Reaper Mine: A Reaper Novel

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Reaper Mine: A Reaper Novel Page 1

by Palmer, Christie

  He had almost lost her today and something deep in his chest had broken lose at the thought of losing her, and he just needed to feel her close to him. He would be damned straight to hell it’s self before he walked away from her right now.

  So he kissed her, he wrapped his arms around her slipper body molding her against him under the pounding hot spray of water. Slanting her full lips over his, pressing them open he sank his tongue into her mouth to tangle with hers. She moaned into his mouth and wrapped her arms around his neck, making it easier to sink further into the kiss.

  Victor lost himself in the kiss. The feel of the woman in her arms, full breasts pressed against him. And he grew light headed with desire; he broke the kiss to drag air into his starved lungs.

  She tasted like warm sunshine, and the second he could breathe, he dipped his lips back to hers. Elle moaned into his mouth and Victor was lost, he thrust his tongue deep into her mouth, rubbing against her and drawing her tongue into his mouth he sucked on it. Drawing her unique taste and flavor into his mouth. Memorizing her, gods he couldn’t get her taste deep enough into him. She made the most amazing sounds as he drifted from her mouth to the side of her neck. Elle burrowed into him resting her head against his chest, he thanked the gods he had left his boxer briefs on. As he tried to control the urge to press her against the shower wall and take her.

  “Elle.” Her name came out more as a moan.

  Reaper Mine

  By: Christie Palmer

  Copyright 2015 © Christie Palmer

  Distributed by Smashwords

  All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, no part of this publication may be reproduced or distributed or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in a database or retrieval system, without the prior permission of the author.

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locals, or persons, living or dead, is coincidental.

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  Jinx Fantasy Fiction LLC

  Salt Lake City, UT

  Cover Design by: Jaycee De Lorenzo of Sweet N’ Spicy Designs

  Ebook formatting by:

  ISBN: eBook: 978-0-9885557-5-4

  Manufactured in the United States of America

  First Edition August 2015


  This book is dedicated to a friend who was taken way too soon. Brother of my heart. Gone but never forgotten.

  David Kendal

  11/1964 ~12/2013

  Other Books by: Christie Palmer

  Shadow Play (A Tracker Novel)

  Lost In Time (A Fallen Novel)

  Reaper Mine (A Reaper Novel)

  Reaper Down (A Reaper Novel)

  Coming Soon

  Table of Contents


  Other Books by: Christie Palmer

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 1

  “We are being laughed at. Dante sits protected in his fortress in the Infernos mocking us with his repugnant creations,” Castor spat as he slammed his hand against the solid marble conference table.

  Asplin smiled from where she sat protected half hidden in the shadows; she had waited countless years for her chance and it took everything she had not to jump up and scream with joy. All her hard work would now be paid off, all the waiting, the years of groveling, of saying what needed to be said. Of putting these sniveling, benign, worthless, idiots and their ignorant needs before her own, all the blood oaths, and giving and giving until she had nothing left. Asplin dipped her head down knowing her abhorrence burned bright in her eyes even in the shadows she continues to listened as Caster bluster on.

  “Dante has gone too far this time. His crimes are so atrocious I cannot begin to even fathom why he still garners a seat on this very council much less we even allow him to live,” Castor shouted the last words with such fervor Asplin was surprised he didn’t stroke out right there in his seat. “I demand he be thrown from this Tribunal and be held accountable for his latest crimes.”

  “What exactly would you have us do, Castor?” Felix asked. Asplin barely held back her snarl the ever calm Master Fae was the one Tribunal member she had never been able to buy off. She never knew where she stood with Felix. His all too calm attitude drove her to distraction, she held the sway of the other eight members, so he should have been of no import. But because she could never move him, never buy him off he was a thorn in her side and it made her want to draw his blood. Asplin had set about driving the Fae from the Tribunal a hundred or so years ago and she knew she was close. So close she could almost touch it. She held her breath in anticipation that this would be the straw that broke the preverbal camel’s back.

  “We have no way of holding him accountable.” Felix reminded the group at large.

  Castor slammed his hand against the table top again. “That is the problem,” Castor shouted.

  “We must make a statement.” Jens took up the argument from across the room. “It is time to show Dante, and the rest of the Other community that the Tribunal is not to be taken lightly. The Tribunal holds the power on the mortal plane. Not Dante or his Reapers or those they deem worthy.”

  Several members nodded in agreement. “We have become weak in the face of the Others, impotent!” Castor said with barely controlled rage. “We must make a statement. Force the Others to choose.”

  Jens stood; leaning forward, he placed his hands flat against the cool marble, stopping for affect, he took the time to look each member of the Tribunal in the eye. Asplin began to shake with excitement. This was it; everything was starting to finally come together. All her hard work, hundreds of years of effort.

  “It’s time to gather our allies and even more important identify who our enemies are,” Jens said his voice dropping just enough so the members had to lean in to hear him.

  “And how do you suggest we do this?” Felix questioned. Asplin could see the worry written clearly on the Fae’s face but she knew it was too late. The other members of the Tribunal were past the point of reason. They would be pushed to do something drastic and Felix’s calm attitude was falling on deaf ears.

  Castor smiled at the group, showing them all straight white teeth. “I’m glad you asked, Felix. We have been long in coming to this point and it has been needed for the last millennia at the very least.”

  Felix shook his head, but Castor continued speaking over any arguments the Fae may have had. “I believe we would all agree it is past time we had a registration of all Others on the mortal plane.”

  “I second the motion,” Jens announced. Sitting back, he crossed his arms over his chest and gave Asplin a sideways look. Asplin didn’t look up but kept her gaze locked on the silver lines shot through the black marble of t
he centuries-old conference table top. She heard several others express their agreement as Felix argued against the inevitable. Ancient power surged in the room making the hair on Aspin’s arms stand on end. She let it lick over her skin like a mini-lightning storm along her dermal plane, before sucking it into the base of her neck and feeding it down her spine, pulling it into the reserves of her body.

  A smile she barely concealed tugged at her lips. It was almost time to show not only the Others, but everyone, everything on the mortal plane, who was in control. Who the powerful really were and who controlled all that power.

  “This is only going to make them hate us all the more,” Felix argued.

  “Let them hate us,” Castor argued. His rage caused spittle to spring from his mouth. “I want the heads of the Reapers. Dante has pushed us too far this time. And it is time he pays for thumbing his nose at us.”

  A sudden silence descended over the room. Asplin couldn’t believe what she had just heard. As the head of the Tribunal, Castor could demand the extinction of a Race but he needed cause and he needed the rest of the Tribunal to vote unanimously with him. “I will pay for the heads of each Reaper brought to the Tribunal.”

  No, not the extinction just the brutal murder of the Reapers; this was declaring all-out war on the Reapers. This was better than she could have hoped for, and her hands fisted at her side to keep herself from jumping up and down with glee.

  Felix jumped up from his seat. “Have you lost your mind? You are declaring war on the Reapers; and Dante. He will not sit back while you hunt down his sons.”

  Castor glared at the Fae. “You dare to question the word of the Tribunal, Felix?” he shouted.

  Felix looked around at the other Tribunal members. “I can’t believe you all feel the same? Who can possibly second this absurd notion?”

  Jens stood without hesitation. “I second the motion.”

  Another member stood to follow suit, until ever member but Felix stood in favor of the motion.

  “And what of the souls of the dead?” Felix demanded.

  “Dante will submit to the Tribunal and replace his Reapers with Tribunal approved Reapers.” Castor announced.

  Asplin felt numb with excitement. This was more then she could have expected or hoped for to rule this plane and the next.

  Felix shook his head. “The Fae will not stand and fight against you and the Reapers, this action will undoubtedly cause a ripple effect hurting the natural order. Something the Fae cannot abide by.” He turned and shimmered away.

  Castor laughed. “The Fae have no heart for war. We are better off without them. Get me a messenger; I want the notifications to go out today. Anyone known to work with the Reapers is subject to questioning. All Others are to be cataloged, and their loyalty to the Tribunal noted. If they don’t stand with us…” he paused for effect and Asplin felt a rush to her head and she finally let a smile spread across her face. “Then we don’t need them.”


  Dante watched his old friend study the statues in his stone garden. “It has been years, my friend. To what do I owe this unexpected visit?”

  Felix turned to Dante. “When are you going to release these souls Dante?”

  Dante looked at the Fae, Felix indicated. It was a pair of lovers whom had mistakenly crossed Dante and in doing so had forfeited their lives as well as their souls.

  Dante shrugged. “Their souls belong to me, Felix. How many times are we going to have this conversation?”

  “The Fae are leaving the mortal plane, we can no longer live under the current set of rules the Tribunal have set forth for their followers. We chose to move into the Ether. I ask for my brethren.” There was more to the situation, and Dante would have the full story. Before he made any decision.

  “Why the sudden turn from the Tribunal? You have maintained your seat for several thousand years.” Dante maintained. “What conspiracy or war are they weaving themselves into now?”

  Felix shook his head and turned sad eyes on Dante, “Weaved to tightly. We chose to remove ourselves all together other than chose sides in an unwinnable war.”

  “Tell me what is going on,” Dante said holding his hands behind his back.

  “The Tribunal is starting a war with you and your sons. And the Fae will not choose sides you know we are ever the diplomats.” Felix said honestly.

  Dante threw his head back and laughed. “This is a war the Tribunal cannot hope to win.”

  “Yes well they believe differently. Otherwise they wouldn’t wage such a war would they?” Felix explained.

  “And you came to warn me?” Dante asked, amused Felix would do something so sentimental, typically the Fae didn’t bother.

  Felix shook his head. “No, Dante doing so would be choosing sides. And as I mentioned the Fae do not choose sides.” But the corners of his mouth turned up slightly. “I came to plead for the souls of my brethren.” His eyes turned to the two lovers again.

  Dante walked to the statues. “Who are they, to mean so much to you?”

  Felix looked upon the two. “She is my brother’s daughter. He believes her to be dead,” he said honestly. “Lost two hundred years ago. When I came and saw her here I could not admit to him she was being punished by you. But to bring her home when we leave the mortal plane would comfort him greatly.”

  Dante looked at them with interest; Felix had never said anything about them being related before. He had asked for their release but never showed any real interest.

  “What else is the Tribunal up to?” Dante asked not looking from the lovers.

  “They are demanding all Others register. They want to know where allegiances lay. They are scrambling,” Felix admitted. “They are flexing their muscles and being led by a force which doesn’t even sit on the Tribunal,” he said with disgust.

  “Tell me who it is,” Dante demanded.

  Felix shook his head. “I’m not sure. Even my spies could not discern who is pulling the strings the web is so tightly wound. But I tell you this my friend. The minute I tug on the right string it is severed, and not in a small way. All links to the string are severed.” Dante was shocked to see his friend shiver.

  “So you have chosen to leave?” Dante asked.

  “We cannot win an all-out war against the Reapers regardless of what the Tribunal thinks,” Felix admitted. “They may have an inflated sense of who and what they are but this is a not a fight the Tribunal can win. The Fae do not go into a fight when they are sure to lose. It is fool hearty, and the Tribunal is doing it because they cannot see beyond whoever is holding their strings.”

  Dante had to hand it to the Fae, at least they weren’t going to lose the unnecessary lives on a war they couldn’t win.

  “I hope you don’t think the Fae weak,” Felix said looking at Dante seriously.

  Dante held his tongue for a long moment. “I believe you and your brethren stronger for understanding your strengths and weaknesses. The Tribunal is starting unnecessary fights and wars just to flex their muscle. Unnecessary lives will be lost.”

  Felix nodded. “What are you going to do?”

  “I should storm the Tribunal and take them all out, prove to them I am not just an Other, or an Immortal. A God in my own right. I am descended from more than mere Gods!” Dante thundered letting his anger display briefly. Felix stumbled back a step before Dante pulled his power back. Dante breathed deeply for several moments letting his anger flow from him before he spoke again. “But they have a hand they have not shown yet, and I will wait to see who is behind this, they have been headed toward a reckoning for some time.”

  Felix nodded again. “I agree, something is waiting in the wings. They have bred darkness in many different forms. It is time that darkness be exterminated.”

  Dante agreed, and he could do nothing about it if he went in and exterminated the Tribunal like his temper demanded. He would need to let the pieces fall as they may. He wasn’t, however, willing to lose anymore sons. He was still working on rebui
lding the losses he had sustained from Calliope. However, that wasn’t something he felt compelled to share with Felix.

  Dante extended a hand to Felix “I will miss you my friend.” Felix took Dante’s hand.

  Dante turned back to the lovers and touched the statue. “Have your niece and her lover their debt has been paid. Take them back to the Ether with you.”

  Felix bowed to Dante as the stone started to dissolve. “The mortal plane will be a lesser place without the Fae.” Dante stepped back and turned to walk away not bothering to turn back.

  The mortal plane was quickly becoming a very unsafe place. Dante wondered if the Tribunal truly understood what they were doing declaring war on him and the Reapers. If they wanted a war, they would have one. They weren’t picking a fight with just a mere god. Something they had obviously forgotten. Excitement flowed through his veins, something he hadn’t felt in years. He didn’t walk away from an outright challenge, or a fight.

  He stormed into his fortress and bellowed for an Abda, the skeletal servant came running. “Bring me my sons, along with Celeste and Marcus.”

  They had plans and decisions to make. It wasn’t going to be easy, but Dante would be twice damned if he would allow anything to happen to those he cared for.


  Ring Ring Ring

  Elle rolled over and looked at the clock on her bedside table. Two a.m. “Are you freaking kidding me?” But her phone didn’t stop ringing. Picking it up she glared at the caller I.D.


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