched her and run off, but what else could he say? He knew he’d have to lie.

  He shook his head. ‘I’m so sorry, I wasn’t there,’ he said. ‘I was a total wimp. I lost you in the crowd so I hid out in a gift store. I’m glad you’re okay. It was kind of lucky that you were knocked out cold and didn’t see anything – it was pretty scary.’

  ‘Yeah, real lucky,’ she said sarcastically. ‘But seriously, how am I going to find that guy if I didn’t even see him.’

  ‘Why do you want to find him?’ Andy asked.

  ‘Umm, derr, so I can thank him for saving my life, silly!’ she said. ‘He must be super cool and super brave and … well, I just wish I could hug him right now. He risked his own life to save mine. That’s amazing!’

  Andy struggled to keep a straight face. He felt happy and miserable at the same time. We’d totally be going out by now if she knew it was me, he thought.

  ‘So I’ll call you later?’ Andy called out to Molly as the teacher led his class away to the buses.

  ‘Sure – if you find the hero who saved me,’ she replied, grinning.

  Andy wasn’t sure if she was joking or not. So much for asking her out, he thought. It killed him that he couldn’t spill the beans to Molly. Keeping his secret a secret was definitely going to be a tough ask.

  He hoped he’d be able to tell her one day, but more than anything he hoped his parents hadn’t turned on the news – he knew he was in big trouble if his parents found out what he done …

  But Andy didn’t realise how serious the consequences were until he got home to find his dad packing. He followed him into the study. His dad was going through the desk, grabbing papers and pulling the cords out of his laptop.

  ‘This is exactly why we didn’t want to tell you about your powers,’ he said. He sounded a bit angry, but mostly he sounded scared. ‘I can’t believe you took on a silverback gorilla!’

  ‘Sorry, Dad.’ Andy said, feeling guilty. ‘But it’s all right – no one knows it’s me. There’s no need to worry.’

  His dad ran his hands through his hair, making it stick up everywhere. ‘This isn’t some superhero comic book,’ he exclaimed. ‘Did you really think that wearing a mask would protect you? Because of what you did today, young man, the Triple S know what we’ve done. They know what you are. They’re back in town and this time they will find us. Staying here isn’t safe for us anymore. We have to get out – fast! So GO! GO! GO! Get your stuff now!’

  ‘Dad, I had to do something!’ Andy cried out after his father, but he wasn’t listening so Andy just stomped up to his room to pack his bags.

  And ran straight into his mum. ‘Oh, Andy, all we asked of you was to be a normal twelve-year-old boy … to keep your secret, well … a secret,’ she said, standing at the top of the stairs.

  Andy felt really guilty now. Somehow his mum’s disappointment made him feel even worse.

  She sighed. ‘How many times have we asked you not to draw any attention to yourself? I suppose we’ll have to change our names when we reach the new city …’

  ‘We’re moving to a whole new city?’ said Andy. ‘This is crazy! What about my friends? My school?’

  But his mother just shook her head sadly. ‘I’m afraid we have to disappear, Andy,’ she said. ‘It’s just not safe here anymore.’

  ‘Quick, Andy!’ yelled his mother from the car. ‘Sylvester and his gang are probably heading our way right now. Stop moping. You’ve brought this on yourself.’

  ‘Give me a break,’ Andy muttered. ‘You would’ve done the same thing.’

  Andy took one last look at the house and jumped into the car. He was pushed back into his seat as his dad sped off as fast as he could go.

  His mother turned on the radio:

  ‘Officials have yet to find the masked zoo hero. Some eyewitnesses claim that this mysterious crusader is not human – some even say he’s a creature from another planet or the world’s first real-life superhero. But, folks, if this stunt is legit, then everyone on the planet will soon be looking for him …’

  Andy’s dad reached over and turned it off again. Andy’s mum looked back at him and shook her head sadly.

  Andy just shrugged. He still couldn’t believe they were dropping everything and leaving – off to live in another city on the other side of the country.

  His mum sighed. ‘Your new school will be Renfrew High,’ she said. ‘And your new name will be Andy Masters.’

  ‘I thought it was Andy Roid,’ Andy snapped. ‘Andy Roid, robotic freak.’

  Andy’s parents didn’t answer.

  This totally sucks, he thought. I’m not even allowed to say goodbye to Molly. I miss her already and she thinks I’m a total coward.

  I didn’t mean to blow our cover, he thought. I really tried to be a regular kid. I didn’t mean to be a hero. But when you’re half machine, it’s hard not to be.

  And he stared out the window as his life disappeared into the distance.


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  First published by Penguin Group (Australia), 2012

  Text copyright © Red Wolf Entertainment Pty Ltd, 2012

  Illustrations copyright © Chad McCown, 2012

  The moral right of the author and illustrator has been asserted.

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  ISBN: 978-1-74253-500-5




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